A Greenpeace activist was dressed as one of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" during a protest in the United Nations Climate Summit in Copenhagen. (Reuters/ Christian Charisius)
Yeah, somehow the WARS do NOT BOTHER THEM!!!
Related: The World's Biggest Polluter
(Blog editor shrugs shoulders and holds palms open towards ceiling. WTF?)
"Tough bargaining still ahead at UN climate talks" by John Heilprin and Arthur Max, Associated Press Writers | December 11, 2009
COPENHAGEN -- After years of being bogged down in detail, the draft highlighted the broad goals the world must achieve to avoid irreversible change in climate that scientists say could bring many species to extinction and cause upheavals in many parts of the Earth....
--more--"Well, the CLIMATE is ALWAYS CHANGING and it has more to do with the SUN than anything else, so PFFFFFFFTTT!!
"UN group drafts plan to reduce emissions; Also highlights obstacles ahead; talks running out of time" by Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post | December 12, 2009
COPENHAGEN - The current battle is as much about saving individual economies as saving the planet....
--more--""Gore cites studies predicting polar ice may disappear in 5 years; Earlier warnings put date at 2030" by Charles J. Hanley, Associated Press | December 15, 2009
COPENHAGEN - Danish ice scientist Dorthe Dahl Jensen said the biggest ice sheets - Greenland and West Antarctica - were already contributing 0.04 inches a year to those rising sea levels. She said this could double within the next decade. “With global warming, we have woken giants,’’ she said.
Yeah, the PUBLIC -- who has HAD it with the LIES!!!!
"Climate talks deadlocked as clashes erupt outside" by Charles J. Hanley, AP Special Correspondent | December 16, 2009
COPENHAGEN -- Tens of thousands rallied in the streets of the Danish capital last weekend, demonstrating growing public awareness of the worldwide danger of ever-rising temperatures.
Yeah, GOOD THING they have been going DOWN for the last TEN YEARS!!!
Watch: Hide The Decline
Scientists say global warming will lead to the extinction of plant and animal species, the flooding of coastal areas from rising seas, more extreme weather, more drought and diseases spreading more widely....
Related: Climate Change Canceled Paper Purchase
"Scramble for deal is on as climate talks near close; US promises aid for developing countries" by Beth Daley, Globe Staff | December 18, 2009
COPENHAGEN - Even if a deal is struck, it’s unclear how much it will mean.... to avoid the worst consequences of global warming....
Yeah, GOOD THING it is NOT HAPPENING here in FRIGID New England!!!!
"This is not what would normally be expected in mid-December"
Wake up and SMELL the FART MIST, America!!!!