Supreme court strikes down Louisiana abortion law
They obviously have something on Roberts, who has “been a disappointment to pretty much everyone on the right at this point,” said Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network. She accused Roberts of “forming a pattern of decision-making that appears to be more tailored to avoiding political controversy on the court than actually coming to the correct legal result,” while "in dissent, Justice Samuel Alito, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, wrote that the Louisiana law protects the health and safety of women seeking abortions and that the requirements for obtaining admitting privileges helps ensure the competence of doctors. The facts on the ground in the two states, he wrote, were enough to require a different conclusion. “There is ample evidence in the record showing that admitting privileges help to protect the health of women by ensuring that physicians who perform abortions meet a higher standard of competence than is shown by the mere possession of a license to practice,” Alito wrote. “In deciding whether to grant admitting privileges, hospitals typically undertake a rigorous investigative process to ensure that a doctor is responsible and competent and has the training and experience needed to perform the procedures for which the privileges are sought.”
How odd that it is the conservatives that are upholding the rights of women as the Court ostensibly protects the youth. It's also odd that churches were shutdown but not abortion clinics. What's up with that? Isn't abortion the ultimate in elective surgeries?
I'm not arguing for or against it, I'm just pointing out the inherent co0ntradictions and inconsistencies of the pre$$ presentation of the issue.
Flipping below the fold is when the fireworks begin:
"In the city, and in urban areas across the nation, complaints to police about fireworks have skyrocketed. Public officials are trying to get a handle on where people are buying them and why they’re setting them off. Theories abound. Some have speculated that they are linked to the nationwide protests for racial justice. Others believe they’re mostly a release for people cooped up for months during the COVID-19 pandemic and looking to blow a little bit of the money they would’ve spent elsewhere, and it’s all happening as Boston and other communities have canceled the huge, commercial fireworks displays people look forward to each July 4. Bruce Zoldan, chief executive of Phantom Fireworks, said he and other fireworks sellers he’s spoken with have seen a huge increase in interest nationwide — sometimes double or triple the usual business. “We’ve never seen, in the history of our industry, demand so high for consumer fireworks,” Zoldan said. “It’s hard for us to keep them on the shelves. We send truck after truck to our stores nationwide.” People trapped at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, Zoldan said, are turning to fireworks “because it’s their only avenue of entertainment right now.”
That is the absurd cover story they are coming up with for funneling fireworks to antifa types for one hell of a Fourth?
They will be burning down cities everywhere, but at least Superman has arrived to save the day!

A Massachusetts man, who declined to identify himself, navigated a cart of fireworks past a long line Sunday in Londonderry, N.H. (Nathan Klima for The Boston Globe/The Boston Globe).
Do you see what I don't see?
As for school this fall:
"The University of Massachusetts Amherst, the state’s flagship public campus, will hold most classes remotely this fall, but in an unusual move invited thousands of its students to live in the dormitories, as long as they abide by “strict” rules for coronavirus testing and social distancing. The university considered public health issues, the safety of older faculty and staff and the neighboring towns, along with the desire of many students to return to campus, said Kumble Subbaswamy, UMass Amherst chancellor, on Monday......"
You know what, let's come back to that later.
Another court case leads my National docket:
Supreme Court won’t hear challenge to new federal death penalty procedure
They cleared the government to begin executing people again, and I do come down with absolutism when it comes to the death penalty. Against in all cases. The state commits enough murder without attaching our name to it.
Should fire and jail them all:
"The Supreme Court on Monday made it easier for the president to fire the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The justices struck down restrictions on when the president can remove the bureau’s director. “The agency may ... continue to operate, but its Director, in light of our decision, must be removable by the President at will,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote. The court’s five conservative justices agreed that restrictions Congress imposed on when the president can fire the agency’s director violated the Constitution, but they disagreed on what to do as a result. Roberts and fellow conservative justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh said the restrictions could be stricken from the law. The court’s four liberals agreed, though they disagreed the restrictions were improper. The decision doesn’t have a big impact on the current head of the agency. Kathy Kraninger, who was nominated to her current post by the president in 2018, had said she believed the president could fire her at any time. Defenders of the law’s removal provision had argued the restrictions insulated the agency’s head from presidential pressure. “Today’s decision wipes out a feature of that agency its creators thought fundamental to its mission—a measure of independence from political pressure. I respectfully dissent,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote for herself and the court’s four liberals....."
