No, I'm not going out to purchase the lies of the Boston Globe this morning. I'll think of it as my part in reducing my carbon footprint.
Gee, that makes two out of the last three days I didn't purchase a paper. The start of a trend?
Especially if they are going to literally run this obfuscatory and omitting garbage that really clouds up a room!
"Climate: Arguments needed - not an amen choir
The climate debate is still plagued by the false notion that global warming is a myth perpetuated by an international conspiracy of liberal elites....
Yeah, except YOUR TREATMENT of the MATTER has been PROOF that it EXISTS, Glob!!!!
MSM Still Silent on ClimateGate Crime Against Humanity
Climategate Story....Not Going Away
Climate Change is Natural News
Where We Can Agree on Climate Change
Science Fiction or Science Fact?
Globe's Invisible Ink Dries: Climate Cloud Can No Longer Be Ignored
Obama Continues the ClimateGate Lie
Slow Saturday Special: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
Banks Will Save the World From Global Warming (Updated)And when the MSM starts HOLLERING CONSPIRACY at YOU be assured you are ON the RIGHT TRACK!!!!
Another key is the COMPLETE OMISSION (of any hint even) of CLIMATEGATE in their AGENDA-PROMOTING CRAPOLA! There are just MORE OUTRAGEOUS LIES coming forth when all anyone need do is GO OUTSIDE for the LAST THREE YEARS to see what BULLS*** they are spewing over there!!
"Climate summit opens with a push; US, other major polluters pressed to slash emissions" by Arthur Max, Associated Press | December 8, 2009
COPENHAGEN - The largest and most important UN climate change conference in history opened yesterday, with organizers and activists warning diplomats from 192 nations that this could be the last chance for a deal to protect the world from calamitous global warming....
The two-week conference convened in an upbeat mood....
Obama’s decision to attend at the end of the conference, not the middle, was taken as a signal that an agreement was getting closer. In a signal that the US administration is prepared to act without congressional action, the Environmental Protection Agency said yesterday that it has concluded that greenhouse gases are endangering Americans’ health and must be regulated.
If it were Bush doing that the DemocraPs and leftists would have been howling dictator!
The first week of the conference will focus on refining the complex text of a draft treaty. Major decisions will await the arrival next week of 110 environment ministers and heads of state in the final days of the conference, which ends Dec. 18. Delegates are trying to reach a deal to wean the world away from fossil fuels and other pollutants to greener sources of energy and to transfer hundreds of billions of dollars from rich to poor countries every year, over decades, to help them adapt to climate change.
Conference president Connie Hedegaard, Denmark’s former climate minister, said if governments miss their chance at the Copenhagen summit, “it could take years before we got a new and better one, if we ever do.’’
Some 15,000 delegates, environmentalists, business lobbyists, journalists, and others gathered in the huge convention center for the pivotal talks, along with thousands more outside planning protests, street theater, and scholarly discussions.
Yeah, WHAT is their CARBON FOOTPRINT, 'eh?!!
Proves this WHOLE THING is a SHAM!!!!!
Delegates were shown video clips of children from around the globe urging them to let them grow up without facing catastrophic warming. Climate activists competed for attention to their campaigns on deforestation, clean energy, and low-carbon growth.
Yup, it is not just warming that isn't happening now -- it is CALAMITOUS and CATASTROPHIC!
You know, there is a guy I know whom we NEVER BELIEVE ANYMORE because he is ALWAYS EMBELLISHING HIS STORIES!!!
He'll start of with this unique experience he has had, and about a quarter of the way in the smell hits your nose an the mind says "BULLSHIT!"
The colorful global show demonstrated that the future of the Earth’s climate is the future of everyone, from Eskimos and Midwest farmers to oil sheiks and African peasants.
Yes, see how POSITIVELY the AGENDA-PUSHING PAPERS regard this protest -- and ALL the COVERAGE it GETS!!!?
Mohamad Shinaz, an activist from the Maldives, plunged feet-first into a tank with nearly 200 gallons of frigid water to illustrate what rising sea levels are doing to his island nation. “I want people to know that this is happening,’’ Shinaz said as the water reached to his chest. “We have to stop global warming.’’
Well, the planet has been COOLING for the last ten years so no problem.
