"Aid slowly reaching Haitians as desperation grows" by Alfred de Montesquiou and Mike Melia, Associated Press Writers | January 15, 2010

(Bill Greene/Globe Staff)
What are those black dots on the blankets?
They are FLIES, readers!!!!
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti --Pushed to the far edge of desperation, earthquake-ravaged Haitians dumped decaying bodies into mass graves and begged for water and food Friday amid fear that time is running out to avoid chaos and to rescue anyone still alive in the wreckage.
The U.S. military brought some relief, taking control of the airport, helping coordinate flights bringing in aid and evacuating foreigners and the injured. Medical teams, meanwhile, set up makeshift hospitals, workers started to clear the streets of corpses and water was being distributed in pockets of the city. But the task was enormous.
Related: After a day of deliveries, US ship runs out of aid
Convinced now? And notice how little mention U.S. military actions receives in the reports, folks. I've seen this MSM movie before.
Aid workers and authorities warned that unless they can quickly get aid to the people, Port-au-Prince will degenerate into lawlessness. There were reports of isolated looting as young men walked through downtown with machetes, and robbers reportedly shot one man whose body was left on the street. Survivors also fought each other for food pulled from the debris.
Yeah, those black people need a white hand to help. They should never have rebelled and formed their own country.
"I'm getting the sense that if the situation doesn't get sorted (out) real soon, it will devolve into chaos," said Steve Matthews, a veteran relief worker with the Christian aid organization World Vision.
Where is the U.S military and its security?
Time also was running out to rescue anyone who may still be trapped alive in the many buildings in Port-au-Prince that collapsed in Tuesday's magnitude-7.0 quake. "Beyond three or four days without water, they'll be pretty ill," said Dr. Michael VanRooyen of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in Boston. "Around three days would be where you would see people start to succumb."
An Australian TV crew pulled a healthy 16-month-old girl from the wreckage of her house Friday -- about 68 hours after the earthquake struck. In a collapsed house, neighbors and reporters heard a cry and found an air pocket: part of the top floor had been held up by a cabinet.
"I could see a dead body that was there, sort of on top of the cabinet; I could hear the baby on the left side of the body screaming," said David Celestino of the Dominican Republic, who had been working with the TV crew.
Although her parents were dead, Winnie Tilin survived with only scratches and soon was in the arms of her uncle, whose pregnant wife also was killed.
"I have to consider her like my baby because mine is passed," Frantz Tilin told The Associated Press.
As temperatures rose into the high 80s (upper 20s Celsius), the sickly smell of the dead lingered over Port-au-Prince, where countless bodies remained unclaimed in the streets. Hundreds of bloated corpses were stacked outside the city morgue, and limbs of the dead protruded from crushed schools and homes.
How can that be? The AmeriKan MSM made it sound like everyone was rushing right there yesterday and getting to it! The whole world was mobilizing! Makes you wonder where the hell they have been all these years.
At a cemetery outside the city, trucks dumped bodies by the dozens into a mass grave. Elsewhere, people pulled a box filled with bodies along a road, then used a mechanical front-loader to lift the box and tip it into a large metal trash bin. South of the capital, workers burned more than 2,000 bodies in a trash dump.
And the Haitians are nothing but burnt trash, huh? (Sob)
The Red Cross estimates 45,000 to 50,000 people were killed.
I heard 500,000 even.
"Leading Senator Youri Latortue told the AP that 500,000 could be dead, but acknowledged that nobody really knows."
And we probably never will.
A third of Haiti's 9 million people may be in need of aid. As many as half of the buildings in the capital and other hard-hit areas were damaged or destroyed, according to the United Nations.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the World Food Program was providing high-energy biscuits and ready-to-eat meals to around 8,000 people "several times a day."
"Obviously, that is only a drop in the bucket in the face of the massive need, but the agency will be scaling up to feed approximately 1 million people within 15 days and 2 million people within a month," he said.
Yeah, the U.N. is great, yup.
"International officials and the Haitian government credit MINUSTAH with improving security in Haiti. But some Haitians see the foreign troops as prone to using reckless force with impunity. When last summer massive crowds attended the Port-Au-Prince funeral of Father Gerard Jean-Juste, a popular priest, U.N. troops were seen on state television opening fire"
"The coup was promoted to advance the process of neoliberal capital accumulation, break the left and the unions, and break Famni Lavalas and the civil society organisations sustaining resistance. For years, UN 'peacekeepers' have slaughtered thousands of Haitians, and the residents have been put through rigged election procedures."
But they are NOW coming to HELP, huh?
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she would go to Haiti on Saturday to to inspect the damage and meet with President Rene Preval and other officials.
She wants to the results of the HAARP up close.
Clinton, who will travel with USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah, said she wants to convey "our long-term, unwavering support, solidarity and sympathies."
Where you been all these years?
"There are going to be many difficult days ahead," said President Barack Obama, speaking for the fourth time on the disaster in three days.
Easy for him to say. None of them will be for him.