You won some, you lose some, glass half empty, glass half full, read 'em and weep:
Warren says consumer protection agency is ‘here to stay’ following Supreme Court ruling
Here is what else she is up to down there as reported by the Globe:
"Amid growing concern about a wave of evictions that could hit cities nationwide this summer and fall, momentum is quickly growing to block them, perhaps for months to come. Both bills point to the coronavirus pandemic, which is surging in many parts of the country even as new cases slow in Massachusetts, and the resulting recession, which has pushed tens of millions of Americans out of work....."
Warren out there working hard for Communism!
I hate to be so harsh, but what else can you call what you are looking at there?
Keep people in their homes, not working, giving them a UBI of rubles. Looks a loot like the former Soviet Union, sorry!
If Tucker's warning wasn't enough, this should put the White House campaign operation on Red Alert:
"Reddit, acting against hate speech, bans ‘The_Donald’ subreddit" by Mike Isaac New York Times, June 30, 2020
SAN FRANCISCO — Reddit, one of the largest social networking and message board websites, on Monday banned its biggest community devoted to President Trump as part of an overhaul of its hate speech policies.
Reddit wants to rub out Free Speech.
The community or “subreddit,” called “The_Donald,” is home to more than 790,000 users who post memes, viral videos, and supportive messages about Trump. Reddit executives said the group, which has been highly influential in cultivating and stoking Trump’s online base, had consistently broken its rules by allowing people to target and harass others with hate speech.
“Reddit is a place for community and belonging, not for attacking people,” Steve Huffman, the company’s chief executive, said in a call with reporters. “ ‘The_Donald’ has been in violation of that.”
What a surprise.
Reddit said it was also banning roughly 2,000 other communities from across the political spectrum, including one devoted to the leftist podcasting group “Chapo Trap House,” which has about 160,000 regular users. The vast majority of the forums that are being banned are inactive.
“The_Donald,” which has been a digital foundation for Trump’s supporters, is by far the most active and prominent community that Reddit decided to act against. Social media sites are facing a reckoning over the types of content they host and their responsibilities to moderate and police that content. While Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and others originally positioned themselves as neutral sites that simply hosted people’s posts and videos, users are now pushing them to take steps against hateful, abusive, and false speech on their platforms.
That means taking down all Washington Composts, New York Slimes, and Bo$ton Globe bull$hit, too, right?
Some of the sites have recently become more proactive in dealing with these issues. Twitter started adding labels last month to some of Trump’s tweets to refute their accuracy or call them out for glorifying violence. Snap also recently said it would stop promoting Trump’s Snapchat account after determining that his public comments off the site could incite violence.
No more war lies blared from the front pages of papers then, right?
"As doctors and dentists reopen their offices, patients have noticed something missing: the magazines. Medical providers have removed periodicals from waiting rooms as a precaution during the coronavirus. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommended that its 136,700 members get rid of all their publications during COVID-19. And it’s not just doctor’s offices: United and Delta removed in-flight magazines from seat-back pockets as part of new cleaning procedures For years, print media has faced an existential threat from the Internet. Now, publications are grappling with a new challenge — fears that you can get the coronavirus by touching them."
It's a virus-tainted world, and I think I finally bought my last Globe.
You know, that is so comically ironic
On Monday, streaming website Twitch suspended Trump’s account on its service, citing the company’s policies against hateful conduct. Reddit, which was founded 15 years ago and has more than 430 million regular users, has long been one corner of the Internet that was willing to host all kinds of communities. No subject — whether it was video games or makeup or power-washing driveways — was too small to discuss. People could simply sign up, browse the site anonymously, and participate in any of the 130,000 active subreddits, yet that freewheeling position led to many issues of toxic speech and objectionable content across the site, for which Reddit has consistently faced criticism. In the past, the company hosted forums that promoted racism against Black people and openly sexualized underage children, all in the name of free speech.
Yeah, when is the ma$$ media going to tackle the rampant pedophilia and sexual abuse amongst the ruling class rather than burying their crimes amongst this slop they trot out on daily basis?
That has haltingly changed over time. In 2015, Reddit introduced anti-harassment policies. Later that year, it banned several subreddits that targeted Black or obese people. In 2016, it rolled out additional anti-harassment measures and tools. It also took down forums dedicated to openly buying and selling drugs, but the company’s executives have struggled in particular with how to handle “The_Donald” and its noxious content. Reddit said people in “The_Donald” consistently posted racist and vulgar messages that incited harassment and targeted people of different religious and ethnic groups on and off its site.
