Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AmeriKa Loves Their Nukes

What makes the war propaganda even more distasteful is the Boston Globe Knows the Truth About Iran.

And need I remind you that the UNITED STATES HERE is the ONLY NATION to have ACTUALLY USED the HORRID WEAPON!

"Learning to love the bomb" by Adam B. Lowther | March 18, 2009

.... The truth is nuclear weapons remain a fundamental aspect of our national security. Without them, the American people will face greater, not less, danger and adversaries willing to exploit our perceived weakness....

Of course, when it comes to ANYBODY ELSE (North Korea, Iran) that might feel that way, well, it's a DIFFERENT TUNE, isn't it?

Obama's nuclear agenda focuses on: securing loose nuclear material from terrorists, strengthening the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and moving toward a nuclear-free world.

Pushing the president in the direction of a "world free of nuclear weapons" are paragons of past political power - former senator Sam Nunn of Georgia and former secretaries of state George Shultz and Henry Kissinger - as well as a host of Washington think tanks.

Offering an alternative view of the nuclear arsenal are the "modernizers," led by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz, and Commander of US Strategic Command General Kevin Chilton. Over the past several months, they have outlined what it will take to maintain and modernize the most advanced and secure nuclear arsenal in the world....

Related: The Boston Globe's Stupid Ideas: Nuclear Disarmament
