Also see: The Perceptive Pakistani People and Propaganda
Pakistanis See Conspiracies
Operation Enduring Turmoil
And I THINK YOU KNOW what is IMPORTANT to me, don't you, readers!?

A man cried yesterday after the slaying of a Pakistani working at the Iranian Consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan.(Fayaz Aziz/Reuters)
You see, I DON'T CARE about the POLITICS or ALL the OTHER BS we are told!
I look at this photo and I SEE PAIN and SUFFERING!!!
It DOESN'T MATTER WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE, WHAT "side" they are from, etc, etc., THEY JUST LOST a LOVED ONE for NO GOOD REASON over a bunch of DAMN LIES!!!!!
So much for the hating us more than loving their kids crap the Zionist have fed us all these years.
Well, a stoo-pid old Christian fool in AmeriKa is weeping as he pounds his keyboard this morning!!! One can only pray that Fatima will gather my tears for judgement, as lame as they are!!!
Get your waders on, readers, the MSM crapola-rolla is a bit deep today.
"1 shot dead at Iran’s consulate in Pakistan; Security fears rise as military moves against Taliban" by Riaz Khan, Associated Press | November 13, 2009
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Gunmen killed a Pakistani working at the Iranian Consulate in the northwestern city of Peshawar yesterday, adding to security fears in the country as it presses an offensive against the Taliban along the nearby Afghan border.
Gunmen = Blackwater, cui bono?
No group claimed responsibility for the attack, which occurred amid tensions between Pakistan and Iran over Tehran’s allegations that Pakistani intelligence agents had a role in a deadly suicide bombing last month in Iran....
Another REEKING STENCH of a paragraph!
Related: CIA Tries to Turn Iran Against Pakistan
CUI BONO, readers?
The gunmen escaped.
Iran is mostly Shi’ite Muslim.... Pakistan’s Shi’ite minority has often been targeted by Sunni Muslim militants like the Taliban and Al Qaeda, which believe they are infidels. An Iranian diplomat in Peshawar was abducted in November 2008. His whereabouts are unknown.
The head of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released an audio message on the Web earlier this week denouncing Shi’ites, especially Iranians, calling them some of the greatest enemies of Sunnis.
So "Al-CIA-Duh" is an ALLY, huh?
Btw, did you know that Al Qaeda doesn't even exist?
That there is no Al Qaeda?Related:
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
"Al-CIA-Duh" School in Somalia
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
"Al-CIA-Duh," yup!
In the 1980s, Iran was accused of funding radical Shi’ite groups in Pakistan and later supporting forces fighting the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan. The Taliban responded by killing several Iranian diplomats in northern Afghanistan in 1998.
Then IRAN is our ALLY?!!!
Oh what a tangled web we weave, 'eh, MSM -- especially when it is spun out of bulls***!
In Pakistan, Taliban militants are waging a war against the government because they deem it un-Islamic and are angry about its alliance with the United States. The insurgency began in earnest in 2007, and attacks have grown more frequent since the army launched an offensive in mid-October against the Taliban’s main stronghold in South Waziristan.
This is SUCH MSM GARBAGE, and you can REALLY SMELL IT when you KNOW the TRUTH!
The latest fighting in South Waziristan killed 22 militants and five soldiers, the army said in a statement yesterday. The information is nearly impossible to verify independently because Pakistan has blocked access to the battle zone. Analysts believe many militants have fled South Waziristan rather than stay to fight the army.
I hear or see NOTHING for DAYS and then you try to peddle this poop?
Police arrested seven suspected Taliban militants yesterday in the southern city of Karachi who came from the tribal area. Authorities confiscated suicide vests and some 660 pounds of explosives from the men, said Karachi’s police chief, Waseem Ahmed.
What, Pakistan's bomb shop now?
Areas in and around Peshawar have experienced the brunt of militant attacks following the start of the army offensive. A car bomb exploded in a market in Peshawar at the end of October, killing at least 112 people in the deadliest attack in Pakistan in more than two years.
The fact that the war-promoting, agenda-pushing cover-up AmeriKan MSM is flogging that false flag event with such pride pretty much confirms it. They are proud of the act, and like repeating it.