It's only a matter of time before I'm taken down, one way or the other. I'm resigned to that fact so gobble up all you can here if you want it for posterity's sake.
“The_Donald” has also heavily trafficked in conspiracy theories, including spreading the debunked “Pizzagate” conspiracy, in which Hillary Clinton and top Democrats were falsely accused of running a child sex trafficking ring from a pizza parlor in Washington.
They think you are a dumb Polack like me.
While the site had already banned many of these behaviors, the latest changes take a harder line on speech that “promotes hate based on identity or vulnerability.”
Or the truth in the above case. Gotta protect those Clintons and the rest!
Huffman said users on “The_Donald” had frequently violated its first updated rule: “Remember the human.” He said he and others at Reddit repeatedly tried to reason with moderators of “The_Donald,” who run the subreddit on a volunteer basis, to no avail. Banning the forum was a last-ditch effort to contain harassment, he said.
“We’ve given them many opportunities to be successful,” Huffman said. “The message is clear that they have no intention of working with us.”
Got the message loud and clear.
Trump retweets video of supporters pointing weapons
Is he trying to put himself in the crosshairs, or will he do an LBJ and not accept the nomination?
That would mean Pence would become the ostensible nominee, and a potential Godsend?
He would be perfectly positioned to battle the Mark of the Beast as proposed by Gates and Fauci, and would be facing God's judgement!
Until then, one must Face up to the fact that it's over:
"Facebook sales at risk as Starbucks bails, GM plans review" by Kurt Wagner Bloomberg News, June 29, 2020
Facebook Inc. fielded criticism from a growing number of consumer companies over harmful content on its sites, with Starbucks Corp. and Diageo pulling back on ad spending and General Motors Co. planning to review its social media marketing strategy.
Money f**king $creams these days.
Starbucks and Diageo followed Unilever, Coca-Cola, and several other companies in saying they will cut ad spending, part of an exodus aimed at pushing Facebook and its peers to limit hate speech and posts that divide and misinform.
On Monday, the pullback continued. Britvic, which supplies a wide range of soft drinks, said it will pause advertising on Facebook and Instagram for July.
Until after the second wave of COVID, right?
GM said it’s “reviewing and reinforcing” its marketing guidelines, and Patreon Inc. said it’s removing all ads on Facebook and Instagram. The Clorox Co. said it will stop advertising spending with Facebook through December.
If Tucker can pull through, so can you.
While a single advertiser can do little to hurt a company that generated $17.7 billion in revenue last quarter, the rising tally creates peer pressure on other brands, and civil rights groups say they expect more corporations to join a boycott. Combined with a pandemic-fueled economic slowdown, the threat to Facebook is deepening.
Gotta take a knee in $ervice to the globalist agenda. Not even Zioni$t Joory can effectively oppose the Mon$ter mafia. It's gotten so bad that I will drop to a knee in fealty if they save us from the mandatory vaccinations of the Gates/Fauci crowd and return our world to normal. Go have your wars, I won't oppose them this time. That's how low I have sunk.
“Given the amount of noise this is drawing, this will have significant impact to Facebook’s business,” Wedbush Securities analyst Bradley Gastwirth wrote in a research note. “Facebook needs to address this issue quickly and effectively in order to stop advertising exits from potentially spiraling out of control.”
Zuckerberg announced changes Friday designed to appease critics, but the Anti-Defamation League, one of the groups calling for the boycott, called the amendments “small.”
Oh, they are EATING THEIR OWN so nothing to do but stand back and let them gorge themselves on each others innards.
Speaking of false news and misinformation, here is a huge steaming swirly served up by the New York Times:
"Lawmakers press for answers on Russian bounty offers to Taliban to kill US troops" by Nicholas Fandosand Eric Schmitt New York Times, June 29, 2020
Democrats and Republicans in Congress demanded on Monday that US intelligence agencies promptly share with lawmakers what they know about a suspected Russian plot to pay bounties to the Taliban to kill US troops in Afghanistan, and threatened to retaliate against the Kremlin.
Well, then we have to stay and Afghanistan is a perfect launching point to invade Russia's soft underbelly!
While you are at it, open up a 3,000-mile front from the Arctic to the Caspian and show that fella with the funny mustache how a real Barbarossa is done!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate, each requested that all lawmakers be briefed on the matter and for CIA and other intelligence officials to explain how President Trump was informed of intelligence collected about the plot. Trump has said he was not made aware of an intelligence assessment about the plot; officials have said that it was briefed to the highest levels of the White House.
