"Patrick defends embattled Aloisi; Says recent controversies are 'trivial'" by Matt Viser, Globe Staff | March 20, 2009
Governor Deval Patrick strongly defended Secretary of Transportation James A. Aloisi Jr. yesterday.... and dismissed as "trivial" the recent public outcry over various Beacon Hill controversies - including Patrick's appointment last week of a state senator to a $175,000-a-year state job.
Please tell me he didn't say that. Please tell me he is not that stoo-pid!!!!
See: State Taxpayers and Special Elections
I'm livid, readers.
"One of the challenges in life is concentrating on the meaningful and letting the trivial take a back seat," Patrick said. "And I sometimes feel like I'm in a profession now where that is completely upside down. We are trying to concentrate on what's meaningful."
Patrick has drawn heavy fire for his appointment of Senator Marian Walsh last week as assistant director of the state Health and Education Facilities Authority, a job that had been vacant for 12 years. The move appeared to violate a pledge he made after his election in 2006, in which he ran as a reformer, that he would not appoint lawmakers to high-profile jobs.
Aloisi this week, in an unusual blog posting, publicly lashed out at the Globe for a story describing how his sister recently held a $60,000-a-year legislative job that had no apparent duties....
"He's my guy," Patrick said of Aloisi in a brief interview yesterday. "And he's doing a good job - with a very, very tough assignment."
Oh, oh! Brownie, you are doing a super job!
When asked whether he stood behind Aloisi, Patrick said, "Of course. What kind of question is that?"
MSM question.
Asked at a press conference if he requested that Aloisi apologize to the Globe this week, Patrick did not answer directly, saying, "I don't think he needed to be asked." Approached a second time after the press conference, he stared straight ahead and did not respond....
--more--"Yeah, the guy just EXUDES ARROGANCE:

Governor Deval Patrick was welcomed yesterday at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Framingham by the principal, Robin Welch (seated to Patrick's left). (JOANNE RATHE/GLOBE STAFF)
Btw, I'm not the only one ticked off at
"We're angry at Deval Patrick."
Yes, those are YOUR FRIENDS, guverner!