Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This Won't Hurt a Bit

How would he know?

"Doctor accused of faking studies; His work dealt with pain drugs" by Liz Kowalczyk, Globe Staff | March 11, 2009

A widely known Massachusetts anesthesiologist whose research has influenced how doctors treat surgery patients for pain has been accused of fabricating results in at least 21 published studies and, in some cases, even inventing patients.


Physicians and journal editors said the allegations, if proven, could constitute one of the largest and longest-running cases ever of medical research fraud.

Almost as much of a fraud as Madoff!!!

Dr. Scott S. Reuben, who works at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, has published dozens of articles on "multimodal analgesia," an important and emerging area of anesthesiology involving use of more than one type of drug to relieve post-surgical pain and foster faster recovery....

Oh NO!!!

In some instances, the studies in question involved data about drugs made by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., including Celebrex, Lyrica, and Neurontin. The company gave Reuben five research grants between 2002 and 2007, and he was a member of Pfizer's speakers bureau, in which physicians give talks about Pfizer drugs to colleagues....

Why am I so totally UNSURPRISED?