I saw Schumer on tape in the Senate saying Trump can't win either way, so you know this is another bunch of BS like Ukraine and all the rest. Smells like Bolton, who has magically disappeared from my news pages after the glare of last week.
According to two officials familiar with the matter, American officials had provided a written briefing in late February to Trump laying out their conclusion that a Russian military intelligence unit offered and paid bounties to Taliban-linked militants.
The new information emerged as the White House tried on Monday to play down the intelligence assessment, but that stance clashed with the disclosure by two officials that the intelligence was included months ago in Trump’s President’s Daily Brief document — a compilation of the government’s latest secrets and best insights about foreign policy and national security that is prepared for him to read. One of the officials said the item appeared in Mr. Trump’s brief in late February; the other cited Feb. 27, specifically.
This thing reeks more and more with each stinking paragraph.
Cui bono?
For all his faults, Trump wants to leave.
Who doesn't?
The investigation into the suspected Russian covert operation has focused in part on an April 2019 car bombing that killed three Marines as one such potential attack, according to multiple officials familiar with the matter.
In the Republican-controlled Senate, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, the chair of the Armed Services Committee, said he had asked for information and expected to know more on the matter “in the coming days.”
Members of Congress were caught off guard on Friday when The New York Times first reported that US intelligence had found that a Russian military intelligence unit had secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants. National Security Council officials met in March to discuss the intelligence, but the White House has taken no known action in response.
These are the same guys who swore up and down that Iraq had WMD, right?
The Times further reported on Sunday that US intelligences officers and Special Operations forces in the country had informed their superiors of the suspected Russian plot as early as January, after a large amount of US cash was seized in a raid on a Taliban outpost.
The Taliban could have gotten the cash from anywhere!
Folks, the New York Times has become an international embarrassment and laughing stock!
They are nothing but a Deep State conduit spewing out government garbage on a daily basis.
How do we know this?
We know it because according to other reports, lawmakers were told “there is an ongoing review to determine the accuracy of these reports” while the Russian response was that the "claims are lies." The whole thing is reminiscent of the unanimity of the intelligence community regarding Russian collusion, according to the criminal John Brennan, until we found out later it was 20 hand-picked Deep States cronies from three, not 17, agencies.
Now, after three years of lies emanating from Mueller, the New York Times has the chutzpah to trot out this garbage leak coming from evil, Deep State Democrats who are myopically concerned with nothing but raw, naked power and a totalitarianism beyond Stalin and Mao's dreams.
Speaking of the Chinese:
"China will impose a visa ban on US citizens who interfere with sweeping national security legislation planned for Hong Kong, a move that comes shortly after the Trump administration imposed them on some officials in Beijing. The bans are largely symbolic as officials from both countries are unlikely to visit the other, especially now that the coronavirus pandemic has shut down most international flights. The United States has imposed strict limits on travelers from China, and most foreigners are not allowed to enter China....."
"Armed with assault rifles and hand grenades, separatist militants tried to storm Pakistan’s stock exchange in the city of Karachi on Monday, killing three people and wounding several others before security officers shot and killed the attackers, officials said. In social media posts credited to the Baluchistan Liberation Army, the separatist group claimed responsibility for the attack. The BLA is an ethnic Baluch insurgent group in Baluchistan province, the resource-rich southwestern region of Pakistan, which has been racked by violence for years. In recent years, the group has targeted Chinese interests in Baluchistan, which is a center for huge development projects that are part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Chinese investors own a 40 percent stake in the Pakistan Stock Exchange....."
Has the STENCH of the CIA all over it does that NYT piece of rubbish!
