Sunday, March 15, 2009

Obama Threatens States

He's got some nerve!

See: Obama Stimulus Giveaway to Corporations

Stimulus Bill is For Jewish Interests Only

If I didn't know any better I'd think Bush were still president, 'eh, liberals?

"Obama to states: Use stimulus cash well; Vows to penalize wasteful spending" by Globe Staff | March 13, 2009

Even as the buzz grows surrounding the possibility of a second massive economic stimulus package, President Obama and Vice President Biden warned state officials yesterday to spend their shares of the approved $787 billion wisely - or else.


Also see: Obama Budgets ANOTHER $750 BILLION for Bank Giveaways

"If we see money being misspent, we're going to put a stop to it," Obama said at a daylong White House conference on the recovery package.

Yeah, unless it goes to favored interests and war-looters. Pffft!

Biden, who is overseeing the stimulus package, said the White House will release regulations today to further restrict how stimulus money can be spent. "The fact of the matter is all that is legal is not acceptable," he said. "A little hint: No swimming pools."

Smell that, readers? It's FEDERAL FASCISM!!!

With the admonitions, Obama also gave a pep talk to the 125 officials from every state except Idaho, telling them they have a precious opportunity to stoke the economy and build prosperity.

I don't like the choice of words. Sounds too much like a bullying agenda-push to me.

Rice: 9/11 an “enormous opportunity”

Rumsfeld: "Why Not another 911"

"It's rare where you get your chance to put your shoulder to the wheel of history and put it in a better direction," he said.

Spooky, huh?

But according to the press pool report, some state officials expressed confusion about what role they will play in passing on stimulus money to cities and towns and what reporting requirements they'll face. They also complained that there has been a lack of communication about projects that have been announced....

Even though most of the $787 billion hasn't been spent yet, some are saying the faltering economy will need another boost, pointing to the ever-worsening jobless numbers....

HOW DEEP is that WALLET, taxpayers?


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who earlier this week seemed to open the door to a second stimulus bill, sought to close that door yesterday....

Translation: She doesn't want the torch-and-pitchfork crowd showing up at her office.

Also yesterday, Biden and Energy Secretary Steven Chu detailed a chunk of the stimulus cash - $8 billion for weatherization and energy efficiency programs that they say will put 87,000 Americans to work and save families hundreds of dollars a year on their energy bills. The first installment of the funding - about $780 million - is to be released in the next few days, they said.

Like tHEY CARE ABOUT US!! If they TRULY CARED they wouldn't have let the oil companies gouge the shit out of us!!

And LOOK at the WASTE!! Yup, $8 BILLION for "weatherization" and "energy efficiency." Gonna have to have that STATE ENERGY INSPECTOR check out the house soon, huh?

Massachusetts will eventually get $177 million for the program, about two-thirds for weatherization programs and the rest for energy efficiency. That's enough to create more than 6,500 jobs in the Bay State, Representative Edward Markey's office said.

Actually, I'M SICK of the SHIT LIES and PROMISES from these SHIT, AGENDA-PUSHING POLITICIANS!!!!!!!!!!

Related: The Fart-Misting Promises of Green Jobs

"Thousands of Massachusetts workers will be hired, families' energy bills will be permanently cut by hundreds of dollars a year, and global warming pollution will be reduced," the Malden Democrat said in a statement. --more--"

Yeah, and there is an Easter Bunny, too, Markey!!

Fucking fart-misting fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanna reduce pollution? Shut your fucking pie-hole! That'll save a lot of hot fart mist from entering the atmosphere, shitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!