And WHAT is with the WINTER JACKETS, huh?

Environmentalists like Aleksandar Sopov of Somerville (right) participated yesterday in International Day of Climate Action. (John Tlumacki/ Globe Staff)
Don't you guys FEEL LIKE FOOLS because you SURE LOOK IT?
"Many N.E. events planned in global warming demonstration; Worldwide, 175 nations will host 4,500 activities" by Beth Daley, Globe Staff | October 24, 2009
.... It is to highlight their concern that critical parts of Boston could be submerged as global warming raises sea levels.
Related: A Snowblind Globe
The event.... is just one of scores planned around New England today as part of the International Day of Climate Action, which is led by author and Lexington native Bill McKibben.
Oh, that is why we got an agenda-pushing editorial in the paper.
Related: International day of climate change funded by.......
So when was the last time the Globe advertised an antiwar rally, readers?
Billed as the largest political environmental action effort in the world’s history, the day will include some 4,500 events in more than 175 nations....
Today’s events will be anything but sedate and are meant to grab the world’s attention....
Related: Fart-Misters Dilemma
And LOOK at what the BRAINWASHING has done to the kids:
Students from throughout the state are kicking off a “Sleep Out for Clean Energy’’ campaign tomorrow night on Boston Common, to protest their lack of choice about how their dorms are powered. While students will sleep on their campuses six nights a week they will sleep near the State House every Sunday night until the Copenhagen conference so they can lobby the Legislature on Mondays for clean energy legislation.
Rather than pushing that PoS globalist agenda, why don't you PICK UP the HOMELESS CAUSE INSTEAD, kids!!!?
I mean, we have VETERANS living on the street!!!
Related: Camping Out in Cambridge
Bedding Down With the Boston Globe
Buying the Homeless a Cup of Coffee
It's Not Your Father's Homeless Anymore
Homelessness? In "liberal" Massachushitts?
“Instead of staying in our homes under the comfort of dirty energy, we’re putting ourselves on the line for the policy we believe in,’’ said Sally Sharrow of the Leadership Campaign, a statewide coalition of students and others that organized the Sleep Out.
Nice that the agenda-pushing paper applauds and supports you, 'ey, kid?
So how can you be so stoo-pid when you go to college?
"Skepticism over global warming on rise, poll suggests" by Dina Cappiello, Associated Press | October 23, 2009
Yeah, because ALL YOU NEED DO is GO OUTSIDE and SEE for YOURSELF how COLD it has been the last several years here!
People have a choice: either BELIEVE what is TANGIBLE and RIGHT IN FRONT of YOUR FACE, or believe some self-serving, agenda-pushing liar -- in which case, you would be saying you yourself are crazy, readers.
Most people make the right decision there, and the correct assertion is THAT GUY is FULL of SHIT!!!
WASHINGTON - The number of Americans who believe there is solid evidence that the earth is warming is at its lowest point in three years, and the number who see the situation as a serious problem has also declined, according to a survey released yesterday.
And the share of people who believe pollution caused by humans is causing temperatures to rise has also taken a dip, even as the United States and world forums gear up for possible action against climate change.
Translation: the FART-MISTING LIES NO LONGER WORK! Not when people have been shivering in their homes all year.
In the poll of 1,500 adults by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, the number of people saying there is strong scientific evidence that the earth has gotten warmer over the past few decades is down to 57 percent from 71 percent in April of last year.
And those remaining 57% need to remove their heads from their asses and stick it out a window.
Only 36 percent of poll respondents said they believe that human activities - such as pollution from power plants, factories, and automobiles - are behind a temperature increase. That’s down from 47 percent from 2006 through last year’s poll. “The priority that people give to pollution and environmental concerns and a whole host of other issues is down because of the economy and because of the focus on other things,’’ suggested Andrew Kohut, director of the research center, which conducted the poll from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4.
I'm sorry, but THAT is FAULTY ANALYSIS there.
It has NOTHING TO DO with OTHER ISSUES, it is because the PEOPLE RECOGNIZE a WHOPPER of a LIE when they SMELL IT!!!!