The effort to get aid to the victims has been stymied by blocked roads, congestion at the airport, limited equipment and other obstacles. U.N. peacekeepers patrolling the capital said popular anger was rising, warning aid convoys to add security to guard against looting.
Yeah, because when they see the MURDEROUS U.N. "peacekeepers" coming they GET ANGRY!! YOU would too, readers!
And that is where my PRINTED PAPER cut it!
"People who have not been eating or drinking for almost 50 hours and are already in a very poor situation -- if they see a truck with something, or if they see a supermarket which has collapsed, they just rush to get something to eat," U.N. humanitarian spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said in Geneva.
Yeah, and I'm sure this helped out:
"Given all these hardships, the Haiti government is still obligated to use what little money it has to pay off the debt to international financial institutions, much of it accrued by past dictators. This is money that the government would otherwise likely put toward healthcare and education. Even with the crises of food price inflation, hurricane recovery, and this tragedy, the government of Haiti continues to pay nearly $1 million per week"
If the globalists truly wanted to help Haiti all this time they would have forgave the debt and let Haiti keep the money.
Tom Osbeck, an Indiana missionary whose Protestant-run Jesus in Haiti Ministry operates a school north of Port-au-Prince, said nerves were becoming increasingly frayed. "Even distributing food or water is very dangerous. People are desperate and will fight to death for a cup of water," Osbeck said.
Those savages!
Tempers flared at one of the capital's functioning gas stations as drivers tried to jockey their dusty cars into line. An armed guard brandishing a shotgun intervened to keep motorists from coming to blows.
Yup, MILITARY GENDARMES keep the agenda-pushing peace!
Grocery stores were looted clean soon after the quake, according to Emilia Casella of the U.N. World Food Program. She said the WFP would start handing out 6,000 tons of food aid recovered from a damaged warehouse in the city's Cite Soleil slum and was preparing shipments of enough ready-to-eat meals to feed 2 million Haitians for a month.
Asked about the concern of frustration spilling into violence, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said his peacekeepers, working with Haitian police, "are now taking charge of law and order in the city."
And WHAT are the U.S. TROOPS doing?
"A small contingent of US ground troops could be on their way soon, although it was unclear whether the troops would be used for security operations or for humanitarian efforts"
Haven't heard or seen anything since except the brief blurb above.
"I suspect there will be some frustrations felt by the general population," he added. "We are very much concerned about that kind of possibility and are taking all possible precautionary measures. Until now, I think we have so far not seen major problems."
The U.S. military has several hundred personnel on the ground, including more than 100 troops from the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division. Hundreds of sailors, meanwhile, pulled into Port-au-Prince harbor on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson. Within hours, an 82nd Airborne rapid response unit was handing out food, water and medical supplies from two cargo pallets outside the airport, a helicopter lifted off with water to distribute, and a reconnaissance chopper went searching for drop zones around the capital to move out more aid. Soldiers said they expected more supplies later in the day.
Yup, and the GLOBE CUT IT for their newspaper and the AP censored them running out of supplies. Pffft!
At the airport, foreigners waved their passports to guards as they scrambled to escape the chaos by boarding the departing flights. "We've had people crying, people passing out," said Muriel Sinai, 38, a nurse from Orlando, Fla. Some 250 Americans were flown to New Jersey's McGuire Air Force Base on three military planes. U.S. forces in control of the airport initially blocked French and Canadians from boarding planes, even though a French military aircraft stood by. They lifted their cordon after protests from French and Canadian officials.
And WHAT is with the CENSORSHIP, Boston Globe?
The State Department said the U.S. death toll was six and predicted it will rise.
The Cuban government said Friday it had allowed U.S. airplanes to fly through its airspace as it evacuated wounded from Haiti, a move which shaves 90 minutes off flights to Miami.
Yeah, the CUBAN and CHINESE PRESENCES have been ALL BUT OMITTED from my back-slapping, self-adulating, globalist AmeriKan MSM!
With hospitals devastated, more than 3,000 injured have been treated in the Dominican Republic, including Haitian Senate President Kelly Bastien. A border hospital in Jimani is overflowing, while a trauma center in Santo Domingo requested blood donations to keep up with demand. In Port-au-Prince, some 100 people have died while waiting for treatment at the offices of Doctors Without Borders, mission director Stefano Zannini said by phone. Open fractures are the most common injury, he said. "I can see thousands of them walking in the streets, lost, asking for help, asking for everything," he said.
Just wondering why the Globe whacked this all this.
There was good news too: surgeons performed a complicated cesarean birth, Zannini said. "I am very proud to share with you that we were able to save both the lives of the baby and the mother."
An El Al
Oh, and the ISRAELIS are now involved, too!
Oh, STINK-STENCH, readers!!
How about FLYING RIGHT BACK to GAZA and setting one up there, huh?
In front of the collapsed National Palace, thousands of homeless in makeshift camps pleaded for help. Marimartha Syrel, a nurse, said nobody had provided even water since Tuesday. "We can't cook food. We can't do anything." The sidewalks were littered with excrement left on paper plates.
