"consumers could derail the recovery"
Related: Here Comes Santa Claus' Sleigh
Yeah, I'm REALLY sick and tired of the INSULTING and ELITIST "journalism."
No wonder AmeriKa's newspapers are failing; WHO wants to be INSULTED and LIED TO day-after-day?
Do I look like I am ENJOYING IT?
"Consumer borrowing sets record plunge" by Martin Crutsinger, Associated Press | January 9, 2010
WASHINGTON - Americans borrowed less for a 10th consecutive month in November with total credit and borrowing on credit cards falling by the largest amounts on records going back nearly seven decades. The dramatic declines raised new worries about whether consumers will cut back further on spending, making it harder for the economy to mount a sustained rebound....
Yeah, the poor economy, huh -- unless you are a WAR-PROFITEER or a BANK!!!!
And I THOUGHT WE -- the people -- WERE the ECONOMY!
Obviously, the "economy" means SOMETHING ELSE (corporate profits) to the Amerikan MSM that is LOOKING OUT FOR YOU, AmeriKan consumer.
Americans are borrowing less for a number of reasons. They remain fearful about their job prospects and they are also trying to replenish depleted investments.
Oh, YOU didn't get a BAILOUT from YOUR MONEY, American taxpayers?
What do you mean that ALL WENT for BANK PROFITS and BONUSES?!!
The government reported yesterday that employers cut an additional 85,000 jobs in December, bringing total job losses to more than 7.2 million since the recession began in December 2007.
Okay, KEEP that NUMBER in MIND, readers!!!
It shows either SLOTH or DECEPTION on the part of the agenda-pushing reporter or "news" service. I mean JUST YESTERDAY the number PASSED 8 MILLION! So while NOT TECHNICALLY a LIE, WHY is the MSM going BACKWARDS with that lost jobs figure, huh?
I rest my case, folks. The BUSINESS PAGES are FULL of YOU-KNOW-WHAT!
Even consumers who would like to increase their borrowing are finding it hard to get credit at banks.
Where, oh, where, has that TRILLIONS in LOAN LIQUIDITY gone, oh where, oh where could it be (bankster's pockets and balance sheets)?
Many banks, hit by the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, have tightened lending standards.
They seem to be doing JUST FINE THESE DAYS, WTF?
Yeah, the "poor banks" tone is GETTING OLD, too!!!!
Although economists have worried for years about the low rate of US savings, the concern now is that consumers could derail the recovery if they start saving too much of their incomes....
Yeah, it is ALL YOUR FAULT after the LOOTERS set the WHOLE THING UP for YOU, Amurkn!!
So says the HATEFUL, agenda-pushing, Zionist War Daily.

And MORE THAN ONCE, too!!!
Related: Consumers Cutting Debt Killed Recovery
Out-of-Work Americans Killed Economic Recovery
Slow Saturday Special: U.S. Consumers Killed Economic Recovery
You GETTING the POINT, dumb-f*** Amurka?"Jobless report lowers hopes; Boston Fed chief sees little growth, cautious spending" by Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | January 9, 2010
The Labor Department reported that US employers cut 85,000 jobs in December and that more than 600,000 unemployed Americans stopped looking for work....
Yeah, that's what you have been getting from the Glob and government for.... forever.
The December employment report was a setback to hopes that the national labor market had hit bottom and job growth would resume. Analysts said it was particularly disappointing following November, when the nation added 4,000 jobs - the first job growth in nearly two years, according to revised statistics released yesterday.
Related: Jobs in the House!
If you still have one, American.
“I was hoping for a positive number in December and a new spin on the shape of the recovery,’’ said Bill Cheney, chief economist at John Hancock Financial in Boston. “In the end, we’re left just about where we were before: All the pieces are in place for the job market to turn around, but it hasn’t done so yet.’’
SO THAT is what I have been READING in the Boston Globe all this time!!
Despite disappointing job losses in December, the overall trends point to a turnaround in the first three months of this year, said Nigel Gault, chief US economist at IHS Global Insight, a Lexington consulting firm. For example, the pace of job losses diminished to an average of fewer than 70,000 a month in the fourth quarter of 2009, compared with nearly 200,000 a month in the third. “We’re just on the verge of turning positive,’’ Gault said. “We’re not quite there yet.’’
Can you imagine THIS GUY on the TITANIC?!!
YuP, Cap'n, LESS WATER COMING INTO the BOAT so we are OKAY!!
Things are LOOKING BETTER (as water continues to gush into the boat).
You KNOW what THIS GUY is, readers!!!
I guess that is "SPIN," huh?
And then look at all this apologetic sophistry. This is "reporting?"
Employment typically lags behind production because firms tend to hire slowly in the early stages of a recovery, increasing the hours of existing workers before taking on new employees. The lag, however, has become longer following recent recessions, as companies found such alternatives to hiring as moving work overseas or increasing automation.
Related: The Last Job You Will Ever Have
The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Jobs Gone Forever
Sort of explains the CONTINUING LOSS of JOBS as the economy "grows," doesn't it?
Following the recessions of the 1970s and 1980s, job growth resumed within a few months after production started to rise, according to data presented by president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Eric Rosengren. After each of the recessions of 1990-91 and 2001, it took at least a year after production began expanding for employment to grow, giving rise to the term “jobless recovery.’’
Then there IS NO RECOVERY!!!!
In Washington, President Obama also expressed disappointment as he announced the award of $2.3 billion in stimulus tax credits to alternative energy firms....
The Obama administration yesterday announced that 183 companies will get a total of $2.3 billion worth of tax credits for clean-energy manufacturing projects in 43 states. The tax credits are part of the $787 billion stimulus President Obama pushed through Congress last year. The projects getting the tax credit are forecast by the administration to create more than 17,000 jobs. “Building a robust clean-energy sector is how we will create the jobs of the future - jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced,’’ Obama said....
Oh, yeah!
Related: Green Jobs Going Global
So what is with the BLATANT, AGENDA-PUSHING LYING, sir!
I didn't see Evergreen in there!
Also see: Pelsoi Says Stimuloot a Success
GOOD USE of YOUR LOOT, 'eh, taxpayers?
Massachusetts will report December employment statistics in about two weeks. As with the nation, the state’s job losses have diminished significantly in recent months. In October and November, statewide job losses averaged about 1,300 a month, compared with more than 15,000 a month in the same period a year earlier, according to state Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The state unemployment rate fell in October and November, to 8.8 percent from 9.3 percent in September.
Yeah, except the Boston Globe Business Pages Are Nothing But Bulls***!!!
But the DOW ROSE yesterday so EVERYTHING is GREAT!
"These numbers absolutely do not represent an economy on the mend..... Have you noticed that, except for the leaders of very large corporations (like Goldman Sachs), every financial step this administration has put in place has made the lot of working people more miserable, and not less so?!? The middle class, which used to be the engine which drove this country, is rapidly getting squeezed out of existence, between crushing taxes, not getting anything back for those taxes, joblessness, and inflation." -- Wake the Flock Up