Related: Worldwide Weather Report
Was just wondering when the news sections became a weather report.
Don't they have a page for that?
"Snow, subfreezing temperatures take toll in South, Eastern US; Deep freeze threatens some crops" by Jeffrey Collins, Associated Press Writer | January 6, 2010

A horse had a roll in the snow yesterday in Gates Mills, Ohio. Forecasters said snow will continue to fall on parts of northeast Ohio that already have 2 feet or more on the ground. (Tony Dejak/Associated Press)
Looks like fun -- when I was a younger man.
Now I dread opening the door.
COLUMBIA, S.C. - Bitter cold and snow sweeping into the Eastern United States left part of New England under record snowfall and hit Southerners with subfreezing temperatures that farmers fear could destroy strawberries and other crops.
That doesn't look or feel like global warming to me.
Four deaths were attributed to the cold in Tennessee.
Yeah, and THAT BOTHERS ME!!! the LIES and FRAUDS are FATAL!!!
Now, the events may have happened anyway, but the whole global warming fraud has made officials and others be lax about SNOW REMOVAL and COLD SECURITY!
The deep freeze was expected to last for at least the rest of the week. The National Weather Service said the mercury could fall below zero in St. Louis later this week for the first time since 1999. The duration of the cold snap is unusual, especially in the South, where the weather is typically chilly for just a day or two before temperatures rebound into the 50s.
You would think the newspapers would be getting a clue, huh?
Waves of Arctic air pushed into central Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle, where farmers were scrambling to save strawberries and tomatoes as temperatures dipped into the 20s and wind chills into the teens. Hard freeze warnings covered the region yesterday, according to the National Weather Service.
Yeah, so not only do they want to TAX YOU for a NONEXISTENT PROBLEM as your DOLLAR WEAKENS, America -- now FOOD COSTS will RISE AGAIN!!!
Charleston, S.C., was expecting subfreezing overnight lows all week. Parts of West Virginia could see 4 to 8 inches of snow by this morning, and many counties canceled school yesterday ahead of the storm. Record snows were reported over the weekend in Vermont. In Burlington, a storm dumped more than 33 inches, breaking a single-storm record of nearly 30 inches set in 1969.
So HOW MUCH SNOW do you need dumped on your s***-headed skulls, fart misters?
Most took it in stride, but some took it too far: Vermont State Police cited a man after stopping him pulling a sled - with a rider in it - behind his car on Interstate 89 on Sunday. He was cited for driving with a suspended license. It was a similar scene in upstate New York, where so-called “lake effect snow’’ blanketed parts of the state with more than 3 feet. The weather caused hundreds of school closings and delays in Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the North Carolina mountains. Homeless shelters, especially in the Southeast, braced for a crush of people and said they would not turn anyone away.
Why is it the "conservative, 'racist' South" cares more about their homeless than "liberal, tolerant, Massachusetts," huh?
Reginald Richardson of Columbia hates shelters but said this might be the week he caves in and spends a few nights. “Yes, Lord, it has been cold,’’ said the 55-year-old, who has been homeless on and off for the past 25 years. “It got so cold last night, I thought about sleeping in a trash can.’’ Instead, he stayed in a hospital lobby for a few hours until he fell asleep and was kicked out into the 20-degree weather....
Then HEAD RIGHT BACK in and tell them you have FROSTBITE!
Places like Birmingham, Ala., and Charlotte, N.C., will see temperatures above freezing for just a couple of hours a day all week long.
That is ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL for them!!
Many Southern homes aren’t built to handle that type of cold, with uninsulated pipes and heat pumps that will have to run all the time just to keep things barely comfortable.
And LOOK at ALL the FUEL they are BURNING!!
WHO is going to PAY for THAT, huh?
And like I said, readers, LIES KILL:
"3 more found dead after Swiss avalanche" by Associated Press | January 6, 2010
GENEVA - The bodies of three skiers missing after an avalanche in central Switzerland were found yesterday, raising to seven the death toll in the country’s worst avalanche disaster in more than a decade, rescue officials said....
