Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The AmeriKa Bush Left Behind

Lest I remind you, AmeriKa, he STILL HAS 90 DAYS and YOU INSULTED HIM LAST NIGHT!!

You TOTALLY REPUDIATED HIS GOVERNANCE, and his personality doesn't like stuff like that!

I would expect a LITTLE GIFT before he leaves, America.

Georgie always keeps his promises, and do you think he cares a rat's ass what WE -- the people who REJECTED HIM -- think?

CHICAGO - Obama's clear-cut victory, bolstered by strong majorities of his own party in both houses of Congress, can be read as a mandate for some very specific policy changes that could, by themselves, have momentous impact. Withdrawal from Iraq. Renewal of the six-decade quest for national health insurance. The launch of a major government-funded quest for renewable energy.

Here come the GLOBALISTS!!! And what are they throwing the "withdrawal" from Iraq in there for? That ain't gonna happen!

Beyond the policies, Obama's election will stand forever amid the great milestones of America's racial history, the end of a torturous progression from emancipation to the civil rights movement to the election of the first black president.

And yet the biggest change of all - the one that the hundreds of thousands of supporters who came to Grant Park are expecting - will be intangible: The change of tone in the country.

Any president's greatest power - as chief executive, commander-in-chief, symbol of the nation - is in the tone he sets, a message that infects every corner of the federal government, penetrates American popular culture, and shapes international opinion of the United States and what it stands for.

I really wish that were not the case. No elite stink speaks for me.

And in this respect - as a shift in tone - Obama's election is a watershed that could rank with the elections of Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. Every rise to the presidency is serendipitous. No one can assume that he or she has the credentials and therefore will get the job. Sometimes the serendipity seems merely lucky or accidental, but Obama's election was a more premeditated meeting of man and moment.

So the election was rigged; they are giving us Obama to settle down the American people and push the agenda through!

It wouldn't have been possible for Obama, a first-term senator with a slender legislative record, to secure the Democratic nomination this year or to seize the White House were it not for the man he will replace, George W. Bush.

In the months and years following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Bush invoked some of the most resonant words and images from American history to justify his policies. In his "axis of evil" speech that laid the groundwork for the Iraq war, Bush spoke of freedom as a value Americans must fight to protect by taking on "evil-doers" abroad. He also talked of exporting American good will and compassion, but framed the coming battle in militaristic terms.

"We have known freedom's price," Bush declared in January 2002. "We have shown freedom's power. And in this great conflict, we will see freedom's victory."

Yeah, yeah, we all know what happened during the war criminal's terms!

Yet growing numbers of people came to see Bush's policies as being at odds with American values.


Where once Americans prided themselves on never starting wars, but rather accepting them if no other option were available, Bush seemed too eager to fight in Iraq.

So why did YOU MSM TYPES ENABLE HIM with your LIES?

Where Americans prided themselves on their defense of religious freedom, Bush seemed too willing to advertise his Christianity.

Notice how Zionism and its control over our society never enters the equation?

Where Americans valued their civil liberties, Bush believed people would accept electronic surveillance as a means to root out terrorists.

Haven't we?

And where Americans prided themselves on their humanity, Bush seemed too willing to excuse alleged torture of prisoners in American custody.

For more on the abominable atrocity of U.S. torture, go HERE

Roosevelt, who was correctly suspected of planning a major government expansion, spent much of his 1932 campaign stressing fiscal prudence.

Translation: Roosevelt was a LIAR -- and a TRAITOR!

Reagan, who was correctly suspected of planning a defense build-up that would unsettle both allies and enemies, spent much of his 1980 campaign stressing his commitment to peace.

Translation: Reagan LIED!!!

Obama's desire to increase government's role in health care, education, and energy is well known, and the expanded Democratic majorities in Congress will probably join him in creating the most activist government since the early 1970s. His promise to use extensive diplomacy rather than "axis of evil"-style threats - and to make the rebuilding of America's image overseas a top priority - is similarly well known. And in this effort, his own best weapon will be himself.

Well, if history is a guide, we are going to be in more wars, huh?

Obama will face difficult problems and, eventually, punishing political opposition. But in delivering on the central promise of his campaign - to change the tone in Washington, America, and across the world - he can succeed just by showing up. --more--"

Hey, that is ALL BUSH EVER DID!!!