“As soon as the firing started, we closed the doors of our office. It was terrifying,” said Faisal Memon, an employee of a brokerage firm who works on the third floor. “Thank God that a smaller number of people are coming to the building these days because of coronavirus.” Efforts by the Pakistani security forces to put down the insurgency have led to disappearances and widespread accusations of abuses. The BLA and other separatist groups have often targeted civilians as well, leaving many in Baluchistan caught between ruthless forces. Security camera recordings broadcast on Pakistani TV showed gunmen driving up to a vehicle entrance of the stock exchange a little after 10 a.m., getting out of their sedan and opening fire. At one point there was an explosion near a gate; an exchange official told Pakistani media that a grenade had been detonated. Along with their rifles and grenades, the attackers also brought food, water, and a copious supply of ammunition, suggesting that they had prepared for a long standoff, Major General Omer Ahmed Bokhari, director general of the Sindh Rangers paramilitary force, said at a news conference. “These four attackers aimed to enter the building, and not only to kill but to create a hostage situation,” he said. Bokhari said that the stock exchange had symbolic value for the attackers. “The objective could be to hit the icon of Pakistan’s economy and economic activity,” he said. Pakistani officials have long accused India of supporting the BLA as a proxy group, and that accusation was leveled again after the attack on the stock exchange. “The enemy has attacked from the rear, trying to capitalize on our vulnerabilities,” Shahzad Chaudhry, a former air vice marshal of the Pakistan Air Force and a defense analyst, said in an interview. “BLA has a long history of violence and unhappiness with the Pakistani state,” he said. “They have adopted a terrorism-oriented way rather than a genuine struggle for rights.”
Like BLM, and yeah, thank God for the virus.
Readers, I don't know what to make of the situation above. It stinks of a staged and scripted fake, but it also has the stench of a false flag by the usual suspects.
"François Fillon, a former French prime minister, was found guilty Monday of embezzling public funds and sentenced to prison time in a scandal involving a no-show job for his wife that crippled his front-runner status in the 2017 presidential race and led to a broader resentment of France’s political elite. Fillon, 66, who was prime minister from 2007 to 2012, was accused mainly of paying his wife hundreds of thousands of euros from the public payroll for little or no work as his aide when he served as a representative in the lower house of the French Parliament. The case against Fillon, who was widely seen as the favorite in the 2017 presidential race, threw the election into turmoil and opened a path to victory for President Emmanuel Macron, who at the time was a centrist outsider with little political experience....."
He needed to be removed so that globalist agent with no support could come out of nowhere and be installed!

France's former prime minister François Fillon and his wife Penelope wore protective masks as they arrived at the Paris courthouse on Monday. (Michel Euler/Associated Press/Associated Press).
Looking like a masked thief is appropriate, but why no one else and why no distancing?
Even the South Pole is warming, and quickly, scientists say
So claims the New York Times, who ads that "while the warming could be the result of natural climate change alone, the researchers said, it is likely that the effects of human-caused warming contributed to it after analyzing weather data and using climate models."
I'll tell you one thing: in the age of COVID-19, the frauds and lies of government, authority, and the pre$$ are melting faster than the glaciers.
Maine man arrested in Hawaii for violating coronavirus quarantine
They deported him.
Also see:
Cape Cod officials warn of white sharks ahead of July Fourth
Takes me back to the summer of 2001.
That was the big news back then before, well, you know.
The latest is these guys were behind it:
"Iran issues arrest warrants for Trump and 35 others in Soleimani killing" by Megan Specia New York Times, June 29, 2020
Iran has issued an arrest warrant for President Trump and 35 other people it says were involved in a drone strike that killed a top Iranian general in Baghdad this year and has asked for international help in detaining them, according to Iranian news reports, and while the tensions between the two nations have been out of the headlines for months, they have continued to simmer. Much of the current animosity stems from the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, that has all but collapsed in the two years since Trump abruptly announced the United States’ withdrawal from the landmark agreement.
They must be working with the Democrats.
Since then, Iran has walked back several of its commitments under the initial agreement, though the other signatories have scrambled to save it. The United States in turn reintroduced sanctions and this month circulated a draft resolution to maintain a United Nations Security Council’s arms embargo on Iran, set to expire in October. Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened to reimpose additional UN sanctions if the embargo was not extended indefinitely, further raising tensions.....
Trump does need a war to divert attention from COVID-19 and economic collapse, right?
Meanwhile, back on the home front:
"A largely peaceful protest in Detroit against systemic racism and police brutality turned violent on Sunday night as a police SUV plowed through a group of protesters, striking multiple people and sending a couple demonstrators who had climbed on the hood flying from the vehicle. Police accelerated the vehicle multiple times as dozens of protesters surrounded the SUV, according to videos posted to social media. After each acceleration, protesters could be heard shrieking in shock, pleading for the driver to stop putting their foot on the gas while people were in front of the vehicle and being thrown from the hood of the car. A Detroit Police Department spokeswoman told the Detroit Free Press she was awaiting further details before giving an official statement. The driver has not been publicly identified. In a statement to the Detroit News, the department said the driver was attempting to leave the scene after a rear back window had been ‘‘busted out.’’ The department told the News, ‘‘The officer tried to escape.”
