Sunday, May 9, 2010

Clear the Court: Texting Tom

Used to be called a Peeping Tom, but the times they are a-changin'

"Justices split over Christian club case; Group bars gay members, seeks school recognition" by Jesse J. Holland, Associated Press | April 20, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court appears likely to rule against public employees who accused a local government of violating their privacy by reading racy text messages they sent on their employers’ electronic equipment.

Several justices said the employer, the Ontario, Calif., police department, acted reasonably in monitoring the text messages in view of its written policy warning employees they have no guarantee of privacy in the use of office computer and equipment....

Why are authorities the most immoral of the lot?

And how poetically just that they were ensnared by their own spying equipment meant for me and you, 'eh?

In another case heard yesterday, the justices seemed to split sharply yesterday on whether a law school can deny recognition to a Christian student group that will not let gays join, a case that could determine whether nondiscrimination policies trump the rights of private organizations to determine who can — and cannot — belong.

Private organizations, right?

Open up all the elite clubs to slobs like me, ha-ha!!

In arguments tinged with questions of religious, racial, and sexual discrimination, the court heard from....

Oh, I've had enough division from my newspaper, thank you.


Related: GOP assails SEC over staff’s use of porn sites

Porn probe snags S.F. planning officials

It seems the gang over at San Francisco's Planning Department has been looking at more than zoning codes on their computers - namely, porn. According to City Hall sources, Planning Director John Rahaim has recommended the firing of four high-ups - including veteran Zoning Administrator Larry Badiner - for allegedly receiving and in some cases circulating X-rated photos and videos for years."

And they are so smug and self-righteous over there.

Also see: Clear the Court: Surfing For Porn

I never do; I'm too far behind as it is.