An emergency operation involving eight helicopters and 100 rescuers was able to pull nine people from the snow. One man was already dead. Three others died in the hospital of their injuries. The earlier victims were identified as a German and three Swiss, one of whom was a rescue doctor who had flown in to help. Rescuers were unable to search for the remaining skiers Monday because fog and snow prevented them from safely accessing the mountainous area.
GENEVA - Avalanches killed five people in the Swiss Alps over the weekend and bad weather prevented rescuers from reaching three skiers who apparently remained trapped under the snow yesterday, officials said....
Bad weather conditions meant rescuers had to call off foot and helicopter searches....
Officials are examining what triggered the two avalanches. One rescuer said the first may have been caused by skiers failing to keep a safe distance from each other on a steep slope. The second could have been triggered by the noise of rescue helicopters, said Bernhard Scherz, an official with the Rubigen ski club....
More disasters:
"1,000 homeless after tsunami hits Solomons" by Associated Press | January 6, 2010
HONIARA, Solomon Islands - Landslides and a tsunami destroyed the homes of about one-third of the population on a Solomon Island, but lives were spared as residents with memories of previous disasters fled quickly to higher ground, officials said yesterday.
From the air, extensive damage could be seen on a remote western island after a 7.2-magnitude temblor triggered the landslides in the Pacific Solomon Islands on Monday, said disaster management office director Loti Yates. No injuries have been reported about 30 hours after the biggest in a series of quakes churned a tsunami wave that was as high as 10 feet as it plowed into the coast, officials said.
And surprisingly little coverage in my paper.
But more than 1,000 people have been affected after about 200 houses were destroyed on Rendova, an island about 190 miles from the capital, Honiara. About 3,600 people live on Rendova. Photos taken from police helicopters yesterday showed debris lining the foreshore and damaged houses on the coasts of Rendova and Tetepare. Hillsides crashed down and the tsunami inundated homes Monday, but residents’ memories of earlier disasters probably helped prevent any casualties. In April 2007, an 8.1-magnitude temblor unleashed a tsunami that killed more than 50 people. A quake-churned tsunami that killed more than 200 on nearby Samoa and Tonga in September was another reminder, residents said.
Oh, it's a COMMON OCCURRENCE so it ain't "news," huh? And yet I am INUNDATED with "terrorists" and "suiciders" every day!
--1,000 homeless after tsunami hits Solomons --"
Well, why not?
"Tajikistan quake leaves 20,000 homeless" by Associated Press | January 4, 2010 DUSHANBE, Tajikistan - the Solomon Islands were hit by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake hit at 9:36 a.m. about 60 miles south-southeast of Gizo, the US Geological Survey said.
Related: South Asian Tsunami Coverage Receding
The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Silent Tsunami
Yeah, about that.
"Tsunami crashes over Solomon Islands" by Associated Press | January 5, 2010
WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A tsunami unleashed by a major earthquake plowed into the Solomon Islands yesterday, and the crashing waters devastated at least one village. Initial reports said no one was seriously hurt.
Major quakes have rocked the South Pacific region since Sunday, with three powerful temblors striking yesterday, including a 7.2 magnitude tremor. The Solomon Island’s National Disaster Management Office said reports of the devastation were beginning to filter in late yesterday.
Kept it kind of quiet, 'eh, MSM? I guess there are TOO MANY WAR LIES to tell and AGENDA'S needing PROMOTION!
The tremors were centered beneath the ocean floor near the town of Gizo, which was badly damaged in April 2007 when a 8.1-magnitude quake sent a tsunami crashing into the coast, killing more than 50 people. Yesterday’s tsunami devastated a village on Rendova Island, some 188 miles from the capital Honiara, disaster management official Loti Yates said.
“One report from police was that one village was hit by a 6- to 10-foot wall of sea water,’’ Yates said. “It was a total inundation police saw in a flyover.’’ Rendova is home to about 3,600 people....
--more--"So what can my web pick-up add that my printed paper didn't?
"Destructive tsunami crashes over Solomon Islands
HONIARA, Solomon Islands --Authorities in helicopters flew over remote coastlines in the Solomon Islands on Tuesday trying to assess the damage from a large earthquake and tsunami that crashed ashore a day earlier, devastating at least one village.
