Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saying Goodbye to the Boston Globe

The SELF-SERVING, SELF-ADULATING, SELF-AGGRANDIZING Boston Globe s***-shovel reached a fever pitch today, and here was the biggest pile:

"Readers, have a say in saving your paper" by Scot Lehigh, Globe Columnist | April 8, 2009

If you're a regular reader, you've obviously noticed the way the paper has changed as we've downsized. The Globe is thinner, the coverage less comprehensive, and the focus more local.

Yeah, I DID NOTICE and was NONE TO HAPPY that the PRICE WENT UP at the SAME TIME!!!!

I still think we put out a damn good paper.

Then you are SELF-DELUSIONAL, a-hole!!!!

To cite some recent examples, the Globe is the reason Sal DiMasi is now the former speaker of the Massachusetts House; the reason the State Ethics Commission is probing Treasurer Tim Cahill; and one major reason the Legislature may finally put an end to some outrageous abuses of the public pension system.

Nothing about WALSH or ALOISI or MENINO, 'eh, Scottie the shitter?

Even when they are allegedly doing the right thing, they STILL OMIT and CENSOR!!!!!

Also see: Heralding the End of the Boston Globe

The Boston Globe's Hatchet Job on the Boston Herald

Sunday Leftovers: Republican Response to Patrick's Phibs

Boston Globe Covers For Drunk Connecticut Judge

Boston Globe Censors Geithner's CFR Appearance

The Ole Sunday Switcheroo

Boston Globe Covers Up Israeli Ecstasy Ring

Reopening the Investigation of the Murder of Elizabeth Mun

Madoff, Mossad and the AmeriKan MSM

The Boston Sunday Globe's Other Omissions: Democrats Don't Fight

The Boston Sunday Globe's Other Omissions: AIG's $50 Billion Payout

The Boston Sunday Globe's Other Omissions: Sri Lanka

The Boston Sunday Globe's Other Omissions: Unemployed

The Boston Sunday Globe's Other Omissions: Pensions

The Boston Sunday Globe Omissions: Unemployed Americans

The Boston Sunday Globe Omissions: Anchors Away at Gitmo

Related: A Slow Saturday Special: Statehouse Slush Fund

Another Slow Saturday Special: Madoff's Guilt

Another Slow Saturday Special: The Mun Murder

Another Slow Saturday Special: The Lord of War

Slow Saturday Special: Talk With Hamas

Slow Saturday Special: Madoff's Money

Slow Saturday Special: An Editorial Insult

Slow Saturday Special: Iraqi Surge of Violence

Slow Saturday Special: Obama's Shield

Slow Saturday Special: Obama Bombs on Tonight Show

Slow Saturday Special: Kerry Endorses NAMBLA

Slow Saturday Special: Perverted Physician

Slow Saturday Special: Tent City

Another thing I've noticed: Globe rarely follows up on any of these. If they did, I'd sniff 'em out and post 'em because I actually read the damn thing when I buy it.

Yeah, the Globe is doing a bang-up job!

Paul Grogan, president of the Boston Foundation, is right when he says the Globe sets the agenda for civic discussion in Boston. And, I'd add, for much of the TV coverage and talk-radio conversation.

Yeah, they PUSH the AGENDA real good, don't they?


Yeah, I've always said it is NOT ABOUT TRUTH or NEWS and now it is CONFIRMED by the HIGHEST AUTHORITIES!!!!!

"I frankly am very skeptical that anything that is currently in view in the new media would perform anywhere near the same function," says Grogan.

What? Promote wars based on lies and advance corporate and globalist agendas? Jewish mafia won't have a mouthpiece?

I am too. Yet I also doubt we'll be able to maintain the kind of quality newspaper and website readers expect unless we start charging online visitors who don't subscribe to the paper.

Well, I ALREADY PAID my BUCK for LIES at the NEWSTAND, so if they want to CHARGE for GOING THERE, GO AHEAD because I AM NEVER GOING to the GLOBE WEBSITE EVER AGAIN!! This is OVER!!!!!!!!

Newspapers, eyeing several earlier failed experiments, including one by the New York Times, are skittish. That approach has worked for the Wall Street Journal, however. And as someone long wary about giving away our product on the Web even as we sell it in print, I think it's time to try.

Yeah, there is a REASON the TIMES' EXPERIMENT FAILED is because RICH ELITERS can afford to pay for INSIDE INFORMATION, but the PUBLIC is NOT GOING to PAY for LIES!!!!!

After all, I WAS ONE of your MOST FAITHFUL PATRONS and THIS IS IT!! Goodbye, Globe!!!!!

So back to my question: What does the Globe mean to you?

This give you a clue?


Would you pay to read the paper online?


And I will NEVER DIRECT ANOTHER READERS to their shit site -- EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Seven-day home delivery currently costs $9.25 a week in the Boston area. Would it be worth $10 or $12 a month to read Globe content on

NOPE!!! You COULDN'T PAY ME to read you now!!!!!!

Another idea under discussion in the news industry is micropayments. You'd give a credit card number once, and then be charged a small amount - a nickel, say - for each story you clicked on. Which would you prefer, a subscription or micropayments?


Some think charging for Web content will only deter readers, while keeping links to our website from appearing on other sites.


Even a Boston Globe LIAR can STEP in a PILE of TRUTH-TELLING SHIT sometimes!!!!