So how much did the U.N. pay you, if you even exist?
You think I'm trusting the MSM at all on this one?
Leah Wickham, 24, from Fiji, broke into tears as she delivered a petition from 10 million people asking the negotiators at Copenhagen to come up with a deal to save islands like hers. “I’m on the front lines of climate change,’’ she said.
Scientists say without an agreement, the Earth will face the consequences of ever-rising temperatures, leading to the extinction of plant and animal species, the flooding of coastal cities, more extreme weather, drought, and the spread of diseases....
Yeah, it's a real problem: Fart-Misters Dilemma
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration took a major step toward imposing the first federal limits on climate-changing pollution from cars, power plants, and factories yesterday, declaring there was compelling scientific evidence that global warming from man-made greenhouse gases endangers Americans’ health.
What an OVER-the-TOP, BALD-FACED LIE!!!!
Yup, all for your own good, America -- as your ECONOMY and WAY of LIFE are DESTROYED over a LIE!!!
The announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency was timed to build momentum toward an agreement at the international conference on climate change that opened yesterday in Copenhagen.
In other words, the "science" is ALL POLITICAL!!!!
How BUSH-LIKE!!!!!!!!
It signaled the administration was prepared to push ahead for significant controls if Congress doesn’t act, though the White House said it would prefer legislation.
Oh, like GEORGE BUSH would have, 'bamer?!!!!
“This is a clear message to Copenhagen of the Obama administration’s commitments to address global climate change. . . . The message to Congress is crystal clear: Get moving,’’ said Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, a lead author of a climate bill before the Senate.
Yeah, like he gives a pffffft!
See: Kerry Doesn't Care About Carbon Footprint
The House passed its version in June. The EPA finding clears the way for rules that eventually could force the sale of more fuel-efficient vehicles and require plants to install costly new equipment or shift to other forms of energy. Energy prices for many Americans probably would rise - though yesterday’s finding will have no immediate impact since regulations have yet to be written.
I just thought you should KNOW THAT, Americans!
Supporters of separate legislation in Congress argue they could craft measures that would mitigate some of those costs. Environmentalists hailed the EPA announcement as a clear indication the United States will take steps to attack climate change even if Congress does not act. And they welcomed the timing of the declaration, saying it will help the Obama administration convince delegates at the international climate talks that the United States is serious about addressing the problem. Obama will address the conference next week.
But business groups said regulating carbon emissions through the EPA under existing clean air law would put new economic burdens on manufacturers, cost jobs, and drive up energy prices. “It will choke off growth by adding new mandates to virtually every major construction and renovation project,’’ said Thomas Donohue, president of the US Chamber of Commerce, which in recent months has been particularly critical of the EPA’s attempt to address climate change.
Just what we need!
Business groups have strongly argued against tackling global warming through the Clean Air Act, saying it is less flexible and more costly than the cap-and-trade legislation being considered by Congress. Any regulations from the EPA are certain to spawn lawsuits and a lengthy legal fights. The EPA’s involvement in reducing climate-changing pollution stems from a 2007 Supreme Court decision declaring that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are pollutants under the Clean Air Act. But the court said the EPA would have to determine if these pollutants pose a danger to public health and welfare before it could regulate them.
The EPA signaled last April that it was inclined to view heat-trapping pollution as a threat to public health and welfare, and began to take public comments for formal rulemaking. That marked a reversal from the Bush administration, which had refused to issue the finding, despite a conclusion by EPA scientists that it was warranted.
This is the "change" we get? A CHANGE for the WORSE (like Afghanistan)?
The agency said that scientific evidence clearly shows that greenhouse gases “threaten the public health and welfare of the American people’’ and that the pollutants, mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, should be reduced, if not by Congress then by the agency responsible for enforcing air pollution.
As if THEY EVER GAVE a S*** about OUR HEALTH!!!!!!!
“There are no more excuses for delaying,’’ EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said yesterday. “These long-overdue findings cement 2009’s place in history as the year when the United States government began addressing the challenge of greenhouse-gas pollution.’’
And the year the empire began its rapid collapse!
COPENHAGEN - A leaked Danish document at the UN climate conference provoked angry criticism yesterday from developing countries that feared it would shift more of the burden to curb greenhouse gases on poorer countries.
