The fresh snow made a tour of the Granary Burying Ground a challenge yesterday for visiting Penn State student Rong Chen. (Yoon S. Byun/ Globe Staff)
Which one is it?
"Put to emissions test, Va. families attempt lower-carbon lifestyles" by Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post | January 4, 2010
WASHINGTON - If Americans really take the plunge and enter a carbon-constrained world, it might look a little like....
In Hamilton yesterday, Jim Dooley used a snow blower to clear his driveway. Persistent snowfall could mean about 6 to 10 inches of accumulation in many counties. (Photos By Essdras M Suarez/Globe Staff)
Yeah, maybe I need a CLIMATE COACH (pffffffft)!
Related: Wealthy Responsible For Global Warming
Then WHY are they getting on YOUR BACK, American?
There is even an official name for the Stokeses, along with three other households in Virginia: Climate Pilots. They are participants in a Swedish experiment aimed at helping US citizens understand that a lifestyle that curbs greenhouse-gas emissions is not necessarily oppressive, just different.
Say goodbye to your way of life if the carbon tax passes, America.
Whether Americans are willing to follow their example is part of the political calculation lawmakers have to make as they consider imposing nationwide limits on emissions in legislation making its way through Congress.
Maybe THEY can STOP JETTING ALL OVER the WORLD and RIDING in their LIMOS, huh? And how about all that unnecessary carbon footprint of auto racing and football?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Many Americans have adopted small eco-friendly measures, such as recycling and installing compact fluorescent light bulbs. Some have made more significant lifestyle shifts, commuting by public transportation or bicycle and adopting high-efficiency or renewable energy systems for their homes.
You may not want to ride that bike, readers, especially in this weather.
And I wish I hadn't emptied the change cup for this PoS today.
But it remains unclear whether there is enough grass-roots support for a dramatic change in US climate policy, especially during an economic crunch....
Here's a HINT: NO there is NOT!!!!
Americans are TIRED of the LIES and THIS ONE is RIGHT in their WIND-BURNT FACES! If DEmocraPs pass the carbon tax (along with the health tax) they can SAY GOODBYE to CONTROL of CONGRESS!!
The gap between American and European attitudes on global warming was on striking display during the recent UN-sponsored climate talks in Copenhagen. The Europeans had decided to impose constraints on themselves and were willing to accept them in an international agreement, while the Obama administration, for all of the president’s interest in the issue, was wary of political backlash at home and pushed for a more modest pact.
Good thing the newspapers spend so much time fostering divisive anti-European sentiment, 'eh, American?
Wouldn't want to be like the guys who don't go to war with us, would you -- even though they are better than us?
Isn't that the tone of the agenda-pushing paragraph?
Also see:
- Climate Change Canceled Paper Purchase
- Global Warming Protesters Meet New World Order
- The Fart Mist of Fear
- Climate Conference All About Costs
- AP Did Not Read CRU E-Mails
- Slow Saturday Special: Snowed Under With Global Warming
- Global Warming on the Ground
- Merkel Unmasks New World Order Agenda
- The First Day of Winter
- A Picture is Worth Two Words
- Going Xmas Shopping: Checking the Weather
More: Environment
The oil crisis of the 1970s prompted many European governments to shift direction, while Americans responded by briefly turning down their thermostats and driving smaller cars, then returning to old ways when oil prices came down.
Yeah, MORE American-bashing from the Zionist War Daily!
Yeah, they will take our money and munitions, but the minute you disagree on ANY aspect of the agenda out come the insults!
Incorporating climate change into Danes’ everyday thinking has been “a 35-year-long journey,’’ said Niels Christiansen, president and chief executive of Danfoss, a Danish company that produces thermostats and other heating and ventilation components....
Translation: It took 35 years to BRAINWASH the DANES!
It looks like a long road for Americans....
Yes, the indoctrinating inculcation of lies takes a lot of time.
Their six-month challenge officially ended Thursday, and their Swedish climate coaches will be giving them a report card with the amount of greenhouse gases they kept out of the atmosphere.
Related: The World's Biggest Polluter
Yeah, HOW did the WAR MACHINE DO this year, coach?
Also see: A Green Army
Still don't believe global warming is a lie?
"Snowfall won’t end until late tonight" by Sean Teehan, Globe Correspondent | January 3, 2010
The persistent snowfall caused several counties to issue winter weather advisories and resulted in light to moderate coastal flooding from Essex to Plymouth counties, as well as on the Cape, from Dennis to Brewster....
--more--"Doesn't the Globe already have a weather page?
And don't worry, no big deal.
If it wasn't for all the bitter cold and snowfall the last three years and the non-existent summer we had, I might actually believe in global warming.
"Drawn-out storm had minor impact; Road crews kept pace; problems few" by Matt Carroll and Sean Teehan, Globe Staff | Globe Correspondent | January 4, 2010
A long weekend of slick roads, wind-driven snow, and heavy clouds....
The two-day storm that dumped a foot or so of fluffy snow on parts of the region is expected to be long gone - although it leaves behind plenty of the white stuff....
Temperatures today are expected to be in the low 30s....
Blue skies should return today....
As bands of snow repeatedly swept in from the ocean storm, some communities received a foot or more....
The storm, coming on a holiday weekend, kept many people indoors, although shopping centers such as Legacy Place in Dedham were busy....
They can not write one article without pushing the agenda, huh?
Maybe this will wake them up:
"Cold grips northern Plains; high winds delay flights in East" by Bloomberg News | January 4, 2010

Justin Rankin went sledding in the bitter cold before the Buffalo Bills took on the visiting Indianapolis Colts. (David Duprey/ Associated Press)
NEW YORK - A southern dip of the jet stream, which normally keeps the coldest air north of the Hudson Bay in Canada, led to record low temperatures in the northern Plains over the weekend.
The eastern half of the United States faced a cold, windy day yesterday.
Yeah, I KNOW!
Florida orange growers narrowly escaped crop damage Saturday night, and the National Weather Service issued hard freeze warnings for last night into this morning for southern Alabama and Georgia and northern Florida. Such warnings alert growers of temperatures that may fall below 32 degrees Fahrenheit for more than three consecutive hours.
Oh, the SOUTH is FREEZING, is it?
“It has been really cold the past two nights in North Dakota and Minnesota, including 37 degrees below zero in International Falls,’’ said Dave Samuhel, a meteorologist for AccuWeather.com Inc. in State College, Pa.
Oh, and I thought we were having it rough with single digits!!!
The temperature in that Minnesota town, typically the coldest spot in the nation, set a daily record Saturday, he said....
A record HIGH, right?
Also see: MSM Still Silent on ClimateGate Crime Against Humanity
Now watch this: The Hijacking of the Environmental Movement
Btw, the LIES KILL!