Any payment system must be voluntary, they say. I'm dubious. But tell me, if we nagged you incessantly - ah, make that, politely prompted you at frequent intervals - would you make a voluntary payment of some sort?

That would not help at all.



Finally, can you think of better ways to have online readers pay for Globe offerings?

Look at them ASKING the PAYING PUBLIC how they can CHARGE YOU MORE for LIES?

Obviously, the Boston Globe Never Learns!!!

Unfortunately for them, I DO!!!!!


Either e-mail me or leave your thoughts in the comments space online. We'll print some of the best on Friday.

I don't think so; I've wasted enough time on your site, and wouldn't want to add another hit.

And even if I did, LOOK:

"We removed bandit09's comment.... We removed AngryMat's comment."

And that was just the FIRST PAGE!!!

But please take a minute to weigh in. After all, the Globe is your paper too."


And AS IF I needed ANOTHER REASON to cut the cord, check it out!

"Newsstand prices going up

The Boston Globe said it will raise the newsstand price of the newspaper to $1 from 75 cents in the city zone, and to $1.50 from $1 outside Greater Boston, effective May 4. The newsstand price of the Sunday Globe will rise to $3.50 within Greater Boston and $4 outside the region from $2.50

Related: Raising the Price of Shit

The Last Day I Buy the Boston Globe

I know I've said that a lot; however, this time, it's for real.

It's OVER, Globe!!!! NEVER AGAIN, you lying, biased, divisive, distorting, obfuscating, omitting, Muslim-hating, agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Zionist-controlled piece of shit.

Home delivery prices remain unchanged.

The higher prices, aimed at generating additional revenue, are part of the strategy to improve the paper's financial position, as noted by Globe publisher P. Steven Ainsley in a memo sent to staff Monday.

Many newspapers have raised prices over the past year. The Boston Herald raised its newsstand price to 75 cents from 50 cents in the summer, following a similar increase by the Globe last year.


Now they want ANOTHER TWO BITS?!!

FORGET IT!!!!!!!!

Globe spokesman Robert Powers declined to comment on whether the price increase might result in fewer newsstand sales.

You are DAMN RIGHT!!


Granted, I read it for the SPORTS for YEARS; however, since I have begun to CARE MORE ABOUT OUR WORLD and LESS ABOUT BULLSHIT, I have noticed what SHIT SHEETS AmeriKa's NEWSPAPERS -- and New England's BIG-CITY WAR DAILY HERE -- and TODAY is the DAY the CORD IS CUT!!!!!

For my journey, see: A Lifetime of Lies Since 9/11

"While it is never easy to raise the price of the newspaper, we feel it is necessary under current economic conditions," Powers said. "We remain committed to providing our readers high quality journalism with tremendous depth and breadth."


It is CONTRADICTED by your OWN MAN, shitter!!!!!!!!

"The Globe is thinner, the coverage less comprehensive, and the focus more local."

Then again, LYING is the GLOBE'S MO and the AmeriKan MSM's JOB!!!!!!

No wonder they are DYING!!!!!

And as if I needed any more encouragement, let me introduce you to the final straw:

"AP to Aggregators: We Will Sue You

The Associated Press board voted Monday to "pursue legal and legislative actions" against aggregators who use content without permission, a new shot across the bow of internet news sites in the war over how little use is "fair use."

The AP named no potential targets, yet speculation immediately turned to Google. While the search giant pays the AP to host full versions of wire service stories, it generally does not have contracts with AP member newspapers whose headlines it also aggregates on its news portal. The AP has also made no bones about pursuing individual bloggers, as it did the Drudge Retort last June.



You will NEVER GET ANOTHER DIMES' WORTH of attention from me!!!!

NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Part of the initiative will be to "develop a system to track content distributed online to determine if it is being legally used" and new AP-controlled search pages.

Hey, AP!!!

Monitor THIS!

And if you want to see someone tear AP a new a**hole, go to this site.

I'll get you started: AP taking tedious measures to defy nature

As newspaper continue to founder and fail, the clear benefit of Google especially — to direct hordes of traffic back to the original site — is increasingly blurred by the anger and envy of newspaper executives over Google's ability to monetize aggregation at all while paying nothing towards content creation.

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! So HOW DOES IT FEEL, assholes?!!!

It has become virtually a populist notion among many in the industry that aggregators who scrape a headline and a paragraph are taking something of value, if not outright stealing, and not operating under a fair use exception even if they drive traffic to the source.

Which I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That MAKE YOU HAPPY, Globe and AP?!!!

"We can no longer stand by and watch others walk off with our work under misguided legal theories," AP Chairman Dean Singleton said at the AP annual meeting in San Diego."

You WON'T HAVE TO WORRY about it ANY LONGER, because I WILL NEVER LINK or SEND readers to your lying, agenda-pushing, war-promoting sites ever again.

"NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS: PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY MORE LINKS TO AP STORIES. I love the rant about the cost of content creation, when mostly AP just accepts press releases from the White House and corporations and forwards them as news." --Wake the Flock Up

As of this monemt, the MSM MONITOR is NO MORE!!!!

It's time to FORGET about AmeriKa's propaganda newspapers and begin
reading and posting other things.

If you want REAL NEWS, please start where I start every day:
What Really Happened

Please don't waste time reading newspapers like me.