A Charlottesville replay after a lady with a child was attacked by a mob, called 9/11, and was told they couldn't help?
"One man was killed and another wounded early Monday in Seattle’s “occupied” protest zone — the area’s second deadly shooting. Police said the shooting happened before dawn in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Demonstrators have occupied several blocks around the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct and a park for about two weeks after police abandoned the precinct following standoffs and clashes with protesters calling for racial justice and an end to police brutality. Mayor Jenny Durkan said last week that the city would wind down the “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” area. Transportation crews tried to remove makeshift barriers on Friday but stopped after demonstrators objected. Nearby businesses and property owners filed a federal lawsuit against the city on Wednesday for its tolerance of the zone."
Since CHOP has been falling to pieces the Globe has briefly buried it, and that is the way to go to end the tyranny.
That's if you got your schooling right:
"UMass Amherst classes will be mostly remote, but students can choose to live on campus" by Deirdre Fernandes Globe Staff, June 29, 2020
UMass Boston last week announced that all of its classes will be taught online to protect students and staff at the mostly urban commuter campus. Meanwhile, the town of Amherst braced for an economic lift from the return of students, but also a potential spike in the number of coronavirus cases as parties and other student gatherings are likely to resume.
Related: The Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’
Dr. Ron Paul makes the case that "for months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts, that the coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead, but then all of a sudden early in June the mainstream media did a George Orwell and lectured us that it is all about “cases” and unfortunately our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the “party line,” so the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline – meaning the virus is getting weaker – is buried under hysterical false reporting of “new cases,” and helps guide us as to how to get through this.
“We’ll have thousands of students coming from all over the country, if not the world, to a relatively small town — that’s a concern,” said Paul Bockelman, the Amherst town manager. “There’ll be a lot of pent up energy [from students]. It’s usually a positive thing, but in the COVID-19 world it’s a worrisome thing,” but Matt Haskins, the owner of Matt’s Barber Shop, in downtown Amherst, said he is looking forward to a return of students who make up more than half of his business in the fall and thinks it can be done safely. Even in the summer, tourists and families visiting UMass Amherst, nearby Amherst College and Hampshire College, would buoy businesses. That’s not been the case this year. “I say, bring them in and bring on business,” Haskins said.
I say NO!
Close down the college for I do not want COVID anywhere near me!
The university has to invest in testing and safety precautions, such as barriers in cafeterias, and still pay faculty and staff the same salaries, Subbaswamy said. Very few universities have offered price reductions to students who will be learning online this upcoming fall; however, Williams College on Monday announced it would cut tuition and fees for the next academic year by 15 percent and make the same reduction to the expected family contribution for students receiving financial aid.
Williams said it was cutting student costs because it has canceled fall athletics, its January “winter study” academic period, and many student activities. The college will offer hybrid courses with both in-person and distance instruction, with many classes offered entirely remotely. Still, the decision to keep tuition the same at UMass Amherst angered some students and families.
You are fortunate they didn't raise it!
Stop complaint about this wonderful New World Order the globalist eugenicists have devised for you!
The college should have at least offered some more classes in-person, said Jack MacKinnon, a rising junior studying political science at the public university. “I do believe opening the dorms is a money grab,” MacKinnon said. “I don’t see the point of allowing students back on campus when the majority would not be able to attend classes.”
Another worthless degree for the "rising junior(??)."
UMass Amherst officials said they expect fewer students to live in the dorms, which will include single and double-occupancy rooms, this fall. Last year the university had 14,000 students living on campus, but some students found off-campus rentals in recent weeks, because UMass Amherst had initially considered only allowing single-occupancy dormitories and giving preference to first-year students, university officials said.
Dan McGinn, a Westborough parent, has a sophomore and senior attending UMass Amherst this fall and both will be living off-campus. Neither is excited that all their classes will be remote instruction, but they want to be back learning with their friends.
“When you choose to attend a residential college, it’s not the just classes, it’s a whole package of things,” McGinn said. “There’s no perfect in this. ... It’s going to be better than living at home and zooming from the family room.”
Brian Morley, a rising junior from Pembroke, said he already has his apartment in Amherst for the fall that he plans to share with three roommates. Morley has one lab class that will be in-person.
“I’d like to try and make this semester feel as normal as possible,” Morley said. “I had a difficult time focusing on online learning when I was stuck in my own home, and I’m hoping that the new apartment will be different enough that I won’t feel quite so frustrated.”