Oh, God!!!!
"They are very hungry," said Rivia Alce, a 21-year-old street vendor selling gum, cigarettes and rum. If no help comes, she said, "we will die."
Don't eat what is on the plate!
Maybe you could try a cookie: Haitians trick empty bellies with dirt cookies
Nearby, a woman with a bowl of water on the sidewalk bathed a naked girl without soap. Then she washed an elderly woman, naked but for a sagging pair of white panties.
How come that care and cooperation only gets a paragraph and the chaotic looters get paragraphs? I'm tired of racist agendas being shoved in my face.
A block away, a dozen bodies lay bloated and uncovered on the sidewalk -- one of them with arms reaching out, as if begging for release.
Rubble spilling over from collapsed buildings blocked downtown traffic to all but pedestrians. People covered their faces with scarves to shield themselves from dust and the stench of decay. Small bands of young men and boys carrying machetes roamed the streets.
"They are scavenging everything. What can you do?" said 53-year-old Michel Legros, who was waiting for heavy equipment to excavate his house, where he added that seven relatives were buried. "I know some of them died."
Sure is an awful lot to leave of the cutting room floor, Globe!
Let's see how their on-the-ground (?) reporter is doing:
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - They arrived at the hospital bloodied and bandaged, on slabs of wood, on the backs of pickup trucks or carried in weary arms. Under the searing sun, the injured or dying lay yesterday on a garbage-strewn street waiting desperately for care.
Ritha Carelus, 14, lay among them in the street, under a stained white-and-yellow checked sheet, three days after her father, Elinord, pulled her from the rubble of her collapsed high school. “Papa,’’ she had called to him beneath the wreckage. “I’m not dead yet.’’
He had rushed her to a makeshift clinic set up by Trinity Hospital, carrying her on a mattress. But yesterday, he became increasingly frantic as Ritha grew weaker from blood loss, and a bone protruded through the skin of one leg. “She’s dying,’’ Elinord Carelus, a 44-year-old charcoal salesman, shouted toward medical staff behind a gate. “Nobody’s helping her.’’
Even the timing of the quake is strange.
After the MSM globalist promos of yesterday, everyone heads into the weekend and a Slow Saturday thinking things are getting done -- when they are not.
The scene in front of the hospital reflects a medical system in Haiti that is overwhelmed after Tuesday’s earthquake. Even as medical teams from New England and elsewhere stream into this devastated nation, concerns mounted about the lack of emergency care, along with food and water. Scores of hospitals and clinics throughout the capital are flattened or damaged, and many quake victims are left to die in the streets.
But help is coming!
Amazing how the only things that get immediate attention are banks and wars.
The Trinity hospital, run by Doctors Without Borders in the capital’s Delmas section, was nearly destroyed, forcing the staff to erect the clinic in a private house across the street. But the injured filled the driveway of the house and flowed outside onto the street. A small boy and a man lay dead. On Thursday, dozens of bodies were taken away in a dump truck.
And dumped! What an insult.
Yesterday, clinic staffers could be seen treating several patients inside the gate, but the line outside never seemed to get any shorter. Hassan Maiyaki, a hospital administrator, said they were badly understaffed. The three-story hospital, now collapsed to two stories, had housed 62 beds and three operating rooms - one of which was visible through a downed wall.
“We asked for help, but we’re waiting for the planes to come in,’’ he said. “It pains me very much. For three days, I’m here and I’m seeing people dying. What I feel is more than catastrophic. I don’t have the words for it. We need help, all kinds of help.’’
The race for medical care unfolded on Delmas 19, a residential street of concrete houses and bougainvillea trees, now strewn with discarded soda bottles, surgical masks, and latex gloves. The injured and their families waited all day and all night, sometimes going home and returning at dawn. They built patchwork tents using tarps, sticks, and concrete blocks to shield themselves from the sun. In the absence of doctors, families took care of one another, waving away flies, whispering words of comfort and dispensing sips of water from plastic bottles.
I made that large so YOU WOULD NOTICE IT because you probably won't see much more of that in the racist, divisive, AmeriKan MSM!
Jean Herard, a 39-year-old carpenter, carried his son Jeleson, 12, in his arms and gently placed him at the iron gate to the driveway, where patients in hospital gowns sat on thin cushions, IVs dangling from poles stuck into buckets. Jeleson, dressed in a yellow shirt and his underwear, had a broken leg and his head was wrapped in a bandage. “He’s getting worse,’’ Herard said, as his son sat on a thin towel with his sister Vadeline, 14, propping up his head.
Some victims were alone, so others waiting in line or just passing by stopped to help them.
Marie Therése Sintil, a 52-year-old street vendor, fed crackers to a gaunt little girl with long eyelashes who lay on a dirty white towel. Nobody knew her name, and she did not speak. She looked about 2 years old, and they believed she was an orphan. “She has nobody,’’ said Sintil, who was here with her 50-year-old brother, Queto, whose feet were crushed.