Oh, it's ALL a SCHEME for the RICH to SCREW the POOR, huh?
What a SURPRISE!!!!
The issue gained new impetus, meanwhile, when negotiators displayed charts of data that said the current decade is on track to be the hottest on record for planet Earth....
Earlier yesterday, the UN’s weather agency boosted the sense of urgency surrounding the conference with data showing this decade is on track to be the hottest since records began in 1850, with 2009 the fifth-warmest year ever. The second warmest decade was the 1990s. Only the United States and Canada experienced cooler conditions than average, the World Meteorological Organization said, though Alaska had the second-warmest July on record....
Although temperatures have fluctuated in the eons before record-keeping, as determined by tree rings, ice cores and other evidence, the causes were natural. The difference now is that they are being driven up by human activity....
That does it!!
MSM in between two slices of blogs.
Climate Change: The Global Media presents an Apocalyptic Scenario
Climategate UN Eugenics Crime Syndicate Exposed on CBC News
Lord Monckton: Global Warming big scientific fad
‘In Search of … The Coming Ice Age’ – A Video from 1978 Forget the fact that only 30 years ago there was a television program that featured the theory that we were heading into another ice age. I already knew that. I read that 1975 article in Newsweek. [link below] What was fascinating was that the data presented was based on historical facts and trends. No one was to blame for what was happening to the planet. Man was not being condemned for causing the inevitable pending ice age nor was there an attempt to create a multi-billion dollar industry to prevent it from occurring.
The Left Fell into the Climate Morass It might take a while to sink in, but the global warming cause is on the skids. Two issues are taking the whole project down: it is getting cooler not warmer (and hence the change of the rhetoric to a vague concern over "climate change"), and the email scandal of a few weeks back proved that this really is an opinion cartel with preset views not driven by science.
Physicists Ask American Physical Society to Rescind Its Statement on Global Warming Because It Was Based on “Cheat[ing]” and “Corrupted” Work By now everyone has heard of what has come to be known as ClimateGate, which was and is an international scientific fraud, the worst any of us have seen in our cumulative 223 years of APS membership. For those who have missed the news we recommend the excellent summary article by Richard Lindzen in the November 30 edition of the Wall Street journal, entitled “The Climate Science isn’t Settled,” for a balanced account of the situation. It was written by a scientist of unquestioned authority and integrity. A copy can be found among the items at, and a visit to can fill in the details of the scandal, while adding spice.
Climategate: A Willful Ignorance The IPCC should be disbanded as a threat to mankind. The EPA should be required by Congress to produce scientific proof that CO2 is a "pollutant" to be regulated. It cannot! The people attending the conference should be run out of Copenhagen as if peasants were once again pursuing the monster, Frankenstein. And The Economist, along with all the so-called scientific magazines and news outlets that have prostituted themselves to the global warming fraud, should issue an apology to their readers.
Has Anyone Read the Copenhagen Agreement? We can only hope that world leaders will do nothing more than enjoy a pleasant bicycle ride around the charming streets of Copenhagen come December. For if they actually manage to wring out an agreement based on the current draft text of the Copenhagen climate-change treaty, the world is in for some nasty surprises. Draft text, you say? If you haven't heard about it, that's because none of our otherwise talkative political leaders have bothered to tell us what the drafters have already cobbled together for leaders to consider. And neither have the media.
Has Anyone Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new [World] 'government' are scary.
Is Copenhagen to be first step in creating a carbon based currency to replace failing dollar?
CLIMATEGATE - Goldman Sachs at the heart of the carbon credit scam The Stone article is the story about Goldman Sachs and how they have been smack in the middle of every billion and trillion dollar bubble burst in recent memory.... And how Goldman Sachs is about to engineer the next great bubble --- the potential trillion dollar carbon cap and credit market (which doesn’t even exist, yet.)
Woman who invented Credit Default Swaps is one of the key architects of Carbon Derivatives (which are the center of Cap and Trade)
CLIMATEGATE - Capping Emissions, Trading On The Future The media shills, scientists, bureaucrats and corporate rent-seekers gathered at Copenhagen won't give much thought to what this means to the industrialized world's middle and working class. For many of them the new carbon regime means a gradual decline in living standards. Huge increases in energy costs, taxes and a spate of regulatory mandates will restrict their access to everything from single-family housing and personal mobility to employment in carbon-intensive industries like construction, manufacturing, warehousing and agriculture. You can get a glimpse of this future in high-unemployment California. Here a burgeoning regulatory regime tied to global warming threatens to turn the state into a total "no go" economic development zone.
