"Job losses nearly ended in Dec., economists say" by Courtney Schlisserman, Bloomberg News | January 4, 2010
WASHINGTON - The worst US employment slump in the post-World War II era may have almost ended in December, signaling the recovery will not be jobless much longer, economists said before reports this week....
The unemployment rate may have climbed....
Sigh. I'm so sick of the double-talking business section.
Stimulus-driven gains in global demand mean American companies may need to start boosting payrolls in 2010 after eliminating 7.2 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007.
Actually, it is OVER 7.5 MILLION now, but hey, who's counting, right agenda-pushing low ballers?
And how come you kept quiet for 10 months on that recession, MSM?
Now we are supposed to believe you?
Manufacturers are leading the rebound in growth as a pickup in orders and rising exports, combined with a record reduction in inventories, spurs production. Manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the economy, has been a driver of the recovery and is projected to continue to expand.
“Businesses are starting to come out of their shells,’’ said Zach Pandl, an economist at Nomura Securities International Inc. in New York. “We have turned the corner convincingly and have started on a path toward growth.’’
We've been hearing that for months and over endless corners.
The economy grew at a 2.2 percent annual rate in the third quarter, the first gain in more than a year....
First it was reported as a "robust" 3.5, then it was "revised" to 2.8, and NOW it is DOWN to 2.2? But, hey, what's a few more lies added to the daily MSM pile, huh?
Since the survey, economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Credit Suisse have revised estimates to more than 4 percent.
So the Wall Street LIARS tell us one thing while the numbers go in the other direction.
Related: Going Shopping for the Final Time
Yeah, that one post will show you the two faces of the MSM -- pre- and post-holiday masks, if you will.
Staffing at temporary employment agencies jumped the most in five years in November, which some economists and executives view as a sign total payroll growth is imminent.
See: Economy loses 85K jobs
Increases in temporary hiring are “a classic part of the recovery,’’ Manpower Inc.’s chief executive, Jeffrey Joerres, said in a Bloomberg Television interview last week....
Of course, once you start a lie you have to stick to it or you look like a really bad liar, huh, MSM?
"Manufacturing continues climb; Surprising report signals growth can be sustained" by Christopher S. Rugaber, Associated Press | January 5, 2010
WASHINGTON - An unexpectedly strong report on manufacturing activity yesterday bolstered confidence that the nation’s factories will help sustain an economic recovery.
The report by a private trade group signals that industrial production is likely to keep expanding in coming months, economists said.
They should add "agenda-pushing" to the description.
That could lead, in turn, to increased hiring and job creation....
Then again, it COULD NOT (as you saw from the 85,000 jobs lost in December).
But a separate report on construction spending sounded a more cautionary note. Construction activity fell in November for the seventh month in a row....
I'm SICK of the BAD WORDS by college writing instructor said NOT to put in a REPORT!!! This is NOT JOURNALISM, readers, this is GARBAGE!!!!
The 0.6 percent drop was bigger than the 0.4 percent decline that economists had been expecting.
Meanwhile, what said the lead paragraph of this PoS?
Increased spending on federal construction projects, likely fueled by stimulus spending, was largely canceled out by lower state and local construction spending.
See: Pelsoi Says Stimuloot a Success
Some "stimulus."
Another one of THOSE WORDS!!!!

Of course, with all those jobs coming back, foreclosures should ease, right?
"Prime mortgages are next hurdle; Rising joblessness is undermining homeowners with the best credit" by Kathleen M. Howley and Mike Dorning, Bloomberg News | January 5, 2010
Homeowners with the best credit are the next big risk for the US housing market.
An increase in mortgage defaults among prime borrowers in 2009 is likely to accelerate this year, slowing the real estate recovery even as Americans become more optimistic about the economy, said Robert Shiller and Karl Case, the economists who created the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index. “There will be continuing foreclosures and not just subprime; it will be prime mortgages,’’ Shiller, a professor at Yale University, said in an interview. “This is creating a huge shadow inventory of homes that are still owned, but they’re going to be on the market in the next year or so.’’
The number of prime mortgages overdue by at least 60 days more than doubled in the third quarter from a year earlier, to 838,000, according to report from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision. Unemployed homeowners struggling to pay their bills will default on their home loans and increase foreclosures, said Shiller and Case. Case recently retired from Wellesley College.