Sintil said she was appalled by the lack of care for the poor. Some of those injured had suffered intense pain for so long that they no longer cried. “I’ve never seen this in my life,’’ she said. “Everybody’s sick. Everybody’s bad. You don’t hear any more noise because you have no more strength to cry.’’
Not there yet!
Down the street, a man in a blue polo shirt trembled uncontrollably in a bloodstained sheet, with only a cardboard box for cover. “I have no family,’’ he said. Next to him, a 10-year-old Rony Trazil, his face caked in blood, also lay alone on a folded-up plastic table, wearing a blue and white checked shirt. It was unclear who had brought him here, but as strangers gathered around him, he told them his address and telephone number. They realized that he lived nearby, and someone raced to find his family. In seconds, his brother, Kesnel Trazil, a 35-year-old teacher, came running and collapsed with a shriek when he saw his brother. Before long, the rest of Rony’s family arrived. “You’ll be OK,’’ his father, Lenord, said. “You’re in your father’s hands.’’
In his family’s embrace, the boy started to cry, saying he wanted a bath. They tenderly removed his bloodied clothes and dressed him in a red shirt and pants. His sister climbed underneath him, to cushion his small body. They removed a scarf over the back of his head, revealing a large hole in his skull.
Beautiful people who SHAME US, AmeriKa!!!!!
When it became clear that no doctor was coming, his brother gathered Rony in his arms and decided to search elsewhere for medical attention. “We’re just going to walk,’’ he said.
Will the Globe tell us if he dies from lack of care?
Of course, the web version picks up a NYT piece:
"Desperation grows despite aid; Fear of chaos builds amid enormous task" by Marc Lacey, New York Times | January 16, 2010

People looted yesterday from a destroyed store in Port-au-Prince, and young men were seen downtown with machetes. (Carlos Barria/ Reuters)
So THAT is the Jew York Times' focus, huh?
I really despise that newspaper now, and am sorry I ever bought it or read it at all.
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - As tension rose in the battered Haitian capital, relief workers scrambled yesterday to deliver desperately needed food, water, and medical care, recover survivors trapped in the rubble, and collect thousands of decaying bodies from the streets.
This is WORSE than HELL!
An immense relief operation was underway, with cargo planes and military helicopters buzzing over the crowded Toussaint Louverture International Airport. But three days after the earthquake struck, with many cries for help going silent, not nearly enough search and rescue teams or emergency supplies could make it here: The United Nations said it had fed 8,000 people, while 2 million to 3 million people remained in dire need.
I'm SICK of the SPIN, NYT!!
Patience was wearing thin, and reports of looting increased, as another day went by with no power and limited fresh water....
The United Nations said that 9,000 people had been buried in mass graves - and collecting bodies had become one of the few ways to earn money. On the outskirts of Port-au-Prince, more than 100 bodies were dumped in piles large and small, including two mass graves next to a giant backhoe in a valley ringed by green hills.
A Globe reporter and photographer viewed multiple graves yesterday on a drive along the winding Highway 1 heading north out of town....
Well, if they are going to go to her for her report, why continue?
The United States, in fact, took firmer control of the emergency operation yesterday: After three days of chaos and congestion at the airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s government ceded control of it to American technicians, to speed the flow of relief supplies and personnel.
This after Ban said yesterday the United Nations would be in charge!
"The United Nations, not the United States, will take the lead in coordinating the humanitarian response, Ban said."
Which means those UNMENTIONED U.S. MILITARY DEPLOYMENTS are for "security" and OCCUPATION!!!!!!!
I'm sick of being right.
The Federal Aviation Administration, which has been coordinating air traffic control there, issued a stern warning to allow aid to flow in a more orderly way: No planes from the United States, military or civilian, would be allowed to land without express permission from the agency....
Yeah, that's why the French and Canadians were hassled by airport security!!!
Again, none of this is making my printed paper, readers.
And the Boston Globe wants Western Mass. to bail out Martha Coakley's senate run?
Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that 9,000 to 10,000 US forces were expected in Haiti, on shore and off, by Monday, and that the Pentagon was poised to send more.
This REALLY WAS about REOCCUPYING Haiti, America!!!!
All remaining UNMENTIONED to the NEWSPAPER READER of New England!!!!
Speaking at a Pentagon news conference, Mullen said that about 5,000 would be ground forces, who would help with security and logistical support, among other duties; the rest would be on ships. He said that a US aircraft carrier, the Carl Vinson, arrived off Haiti early yesterday with 19 helicopters aboard, and that it would serve as a staging area for relief flights, purified water and other supplies.
And for the hemispheric war the U.S. intends to start?
Port-au-Prince, volatile in normal times, remained relatively calm, but the United Nations reported that one of its food warehouses in the capital had been looted. It called the theft limited and said it had recovered most of its provisions.
Then they were NOT VERY GOOD LOOTERS, huh?
NOW I wonder if the "looters" focus is NOT MORE MSM BS!!
What is with ALL the CENSORSHIP, huh?
