Sunday, May 2, 2010

No Longer Reading the Newspaper

So why am I still buying it?

It has reached the point where I get about 10 pages in and scrap it. I'm just sick of the lies, the agenda-pushing divisions, distortions, and deceptions, and all the other insulting garbage in the supremacist s*** sheets of Zionist Jews. I'm sick of reading the same selective, agenda-pushing garbage year after year after year. Then you add the obfuscations and omissions (especially when it comes to all things Israel) and it is a hurtful and painful experience these days.

Who would want to read an AmeriKan newspaper or a Boston Globe anymore?

I do not blame people for not tuning in to the AmeriKan MSM.

Who wants to have your head filled with s***?

It is useful only in the sense that every now and then a corn kernel of truth slips through their censorship net before it is obscured in later "reports."

So what happens is I go out for that one luxury -- my morning cup of Joe -- and I grab a BG. Looks and smells pretty good there in its
pristine package. Nice and flat, folded, has that newspaper and ink smell.

Sniffff, aaaah!

Who could beat that? Laid out on the table it looks soooo good, with red and black pens next to the notebook. You break the fold and see what are the top stories(?) of the day.

It isn't until you start reading it and opening the pages that the stinking stench of shit hits you.
And then page after page you are in it deeper and deeper. It engulfs you.

Is that what has happened to me? My tolerance finally took its toll?

Finally overdosed on MSM s***?

In days gone by I would devour the first two sections and note each article and page as done; now I flip through the thing first, note the items and say, "I'll get to that, I'll get to that, I'll get to that" -- and never do. Then the copy takes its place on the ever-growing stack of unread newspapers with notations (I'll get to that, I'll get to that, I'll get to that).

Then I never get to that.

Well, I'll get to it when I do a series and I'll pick a few each day. By the time I am finished, a whole day has gone by and I'm further behind than before.

I would feel different if it were actually real news and good journalism. I wouldn't be here doing this, of course; however, that is not what it is anymore. I really must confess how shocked even I am by the -- I can't even describe the level of insulting, obfuscating, omitting, deceiving, distorting, and dividing crap that passes for the Boston Globe these days.

I must tell you, my dear readers, it is a far cry from the newspaper a friend I greatly respected boasted to me about in the 1980s. I look at it now and I look back then and I'm dejected, disheartened, disappointed, and MOST OF ALL SAD at what has become of a once-decent, not great, but decent newspaper.

And if they have lost me, readers, a decades-long patron.....

You see, I WON'T GO to the WEBSITE once I stop buying a printed paper. Ask the New York Times about that. I never even look in their direction anymore.

Yeah, I pick up what the Times-owned Globe runs (when I feel like it); however, I don't search them out on my own.

That was the point: to give you, the world, a look into the shit they are feeding us for news here and a clue as to why the AmeriKan public is out-to-lunch in the head.

Look at what they are eating for "news."