Employers have cut more than 7.2 million jobs in the last two years, the biggest employment loss since the Great Depression....
Actually, if you do the math over time, it is OVER 7.5 MILLION, but WHO'S COUNTING?
“Unemployment is not respecting income boundaries,’’ said Case in an interview. “It’s affecting rich people, poor people, and middle-income people, and they all have mortgages.’’
“The wealthier communities are experiencing maybe for the first time the hardship that low-income and minority communities have been feeling for many years.’’
Maybe it will enlighten them.
The United States may begin to see some signs of a housing recovery this year, he said. While an increase in prime foreclosures will slow the housing recovery that began in September, it will not be enough to knock it entirely off track, Case said. Sales of older houses rose in November to the highest level in almost three years, the third consecutive monthly gain, and the supply of new homes for sale is at the lowest level in almost four decades. Foreclosures are declining for the type of subprime mortgages that sparked the global financial meltdown in 2008....
Had enough MSM cheerleading?
“What makes the rising default rates on prime loans so insidious is these are not folks who took out some crazy new type of mortgage,’’ said Brad Hunter, chief economist at MetroStudy real estate research in West Palm Beach, Fla. “These are people who probably took out what would ordinarily be a responsible mortgage.’’
So WHERE is YOUR BAILOUT, America, huh?
WASHINGTON - The number of people preparing to buy a home fell sharply in November, an unsettling new sign that the housing market could be headed for a “double-dip’’ downturn over the winter.
Get ready for the Grand Depression, America!
Yes, the MSM LIED TO YOU again!
The figures came yesterday after a similarly discouraging report on new home sales, showing how heavily the housing market depends on government help....
As if that is what they were doing!
The expected decline in home sales and prices this winter appears to pose less of a threat to the broader economy, though.
Sigh, pfffft.
Factory orders, for example, posted a big gain in November, the Commerce Department said Tuesday....
Oh, the LYING, "revising" GOVERNMENT SAID, huh?
And remember that shopping link I posted earlier?
Use it here, too; you might even recognize the reporter's name.
"New figures show sales gains for stores for December; Men’s clothing fared better than women’s" by Anne D’Innocenzio, Associated Press | January 6, 2010
NEW YORK - Holiday shoppers bought a little more jewelry, electronics, and boots but....
That's not what they were saying two weeks ago, not what they were saying a week ago, not what they were saying a day ago, BUT....!
However, could be, if, may be, etc, etc, etc!!!! PFFFFFFT!
retailers are feeling somewhat encouraged, entering 2010 with fewer clearance racks and expecting fourth-quarter results to improve, compared with the previous year, when many lost money. “It was a holiday season of modest sales gains but healthy profits,’’ said Michael P. Niemira, chief economist at the International Council of Shopping Centers. “The question is, what kind of momentum do we have in the next few weeks? There is no reason for shoppers to buy.’’
And I sure as hell won't be!!!
And I wonder how long I can continue to read business section bulls***:
NEW YORK - A gauge of the US service sector showed growth last month, in part because of holiday retail sales. The expansion reflected a slowly improving economy - but it was too slight to generate much hiring....
Answer: NO!
And it was Xmas (when seasonal help was supposed to be ADDED!).
Thanks for the DECEPTIONS, MSM!!!!
The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group, said four service-sector groups added jobs in December: retail, finance and insurance, public administration, and a category of other services. Retailers added temporary workers for the holiday season....
The Labor Department reported last month that the service sector added jobs in November, though that wasn’t reflected in the ISM survey. The service sector is so large the ISM survey may not be effective in calculating changes in employment, TD Securities’ Millan Mulraine said. He predicts the economy will post a net increase of 25,000 jobs for December....
Gee, was HE EVER OFF!!!
The ISM report said new orders expanded for the fourth straight month, though less quickly than in November. Business activity also grew, as did the prices paid by businesses.
I think we can FLUSH the ISM survey because that is right were it belongs.
That may mean service companies will pass higher costs on to consumers, collecting higher revenue.
And they will claim the economy grew!!!
That is NOT WHAT I was TOLD PREVIOUSLY, dammit!!!!