Looting of houses and shops increased yesterday, and anger boiled over in unpredictable ways. Residents near the city’s overfilled main cemetery stoned a group of ambulance workers seeking to drop off more bodies....
No sooner are the words off my keyboard and.... the f***ing s*** NYT, too!
BACK to my PRINTED PAPER, folks:
"Hospitals asked to aid quake victims" by Kay Lazar, Globe Staff | January 16, 2010
Partners in Health, a Boston-based international health organization, sent out an SOS yesterday to all US hospitals, asking whether any can accept severely injured patients from Haiti who are in dire need of surgery.
Hey, I am ALL FOR CARING for the Haitians; however, OVER 50 MILLION Americans do NOT GET THAT LEVEL of CONCERN -- and neither did the Haitians before this!!!
“At some point, we will get enough operating rooms functioning on the ground in Haiti, but there are people for whom the next 24 hours is life or death,’’ said Partners in Health spokesman Andrew Marx.
I think we know how that is going to turn out, huh?
He said the nonprofit is sending surgeons and medical supplies to Haiti in donated airplanes and is hoping to send those planes back to the United States with the most critically injured patients.
Sort of like the gun-running and drug-running planes, huh?
For years, Partners in Health has had a major presence in Haiti, with a workforce of about 4,000, including 100 physicians and 600 nurses.
Then WHY in the world is the place such a s*** hole?
Marx said the organization’s hospitals, located about two hours from Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, have been swamped with people seeking medical help. Hospitals in the capital were damaged or destroyed, and those still operating are seriously understaffed.
“There are patients who are really, critically in need of surgical intervention in order to save their lives,’’ Marx said. “There are many dire compound fractures and there are amputations needed, arms, legs, you name it,’’ he said. “Our medical director on the call this morning from Haiti said if there are any general medical people on the plane coming here, boot them off and use that seat for surgical nurses, surgeons, and anesthetists.’’
Later, on its website, Partners in Health thanked the medical community for its outpouring of help but said it is “unable to accommodate any volunteers without significant surgical or trauma training and experience.’’
Which is now stuck at the airport.
Meanwhile, the Massachusetts Hospital Association and the state Department of Public Health e-mailed a survey yesterday to all health care facilities, asking them to detail any assistance they could provide.
Do you have insurance?
That's the first thing they ask you, Haitians!
Certainly the stuff must be making it in now:
"Supplies still en route, medical team awaits an enormous task" by Stephen Smith, Globe Staff | January 16, 2010

Sister Elida Vixamar received aid from a Colombian soldier yesterday in Port-au-Prince. The International Medical Surgical Response Team’s cache of medical supplies was to arrive today. (Dina Rudick/ Globe Staff)
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - For one more night, they must wait before they can begin their mission in this earthquake-shattered city: to ease suffering, to save lives.....
They have been waiting for a lifetime already -- a lifetime about to end for many.
For the moment, the International Medical Surgical Response Team lacked the sutures and scalpels, the beds and bandages, necessary to do its work. For one more night, they would wait - under the stars at the US Embassy in the capital.
“I do think there is frustration, but when you’re in a crisis situation, the biggest thing is being flexible,’’ said Dr. Lynn Black, an internist at Massachusetts General Hospital who is embarking on her first deployment with the disaster response team....
If they are feeling frustration, imagine what the Haitians are feeling!
As the charter plane descended yesterday, the sky was bright, the air heavy.
With the SMELL of DEATH, the WORST SMELL in the WORLD!!!
And the depth of need was profoundly evident, even on the airport apron, in the shadow of the terminal’s cracked facade. There, three nuns, bloodied and broken, awaited transfer to a hospital in the neighboring Dominican Republic. The nuns, who belong to the Daughters of Mary order, were crushed when their convent collapsed. Others - many others, one nun said - were left for dead in the rubble. A Colombian soldier clasped the hand of a nun in training. Next to her, a nun clad in light blue habit and white veil held an intravenous bag tethered to a nun whose hip appeared broken.
Sister Lucie Sanon was in another building when the quake hit and emerged unscathed. Yesterday, she helped the other nuns from her order clamber into an ambulance, praying they would escape the devastation of Haiti. “That’s not God who has done this,’’ said Sanon, her face serene. “That’s the earth. We must have faith.’’
ABSOLUTELY NOT, but you are approaching Rush and Robertson territory by even mentioning it!
As she spoke, hulking airplanes lumbered on the tarmac, some disgorging supplies, others preparing to ferry people trapped in Haiti since the earthquake struck Tuesday. A contingent of bright-eyed young women who had traveled from Chicago to help open a clinic, sat in a queue for their turn to board a plane. Their first days in Haiti - before the quake - were spent treating routine maladies. “We went from fungus and scabies,’’ said 26-year-old Heather Vruggink, “to limbs blown off and major head wounds.’’
It was a foreshadowing of what the surgical response team appeared likely to encounter.
Before leaving Atlanta, the deputy commander of the squad stood in a hotel room, reminding team members that they would soon be practicing their trade on unfamiliar medical terrain.
