Thursday, May 13, 2010

Red Cross and Rapes in the Congo

One is left wondering what is the point and did this ever even happen?

If you are asking me to trust a lying, agenda-pushing MSM I just can't do it anymore.

"Congo militia kidnaps 8 Red Cross workers" by Associated Press | April 14, 2010

GENEVA — A militia group in eastern Congo has kidnapped eight Red Cross workers, and negotiations are underway to secure their release, the aid group said yesterday.

One Congolese official said the seizure of the aid workers was an attempt by the rebels “to use them as human shields’’ and prevent a planned army assault.

Great, another western-backed army slaughter that is being ignored.

Related: The Quietest Holocaust You Never Heard Of

Around Africa: Calling the Congo

And NOW YOU KNOW WHY, dear readers!

The seven Congolese and one Swiss national were kidnapped Friday near the town of Fizi in Congo’s South Kivu Province by the Mai Mai Yakutumba rebels, the International Committee of the Red Cross said in Geneva.

“We are negotiating with them and insisting on the immediate release of our colleagues,’’ Nicole Engelbrecht, Red Cross spokeswoman, said. She said the captors have made no demand for ransom and the Red Cross never pays any.

A Congo Army spokesman in South Kivu, Captain Olivier Hamuli, said the Mai Mai had seized the Red Cross staff to thwart a planned Congolese Army attack on their hideouts.

Related: Cutting Through the African Bush

Why are they all in the employ of the West?

“We know where ICRC are kept in their captivity, but we cannot attack the area to avoid putting their lives in danger,’’ Hamuli said.

Hamuli said the Mai Mai have refused to join the 2009 government disarmament and integration program because they believe they are protecting their tribe.

The Red Cross has several offices in South Kivu, which like much of eastern Congo has been racked by violence since the 1994 genocide in neighboring Rwanda spilled war across the border.

Yeah, the 10 million or so dead raise nary ripple 'round here.


And the follow-up article after days and days of no Congo coverage must be meant to convey something, readers:

"Rape skyrockets in Congo, study finds" by Associated Press | April 15, 2010

DAKAR, Senegal — The number of rapes carried out by civilians in eastern Congo has increased 17-fold in the past few years, according to a study released today that finds sexual assaults long perpetrated by armed groups are spreading across the population.

So WTF is the UN even doing there?

The study, commissioned by the British aid group Oxfam, was conducted by specialists from Harvard University and examined more than 4,000 cases from 2004 to 2008 at Panzi Hospital in the eastern city of Bukavu.

You can't question the integrity of that study!

Armed groups, including the army and Congolese and Rwandan militias, have raped tens of thousands of women in the war-ravaged nation, but the research found that 38 percent of rapes were committed by civilians in 2008, compared with less than 1 percent in 2004.

The DESTRUCTION of a CULTURE -- which is what happens when you have raging chaos and war!

“This study confirms what has only been reported anecdotally until now: Sexual violence has become more normal in civilian life,’’ said Susan Bartels, chief researcher from the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative....


There is NOTHING NORMAL about VIOLENCE, sorry!


About 56 percent of sexual assaults surveyed were carried out by armed men in the presence of the victim’s families, including their children.

Then it is TORTURE, too!!!!!!

Around 16 percent were reported in fields, and 15 percent in forests.

Do it wherever you can. huh?

Sexual slavery also was reported by 12 percent of the women surveyed.

(Blog editor with hands up in the air)


UN Gets a Piece

And the Congo is the largest "peace-keeping" operation the U.N. has going, huh?

All just a COINCIDENCE, I'm sure.

No need to worry:

"8 more Red Cross workers freed in Congo" by Associated Press | April 17, 2010

KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo — A militia in eastern Congo that seized eight Red Cross workers a week ago released them yesterday, Red Cross officials said.

The seven Congolese and a Swiss national taken by the Mai Mai rebels are in good health and were being flown by UN helicopter to Bukavu, the provincial capital, said Desire Yuma, whose national Red Cross staff were among the captives. Geneva-based spokeswoman Nicole Engelbrecht said the staffers were released unconditionally, without ransom payment or other deals made to secure their release.

They realized they made a BIG MISTAKE -- especially in the PUBLIC RELATIONS VENUE!

Franz Rauchenstein, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross delegation in Congo, said in a news release that the organization is “relieved and happy to have our eight colleagues back, in good health.’’

“Their return marks the end of a series of long, hard days, not only for them but for their families and friends,’’ he said “We would like to express our deep gratitude to all those who have lent us their support over the last few days.’’

The Red Cross has offices in South Kivu, which like much of eastern Congo has been wracked by violence since the 1994 genocide in neighboring Rwanda spilled war across the border.

I think I've seen that same exact paragraph somewhere before.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said the group’s mission was to protect and assist victims of violence.

The shadowy Mai Mai militia is one of many armed groups in the area. Their fighters have been seen using rudimentary weapons like spears and are believed to value mysticism.

Are you kidding me?

That's how they are holding off world powers?


Did that really even happen, readers?

And about that OFFENSIVE?