"The document, a climate status report required periodically by Congress, was a collaboration by about three dozen academic, government and institute scientists. It contains no new research, but it paints a fuller and darker picture of global warming"
Related: June Swoon For Fart-Misters
The History of Global Cooling
The Boston Globe Admits Global Warming is a Fraud.... Sort Of
The Other Global Warming Conference
Looks like the Globe might have sneaked out a case of the CENSORSHIP runs!
From the WEB SITE last night:
"New US climate report dire, but offers hope" by Seth Borenstein, AP Science Writer | June 16, 2009
WASHINGTON --Rising sea levels, sweltering temperatures, deeper droughts, and heavier downpours -- global warming's serious effects are already here and getting worse, the Obama administration warned on Tuesday in the grimmest, most urgent language on climate change ever to come out of any White House.
Please stop lying to us. This is really disheartening to read considering the links I supplied above and the weather that has been right in front of my face.
But amid the warnings, scientists and government officials seemed to go out of their way to soften the message. It is still not too late to prevent some of the worst consequences, they said, by acting aggressively to reduce world emissions of heat-trapping gases, primarily carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.
Yeah, yeah, we KNOW WHAT this is ALL ABOUT!
A CARBON TAX so a MARKET can be CREATED in POLLUTION CREDITS and fart-misting agenda-pushers like Al Gore and the government will make $$$ while sticking YOU with an ENERGY TAX, America -- as the cost of cars goes up because of the green requirements as well as all the JOBS LOST (millions replaced by thousands).
ALL on top of the ETHANOL DEBACLE!!!
The new report... is paradoxically more dire about what's happening and more optimistic about what can be done.
Oh what a deadly web we weave....
The Obama administration is backing a bill in Congress that would limit heat-trapping pollution from power plants, refineries and factories. A key player on a climate bill in the Senate, California Democrat Barbara Boxer, said the report adds "urgency to the growing momentum in Congress" for passing a law....
Ready to PUSH, PUSH, PUSH an AGENDA!!!??
Yeah, WHO CARES if it is PROPAGANDA and LIES?!!!!
The document, a climate status report required periodically by Congress, was a collaboration by about three dozen academic, government and institute scientists. It contains no new research, but it paints a fuller and darker picture of global warming in the United States than previous studies....
"The observed climate changes that we report are not opinions to be debated. They are facts to be dealt with," said one of the report's chief authors, Jerry Melillo of Marine Biological Lab in Woods Hole, Mass....
Sigh. I can't comment because I CAN HARDLY BREATHE from the FART-MISTING STENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Among the things Melillo said he would like to avoid are more flooding disasters in New Orleans and an upheaval of the world's food supply.
You wanna avoid upheaval in the food supply? STOP BURNING FOOD as FUEL!
The scientists softened the report from an earlier draft that said "tipping points have already been reached and have led to large changes." Melillo said..... Even so, Tom Karl of the National Climatic Data Center said that at least one tipping point -- irreversible sea level rise -- has been passed....
Even though the ice is expanding at both poles, 'eh?
The world's average temperature may rise by as much as 11.5 degrees by the end of the century, the report said. And the U.S. average temperature could go even higher....
That's it, readers. I'm suffocating. I guess the MORE the ACTUAL EVIDENCE is against you the MORE OUTRAGEOUS the LIES must BECOME! '
Environmental groups praised the report as a call for action, with the Union of Concerned Scientists calling it what "America needs to effectively respond to climate change."
And btw, you have RUINED IT for ALL YOUR ILK with your LYING, so take heart, fart-f***s!
What I found in my paper:
"Strong words on climate change; White House report notes apparent effects" by Seth Borenstein, Associated Press | June 17, 2009
WASHINGTON - Harmful effects from global warming are already here and worsening, warns the first climate report from Barack Obama’s presidency in the strongest language on climate change ever to come out of the White House.
What's with the REEDIT and REWRITE?
Global warming has already caused more heavy downpours, the rise of temperatures and sea levels, rapidly retreating glaciers, and altered river flows, according to the document released yesterday by the White House science adviser and other top officials....
Look at 'em pushing the lies even more -- and what to make of the CENSORSHIP, 'eh, readers?
The White House document - a climate status report required periodically by Congress - contains no new research. But it paints a fuller and darker picture of global warming in the United States than previous studies and brief updates during the George W. Bush years....
In the Northeast, people are already experiencing more frequent days above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, longer growing seasons, increased heavy precipitation, reduced snowpack, and earlier ice breakup on lakes and rivers, the report says....
Now I'm just offended. I'm not even going to curse. I'm just really offended by the bald-faced fart-mist lying (and censorship; remember, the WEB VERSION says they TONED IT DONE).
As emissions rise, those changes will amplify with shorter winters and more erratic weather. The region’s $7.6 billion snow and ice sport industry will continue to suffer, with ski operators forced to make more snow. The region’s snowmobile season could be non-existent by mid century.
Off New England, the report predicts cod populations - already stressed from overfishing - will find warming waters inhospitable.
Of course, the overfishing isn't a factor.
Related: NOAA Takes Wrong Turn on Right Whale
Cod are adapted to a wide range of ocean temperatures yet studies show increases above an annual bottom temperature of around 47 degrees Fahrenheit will lead to a decline in growth and survival - and large populations of the fabled fish are not found above 54 degrees Fahrenheit. The report projects that those thresholds could be met or exceeded this century. The center of the lobster fishery - already moving northward - will continue to migrate with warming temperatures.
The report also projects that, by late this century, heat stress on dairy cows in Massachusetts and southern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, could result in up to a 20 percent decline in milk production.
Oh, well, GOOD THING it is RARELY ABOVE 70 this JUNE!!!!!!!
We should have LOTS of MILK from OUR COWS this year!!!
Northern New England dairy production, however, is not expected to be affected.
Why not?
One administration official, Jane Lubchenco, called the new report a game changer that would inform policy but not dictate a particular solution.
Gee, NOTHING about SCALING back the LANGUAGE, etc!
THANKS for the STINKING CENSORSHIP, you agenda-pushing piece of pfffffffffttttt!!!!