Even before the recent army offensive, Peshawar was a scene of significant militant violence. In 2008, gunmen ambushed a car carrying the Afghan consul toward his home in Peshawar, killing the driver and abducting the envoy, who had recently been selected as the next ambassador to Pakistan. His fate remains unclear.
Gunmen again.
And EVERYONE pretty much FORGOT about that guy.
So where has the CIA or Blackwater billeted him?
Suspected militants also killed a US aid worker there last year and opened fire on a car carrying the top US diplomat there. The US Embassy in Pakistan condemned yesterday’s slaying, saying it represented an effort “by extremists hoping to isolate Pakistan from its supporters in the international community.’’
Yeah, when the U.S. issues a cui bono condemnation it's just another nail in the propaganda!
Tehran, too, expressed its disgust, calling the killing a “terrorist and inhuman act.’’
Of course they did; they are the VICTIMS!!!!!
A spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Ramin Mehmanparast, urged Pakistani officials to find and punish the attackers and to provide more protection to diplomatic buildings.
ISLAMABAD - A suicide attack on the northwestern headquarters of Pakistan’s spy agency yesterday showed how militants have turned against an institution that once nurtured them and marked an escalation in their war against the US-backed government.
Also see: The Pinnacle of Propaganda, Part II
The truck bombing was the second this year against offices of the intelligence agency, which has helped the CIA track down and arrest many Al Qaeda suspects since 2001 but is still suspected by some Western officials of sympathizing with extremists, especially those fighting across the border in Afghanistan.
Oh, so now the "militants" are biting the hand that fed/feeds 'em, huh?
And so what if they are supporting "Taliban" in Afghanistan?
Better to keep the U.S. BUSY THERE instead of HAVING THEM TURN that ARMY on YOU!!!!
The early morning attack killed 10 people and devastated much of the complex in Peshawar, which has been hit by many of the near-daily attacks in recent weeks by insurgents avenging an army offensive against their stronghold along the nearby frontier with Afghanistan. Another 55 people were wounded.
Government has you blocked of, MSM? You sure push enough government garbage.
About an hour later, a second suicide car bomber attacked a police station farther south, killing six people, said police official Tahir Shah. Five were policemen in Bakkakhel village in Bannu district; the other was a civilian....
“This is a guerrilla war,’’ said Mian Iftikhar Hussain, the information minister for North West Frontier Province, where Peshawar is the capital. “We will continue our action against these militant terrorists. That is the only way we can survive.’’
The campaign of suicide attacks began in 2007, when many people believed that negotiations with the militants were possible....
Wow, what STINKOLA TIMING, hmmm?
As insurgent attacks and political turmoil have rocked the country, Congressman John F. Tierney, a Salem Democrat traveling in Islambad, told reporters that the situation was tenuous.
WTF is he doing over there?
In the past, instability has prompted Pakistan’s army to overthrow the civilian government to impose order. Tierney said that this time “the military is quite clearly indicating that there is no intention of a coup.’’
--more--"He didn't seem so sure earlier:
"Pakistan is rocked with daily attacks....
Tierney presided over the US donation of $430,000 worth of medical supplies to the North West Frontier Province, a region that has been hard hit by suicide bombings. He told reporters in a conference call that Pakistan's fragile political situation is "tenuous" but that the elected government appears to be stable for now.
Tierney also met with Pakistani military leaders, and leaders of opposition parties -- both groups whom are believed to be displeased with the government of current Pakistani president Ali Asif Zardari. But Tierney said both the military and the opposition said they were not trying to push Zardari out, either with a military takeover or a parliamentary action.
"The military is quite clearly indicating that there is no intention of a coup," he told reporters in a conference call from Islamabad. "In conversations with the opposition, their statements were that they have no intention of trying to push Zardari out . . . I don't know how long that lasts."--Tierney: Tough love for Pakistan--"
Oh, is that what MISSILES RAINING DOWN on them is?
Imagine if we didn't like you, huh?
Btw, HE is supposed to be one of those ANTIWAR DEMOCRAPS!
[Suicide bomber strikes second police check point in two days in Peshawar; yesterday's alleged attack upon ISI HQ was reported to actually be against a nearby police check point, contrary to Western hype about ISI. What better way for the militants who were chased-out of S. Waziristan to begin a false-flag bombing campaign than to begin with an attack that seems to be upon their ISI patrons?] -- Another Day, Another Check Point Bombing In Peshawar