No injuries were reported some 24 hours after the biggest of a series of quakes churned a tsunami wave that was up to 10 feet high as it crashed ashore. Locals said residents were lucky the event happened during the day when many people were awake and able to flee easily, and noted that they were better prepared since a deadly tsunami in the region three years ago. A magnitude-7.2 quake sent a tsunami slamming into the shores of Rendova Island and nearby Tetepare Island about 9:30 a.m. local time Monday. Eight other quakes greater than magnitude 5.0 have rocked the region since.
A police boat and two helicopters patrolled Tuesday to check the coastline, where many homes are at sea level and close to the coast, making them vulnerable to tsunamis, said Julian Makaa, a spokesman for the National Disaster Management Office. "Two damage assessment teams have been sent to Rendova to walk through and conduct damage surveys, but no casualties have been reported," so far, Makaa told The Associated Press....
A government boat arrived in the area Tuesday with emergency food, water and tarpaulins for survivors....
Gizo resident and dive shop owner Danny Kennedy said the lack of casualties was reflected in the "general rule in villages and in Gizo" that "if there's anything more than 20 seconds of shaking or any sea water recedes, head for the hills...."
I'm already there.
Also see: AmeriKan MSM Celebrates Tsunami Success
And NEVERTHELESS, the S*** is SHOVELED!"Ice-free Arctic predicted within decades" by Washington Post | January 6, 2010
WASHINGTON - New research led by the US Geological Survey provides more evidence that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summertime within a matter of decades.
"But it will not be consistently open because of local weather patterns that could still freeze it up for long time periods. This year is shaping up to have the third-lowest amount of Arctic sea ice on record, just behind the worst year set in 2007 and in 2008. But just because 2009 is slightly up from the past two years, it is not an upward trend or a recovery"
Oh, so the ICE COVER is GROWING now!
Related: Coming Soon: Climate ConflictsThe Arctic Gas Wars
Maybe global warming isn't such a bad thing after all.
We need the energy to keep warm!!!
Former Vice President Al Gore provoked a flap in Copenhagen when he suggested there was a 75 percent chance summer sea ice in the Arctic would disappear within five to seven years, and the scientist whose research he cited said there’s no way to predict that outcome.
I'm sorry, pfffffft, what did he say, pffffffft?
Yeah, too bad the ICE is EXPANDING up there!!!!
So it appears that Arctic ice isn't vanishing after all
The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Scratch-'n-Sniff
Hey, Al..... Antarctica Ice Sheet Also Expanding
Oh, you need toilet, Al.
So does MSM.
But the overall direction of planetary temperatures is the subject of the new study, which compares the earth’s current warming trends with the mid-Pliocene warm period, 3 million to 3.3 million years ago.
And that was before the ClimateGate e-mails!
Temperatures then were similar to what the planet is projected to experience by the end of the century. Global average surface temperatures during the mid-Pliocene period, when there was no ice on the Arctic seas during the summer, were about 5.5 degrees warmer than they are now. The world is on track to warm by more than that by 2100. During that period, according to the study, summer sea-surface temperatures in the Arctic were between 50 and 64 degrees. Now, summer sea-surface temperatures hover around or below 32 degrees.
That seems like a PRETTY WIDE DISPARITY, huh, readers?
Going WARM UP QUICK, huh? Better HURRY for the SOUTH'S SAKE!
“In looking back 3 million years, we see a very different pattern of heat distribution than today, with much warmer waters in the high latitudes,’’ said USGS scientist Marci Robinson. “The lack of summer sea ice during the mid-Pliocene suggests that the record-setting melting of Arctic sea ice over the past few years could be an early warning of more significant changes to come.’’
And I should believe proven liars of government, academia, and media because.... ????
Meanwhile, Brazil will still enshrine its 2020 greenhouse gas emission goals in law despite the failure of last month’s international climate talks to produce a binding treaty, its environment minister announced last week.
That discourages me.
Related: If at first you don't succeed
"The media continues to try to sell you global warming even as we suffer the worst winter weather in half a century.... we are gonna shove a carbon tax and global government down your throats and up your ##### whether you want it or not!!!! "" -- Wake the Flock Up
So what are you going to do, readers?
Trust what you SEE in your lying, agenda-pushing MSM or what you read elsewhere?
Climate Change Canceled Paper Purchase
That's my answer.