Better get to a toilet, readers.
"Regional leader of Al Qaeda killed in northern Iraq; Raid is second in days against key terrorists" by Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Associated Press | April 21, 2010
BAGHDAD — Iraqi and US troops killed a regional leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq in an early morning raid yesterday, as security forces continue to put pressure on the terrorist organization after the reported deaths of its two top-ranking figures over the weekend, officials said.
A senior Al Qaeda operative captured last month produced the information leading to yesterday’s raid as well as one that ended in the deaths of the organization’s top leaders, according to a senior Iraqi military intelligence officer who supervised both operations.
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri were killed in Sunday’s joint operation, which Vice President Joe Biden called a “potentially devastating blow’’ to Al Qaeda in Iraq. The elusive leaders were killed in their desert safehouse about 6 miles southwest of Tikrit.
Oh, those guys?
"Killing Abu Omar al-Baghdadi is a real trick when you consider that this article claims he was arrested (after being reported killed) back in 2009, and this article admits Abu Omar al-Baghdadi is just a made up fictional creation!" -- Wake the Flock Up
Think of it as a terrorist hokey-pokey; you put your left foot in the grave.... come on, readers, sing a long.
So the CIA is calling of Al-CIA-Duh, huh?
Iraqi intelligence services were able to track down all three men by building on information provided by the captured agent, the intelligence official said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the clandestine nature of his job.
The killing of the Al Qaeda figures comes at a critical moment for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki....
And CUI BONO, 'eh?
The intelligence officer said Maliki oversaw the operations, and received daily briefings from him. In yesterday’s raid, American and Iraqi joint forces launched a morning attack in the northern province of Ninevah....
Iraqi and American troops routinely share intelligence information, and it was a US tip — which then generated more information from Iraqi informants — that led authorities to the isolated desert area outside Tikrit where Masri and Baghdadi were hiding, according to a US official.
I think you had BETTER FLUSH TWICE, readers, 'cause the bowl is fillin' up.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity so that he could talk more candidly about the operation.
Military pictures of the remote one-story safehouse showed its roof caved in and its mudbrick walls partly destroyed.
Major General Stephen Lanza, a US military spokesman, said the bodies of Masri and Baghdadi were identified using DNA matching, as well as fingerprint analysis and other methods.
How could they have those taken from "terrorists" -- unless they had already killed them, right?
Once again AmeriKa's MSM totally discredits itself and gives you cause not to believe anything in their pages.
Lanza said the operation involved ground and aerial forces.
The Iraqi officer said Iraqi troops surrounded the safehouse and a firefight began with those inside. Iraqi forces then radioed American helicopters, which fired missiles at the house and the shooting from inside stopped, the officer said.
Iraqi forces had been hesitant to storm the house because they had heard Masri might be wearing a suicide vest, he said.
I really can't take the BS being shoveled at me by the BG anymore, folks.
Once the shooting stopped, they went inside and found two women still alive — one was Masri’s wife — and four dead men who have been identified as Masri, his assistant, Baghdadi, and Baghdadi’s son. A suicide vest was found on Masri’s corpse, the officer said.
That's what "authorities" cited by lying newspapers say.
So there where women in the house, huh?
The terrorist organization in the past has reacted to the deaths of leading figures with new attacks, but it was not immediately clear whether scattered violence yesterday across the country was related.
Yeah, EVERY DAY even if NOT REPORTED here!
And they have the audacious nerve to editorialize about censorship and open democracy.
In one incident north of Baghdad, gunmen stormed into the home of a member of a Sunni group that joined forces with the Americans to fight Al Qaeda in Iraq, killing his wife, his 22-year-old daughter, and his three other children ages 8 to 12, a police officer said....
Were they speaking English?
BAGHDAD — The previously undisclosed arrest of a senior leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq last month provided Iraqi and American security forces with a trove of intelligence that led to the killing of the group’s two top leaders in an early-morning raid this week, senior Iraqi officials said yesterday.
This is PSYOPS BS!!
The deaths of the two leaders and a wave of killings and arrests that followed — with 12 more suspected insurgents seized in raids in Baghdad and Mosul in the north yesterday — may be the most significant blow yet to a still-deadly movement here that only a few months ago appeared to be regrouping, the officials said.
Hey, CIA yo-yos them as to what they need at the time.
They asserted that the series of raids — and the apparent cooperation of the leader arrested in Baghdad last month — has devastated its leadership ranks, its financing, and possibly its links to Al Qaeda’s international leaders on the borderlands of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
So which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?
The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
Oh, the NYT KNOWS ALL ABOUT and yet STILL PUSHES the CHARADE, huh?Why I never read 'em or visit the website.
The lasting impact on Al Qaeda in Iraq remains to be seen, given the group’s resilience and previous overstatements by American and Iraqi officials of its imminent demise.
Many details of the recent raids remain secret, and thus impossible to verify....
Even if they were "verified" consider the source.
Any significant weakening of the group could help smooth the Obama administration’s primary goal in Iraq: the steady withdrawal of combat forces by the end of the summer. The withdrawal has appeared increasingly uncertain because of the political impasse over the election....
Yeah, can't you SMELL the CUI BONO BULLSHIT?
And hey, if the Boston Globe editorial staff says it's over for Al-CIA-Duh, it's over.
"Faithful allies against Al Qaeda
THE KILLING last week of three top leaders of Al Qaeda in Iraq may not be quite the “devastating blow’’ Vice President Joe Biden said it was, but it did illuminate a turning of the tide in the fight against Islamic extremism.
