I guess if the money were going to some biotech or corporation it would be alright, huh?
"New library hailed as Mattapan's future; $16.7m building is most modern in city" by Brian R. Ballou, Globe Staff | March 1, 2009

Aiyanna Canty, 3, Nazir Canty, 2, and Aaniya Riddick, 2, all of Mattapan, enjoyed the new children's room at the Mattapan Branch Library yesterday. (Wendy Maeda/Globe Staff)
Yeah, THAT is what I want my tax money spent on in this state: LIBRARIES for BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL little children!!!!
Those little girls are some of the CUTEST little dolls I've ever seen (sorry to debunk the racist charge, culture commissars)!
.... The library, a $16.7 million modern building with an airy mixture of wood, glass, and attention-grabbing color, opened yesterday with fanfare, despite a budget crisis that has imperiled many city projects, programs, and services. Boston is facing an estimated $145 million budget shortfall this year....
--more --"
Why is the Globe sounding like the LIBRARY is a BOONDOGGLE?
GET the $$$ someplace else, Globe!!
Here's a start, shitters:
Governor Guts State Services
Pigs at the State Trough
Yeah, today was a watershed.
It's reached the point where I don't want to purchase, read, or see a Boston Globe story ever again. And tomorrow, I will not.