Friday, March 5, 2010

The New Protesters: Haiti and the History of YouTube

Yup, it's the OFFICIAL, AGENDA-PUSHING and APPROVED PROTESTS that the Globe has finally "discovered," readers.

Honestly, readers, I'm sick of the insulting Zionist garbage shoveled every day by the likes of the Boston Glob. Can you tell I've been souring on them?

Hard not to when they peddled such divisive, distorted, and deceptive s*** day after day after day.

"For young activists, video is their voice" by Don Aucoin, Globe Staff | March 5, 2010

When Elisa Kreisinger wanted to protest the newly diminished visibility of gay characters and story lines on television, she didn’t launch a petition drive or write an angry op-ed piece.


Related: Giving It Up For the Gays

That second thing a big waste of time.

I wrote the local for years and was shat on by them even after everything I said turned out to be true!!

They just DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT from the PUBLIC!


That's why NEWSPAPERS are DYING!!

Instead, like many other members of the YouTube generation for whom the visual language is a native tongue, she found a way to have her say with video rather than words.

Some would call it *ewtube.

Kreisinger remixed scenes from “Sex and the City’’ into a pair of pro-gay narratives, and uploaded the resulting videos to her blog, drawing 21,000 hits.

Oh, now the Glob discovered a BLOG, how about that?


“I wouldn’t have done it if it was text-based,’’ said Kreisinger, a 23-year-old Simmons College grad from Cambridge. “Things are more easily communicated through video . . . And there can be more powerful statements.’’

A growing number of young activists are turning to video as a forum for instant political commentary or an eye-catching tool to mobilize on behalf of social change. They might create videos and spread them through social-networking sites such as Facebook. They might remix existing video clips into mashups-with-messages. They might borrow from the tropes of the most popular videos on YouTube, which turned five years old last month, marrying serious substance with lighthearted style.

They might ACTUALLY PROTEST SOMETHING USEFUL like BANK LOOTING and WAR LIES, right, agenda-pushing, war-promoting,

One way or another, whether the cause is bringing relief to earthquake-ravaged Haiti, protecting the environment, kindling grass-roots support for a favorite political candidate, or protesting the perceived depredations of corporate America, it is now a video, rather than a picture, that is worth a thousand words.

Yup, your AGENDA-APPROVED PROTESTS that will SERVE THOSE VERY INTERESTS in a cul-de-sac concerns!

Yeah, get active on Haiti says the agenda-pushing *ewspaper, but FORGET ABOUT PALESTINE, WAR LIES, 9/11 LIES, and ALL the OTHER THINGS that are KNOWN because of YouTube the last five years (as the Zionist power structure now tries to co-opt and censor the medium)!!!

Yeah, "protect" the environment by SERVING the VERY SAME INTERESTS you think you are fighting, kids! And you KNOW it has been a BRUTAL WINTER and COLD, right, kids?

And work for a POLITICAL CANDIDATE? Haw-haw-haw-haw-haw!! If you REALLY WANT to WASTE YOUR TIME and accomplish nothing go do that!

And while exposing corporate greed is great, has that changed anything? If anything, the looting is even greater!

Yes, ALL SAFE PROTEST ZONES for you as directed by the AGENDA-PUSHING PAPERS that have LIED TO YOU, kiddo!!

“Making media now is a powerful way of participating in all kinds of life, including civic and political life,’’ said Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. “These people are now deeply connected to the political process in a way that their parents, at their age, could never be.’’

Claude Zeins, a 19-year-old sophomore at Emerson College, noted that his parents talk about how they protested the Vietnam War by marching in crowds to recruiting stations, then remarked: “That just doesn’t happen anymore. Everything now is about the click of a mouse. You can do so much online, sitting at your desk.’’


Not that it ends at the desk.

Yeah, it HAS TO BE TAKEN to the STREET!!

Thus the TONE of the AGENDA-PUSHING, WAR-PROMOTING Boston Globe PoS!

Yeah, STAY BEHIND YOUR KEYBOARD where they can MONITOR YOU and KNOW YOU ARE SAFELY ENSCONCED behind the terminal. Not raising any ruckus out there and demanding responses, are you?

Yeah, let's do an hour on a Saturday as the wars roll on. That's the limit of protest around here.