Especially when it is the WEATHER -- something they can PLAINLY CHECK OUT FOR THEMSELVES!
I will admit, readers, the environmental orthodoxy was the last agenda to fall for me -- and I was none to happy about it.
What is EVEN WORSE is the LYING LEGISLATORS know it is a SCAM!
Otherwise, WHY ADD to the PROBLEM?
"Markey tests temperature before climate summit
How is he getting there? Swimming?
Markey plans to meet lawmakers from around the world to check progress....
“Chairman Markey has traveled to many of these locations to observe the effects of climate change firsthand, meet with foreign heads of state, heads of government, or senior energy and environmental ministers to discuss climate change, energy policy, and the ongoing negotiations on a new treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,’’ said his press secretary, Daniel Reilly"
Related: Green Jobs Going Global
Oh, STINK, Markey!!!!!Many in Congress, however, remain concerned about the cap-and-trade system at the heart of the House bill and a version introduced in the Senate, and it appears unlikely that Congress will pass and President Obama will sign a climate change bill until next year, after the Copenhagen summit.
When you SEE THAT TERM think CARBON TAX, readers, and GRAB YOUR WALLET!!!!
And how come these protesters get days and days while antiwar folk are ignored?
It's ALL in the AGENDA! That DETERMINES the TREATMENT you will get from the AGENDA-PUSHING and -ADVANCING MSM!
"Activists turn up the heat on climate; Effort to raise awareness of warming risks" by Jeannie Nuss and Hannah McBride, Globe Correspondents | October 25, 2009
“I want the earth to survive,’’ said 60-year-old Susan McLucas....
Lady, I will tell you the exact thing I told Gordon Brown.
Billed as the world’s largest political environmental effort, yesterday’s events sought to push 350 - the parts per million some leading scientists say is the safe limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - into the spotlight....
Industrial pollution kicks up the rate.
Interesting: Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama
Shut it down, huh? That is why the factories left?
The international gatherings, organized by founder and Lexington native Bill McKibben, ranged from a submerged group of scuba divers in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia to a potluck in Wellfleet.....
In Massachusetts, dozens of college students toting sleeping bags pitched tents last night on quads at Northeastern University and Tufts, to rally for clean energy. The students, part of The Leadership Campaign, plan to reconvene on Boston Common tonight and every Sunday until world leaders meet at Copenhagen in December to craft a new pact for global warming.
Gee, when they push an agenda-advancing cause, they really FLOG an agenda-advancing cause!
Craig Altemose, a 25-year-old Harvard graduate student who organized the sleep-out, said he was inspired by 20-somethings who molded the face of protests during civil rights movements.
Ever notice the divisive MSM is ALWAYS USING THAT ISSUE as the STANDARD?
Whether it is MLK or Gandhi (in his case, independence from Britain), the WAR PRESS SHIES AWAY from the OVERRIDING PEACE ELEMENT when defining their lives (and why they were killed).
Heck, they even do that to JFK and he was one of them (an elite, readers. A brave and courageous elite, and we have not seen the likes of him again, sob).
“People were killed by the police and hit with rifles,’’ he said.
We have KILLED MILLIONS, kiddo!! Where are you?
“What we’re doing is sleeping outside. Sure it’ll be cold. This is about a lot more than drowning polar bears and melting glaciers,’’ Altemose added....
Where is he? Sleeping outside (blog editor shaking his head)!!
In the COLD?!!
Please, ha-ha-ha-ha. Not this morning, ha-ha-ha......
Harriet Korim, a 63-year-old former Wellfleet recycling commissioner along for the cleanup, said people can take baby steps like forgoing beach bonfires to reduce their carbon footprint....
Well, I'm in the clear since there is NO BEACH HERE in the VALLEY!!!!
Related: Wealthy Responsible For Global Warming
Yeah, maybe ATTACKING the MANSIONS, you sotted pukes, would be MORE WORTH IT!
