Sorry. More important things to deal with right now.
"Boston’s gay pride parade goes marching through the rain; This year’s event has decidedly political flavor" by Megan Woolhouse and Sydney Lupkin, Globe Staff | Globe Correspondent | June 13, 2010
This year’s gay pride parade in Boston was also a political battlefield in the campaign for governor.
Incumbent Governor Deval Patrick marched with his daughter, Katherine, who is openly gay....
Later came Republican candidate Charles D. Baker, who worked the crowd with his openly gay brother Alexander (who goes by the name Sandy) and his openly gay running mate, Senate minority leader Richard Tisei.
Handshakes, smiles, and waves abounded....
The only candidate for governor who did not appear was State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill, who is running as an independent. A staffer said he was spending the day in his hometown of Quincy and planned to march in the city’s Flag Day Parade yesterday evening.
Patrick and his daughter marched behind the Lesbian & Gay Big Apple Corps, which featured a baton twirler, flag wavers, and marching band.
After the parade, Patrick was endorsed by MassEquality, the state’s largest gay rights group. Patrick’s daughter worked as an intern for the group in 2008.
"Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner of Obama, Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick."
Why am I not surprised?
When asked why he chose Patrick over Baker, executive director Scott Gortikov said Patrick had shown strong leadership by signing recent antibullying legislation and repealing a 1913 law that prevented out-of-state lesbian and gay couples from marrying in Massachusetts.
Also see: Bullying the Massachusetts Legislature
The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: She's No Princess
You were NOT TOLD the WHOLE STORY, where you?
And I am OFFENDED by the comparison of RACE with GAY!!
"The civil rights once denied to black Americans included the right to register as a voter, the right to cast a ballot, the right to use numerous public facilities, the right to get a fair hearing in court, the right to send their children to an integrated public school, and the right to equal opportunity in housing and employment. Have gay people been denied any of these rights? Have they been forced to sit in the back of buses? Confined to segregated neighborhoods? Barred from serving on juries? Subjected to systematic economic exploitation?" --source--"
I don't often agree with the Globe's resident neo-con; however, on this one, he is correct.
Patrick and Baker support gay marriage; however, only Patrick also supports the Transgender Civil Rights Bill, which makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of “gender identity or expression.’’
Patrick “has a history of going to bat very forcefully for the gay community,’’ Gortikov said.
And, Gortikov said, “Richard Tisei is not running for governor . . .’’
The legislation has been a thorny issue for Baker because it was cosponsored three years ago by his now running mate Tisei.
Social conservatives have referred to it as the “bathroom bill,’’ contending that it would sanction unisex bathrooms and locker rooms.
Baker referred to it as such at the state’s Republican convention last month, saying he would veto it.
Some remembered that unhappily yesterday....
Kirsten Martin of Jamaica Plain said Tisei came up to her and introduced himself as he walked the parade route. She had never heard of him but liked how he looked her in the eye when she spoke.
Curious to learn more, she grabbed her iPhone and did a quick search for his party affiliation and voting record.
“Just because he walks with us doesn’t mean I’ll vote for him,’’ she said.
Hundreds of thousands of people turned out to watch the parade yesterday and few people seemed deterred by the downpour. Among those who braved the elements was the Rev. Stephanie Spellers (top, right) of The Cathedral Church of St. Paul and an enthusiastic Lisette Murphy (bottom, right) of Jamaica Plain. (Essdras M Suarez/Globe Staff Photos)
See who is BEHIND the MOVEMENT!!
That's why I am opposed.
Now we know why they get so much agenda-pushing press.