Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama's Face Fart

"Obama's promise to use most of the revenue to award $400 tax credits to most workers hasn't quelled the controversy since the increases in utility bills could easily exceed the amount of the tax cut"

But he's DOING IT FOR YOU, not TO YOU, Amurka?

Where's Olbermann and Maddow (then again, I wouldn't know; I no longer watch tv news) when you need them?

"'Cap and trade' fast track hits wall; Senators resist Obama linkage to budget debate" by Associated Press | March 17, 2009

WASHINGTON - .... Under a cap and trade system, the government would auction off permits to emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. The auctions would raise almost $650 billion over the next decade, with the cost passed on to consumers as higher energy prices.

Related: Obama's SBD

The cap and trade proposal is highly controversial, especially in heavily industrialized states and regions where people get their electricity from coal-fired power plants. Obama's promise to use most of the revenue to award $400 tax credits to most workers hasn't quelled the controversy since the increases in utility bills could easily exceed the amount of the tax cut.

The House and Senate Budget committees are slated to vote on the budget resolution next week, with Senate debate scheduled for the week of March 30....