“I figure I can do a virtual beach fire,’’ she said, while whipping up a fish chowder with carrots, fennel, and mushrooms for the potluck. “Instead of having meetings and demonstrations that are the same old, same old, we’re organizing the things we love,’’ she said.
Translation: That ANTIWAR STUFF is HARD WORK and icky-pooh, even as PEOPLE ARE BEING MURDERED over LIES -- although she is right; I'm hardly loving being out there like this head full o' farts.
Yeah, and SPEAKING of HOUSES (page one agenda-push):
At a time when most people are contemplating whether to give in and turn up the thermostat, Simon Hare and his family are embarking on a bold experiment in green living: a winter with no heat....
Well, GOOD LUCK with THAT!!!
Their modest, two-story cottage in Roxbury will be warmed by the sun, the body heat of Hare, his wife Damiana, and his 16-month-old daughter Lulu, and even the heat thrown off by its energy-efficient appliances.
And if the SUN DOES NOT SHOW UP for DAYS and DAYS like this PAST SUMMER?
The airtight, well-insulated house is part of a small but growing movement to design and build extremely green dwellings by rethinking what is essential in a house....
In YOUR HOME, shit-chewing (sorry) citizen, NOT the ELITE PALACES!
You know, when I see the richer at the shit pit, then I'll believe.
Hare’s wife got a commitment from her husband. Damiana Diaz-Reck said that while she is not worried about the approaching winter, she has told Hare that if it gets too cold, she has the right to plug in a space heater....
Or else it is FRYING PAN TIME!!!!
Hare has yet to spend winter in his new abode, but based on preliminary data and his own calculations, he believes the house will stay around 63 degrees. That’s a level he and his wife are comfortable with, in part because the temperature will be constant with no drafts....
The house turned out to be virtually airtight.
Can't that kill you? You know, the RUN OUT of OXYGEN, breathing CO2 bit?
And what about MOISTURE?
The lungs of the house will be a heat recovery ventilator, a device in the basement that sucks stale, warm air out of the house and injects fresh air from outside.
That air is going to be a LITTLE COLD, don't you think?
To keep the house warm, air leaving the house will pass next to the stream of new cold air, heating it as it exits....
That's it? That is how he is going to keep breathing?
The house project is a match for Hare’s ideals.
I'd say they are HARE-BRAINED then!
He travels to jobs on a bike, not by company truck, and took his own house as the first project, both to demonstrate these techniques to future clients and to provide for his family....
See: Morning Bike Accident in Boston
The End of Boston's Bike Program
You have a wife and kids, don't you, guy?
Why is the word IRRESPONSIBLE leaking into my mind?
See: The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Jobs Gone Forever
Yeah, that is what THIS IS ALL ABOUT, America!
Getting YOU to EAT YOU-KNOW-WHAT while the ELITES BATH in AVARICE!!!!!
Hare said while there will be dramatic energy savings in both projects, the homeowners are making a choice based more on their ideals than on economy, and are paving the way for such building techniques to become more standard and familiar....
As world leaders prepare to negotiate a new climate change agreement in Copenhagen in December, some homeowners are taking matters into their own hands, building structures that show just how far it is possible to shrink a house’s carbon footprint....
Start HERE
Dr. Keith Collins, who just finished spending the first year in his ultra-efficient home in Rockport, Maine, with no furnace. Collins’s home stays comfortable at 68 degrees, heated by the sun shining through the windows and by water heated by solar thermal panels on the roof.
“It’s not like turning on the heat. I remember this in having other houses,’’ Collins said. “ ‘Oh, how late can I go before I have to turn on the furnace?’ The sun comes up everyday; my heater comes on everyday.’’
DOES IT where you live, Doc? REALLY?!!
NEVER a CLOUDY DAY in MAINE, 'eh, Bonnie?
That may be true, but....
Always a BUT, IF, COULD BE, MAY BE, YET, STILL, HOWEVER, etc, etc, with them. When I WAS IN COLLEGE my FIRST WRITING INSTRUCTOR TOLD US those were BAD WORDS to use in a "report."
--more--"Thus is the state of the Boston Globe, New England's largest newspaper, these days. Pathetic.