Tuesday, September 14, 2010

US Slows Down Dune Buggy

As the engine whines.

"US to tighten off-road racing rules" by Associated Press | September 9, 2010

WASHINGTON — The agency charged with monitoring off-road racing on federal lands is promising to increase staffing and crack down on violations of racing permits.

Democratic senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein of California asked the Bureau of Land Management to respond to several questions they had after an accident in August killed eight people and injured 10 in the state’s Movaje Desert.

Bob Abbey, the bureau’s director, told the lawmakers in a letter obtained yesterday that the agency will increase its presence at all the events it approves on federal lands, but he did not provide further specifics. The agency had only one ranger on duty patrolling the course where the accident occurred.

Boxer said the bureau’s response makes it clear that more trained personnel need to staff the races.

Abbey said the bureau continues to cooperate with the California Highway Patrol as it investigates the crash. The bureau is also reviewing pending requests to conduct off-road races on a case-by-case basis, he said.



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