There is tele-mental health if you need it.
UMass Amherst officials said students who do return will have to wear masks, agree to get tested when the university demands, and limit their travel away from the campus area.
So much for the FREEDOM of COLLEGE, kids!
The university will also be canceling breaks, and teaching will occur on Labor Day and Veterans Day, so that the semester can conclude by Nov. 20, which will give students time to move out of the residence halls before the winter flu season, when the virus infections are expected to surge again.....
When we will be treated to more ma$$ media lies, kids.
College admission deans offer 5 tips
That's if you are applying to college during the pandemic.
"Harvard said Monday that it will no longer enforce a ban on single-gender social clubs, after concluding that the prohibition would likely not withstand a legal challenge from a group of fraternities and sororities who had asked a federal judge just hours earlier to halt the policy....."
Then gender segregation is okay?
Karilyn Crockett, of MIT, appointed head of city’s new equity and inclusion office
The MIT lecturer previously worked in the administration of Mayor Martin J. Walsh, and she is Black!
Don't bother calling the cops, either:
MIT campus police union announces vote of no confidence in police chief and calls for independent review
Maybe you can transfer to BU:
"Boston University will have to furlough or lay off about 250 employees to help cover a $96 million estimated budget gap in the upcoming academic year due to the coronavirus pandemic. In a message to faculty and staff, BU President Robert Brown said the university expects a total revenue shortfall of $264 million in the fiscal year starting July 1 and has tapped into some of its reserves, reduced salaries, and frozen retirement contributions to save about $168 million, but that still leaves about $96 million to make up, Brown said. “Regrettably, layoffs and furloughs (unpaid leaves of absence with benefits continuation) will be necessary in some units of the University as a consequence of the shortfalls we are predicting,” Brown said. Brown warned that the financial outlook still remains uncertain because the university isn’t sure how many students will show up this fall....."
Maybe you should transfer out of state:
"Gilead Sciences, the maker of the first COVID-19 treatment found to have worked in clinical trials, remdesivir, said Monday it will charge US hospitals $3,120 for the typical patient with private insurance. Soon after the announcement, the Trump administration said it had secured nearly all of the company’s supply of the drug for use in US hospitals through September, with a contract for 500,000 treatment courses, which it will make available to hospitals at Gilead’s price. Other developed countries will pay 25 percent less than the United States, a discount Gilead said reflects a need to make the drug as widely available as possible throughout the world. The company has licensed generic manufacturers to produce the drug for developing countries which will receive the treatment ‘‘at a substantially lower cost,’’ the company said. Gilead’s announcement settles a lingering question about a drug that has been shown to have a modest benefit but remains the only therapy authorized by the Food and Drug Administration to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19. A clinical trial sponsored by the government showed the drug — invented by Gilead but developed largely by taxpayer-funded agencies — sped up hospital recoveries by four days. It had no statistically significant impact on survival for COVID-19 patients."
HCQ and other remedies are cheaper and more effective, but then Fauci wouldn't make a buck.
"The city of Jacksonville, Fla., where mask-averse President Trump plans to accept the Republican nomination in August, ordered the wearing of face coverings Monday, joining the list of state and local governments reversing course to try to beat back a resurgence of the coronavirus. Less than a week after Mayor Lenny Curry said there would be no mask requirement, city officials announced that coverings must be worn in “situations where individuals cannot socially distance.” White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany responded by saying the president’s advice is to “do whatever your local jurisdiction requests of you.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has opposed a statewide mask requirement but said in response to Jacksonville’s action that he will support local authorities who are doing what they think is appropriate. Places such as Texas, Florida, and California are backtracking on reopening, closing beaches and bars in some cases. Other states, such as hard-hit Arizona, are hitting pause on their efforts to reopen. On Monday, a group of Texas bar owners sued to try to overturn Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s order closing their businesses. They contend Abbott doesn’t have the authority, and they complained that other businesses, such as nail salons and tattoo studios, remain open. “Governor Abbott continues to act like a king,” said Jared Woodfill, attorney for the bar owners. “Abbott is unilaterally destroying our economy and trampling on our constitutional rights,” but New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that Abbott is on the right path, and he added that Trump should order the wearing of masks. “States that were recalcitrant . . . are doing a 180, and you have the same states now wearing masks,” Cuomo said. “Let the president have the same sense to do that as an executive order, and then let the president lead by example and let the president put a mask on it, because we know it works.”
It will be his Dukakis moment!