The closeness with which American and Iraqi forces worked to wipe out terrorist cells was a victory in itself. It suggested that the Iraqi people are not only taking steps to protect themselves from Al Qaeda, but accepting America as an ally in the fight.
Despite their continuing political turmoil and sectarian tensions, Iraqis are developing a healthy immune system that attacks the Al Qaeda virus....
How disingenuous, 'eh, readers?
Although I have developed a healthy immunity to certain pieces of s***.
In the name of their retrograde version of Islam, Al Qaeda’s holy warriors indiscriminately killed innocent Muslims. Nothing could be more un-Islamic.
That's why it ain't them.
The American occupation of Iraq brought Al Qaeda there.
Yeah, we seem to bring Al-CIA-Duh with us wherever we go.
That was an unintended consequence of former President George W. Bush’s war to overthrow Saddam Hussein. But then Al Qaeda showed its true colors as an Islamist version of Murder Inc., repelling Iraqis and strewing innocent bodies across the TV screens of the Middle East on the al Jazeera network.
Murder Inc. is what the CIA was known as in Latin America during the 1950s and 60s. For once they used an accurate -- if obfuscating -- analogy.
The loss of support for Al Qaeda in the Muslim world is the unintended consequence of Al Qaeda’s lost war in Iraq.
So where is Al-CIA-Duh" headed next?
Not only did Globe editorial prove it, CIA-Duh ADMITS IT!
"Iraqi insurgent group confirms leaders’ deaths; But defiant Al Qaeda offshoot vows to continue battling" by Sinan Salaheddin, Associated Press | April 26, 2010

Mourners yesterday carried the coffin of a relative killed in a bombing in the Shi’ite city of Najaf, Iraq. (Alaa Al-Marjani/ Associated Press)
BAGHDAD — An Al Qaeda front group in Iraq yesterday confirmed the killing of its two top leaders but vowed to keep up the fight despite claims by US and Iraqi officials that the deaths could be a devastating blow to the terror network.
Yeah, a CIA FRONT!
The defiance came in a statement released a week after the group’s leaders — Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri — were killed in a raid by Iraqi and US security forces on their safe house near Tikrit, north of Baghdad....
Lot of pooh-pooh in this post.
The four-page statement by the Islamic State of Iraq was posted on a militant website early yesterday....
Oh, NO!!!
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
Squaring Up For Another False Flag Terror Event
My toilet overfloweth... HELP!!!!!!!
The Islamic State of Iraq is an offshoot of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Like s sit-com spin-off that ain't funny at all.
Al-Baghdadi was its self-described leader and was so elusive that at times US officials questioned whether he was a real person or merely a composite of a terrorist to give an Iraqi face to an organization led primarily by foreigners.
Yeah, we are NO LONGER FOOLEYED!!!
Al-Masri, a weapons expert who was trained in Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan in the late 1990s, was the shadowy national leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Plunge, you bastard, plunge!!!
Their deaths were triumphantly announced last Monday by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. US Vice President Joe Biden called the killings a “potentially devastating blow’’ to Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Not like a "sorry we had to do this, but.... ?"
Or is the callousness because only toilet phantoms were struck?
But (clink; need a nickel for the toilet) four days later, officials believe Al Qaeda struck back, bombing mosques, shops, and the office of an influential Shi’ite cleric, killing 72 people in Iraq’s bloodiest day of the year so far. Homes of police also were bombed.
Al-Maliki said the insurgents were fighting back after the deaths of their two leaders.
The new statement did not mention Friday’s bombings, and no group has claimed responsibility for them yet. But the statement signals that Al Qaeda will remain a threat to Iraq even without its top two leaders....
We are NOT LEAVING, AmeriKa, and we NEVER WERE!
Al Qaeda in Iraq has proven resilient in the past, showing a remarkable ability to change tactics and adapt, most notably after its brutal founder, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was killed nearly four years ago in a US airstrike.
Related: Al-Zarqawi Video Is A Pentagon Propaganda Psy-Op
I guess they won't be yanking him out of the grave anytime soon.Still, it is widely believed the group was far stronger then and would probably have a harder time now replenishing its leadership and sticking to a timetable of attacks.
Al-Maliki has seized on the militants’ killings to show he can restore stability to Iraq after years of bloodshed.
And CUI BONO, 'eh?
Following his political coalition’s second-place finish in the March 7 parliamentary elections, al-Maliki is locked in a tight contest with secular challenger Ayad Allawi to see who will form the next government.
And I couldn't care less whether AmeriKan puppet A or U.S. tool B is declared "winner."
Al-Maliki’s coalition trails Allawi’s bloc by two seats in the 325-seat parliament, and neither has yet been able to secure enough support from other parties to muster a majority.
Sadr will decide.
Meanwhile, the police chief in Hawija, 150 miles north of Baghdad, said troops raided the nearby town of al-Safra and arrested Burhan Mahmoud Mohammed, a local leader of the Islamic State of Iraq.
Colonel Fatah al-Khafaji said troops acted on intelligence but did not indicate exactly where the information came from....
Oh, I think I can hazard a guess.
In Baghdad, a so-called sticky bomb attached to the underside of a civilian’s car exploded, killing the driver and wounding six passersby, according to a police officer and a medic at the nearby al-Yarmouk hospital, where the victims were taken. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.
Also yesterday, an explosion at an iron factory in the northern city of Irbil killed five workers — two Indians, two Arabs, and a Kurd — and wounded 15. Workers from India and other Asian nations have flocked to the Kurdish region in recent years as the economy there has grown.
Related: Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up
There is one base of hell in the region and why you never see much in print about Kurds.