Yes, there is an unmarked Boston Globe on top of the ever-expanding pile of unread Boston Globes. It has reached the point where I don't even bother reading the front page anymore. I have found myself flipping through them instead, and yesterday this headline in the paper brought me to a halt.
So I never even bother reading the front-page fodder regarding an issue that receives undue and out-sized attention in my agenda-pushing newspaper. I've done a 180 on the issue anyway; I now say send them all into service. The empire needs you, and if you feel that is the barometer of equality then by all means. This country might as well dispense with all pretense and mimic its master. Maybe you will save the life of some poor American kid by taking his place. Thank you.
Is it not interesting, however, that the Pentagon can find money for a survey and Congress can fund the wars into the trillions while Obama tells the troops they need to take a pay cut? Yeah, hard as it is to believe, America, but this guy is WORSE than George Bush. The only change you have gotten from Democrats and Obama is a new health (and soon carbon, water, and air) tax and more missiles and war in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Oh, yeah, did I tell you we are staying in Iraq? They must be the most stoo-pid insurgents ever.
Thus it has been that the day before yesterday I read all of two pages before setting the Boston Globe down. The day before that I read and marked all of six pages before I hit the turn-in pieces of front-page articles I had intended to read but never did. I'm not even making it to the op-ed page anymore, folks.
With the upcoming weekend devoted to war worship here in the States I doubt I will be reading much of the Globe in the next few days. I'll probably buy one each day when I make the trek for my morning cup of coffee (my lone luxury of the day) as Apu pleads with his eyes at me to please pick up and pay for that Boston Globe. It will then be placed upon the ever-growing pile of unread Globe's and marked clippings I had intended to get to but never did.
I'm sorry, dear readers and followers; however, I find myself no longer wanting to read a lying, obfuscating, insulting, divisive, racist, supremacist, Muslim-hating, agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Zionist hate sheet that is called an AmeriKan newspaper (in this case, New England's largest daily -- with circulation cratering, of course. Yeah, they are going to the web but not to American newspaper sites). It was a nice, decades-long run, Globe, but its over now.
I will give the AmeriKan MSM credit on on one thing, though. They have turned the words TEA PARTY (and Muslim) into TERRORISTS in the soft-serve s*** that serves for AmeriKan brain matter. Yes, despite all the lies they have been told the AmeriKan public -- by and large -- still believes in its jewsmedia.
Oh, yeah, turns out government and industry have been lying about the oil gusher in the Gulf and the MSM has been covering for them the whole time.
Related: Just Like 9/11? Oil Spill Responders Are Getting Sick … But Are Being Told They Don’t Need Any Safety Gear
Yeah, that is the same lying, looting government that is protecting you from terrorists and would never have anything to do with a false flag inside job leading to agenda-fulfilling wars.
Case closed, America -- along with that final page flip of the Boston Globe.
Have a good weekend, readers, and revel in the war blood, America.
Drink it down until you choke on it -- then chase it with a barrel of oil.