Thursday, October 9, 2008

Somali Pirates Working for U.S.


"Pirates may be near a deal on arms cargo" by Jeffrey Gettleman, New York Times News Service | October 9, 2008

NAIROBI - The Somali pirates who hijacked an arms-laden Ukrainian freighter nearly two weeks ago may soon be getting their ransom - loads of it, maritime officials and associates of the pirates said yesterday.

After sticky negotiations that several people involved likened to bazaar-style haggling, a deal seemed to be close in which the pirates would be paid millions of dollars and the ship would be freed.

WTF? Negotiating with "terrorists?"

Subsequently, evidence has emerged that the weapons were part of a clandestine arms deal between Kenya and the separatist region of southern Sudan. --more --"

Translation: The weapons are going to U.S. ALLIES and AGENTS -- which is why the U.S. Navy hasn't blown them out of the water and negotiated with "pirates."

Yeah, save that LITTLE BIT of TRUTH for the LAST PARAGRAPH!!

FUK YOU, BG and NYT!!!!