CLIMATEGATE - Head of California's Cap and Trade Offsets Program: Cap and Trade Won't Work for Climate, It's a Scam
Climate Gate: Is "Big Oil" really behind the Global Warming deniers ? Let's look first at Al Gore. The name and face of the man-made global warming movement. Interesting fellow. With ties to Occidental Oil. It seems Al Gore is Big Oil and Big Coal, perhaps he is big Nuclear Power also. Nuclear stands to benefit, as much as all other energy producers from the man-made Global Warming theories. What with massively increased energy prices across the board Nuclear Power may become highy profitable, however problematic it may be.
Big Oil Behind Copenhagen Climate Scam The big irony behind top globalists descending on Copenhagen in luxury private jets and stretch limos is not just the fact that their own behavior completely contradicts their self-righteous hyperbole about CO2 emissions, but that their propaganda is vehemently supported by the very same big oil interests they accuse climate skeptics of pandering to.
Climategate: Barack Obama's rule by EPA decree is a coup d'etat against Congress, made in Britain Who needs tanks on the lawn when you have the Environmental Protection Agency? Barack Obama’s use of the EPA to pressurise the Senate to pass his climate change Nuremberg Decrees shows his dictatorial mentality. He wants to override Congress, which is hostile to his climate gobbledegook because it is representative of the American electorate, and sideline the nation’s elected Senators by ruling by decree, courtesy of the EPA. This is a coup d’état.
And Americans don't care.
When is the game on?
CLIMATEGATE - EPA Says Breathing Is Deadly, But Radioactive Drinking Water Is Good For Us While the EPA declares the gas that we exhale to be a deadly poison, as protesters at Copenhagen decry the suffering of polar bears as their population figures increase to record levels, and as delegates in the Danish capital warn of the dastardly peril of cows farting, a New York Times report confirming that U.S. drinking water contains dangerous levels of arsenic, uranium and other radioactive substances barely gets noticed.
CLIMATEGATE - Global warming would fix it, of course
CLIMATEGATE - Natural Global Temperature Variations: The Ultimate Scare Tactic
CLIMATEGATE - Global warming 'caused by sun's radiation'
A good site for Climate gate news
Climategate and 'Eco-Hypocrisy': Al Gore, John Travolta, Sheryl Crow, etc.
CLIMATEGATE PROPAGANDA - Scary global warming video shown at the Copenhagen Climate Meeting - 7 Dec. 2009
CLIMATEGATE - EPA Misled Public on 9/11 Pollution
CLIMATEGATE - Fierce snowstorm gains strength after hitting West
3 dead as wintry weather wallops U.S.
Oh, yeah, did I mention that AGENDA-PUSHING LIES are DEADLY and HARMFUL no matter WHAT they are about?!!!!
Update: 5 inches on the ground at 9 a.m. -- and it is STILL COMING DOWN LIKE GANGBUSTERS!!!!
Looks like the SNOW is HERE to STAY, fart-misters!
"A sloppy storm smothered New England with frigid rain and up to 6 inches of slushy snow this morning, slowing the early commute and offering a grim preview of the long winter ahead.
Yeah, except it is NOT SLUSHY, you lying sacks of ..... !!!!!!
The precipitation is expected to change almost entirely to rain by this afternoon, washing away most of the snow blanketing sidewalks and lawns. The warm air will come from the south....
They are REALLY a bunch of s***-shovelers down there!!!
The snow is GOING NOWHERE and I am NOT LOOKING FORWARD to going out there soon, liars!!!!
(Blog editor sighs)
The highest snow total this morning was in Hampshire County....
Out where I AM, world -- and it is STILL COMING DOWN HARD!!!
Yup, Boston Globe CAN'T EVEN TELL the TRUTH about the WEATHER!!!!!
"Those poor Copenhagen Delegates are complaining about how cold it is!" -- Wake the Flock Up
Opposition to man-made climate change: We want proof!