“Remember,’’ said Phil Nix, a physician assistant from Miami, “the standard of care we’re going to provide is not what we’re used to in the United States.’’
Eleven hours later, Nix and the other 49 members of the disaster medical team found themselves in the beds of rumbling white dump trucks. The trucks gingerly exited the airport in a convoy, snaking past shards of homes before arriving at the imposing and intact US Embassy.
Today, they were told, their supplies would arrive. And their work could begin.
--more--"Okay, let's see:
"Haiti aid flow grows; feuds over reaching victims" by Alfred de Montesquiou and Mike Melia, Associated Press Writers | January 16, 2010

A group of Haitians gather at a shopping center to talk about the earthquake that hit Haiti, in Haiti in the "Little Haiti" section of Miami, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010. On Tuesday, an earthquake shook Haiti, the largest ever recorded in the area collapsing a hospital where people screamed for help. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Yeah, everything almost back to normal, huh?
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti --Hungry, haggard survivors clamored for food and water Saturday as donors squabbled over how to get aid into Haiti and rescuers waged an increasingly improbable battle to free the dying before they become the dead.
So the UNITED WORLD can not even get together here, huh?
Why do I have the feeling it is AmeriKa's fault (see above)?
Haiti's government alone has already recovered 20,000 bodies -- not counting those recovered by independent agencies or relatives themselves, Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive told The Associated Press. He said a final toll of 100,000 dead would "seem to be the minimum."
I'm expecting at least 500,000.
There were growing signs that foreign aid and rescue workers were getting to the people most in need -- even those buried deep beneath collapsed buildings -- while others struggled to cope with the countless bodies still left on the streets. Crowds of Haitians thronged around foreign workers shoveling through piles of wreckage at shattered buildings throughout the city, using sniffer dogs, shovels and in some cases heavy earth-moving equipment.
Searchers poked a camera on a wire thorough a hole at the collapsed Hotel Montana and spotted three people who were still alive, and they heard the voice of a woman speaking French, said Ecuadorian Red Cross worker David Betancourt. In Washington, President Barack Obama joined with his predecessors George W. Bush and Bill Clinton to appeal for donations to help Haiti and he sent Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Caribbean nation....
That last part really makes me sick.
"We stand united with the people of Haiti, who have shown such incredible resilience, and we will help them to recover and to rebuild," Obama vowed.
Blah, blah, blah!
Bellerive said an estimated 300,000 people are living on the streets in port-au-Prince and "Getting them water, and food, and a shelter is our top priority."
The U.S. military operating Haiti's damaged main airport said it can now handle 90 flights a day, but that wasn't enough to cope with all the planes sent by foreign donors and governments circling overhead in hopes of winning one of the few spots available on the tarmac. France's Cooperation Minister Alain Joyandet told The Associated Press that he had filed an official complaint to the U.S. government after two French planes, one carrying a field hospital, were denied permission to land.
Let me see if my printed paper reports that tomorrow! So far the Boston Globe has barely said a word about any of this.
A plane carrying the prime ministers of two Caribbean nations also was forced to turn back late Friday due to a lack of space at the airport, the Caricom trade bloc announced. Haitian President Rene Preval urged donors to avoid arguments.
"This is an extremely difficult situation. We must keep our cool to do coordination and not to throw accusations at each other," Preval said after emerging from a meeting with donor groups and nations at a dilapidated police station that serves as his temporary headquarters.
So his government is our government, and he's a globalist. Thus the coups and rigged elections.
With the National Palace and many ministries destroyed, Preval meets with ministers in the open air in a circle of plastic chairs. On a street in the heavily damaged downtown area, the spade of a massive bulldozer quickly filled up with dead bodies headed for a morgue and immediate burial. Haiti's Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive told AP that disposing of bodies had become crucial. "Sadly, we have to bring everybody to mass graves because we are racing against a possible epidemic," told AP. Haitians already have been piling bodies and burning them. Many in the city have painted toothpaste around their nostrils and beg passers-by for surgical masks to cut the smell.
The U.S. Southern Command said it now has 24 helicopters flying relief missions -- many from warships off the coast -- with 4,200 military personnel involved and 6,300 more due by Monday. But with aid still scarce in many areas, there were scattered signs that the desperate -- or the criminal -- were taking things into their own hands.
What, aid scare after all the movement and arm-flailing above?
And right back to the looter agenda, 'eh?
A water delivery truck driver said he was attacked in one of the city's slums. There were reports of isolated looting as young men walked through downtown with machetes, and robbers reportedly shot one man whose body was left on the street. An AP photographer saw one looter haul a corpse from a coffin at a city cemetery and then drive away with the box.
WTF? How are they going to make money
"I don't know how much longer we can hold out," said Dee Leahy, a lay missionary from St. Louis, Missouri, who was working with nuns handing out provisions from their small stockpile. "We need food, we need medical supplies, we need medicine, we need vitamins and we need painkillers. And we need it urgently."
U.N. spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said the disaster is the most challenging the U.N. has faced in terms of resources needed. She said there was so much damage to local government and infrastructure that is is harder for relief agencies to work than it was after the Asian tsuanami of 2004.
