Thursday, March 5, 2009

Whom To Ask When You Need a Billion to Cover Cost Overruns

Guess whooooooo, taxpayers!!!!

"NASA failing to stay in budget; Overspent by $1b, audit finds" by Seth Borenstein, Associated Press | March 5, 2009

WASHINGTON - .... Historically, overruns have caused NASA to run low on money, forcing it to shelve or delay other projects. Often, the agency just asks taxpayers for more money.

Oh, they ASK, do they?

In fact, NASA got $1 billion from the new stimulus package....

I don't recall ANYONE ASKING about that!!!!!!!


I love Star Trek and Star Wars, readers; however, I have to wonder whether it is GOVERNMENT'S JOB to FUND all this -- especially when NASA is just a cover for military applications. Maybe Iran ought to point that out sometime.