Wednesday, October 8, 2008

State Democrats Cut Criminal State Senator Loose

This will give you a clue as to why: Criminal State Senator Also a Liar

"Patrick, top Democrats back Chang-Díaz

Governor Deval Patrick and several other top Democrats threw their support yesterday behind Sonia Chang-Díaz, who beat longtime incumbent state Senator Dianne Wilkerson in last month's primary. Wilkerson is now waging a write-in/sticker campaign against Chang-Díaz in the Nov. 4 general election. Patrick had been a strong supporter of Wilkerson, but said yesterday that he was shifting his support to Chang-Díaz. In addition to Patrick, House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi, state Representative Byron Rushing, and John Walsh, the state Democratic Party chairman, appeared in support of Chang-Díaz at the Harriet Tubman House in the South End. Socialist Workers Party candidate William Theodore Leonard also is on the ballot for the seat (Boston Globe)."

I'm glad; I would LOVE to see a SOCIALIST win that seat -- but I will take the FIRST HISPANIC STATE SENATOR over a LYING, LOOTING CRIMINAL anyday!!!!!

Also type "Wilkerson" into my blog search and see what else comes up, readers.