"Early Patrick supporter gets plum job; State senator named to $175,000 position" by Frank Phillips, Globe Staff | March 13, 2009
Governor Deval Patrick, who campaigned on a platform to fight business as usual on Beacon Hill, has given one of his earliest political supporters a $175,000-a-year job as an assistant director at a state bonding authority, a position that had sat vacant for more than a dozen years.
Oh, so we DIDN'T REALLY NEED ONE, did we?
State Senator Marian Walsh's appointment was approved yesterday by the board of the Massachusetts Health and Education Facilities Authority, which is dominated by Patrick appointees. The new post will give her a pay raise of nearly $100,000 a year. The agency said Walsh will head its new effort to reach out to other authorities and state agencies to create savings by pooling resources.
The FIRST THING you can do is RESIGN -- and then the REST of the BOARD can FOLLOW YOU!! That will save us some money!! Are you ANGRY YET like ME?!!!
Republicans sharply criticized Patrick yesterday for appointing Walsh, a nine-term West Roxbury Democrat, to such a high-paying post as the nation slides into serious recession and the state government is slashing its budget and laying people off....
I often wonder how many servings of shit Mass. DemocraPs have to fill up on before they puke. The appetite seems bottomless.
"Creating a job for Marian Walsh does not count as one of the thousands of jobs Governor Patrick promised to create in Massachusetts," said Barney Keller, the GOP spokesman. "Instead of rewarding supporters with high-paying jobs, the governor should focus on creating jobs for the thousands of unemployed taxpayers."
Two years ago, Patrick appointed Walsh's husband - Paul V. Buckley, a retired District Court judge - to the state's Industrial Accident Board, a post that pays $113,000 a year. That job will sharply increase his state pension....
Oh, so the GOOD GUV already HELPED OUT the HUBBY at YOUR EXPENSE, taxpayers!! What a DETESTABLE PIECE of SHIT this guy has turned out to be!! A SMELLY, SMELLY, STINK-SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walsh, the Senate majority whip, will see a significant boost in her current $76,440 state salary. But the authority is not part of the state pension system, and her new salary will not boost her state retirement benefits. The agency, which secures tax-exempt capital financing for hospitals, colleges and universities, cultural and research institutions, and human service providers, has a private savings retirement system....
Walsh's credentials in public bonding are not as strong. She holds a theological degree from Harvard Divinity School and a law degree from Suffolk University. She has worked on state finance and financial regulation issues, serving as Senate chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Joint Committee on Banks and Banking. She also led efforts in the Senate to force private, nonprofit organizations to open their books to the public.
Walsh was one of the first state political figures to back what was then considered a long-shot bid by Patrick to win the Democratic nomination for governor in 2006. Within days after winning the governor's race, Patrick, having vowed to upend the political culture on Beacon Hill, told reporters that state legislators should not expect patronage appointments from him....
Oh, so DEVAL SOLD US SHIT, huh? I WON'T FORGET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, but that sly little smile smacks of disingenuousness!
With Governor Deval Patrick facing public outrage over her appointment, state Senator Marian Walsh is asking a state authority to reduce her planned salary from $175,000 to $120,000, a move that Patrick aides hope will quell the uproar, a senior administration source said today.
FAT CHANCE!!!! You guys think you can buy us off by saving $55,000 dollars of wasted loot?
The reduced salary reflects the findings of a search firm that was used to determine the appropriate pay for Walsh in her position assistant executive director of the Massachusetts Health and Education Facilities Authority.
The state LAID OUT TAXPAYER MONEY for a search firm to figure out the appropriate pay? Un-frikkin'-real!
You know what the appropriate pay is? ZERO $ and an ELIMINATION of the POSITION NOT FILLED in 12 years!!!!!!
Also see: State Taxpayers and Special Elections
The graft and corruption costs you in ways you haven't even thought of!
The source insisted that Walsh made her own decision, without any pressure from the governor, to seek a reduction in her salary. Her pay will still be far above the $76,440 that the 54-year old lawmaker now makes as the Senate's majority whip. Walsh, who has not yet resigned her Senate seat, could not be reached for comment this afternoon....
The decision by the board of the Health and Education Facilities Authority nearly two weeks ago to appoint Walsh, a West Roxbury Democrat, had ignited a public outcry. The position had not been advertised, no search firm had been hired to compile a list of candidates, and the job had not been filled in more than a dozen years. It was also not listed on an agenda for the March meeting when it was unanimously approved. Walsh was also hired as state agencies are being forced to lay off workers because of the state's fiscal crisis.
I can't think of a more accurate description of political patronage, huh?
From the REFORM governor!
The Massachusetts Republican Party immediately derided the salary cut for Walsh.
"Does Governor Patrick think that $120,000 is going to be more palatable to outraged taxpayers?" said a statement from the state GOP. "It doesn't make Senator Walsh any more qualified for the job, and it doesn't change the fact that the job was vacant for 12 years. To use Governor Patrick's words, this is a 'trivial' attempt at damage control."
The reference to "trivial" was a jibe at Patrick's statements last week in which he tried to brush aside criticism of the Walsh appointment and other personnel controversies on Beacon Hill.
See: An Arrogant Governor
Walsh, who was one of Patrick's earliest supporters in his long-shot bid to become governor in 2006, had hoped to become the $225,000-a-year executive director of the agency last year, according to private e-mail the Globe obtained between her political adviser, veteran Democratic political operative Michael Goldman, and the governor's chief of staff, Doug Rubin.
(Blog author is shocked; now this little shit whore comes out and says it was never about the money, blah, blah, blah, blah?)
