"Obama’s ‘pay czar’ now will head JFK Library" by Globe Staff | November 5, 2009
Kenneth R. Feinberg, a Brockton native serving as President Obama’s “pay czar,’’ has been named chairman of the John F. Kennedy Library.
NO MORE SECRETS coming out of there!
See: The Kennedy-Karzai Parallel
Interesting timing, no?
One day later Feinberg gets the call?
Feinberg, who oversees the compensation of top executives at companies that have received federal bailout assistance, succeeds Senator Paul G. Kirk Jr., who resigned as chairman in September after Governor Patrick appointed him to temporarily replace the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
Feinberg, 64, has a long resume that includes five years as an administrative assistant and chief of staff to Senator Kennedy.
That's why Ted lived so long. They had him under control and with the program. So he voted against Iraq, so what? He was one of what, 14? Doesn't hurt, and actually helps sell the charade.
The Kennedy Library Foundation’s board of directors meets three times per year, and Feinberg has served as a foundation board member for four years before being elected chairman. Board members volunteer their services and are not compensated, foundation officials said.
Feinberg is one of the leading specialists in mediation and alternative dispute resolution, and was appointed by Attorney General John D. Ashcroft to be special master of the Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund, which distributed nearly $7 billion to more than 5,000 victims and families of victims of the terrorist attacks. In recognition of his service, Senator Kennedy presented Feinberg with the Kennedy Library Foundation’s Distinguished American Award in 2004.
So Ted sucked up nicely to the Zionist masters!
Three years later, Feinberg oversaw a similar fund to benefit victims’ families after the mass shooting at Virginia Tech. In his new job as the administration’s special master for TARP Executive Compensation, Feinberg announced last month that the Treasury would slash compensation for the 25 highest-paid executives at the seven firms that received the most bailout money. Feinberg also serves as chairman of the board of the RAND Institute of Civil Justice and is president of the Washington National Opera.
And now he is going to clean up any troublesome records in the Kennedy library!
And today, the society, 9/11?
Makes me sick, so much so that I don't really like covering MSM propaganda surrounding it.
"Ground breaks on Flight 93 memorial" by Associated Press | November 8, 2009

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar spoke to those in attendance before the ceremony in Shanksville, Pa., yesterday. The government hopes to have the first phase of the memorial completed by Sept. 11, 2011. (Gene J. Puskar/ Associated Press)
SHANKSVILLE - With the words “Let’s roll,’’ the command issued by United Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer to lead the passenger revolt, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and 39 victims’ relatives and dignitaries turned shovels of dirt at a groundbreaking yesterday for a national memorial. “We made it. Not to our goal, not to the finish line. Certainly not any semblance of closure, but nevertheless, we made it to the next milestone,’’ said Gordon Felt, whose brother, Edward, died when the plane crashed. The government hopes to have the first phase completed by Sept. 11, 2011.
All I can think of from that day is a big hole with no airplane wreckage.
Later we found out debris was scattered for miles, inconsistent with a crash yet totally consistent with a shoot-down.
And talk about twisted:
"Navy assault ship ready for service
NEW YORK - The USS New York, built with steel from the rubble of the World Trade Center, was put into service yesterday as a symbol of healing and strength.
That is like SO IN YOUR FACE, America!!
“No matter how many times you attack us, we always come back,’’ Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said at the amphibious assault ship’s commissioning. He spoke on a Manhattan pier where hundreds of Navy officers and sailors joined first responders and families of Sept. 11 victims.
When Mabus shall soon die?
Eerie. And there are some first responders still alive?
How sick were they?
Hey, I can understand the government lying.
They designed and engineered the thing; however, when the s***-headed public won't open its mind!
"9/11 plaque stalled over wording; Victim’s father wants to blame ‘Muslim terrorists’" by Dave Collins, Associated Press | November 8, 2009
Why not? The lying government and MSM have!
HARTFORD - A memorial to honor a Sept. 11 victim from a small Connecticut town has been halted because his father insists that it say his son was murdered by “Muslim terrorists.’’
Peter Gadiel accuses town leaders of being too politically correct, and says he’s frustrated about what he calls a growing trend across the country to soften the reality of the attacks by not mentioning terrorism on victims’ memorials.
“Ordinarily I would not want a reference to his murder on his memorial, but there seems to be an effort to whitewash what happened that day,’’ said Gadiel, 61, a retired real estate investor. “I don’t think it’s right that people should be murdered like that and that people intentionally forget what happened. It’s wrong. It’s immoral.’’
Or LIED!!!
"In researching the Bush administration’s manipulation of public perceptions, I came across an interesting summary of the State Department’s Philip Zelikow, who was Executive Director on the 9-11 Commission, that greatest of all charades.
According to Wikipedia:
"Prof. Zelikow’s area of academic expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, 'public myths’ or 'public presumptions’ which he defines as 'beliefs (1) thought to be true ( although not necessarily known with certainty) and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community.’ In his academic work and elsewhere he has taken a special interest in what he has called 'searing’ or 'molding’ events (that) take on transcendent’ importance and therefore retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene….He has noted that 'a history’s narrative power is typically linked to how readers relate to the actions of individuals in the history; if readers cannot make the connection to their own lives, then a history may fail to engage them at all." ("Thinking about Political History" Miller center Report, winter 1999, p 5-7)
Isn’t that the same as saying there is neither history nor truth; that what is really important is the manipulation of epochal events so they serve the interests of society’s managers? Thus, it follows that if the government can create their own "galvanizing events", then they can write history any way they choose.
If that’s the case, then perhaps the entire war on terror is cut from whole cloth; a garish public relations maneuver devoid of meaning."
And look where we are now, readers.
Town leaders agree that Muslim terrorists were responsible....
Yup, it's a religion!
First Selectwoman Ruth Epstein.... said the town has received about 150 e-mails and numerous calls on the issue. She said many of them supporting Gadiel were obscene, vile, and threatening, including one from a person who hoped Epstein and her family were killed by terrorists....
Yeah, it is FROM the PRO-WAR SIDE where the VIOLENCE comes!!!
The flare-up gained traction last week when Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly talked about it on “The O’Reilly Factor.’’
So the Globe is watching and promoting O'Reilly and his agenda now, huh?
Kent, home to former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, is a rural town of about 3,000 people on the New York state border....
Why am I wholly unsurprised about something like that?
Peter Gadiel volunteers at 9/11 Families for a Secure America Foundation, a group of victims’ families that says its goal is to educate Americans about the threats of open borders and illegal immigration....
The implication being he is some sort of racist, right (which he is)?
Related: My 9/11 Investigation
I'll bet that information would make him REALLY ANGRY, huh?