I can't tell you how sick I am of reading agenda-pushing war propaganda in the paper. And that's what all this is you know?
I'm tired of the "Al-CIA-Duh" lies and cover-ups, tired of the misrepresentations of Muslims and the Taliban, tired of false-flag operations called suicide bombers and tired of troubling omissions buried deep inside war-agitating articles.
See: The Boston Globe Knows About "Al-CIA-Duh"
Then again, the fault is mine. I shouldn't be reading or posting the articles -- although they are instructive as to wear the agenda is headed.
See: NATO to Ignore Drug Smuggling in Afghanistan
"11 Afghan police die in attack on station; Officers were on way to destroy poppy fields" by Taimoor Shah and Pir Zubair Shah, New York Times | March 17, 2009
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - A suicide bomber on foot struck a police convoy station about to head out on a poppy eradication mission in southern Afghanistan yesterday morning, killing 11 people and wounding 28, the police said.
See: Occupation Iraq: Israel's IEDs -- and keep that in mind as you read the Zionist War Daily's account!!
CUI BONO -- especially with a truce on the other side of the border?
The attack was one of several in recent days connected to the overall battle against the Al Qaeda-backed Taliban insurgency that NATO and US troops are fighting along the border with Pakistan and in the southern provinces near Kandahar, particularly Zabul and Helmand, the world's largest heroin-producing region. Drug profits fuel the insurgency.
Yeah, now the TALIBAN are "Al-CIA-Duh!" See how SUBTLE the PROPAGANDA WORD GAMES are in the JEWSMEDIA?
See: NATO to Ignore Drug Smuggling in Afghanistan
Oh, yeah, and about the TALIBAN:
"The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997."
Who are the Taliban, anyway?
"Something of a catchall term for loosely affiliated insurgents without a singular command structure. Often, the Afghan government favors the phrase 'enemies of the state' (New York Times July 24, 2007)."
"The Taliban is growing and creating new alliances not because its sectarian religious practices have become popular, but because it is the only available umbrella for national liberation," says Pakistani historian and political commentator Tariq Ali. "As the British and the Soviets discovered to their cost in the preceding two centuries, Afghans never like being occupied."
Also see: Afghanistan's Other Government
And today, readers?
"More and more, people here look back to the era of harsh Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, describing it as a time of security and peace."
Oh, oh, oh!!!! I'm so offended by the AmeriKan MSM and its bullshit!
Also see: How I Came to Love the Veil
And consider this:
"They sat in one girl’s home telling their story, their faces uncovered only because no man was present. But when Mohammed Matloob, the father of one of the girls, walked into the room, the other three quickly pulled their head scarves over their faces. His daughter, Nagina, 16, ordered him to leave the room, which he did, with a surprised shrug."
Aren't the children beautiful?

Oh, what LIES we have been told about Muslims by our Muslim-hating Zionist AmeriKan MSM, Americans!!!!!!
Honestly, I'm tired of the MSM lying? Aren't you, AmeriKa?
Dawood Ahmadi, a spokesman for the governor of Helmand, said the success of recent efforts by security forces to destroy opium-poppy fields had prompted the attack on the counternarcotics convoy, which was in the provincial capital, Lashkar Gah. "This was a work by Taliban and drug smugglers," he said.
More than three-quarters of the supplies for the NATO and US troops flow through Pakistan, and attacks aimed at choking off supply routes also have become more frequent and more brazen. Yesterday, in the northwestern city of Peshawar, Pakistan, about 100 militants attacked a NATO supply hub, Al Faisal terminal, using rifles, gasoline bombs, and rocket-propelled grenades to damage tankers, container trucks, and Humvee military vehicles.
Oh, the SUPPLY LINES and BASES are being THREATENED, are they? And CUI BONO? Looks like the U.S. WILL HAVE to OCCUPY PAKISTAN, huh? Gotta protect those supply routes! How do they know it was 100?
A firefight took place when the police responded, a security guard at the terminal said, but the attackers escaped after blasting a hole in a wall of the compound. Sixteen trucks were destroyed Sunday during an attack on a container terminal in Peshawar, a witness said.
Yup, ALL THIS is BURIED in the middle of a TUESDAY, WAR-PROMOTING PIECE!! The MSM is NOT TELLING YOU HOW BAD the WARS are going as they PROMOTE FURTHER INVASIONS!! Now I know how a German citizen felt reading newspapers around 1943.
In December, militants attacked NATO supply depots in Peshawar and destroyed 300 cargo trucks and Humvees. The Taliban and Al Qaeda-backed insurgents are deeply entrenched in northwestern Pakistan, and the CIA has pursued them there in what amounts to a limited covert war, using drone aircraft for missile strikes.
Yeah, the ENTRENCHED AREA where there HAPPENS to be a PEACE TRUCE (cui bono), and the CIA is PURSUING "Al-CIA-Duh!"
Late Sunday, such a strike was carried out on the house of a local militant commander in Bannu, a region in restive North-West Frontier Province, about 120 miles south of Peshawar and along the border with North Waziristan. The strike killed four people, including two Arabs, residents and intelligence officials said.
Yeah, right, they were "terrorists," right.
Well, ADD FOUR MORE INNOCENT SOULS SACRIFICED on the ALTAR of a WHOPPING, STINKING LIE called 9/11 -- no matter who they were!!!!
For the LAST TIME: 9/11 an INSIDE JOB and the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!!!!
Local and Western intelligence officials say the area serves as a transit route into and out of Afghanistan. The attacks followed a deadly weekend for the coalition forces in Afghanistan. Three British soldiers were killed in an attack in Helmand on Sunday, and a roadside bomb in eastern Afghanistan killed four US troops. A French soldier was killed Saturday.
Yup, SWING the ATTENTION and DEATHS right back to the FOREIGN INVADER, OCCUPIER and MASS-MURDERER, MSM! What a piece of work they are!
Related: Covering Up Civilian Slaughter in Afghanistan
Three weeks ago, a roadside bomb, also in southern Afghanistan, killed four American soldiers in the deadliest attack this year on the coalition.
Taliban insurgents now control large areas of the south, and General David D. McKiernan, the top US commander in Afghanistan, last month described the southern part of Afghanistan as "at best, stalemated."