"Transportation Security Laboratory.... scientists here dream up ways that an enemy might slip a weapon or a bomb onto a plane"
And then it is turned over to the designated patsies, right, FBI?
"Scientists experiment with imaginative ways to fight terrorism; Lab dreams up ways to make, thwart bombs" by Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times | November 15, 2009

Scientists at the Transportation Security Laboratory pack harmless-looking explosives into a shoe, a Teletubbies doll, and other objects. Then, they figure out ways to keep them off of planes (Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times).
ATLANTIC CITY - On his table lay a green Teletubbies doll stuffed with C-4 military explosives, a leather sandal with a high-explosive shoe insert, an Entenmann’s cake covered in an explosive compound that looks like white frosting, and other deadly devices Carey and his colleagues have built. None has a detonator, so all are safe.
“We let our imaginations go wild,’’ explains Carey. “The types of improvised explosive devices are endless.’’
Occupation Iraq: British Bombers
Occupation Iraq: America's Roadside Bombs
Yeah, WHERE ARE THOSE IEDs coming from?
So are possible solutions, at least in theory. That’s where the Transportation Security Laboratory comes in. Scientists here dream up ways that an enemy might slip a weapon or a bomb onto a plane, and then try to build defenses to counter the danger. The work is part cutting-edge science, part Maxwell Smart.
And then Dick Cheney removes them.
Staffers have experimented by exploding more than 200 bombs on junked airliners. They also have filled a warehouse with nearly 10,000 abandoned pieces of luggage. “We build bombs in them’’ and run them through airport-style screening machines, says Susan Hallowell, the lab’s director. If the bomb escapes detection, technicians try to figure out how to catch it next time. “We call it the art of bagology.’’
Yeah, TYRANNY is an ART!!!!
Also see:
- Tools of Tyranny: Eye of the Gorgon
- Tools of Tyranny: Ready For Takeoff
- Tools of Tyranny: Airport Screening
- Tools of Tyranny: Ticketing Terrorists
- Tools of Tyranny: DMV Database
- Tools of Tyranny: Googley Eyes
- Tools of Tyranny: I Always Feel Like Somebody's Reading Me
- Tools of Tyranny: iSpy iPhone
- Tools of Tyranny: Baby Face
All because of a rotten, stinking, inside job lie, America.
Was the blood and destruction worth it?
Colin Drury, distinguished professor emeritus of engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo, calls the lab: “One of the best in the world for the kind of work they do. They think broadly and have new ideas, and maybe 90 percent don’t work, but that’s OK, as long as 10 percent do.’’
Related: TSA to Conduct Full Review After Leak of Sensitive Information
Must be a WHOPPER of a FALSE FLAG COMING SOON, huh, readers?
About 125 chemists, physicists, engineers, and others work at the lab.... It is an environment filled with painful reminders of how terrorism has changed the world....
Its budget.... is about $45 million a year.All for a LIE, American taxpayers!!!
Like Q in James Bond films, Hallowell clearly enjoys the unusual tools - and the dark humor - of her profession. She takes a woman’s shiny black pump off a shelf. It hides an inert explosive in the heel. “I’ve always liked this shoe,’’ she says. “It’s my size.’’
It's all like a FICTIONAL MOVIE, huh? Hmmmmmmmm.
The lab’s efforts to detect hidden threats increasingly compete with the need to protect travelers’ privacy As a result, the lab is caught in the latest controversy involving the Transportation Security Agency, its chief customer. The TSA will deploy 150 backscatter imaging machines at checkpoints in major airports.
Related: Tools of Tyranny: Airport Screening
The devices use a low-level X-ray beam that produces a three-dimensional image of each passenger, including every bump, bulge, and private body part. Such invasive imaging is “a virtual strip search,’’ the American Civil Liberties Union and other privacy groups assert.
Oh, THEY are the ones trying to GET BOMBS on PLANES, huh?
As for those SUBWAY SCARES:
"Homeland Security to study airflow on T; Data could help shape response to chemical attacks" by Kathy McCabe, Globe Staff | December 6, 2009
A team of researchers from the US Department of Homeland Security yesterday started six days of tests at 20 MBTA stations designed to determine how airborne contaminants would spread in a terrorist attack on Boston’s subway system....
Related: FBI Planning False-Flag Terror Attack on Boston
Oh, are you GOING LIVE or ON the TARGET LIST, Boston?
Testing today is due to be conducted at 2 p.m. to measure the effect during off-peak hours of transportation use. Tomorrow, testing will be done during the evening rush hour. No testing is scheduled for Tuesday, but it will be done on Wednesday and Thursday during morning rush hour. On Friday, testing will be conducted during the morning rush hour at South Station on both subway and commuter rail services, officials said.
Researchers will be dressed in orange and yellow vests. Monitoring equipment will be set up on station platforms. Tests will be conducted on both platforms and in subway cars. Commuters and other T riders should not be disrupted by the testing, MBTA Police Chief Paul MacMillan said.... A second round of testing will be conducted next summer to understand seasonal differences in air flow, MacMillan said.
Boston is the second US subway system chosen for the testing by Homeland Security. Tests were earlier done on the subways in Washington, D.C. The findings will help guide the design of future detection systems and help strengthen evacuation, ventilation, and other emergency response plans on mass transit across the country....
Are the lies worth it, America?
You know, who cares where Osama is?