That plan was put on hold and revised after a Globe story in June described the behind-the-scenes jockeying. Walsh's credentials in public bonding are not strong. She holds a theological degree from Harvard Divinity School and a law degree from Suffolk University. She has worked on state finance and financial regulation issues, serving as Senate chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Joint Committee on Banks and Banking. She also led efforts in the Senate to force private, nonprofit organizations to open their books to the public.
The Health and Education Facilities Authority secures tax-exempt capital financing for hospitals, colleges and universities, cultural and research institutions, and human service providers. The authority said Walsh had been hired to work with other authorities, particularly the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, to create more efficient operations and save money.
(Blog editor is incredulous at this double-talking bullshit!)
Two years ago Patrick appointed Walsh's husband -- Paul V. Buckley, a retired district court judge -- to the state's Industrial Accident Board, a post that pays $113,000 a year. The job will sharply increase his state pension. Walsh had applied to Patrick's Judicial Nominating Commission to become a district court judge, but she withdrew her name a year ago.
Walsh has held the Senate seat since 1992, after serving two terms in the House. Senate sources have said that her relationship with Senate President Therese Murray has been strained. Still, Murray issued a statement praising Walsh, saying she has been a ''strong advocate for her constituents and a champion of important issues.''
"Walsh's cost to calm furor: $55,000; Contentious Patrick pick seeks lower pay" by Frank Phillips, Globe Staff | March 25, 2009
State Senator Marian Walsh is asking to reduce the salary she will receive in her new job at a state authority from $175,000 to $120,000, a change that aides to Governor Deval Patrick hope will quell the uproar over her appointment.
Walsh had been under pressure from the governor's staff to take some action to tamp down the anger over her appointment as assistant executive director of the Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority. But administration sources said it was her suggestion to accept a $55,000 reduction in the pay for the job.
So the dudes initial report and source was a lie, huh? Pfffffffftttttt!
"I've been thinking about it for days," Walsh said after Patrick announced she had asked to be paid less for the job. "If it created such anxiety and disturbance, I can say, 'no, thank you' to the $175,000."
Better yet, s***-scum: RESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!
She insisted that a hefty state salary was not her motivation for taking the job. "My career has never been about the amount of money I make," she added.
So she's a LIAR, huh?
"Walsh, who was one of Patrick's earliest supporters in his long-shot bid to become governor in 2006, had hoped to become the $225,000-a-year executive director of the agency last year, according to private e-mail the Globe obtained between her political adviser, veteran Democratic political operative Michael Goldman, and the governor's chief of staff, Doug Rubin."
Even at $120,000, Walsh's new salary will still be far above the $76,440 that the 54-year old lawmaker makes as the Senate's majority whip. Walsh said the authority's board had conducted a "due diligence" in arriving at the $175,000 figure. "I was surprised at the salary," she said.
Asked if she considered her appointment an act of patronage by the governor, Walsh said: "What I see is that I have a skill set and I have a commitment to public service."
Yeah, NOT for the JOB HE GAVE YOU, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!
QUIT LYING, you skank shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was unclear as to when she will resign her Senate seat to take up her new position.
At a press conference in his State House office yesterday, Patrick strongly defended the Walsh appointment, while acknowledging the public outcry. He said her experience in politics and government suits her for the assignment to help coordinate the agency's work with other authorities. Walsh has no experience in public financing, the core mission of the authority. He denied that either he or his staff had pressured Walsh to accept a lower salary.
Yup, ONE LIE after ANOTHER from this little piece of turd!!!!!!!!!!
"This is a job that has got to be done, and she's the one to do it," the governor said of the post, which has been vacant for 12 years. "She is in the right place."
And YOU PUT HER there at $175k, asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!
This god-damn fucking piece of shit stinkshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrick also announced that the controversy over Walsh has prompted him to order a review of salaries and benefits at state public authorities. He called on the agencies to freeze salaries in the meantime....
Republicans pounced on the latest twist in the Walsh appointment. Senate minority leader Richard Tisei called the governor's response a "charade."
The state GOP spokesman, Barney Keller, said in a written statement: "Does Governor Patrick think that $120,000 is going to be more palatable to outraged taxpayers? It doesn't make Senator Walsh any more qualified for the job, and it doesn't change the fact that the job was vacant for 12 years. To use Governor Patrick's words, this is a 'trivial' attempt at damage control."
The reference to "trivial" was a jibe at Patrick's statements last week, in which he tried to brush aside criticism of the Walsh appointment and other personnel controversies on Beacon Hill. His statement further inflamed reaction to the appointment.
Yesterday the governor said he was chagrined at having used the word trivial to describe ethics and patronage controversies. "Uncle, uncle," he said. "I wish I had never uttered the word."
The decision by the Health and Educational Facilities Authority's board nearly two weeks ago to appoint Walsh, a West Roxbury Democrat, had ignited a public outcry. In addition to being vacant for more than a decade, the position had not been advertised and a search firm had not been hired to compile a list of candidates. It was also not listed on an agenda for the meeting where it was unanimously approved....
Walsh, who was one of Patrick's earliest supporters in his long-shot bid to become governor in 2006, had hoped last year to become the executive director of the agency, a job that pays $225,000, according to private e-mail the Globe obtained between her political adviser, Michael Goldman, a veteran Democratic political operative, and the governor's chief of staff, Doug Rubin. That plan was put on hold and revised after a Globe story in June described the behind-the-scenes jockeying.
Why did the Globe make her CONFLICT of INTEREST and LIE the last paragraph of the piece, huh? Especially when it was their own story? You'd figure they'd be proud.