The service sector, which depends on consumer spending, is a much bigger factor in job creation.
Had it with the MSM horse-shit tossing, readers?
Did the Glob cut anything?
"Service sector growing again, but new jobs are few" by Tali Arbel, AP Business Writer | January 6, 2010
Jason Kilpatrick of Wholesale Fuel hauls a hose across a snow covered yard while delivering home heating oil in Framingham, Mass., Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010. A private trade group said Wednesday, Jan. 6, a measure tracking the U.S. service sector returned to growth last month, but the slight expansion wasn't enough to kick-start hiring. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)
Yeah, that's about all.
But you know who (rhymes with) is coming to the rescue, according to the Boston Globe.
For Jerry Rubin, the chief executive of Jewish Vocational Service, the first hint of an improving job market came in late September when a program manager reported something Rubin hadn’t heard in months: Companies were calling in search of workers.
Since then, the phone calls have kept coming, and the nonprofit employment services agency known as JVS has found jobs for nearly 300 workers....
Yeah, meanwhile we have lost TENS of THOUSANDS if not MORE!!!!!!
Over the past few months, JVS has placed anywhere from six to 15 workers at each of several employers, including CVS Caremark Corp., Partners HealthCare System Inc., and Corporate Chefs Inc., a Haverhill food service company....
Honestly, readers, I have HAD IT with the SELF-SERVING SELF-PROMOTION of the Zionist s*** sheet!
JVS, which provides training, career counseling, and placement services, offers a window on the Massachusetts job market and more evidence that the outlook is improving.... Rubin’s leading indicator is the telephone. For most of last year, the phones rarely rang with calls from employers. Now, the phones are buzzing again with calls from hospitals, universities, nonprofits, hotels, and restaurants. Among the companies calling is Legal Sea Foods. Chief executive Roger Berkowitz said the Boston restaurant chain added about 150 jobs in Massachusetts as business picked up over the past few months.
Yup, JEWS giving JOBS to JEWS, that's all!
The lucky ones. With the state unemployment rate at 8.8 percent, more than 300,000 Massachusetts residents are still out of work, and tens of thousands more are underemployed, meaning they are working part time because they can’t find full-time jobs.
But 300 jobs -- a piss in the ocean -- is FRONT-PAGE SUCCESS!!!
The number of people using JVS’s services surged nearly 50 percent last year, to about 20,000.
Yeah, the Jews take care of everyone, right.
“This has been the worst year in the labor market that I’ve ever seen,’’ said Rubin, the JVS chief executive. “The fact that we’re able to see any sign of a turnaround is huge.’’
Another promising sign is coming from temporary employment, which economists consider a leading indicator of the job market. In the early stages of a recovery, companies tend to first hire temps and contract workers until they gain confidence to increase their payrolls....
Are you TIRED of that lie yet?
But better is a relative term....
More of Gavin's fine work.
Massachusetts' Economic Magic
Not Making It in Massachusetts
Boston Globe Business Pages Are Nothing But Bulls***!
A Tale of Two Economies
"Economy loses 85K jobs, unemployment rate steady" by Christopher S. Rugaber, AP Economics Writer | January 8, 2010
WASHINGTON --Lack of confidence in the economic recovery led employers to shed a more-than-expected 85,000 jobs in December....
More people... leaving the labor force because they can't find jobs..... jobless are giving up on their search for work. Once people stop looking for jobs, they are no longer counted....
Yeah, hi, readers.
When discouraged workers and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs are included, the so-called "underemployment" rate in December rose to 17.3 percent....
Almost 1 in 5 Americans OUT of WORK!!
Revised figures found an increase in November, it was tiny.....
The economy has lost more than 8 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. And while layoffs have slowed, they haven't ended.
Yup, just a couple of days agio it was only 7.2 million jobs lost -- and this is a web pick-up the paper may never see.
UPS said Friday it will cut 1,800 jobs. And defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. said this week it is cutting 1,200 workers....
Job losses remained widespread: manufacturing lost 27,000 jobs and construction shed 53,000, while retailers, the leisure and hospitality industries and government also cut workers.
And UP ABOVE we were told they ALL ADDED JOBS!!!!!