President Obama pledged to seek denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula during remarks to reporters after meeting yesterday with South Korea's president, Lee Myung-bak. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)
Please see: Slow Saturday Special: China Keeps the Peace in Korea (and related links within), as well as Nuclear Powers Preserve Their Privilege.
Of course, the NORTH KOREANS shouldn't be WORRIED or anything, right?
See: The Boston Globe's Stupid Ideas: Nuclear Disarmament
Oh. But: North Korea Telling the Truth About Missile Launch
Let's see how diligent my lying, omitting, obfuscating, enemy-creating (oh, forgot to use that adjective earlier), war-promoting, agenda-pushing 'news" paper is about such things.
I'm giving you chances here, Globe; please don't let me down.
"Obama, S. Korean leader discuss threat from North; US pledges nuclear defense in case of attack" by Scott Wilson, Washington Post | June 17, 2009
WASHINGTON - President Obama met with his South Korean counterpart, Lee Myung-bak, yesterday at the White House with a new program of UN sanctions and threats from the North Korean government serving as the backdrop.
Lee secured assurances from Obama that the United States would extend its “nuclear umbrella’’ over South Korea in the face of attacks from the North.... Obama declared during remarks to reporters that North Korea’s bid to become a nuclear power is not inevitable and will not be accepted by his administration....
Those words are SO OMINOUS and SO, excuse me, BUSH-LIKE it's enough to make one want to vomit.
I guess that's why he was LOOKING at his WATCH, 'eh?
Lee made the request as the North Korean government prepares to face new UN sanctions, including the searching of its ships on the high seas....
I give you: Slow Saturday Special: China Keeps the Peace in Korea
The "newspaper" seems to have FORGOTTEN THAT and YOU CAN CHECK MY LINKS because IF it was IN THERE, I would POST IT!!!!!!!!!
I would LOVE SEEING IT!!!!!!
Officials, including veterans of the Clinton administration, emphasize that North Korea’s leadership customarily welcomes a new US president with ritual hazing, most recently by brandishing its nuclear weapons program....
I don't know what to say anymore.
At least only the Korean "brandishes" it; Israel NEVER DOES with its IMPLIED THREATS!
The UN Security Council had voted to impose new sanctions on the North Korean government, already struggling with famine on a large scale.
I green that NOT because it is GOOD, but because THEY ARE SUFFERING! So WHY make WAR with them when winning hearts and minds would be TANKERS FULL of FOOD?!!!!!!
And HOW CAN THEY be such a THREAT with WIDE-SCALE FAMINE (never mind rockets that dump into the sea and bombs that aren't as powerful as first reported, harumph)?
The vote included the support of Russia and China, two veto-wielding members that have defended North Korea in the past. The measures include financial restrictions on the North’s leadership, a ban on its lucrative arms exports, and permission for countries to search North Korean ships at sea.
Okay, I'm still waiting for the "UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is FORCE to be USED" qualifier, Globe. C'mon, give it to me.
The Obama administration, as well as other Security Council members, fears the possibility of North Korea exporting its nuclear technology. But the North Korean government has warned that it would consider the boarding of its vessels an act of war.
More half-truths, distortions, and lies.
So saddening -- and sickening! I despise nwspapers now!
The sanctions were a response to North Korea’s recent tests of short- and long-range missiles, and more seriously, a more powerful nuclear device than the one detonated three years ago.
Well, yeah, I DON'T KNOW because in one of those posts it says that the measurements came back and the last bomb blast was kind off a pffffft!
Same as the lack-of-force thing: saw it once, then whoooosh, gone.
Although I will say this: the Koreans aren't as stoo-pid as the AmeriKan MSM tries to make him/them out to be (notice how they conflate a whole population with a leader, like Saddam and the Iraqi people -- until Bush 'liberated' them).
SEOUL - One video recorder set, six tapes, a digital camera, and a stone. North Korea laid out its evidence yesterday against two US journalists sentenced to hard labor for entering the country illegally.
The country’s official news agency reported that the journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, documented their journey into communist North Korea, even pocketing a stone to commemorate the illicit trip across the frozen Tumen River from China.
“We’ve just entered a North Korean courtyard without permission,’’ the Korean translation of their videotape narration said, according to Korean Central News Agency.
Ling, 32, and Lee, 36, who work for former vice president Al Gore’s California-based Current TV media group, were sentenced June 8 to 12 years of hard labor in a North Korean prison for illegal entry and “hostile acts.’’
Before yesterday’s report, little was known publicly about the journalists’ arrest March 17.
The timing of its release - hours before President Obama met with South Korea’s leader, Lee Myung-bak, and days after the UN Security Council issued new sanctions against North Korea for a May nuclear test - raised fears the women were being used as political pawns.
Well, WHY NOT (even if they aren't CIA spies)?!
North Korea wants to remind the United States that the women remain in Pyongyang’s hands, said Kim Yong-hyun, a professor at Seoul’s Dongguk University. “The North is sending a message ahead of the summit: ‘Don’t take your eyes off this. This is a negotiating card we have,’ ’’ Kim said....
Didn't yours truly already point that out?
I guess that's why there wasn't a report about Korea in my paper today.
Anytime things cool off anywhere in the world, I am just a bit happier.
Hey, not as much anger and swearing in this post. Imagine that.
"Clinton says interdiction possible for NKorea The Obama administration wants help from U.S. allies and possibly China to cut off North Korean shipments that may be carrying nuclear technology or other weapons.
"This is called "An Act Of War" and is exactly the provocations North Korea said it will respond to. In other words, the US is trying to start a war, ANY war, any WHERE." -- Wake the Flock Up
Fear not!!!
The concept of KARMA is certainly something the Koreans would understand!!
Update II: U.S. Military Tracking North Korean Ship Suspected of Proliferating Missiles, Nukes
Let's hear it for Obama the WAR-MONGER, yaaaaaaayyy!
With help:
"North Korea may fire a missile toward Hawaii While the newspaper speculated the Taepodong-2 could fly over Japan and toward Hawaii, it said the missile would not be able to hit Hawaii's main islands, which are about 4,500 miles (7,200 kilometers) from the Korean peninsula.
"Okay, so the Korean missile can't actually reach Hawaii, but we at least stirred up images of Pearl harbor and sneak attacks, and we can use that to sucker the people into another invasion!" -- Official White Horse Souse" -- Wake the Flock Up
Just found something:
"Navy to intercept but not board N. Korean ships; 'Vigorous' effort to track banned nuclear cargo" by David E. Sanger, The New York Times | June 16, 2009
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration will order the Navy to hail and request permission to inspect North Korean ships at sea suspected of carrying arms or nuclear technology, but would not forcibly seek to board them, senior administration officials said yesterday....
"The captains will be confronted," one official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was discussing a security operation that America's key allies have only been partially briefed on....
This administration doesn't tell anybody s***, do they?
Some fucking change!
While the captain of a ship may refuse inspection, as the North Koreans almost certainly would, the Obama administration officials noted that most North Korean vessels have limited range and would have to seek out ports in search of fuel and supplies.
MSM has me spinning all over the place, readers! How you doin?