Related: AmeriKan MSM Celebrates Tsunami Success
The Red Cross estimates 45,000 to 50,000 people were killed in Tuesday's magnitude-7.0 earthquake. The Pan American Health Organization estimated the toll at 50,000 to 100,000. A third of Haiti's 9 million people may be in need of aid. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the World Food Program was providing high-energy biscuits and ready-to-eat meals to around 8,000 people "several times a day." "Obviously, that is only a drop in the bucket in the face of the massive need, but the agency will be scaling up to feed approximately 1 million people within 15 days and 2 million people within a month," he said.
Yup, U.N. is doing a great job.
Troops from the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division began setting up an aid station on a golf course in an affluent part of the city, but they had no supplies to hand out yet and Capt. John Hartsock said it would be another two days before they could start distributing food and water. "We've got to wait until we've got enough established so we can hand it out in a civilized fashion," Hartsock said.
Many, though, cannot wait. A violent scuffle broke out among several hundred people jostling to be first in line as three U.S. military helicopters were landing at the golf course with food and water. The chopper pilots decided it was too dangerous to remain and took off with their precious cargo still inside.
I'm APOPLECTIC, readers!!!!
"People are so desperate for food that they are going crazy," said Henry Ounche, an accountant who was among the crowd. Other efforts to get aid to the victims has been slowed by blocked roads, congestion at the airport, limited equipment and fear of violence or disturbances. U.N. peacekeepers warned aid convoys to add security to guard against looting.
That's not the impression the MSM is giving us, world.
International Red Cross spokesman Paul Conneally said a convoy with a field hospital and medical workers was heading into Haiti by road Saturday from the Dominican Republic because "it's not possible to fly anything into Port-au-Prince right now. The airport is completely congested."
And with the FAA in charge of things....
The World Health Organization has said eight hospitals in Port-au-Prince were destroyed or damaged, severely curtailing treatment available for the injured.
How come the Haitians were in such dire straights before this with all the attention?
"to study public health"
Are the Haitians being EXPERIMENTED ON by globalist eugenicists, readers?
One word for you, America: TUSKEGEE!!!!
Hundreds of Haitians fled east toward the Dominican Republic for care. More than 300 earthquake victims were crammed into a 30-bed hospital in the border town of Jimani, many sharing mattresses along crowded corridors, their arms drinking up IV fluids.
"The only thing left is to pray for God to save my son," said a weeping Jean-Paul Dieudone, who came to the border seeking help for his 6-year-old son after his wife and other son died in the earthquake.
Officials said damage to the seaport also is a problem for bringing in aid.
Why was it allowed to reach such a state of disrepair in the first place with the globalists loving them?
The arrival Friday of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson helped immediately by taking pressure off the airport. Within hours, an 82nd Airborne Division rapid response unit was handing out food, water and medical supplies from two cargo pallets outside the airport.
And then they RAN OUT!
Others tried to help in smaller ways. Milero Cedamou, the 33-year-old owner of a small water delivery company, twice drove his small tanker truck to a tent camp where thousands of homeless people are living. Hundreds clustered around to fill their plastic buckets. "This is a crisis of unspeakable magnitude; it's normal for every Haitian to help," Cedamou said. "This is not charity."
NOT what I have been TOLD by my racist AmeriKan newspapers!
Medical teams from a dozen other nations set up makeshift hospitals to tend to the critically injured -- who were still appearing. "We have the hope we can find more people," said Chilean Maj. Rodrigo Vasquez, whose teams were trying to save those trapped at the Hotel Montana. But others weren't as hopeful. One Haitian woman sitting outside of the destroyed hotel spoke on her cell phone and sobbed. "No one's alive in there," she said in Creole.
And soon, it will be too late in any case....
Still, there were improbable triumphs....
This is the sickest still, but, if, could be, etc, I've seen.
But DON'T WORRY, HELP is ON the WAY!!!
"Obama promises sustained US support to help Haiti" by Darlene Superville, Associated Press Writer | January 16, 2010

President Barack Obama, center, speaks about Haiti as former presidents Bill Clinton, left, and George W. Bush, right, listen in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington Saturday, Jan. 16, 2010. Obama asked Bush and Clinton to help with U.S. relief efforts after the earthquake in Haiti. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Related: Globalists Getting Help to Haiti
I give up on the Obama; there was NO ONE ELSE he could FIND?
WASHINGTON --Standing alongside two former presidents, President Barack Obama on Saturday promised that U.S. support for Haitian relief would continue long after the scenes of death and destruction fade from the headlines.
What, as if the crisis is over?
I mean, the AID HASN'T EVEN BEGUN and he is acting like it's mission accomplished!!!!!
"In these difficult hours, America stands united," Obama said. "We stand united with the people of Haiti, who have shown such an incredible resilience, and we will help them to recover and to rebuild."