Of course, WHAT NEEDS to happen is a COMPLETE GENERAL STRIKE and MASSING of PEOPLE in the CAPITALS and CITIES of AmeriKa in an open-ended commitment Unfortunately, TOO MANY AmeriKans ar4e misinformed and diverted by s*** sheets and shows like the Boston Glob.

In the case of a fund-raising and cultural awareness event last weekend at Boston University that was called “Boston Stands with Haiti,’’ video was a key tool for spreading the word - before, during, and after the event.

Yeah, NOTHING ABOUT the ACTUAL COUNTRY and MISERY on the GROUND for the SECOND DAY in a ROW, readers!

Related: O'Malley's Odyssey

Why the cessation of coverage after promoting it for days beforehand, Glob?

Don't worry, I'm sure it will appear tomorrow for Slow Saturday. Whether I will is another matter. Championship basketball games all day tomorrow, and I am sick and tired of the Glob.

During the event, which raised $50,000 for Partners in Health, video monitors showed segments filmed by students about water sanitation efforts in Haiti, HIV/AIDS, and issues confronting women and children in the aftermath of the earthquake, along with messages from elected officials and celebrities. There was also a half-hour video teleconference with several US military officials involved in Haiti relief efforts....

Yeah, if you SUPPORT the Zionist agenda (the focus on Haiti really makes me wonder about the Israeli organ-harvesting operation and sex-slave rings, readers) it is okay to "protest" on YouTube.


In part, this video activism simply reflects the evolution of the Internet. In its early years, online video served primarily as a showcase for cheerfully goofy stunts or narcissistic preening. There is still plenty of that. But online video started to come into its own as a political medium during the 2008 presidential campaign, as video bloggers like the tandem known as the Vlog Brothers created clever spots to promote the candidacy of Barack Obama.



Since then, the generation’s digital natives, inspired by the politically pointed use of video on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’’ and other shows, have stepped up their efforts to put their technological skills to political and social uses.

It is increasingly easy to create and circulate videos amid an explosion of user-friendly digital camcorders, video-ready smartphones, laptops with built-in webcams and editing software, and video-sharing sites.

Aren't you glad the Glob is here to tell you these things years late, readers?

Those who remix video from other sources rely on the protections of the “fair use’’ provision of copyright law, which allows for limited use of copyrighted materials for certain purposes, including education, criticism, research, and commentary.

HELLO, dear readers!

While serious in purpose, video activism sometimes draws on the approach pioneered by entertainment-oriented videos. A group of Middlebury College students in a course called “Sustainable Television’’ recently embarked on a class project to draw attention to the campus recycling center.

I'm actually getting kind of nauseous now.

Rather than take an earnest but potentially dull public-service-announcement approach, the students sent their message in the form of a “lip-dub’’ video: The camera moved from student to student in a single long take as they danced to Madonna’s “Like a Prayer’’ while lip-synching lyrics with an environmental message.

Yeah, make it an agenda-pushing two-fer, why not?

“The idea was to get them thinking about recycling in a new way,’’ said Ryan Kellett, 23, who helped create that segment and a video called “See Beyond the Car’’ that promoted environmentally friendly alternative transportation. “There’s something very authentic and genuine about it, because we’re students and we’re targeting our own population, as opposed to some corporation or even nonprofit saying they’re designing public service announcements targeted to young people.’’

If you guys are going to brainwash yourselves why I am I screaming to save you?

It is not that recycling and clean environment is bad per se; however, when PROMOTED by a LYING, AGENDA-PUSHING it is NEVER WHAT it appears to be!!

Were ALL THE LIES, DIVISIONS, DISTORTIONS, and DECEPTION to serve the Zionist-Globalist agenda REALLY IN YOUR INTERESTS, readers?

Jason Mittell, an associate professor of American studies and film and media culture who teaches the “Sustainable Television’’ course, says there is a lesson here for organizations about how to reach contemporary audiences. “We are living in an era in which we communicate using new media forms,’’ Mittell said. “If you want to engage younger people, you have to do it on these platforms.’’


Really, readers, I'm sick of the shallow s*** of the Boston Glob.

I really don't know where this blog is going anymore.

Maybe I'll get away from this again today and watch a

I haven't sat down for that one in a long, long, time.