Obama sent Secretary State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Caribbean country for the first look by a top U.S. official at the devastation. The White House has said Obama had no immediate plans to visit. The State Department raised the U.S. death toll to 15, including one department employee. Twenty-three Americans were seriously injured in Tuesday's earthquake, and three U.S. government employees were missing....
Hillary Clinton arrived Saturday on a plane delivering aid and was to depart on another carrying evacuees.
Obama and former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton met in the Oval Office for about half an hour to discuss the assignment he gave them: to lead private fundraising efforts for Haitian relief, including immediate needs and the long-term rebuilding effort.
First stop WALL STREET, right?
Both men reassured people that money donated through their Web site, http://www.clintonbushhaitifund.org, would be well spent.
Like all the WAR and BANK that was RIPPED OFF, you assholes?
Gimme a break!
I know where I am not sending money.
Bush said the best thing people can do is to send money. "I know a lot of people want to send blankets or water. Just send your cash," said Bush, who was visiting the White House for the first time since leaving office in January 2009.
Should I address it directly to your pockets, or.... ?
Bill Clinton, who also is the United Nations special envoy to Haiti, spoke of his decades-long appreciation for the country.
Is that what supporting the coups meant?
And why is the place such a s*** hole, Bill? Israel ain't -- at least, materially!
The Clintons honeymooned there, and a church they sat in 34 years ago is now "a total rubble." He said he had been to hotels that collapsed and had dined with people who were killed. Clinton also helped restore democracy to Haiti during his presidency.
And then Bush took it away again:
Haiti's Nightmare: the Cocaine Coup and the CIA Connection
And here we are again, huh?
What a convenient earthquake.
"I believed before this earthquake Haiti had the best chance in my lifetime to escape its history," Bill Clinton said, speaking of the country's history as one of the world's poorest. "I still believe that ... but it's going to take a lot of help and a long time."
In Miami, Vice President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano met with Haitian-American leaders before visiting an air base where relief supplies are being flown to Haiti. South Florida has the largest Haitian-American population in the U.S.
"This is personal," Biden said, touching the arm of White House political director Patrick Gaspard, a Haitian-American with family in Haiti.
Oh, all of a sudden, the POWER STRUCTURE CARES!!!
The only thing that STINKS MORE is the STENCH of Haitian dead!
U.S. officials said more food and water was on the way. There should be 600,000 humanitarian daily rations -- basic nutrition packages that provide 2,300 calories -- at Haiti's airport by Saturday evening, according to Tim Callaghan, the administration aide helping oversee relief efforts.
Callaghan, who spoke to reporters on a conference call from Haiti, said water purification units arrived Friday night and that officials hope they will produce up to 300,000 liters of water. More water is coming from neighboring Dominican Republic.
National Security Council aide Denis McDonough said on the same telephone call that 180 tons of relief supplies had arrived in Haiti, but he didn't have a good breakdown on how much had been distributed and where.
The Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort left Baltimore on Saturday, headed to Florida to pick up more medical staff before its scheduled arrival near Haiti on Thursday, said Rear Adm. Victor G. Guillory, Navy commander for the U.S. Southern Command.
How come that doesn't come to American ports, huh?
The Navy also will try to get the wrecked seaport in the capital of Port-au-Prince up and running. Damage to piers and other facilities have interfered with the distribution of aid. The salvage ship Grasp was on its way to the capital with divers and underwater construction teams capable of building temporary piers and other facilities, said Guillory, speaking on a separate conference call.
Why did it take an EARTHQUAKE and a CATASTROPHE to get the good-hearted globalists moving, huh?
The Navy currently is moving supplies into Haiti from the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.
About 4,200 U.S. military personnel were operating within Haiti or from Navy and Coast Guard vessels offshore, the U.S. Southern Command said. Another 6,300 personnel were expected to arrive by Monday to help. Obama said it was important for everyone in Haiti to understand "there is going to be sustained help on the way."
I don't know if I would believe in his promises, Haitians.
He broke every one of his to us.
"But what these gentlemen are going to be able to do is when the news media starts seeing its attention drift to other things but there's still enormous needs on the ground, these two gentlemen of extraordinary stature, I think, are going to be able to help ensure that these efforts are sustained," Obama said of Bush and Bill Clinton.
Yes, Obama said that about the WAR CRIMINAL and TORTURE Bush.
Forget him! I see NO WAR CRIMES CHARGES and NO INVESTIGATIONS in to Bush-era crimes coming from this war-criminal administration, do you?
And the criticism of the MSM?
After the Asian tsunami in 2004, Bush asked his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton to lead the private fundraising effort. The elder Bush and Clinton also raised private money after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
"Obama has tapped former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.... White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the Obama administration’s criticism of Bush’s actions during the response to Hurricane Katrina were irrelevant"
Also see: The Big Angry
Let's hope they do a better job for you, Haitians!
And you can't even turn to well-meaning Hollywood?
Danny Glover blames global warming for causing Haiti earthquake, points finger at politicians
Related: Celebrities give
Photos Aftermath
"Danny Glover just "jumped the shark." -- Wake the Flock Up