Beyond that, you have the lying mass-murderer Cuomo (masks work!) sticks a thumb in his eye and Abbott is acting like all the other tyrannical governors as the pre$$ applauds them.
Good luck on the lawsuit.
Hope it sets a precedent:
"New Jersey will not allow indoor dining in restaurants to resume on Thursday, delaying the state’s reopening plans, Governor Phil Murphy said Monday. In his coronavirus briefing, Murphy said the state had “no choice” but to hit a pause on Phase 2 of the state’s reopening plans. However, Atlantic City casinos will still reopen with limited capacity. Murphy said the coronavirus spikes in other states after they allowed indoor dining influenced his decision to postpone it indefinitely. New Jersey reported 90 new cases and 17 fatalities on Monday. The state has totaled 171,272 positive cases since the pandemic began....."
What a surprise, but Trump wasn't going to win Jersey anyway!
"Hospitalizations at Houston Methodist Hospital have almost quadrupled since Memorial Day, and younger people are becoming the ones in need of care, according to Marc Boom, its chief executive. In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Boom said that about 60 percent of coronavirus patients in the hospital system are younger than 50 as infections in Houston continue to surge. When coronavirus was first affecting the city, about 40 percent of patients in the eight-hospital system were younger than 50. In the midst of more coronavirus patients coming through hospital doors, he said there is some positive news about how the virus is affecting hospitalization numbers. “Even though we have about 200 more patients in house, about double, we only have about three or four more people in the ICU, so that’s encouraging,” he said."
He debunked the scare fear that the hospital was overflowing with COVID, but that was minimized and distorted by the WaCompo brief!
"Broadway will remain closed for at least the rest of this year, and many shows are signaling that they do not expect a return to the stage until late winter or early spring, but given the unpredictability of the pandemic, the league said it was not yet ready to specify a date when shows will reopen. Broadway shows went dark on March 12, and already this has been the longest shutdown in history....."
I hope it stays dark forever!
Locking down overseas:
"Chinese authorities have imposed a strict lockdown on nearly half a million people in a county near Beijing in the latest effort by the government to stamp out a small but stubborn second wave of infections in and around the capital. Authorities in Anxin County, about 90 miles south of Beijing in the central province of Hebei, said Saturday that all residential areas would be sealed off immediately. In restrictions reminiscent of those that were imposed earlier this year in Wuhan, the city where the virus first emerged, only one member from each family is allowed to leave the compound to buy essential items like food or medicine, officials said. Sealing off the county was a necessary preventive measure following the discovery of a cluster of 13 infections in the area, officials said. State media said that most of the cases in Anxin have been traced back to the Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing, which is thought to be the source of an outbreak that has infected more than 300 people in recent weeks. The fresh wave of infections has been a wake-up call for China, which had earlier proclaimed victory over the virus. Before the recent outbreak, Beijing had not registered any new locally acquired cases for 56 days. Not long after the flare-up, schools in Beijing were shut down and high-risk neighborhoods sealed off, and officials embarked on an ambitious testing drive. State media reported that as of Sunday, more than 7 million people had been tested in the city. On Monday, China reported 12 new cases of the virus, seven of which were in Beijing."
So did the Globe, and we won't be opening any further than the sliver of a crack Baker allowed.
If he doesn't put a halt to reopening and order a full lockdown, he will become a BoJo:
"Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged Monday that the coronavirus pandemic has been a “disaster” for Britain, as he announced a spending splurge designed to get the country — and his faltering Conservative government — back on track. As the United Kingdom emerges from a three-month lockdown, Johnson has lined up big-money pledges on schools, housing, and infrastructure, in an attempt to move on from an outbreak that has left more than 43,000 Britons dead — the worst confirmed death toll in Europe. “This has been a disaster,” Johnson acknowledged Monday. “Let’s not mince our words. I mean, this has been an absolute nightmare for the country and the country’s gone through a profound shock, “but in those moments, you have the opportunity to change and to do things better,” he told Times Radio. “This is a moment now to give our country the skills, the infrastructure, the long-term investment that we need.” Johnson promised a “Rooseveltian approach,” invoking the New Deal policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt that helped wrench the United States out of the Great Depression. Johnson’s first announcement was $1.25 billion to build new schools. The British leader plans to unveil a series of other infrastructure projects this week. Johnson won a large majority in Parliament in December with a promise to rebalance Britain’s London-dominated economy and revive the long-neglected former industrial regions of central and northern England."
It's a disaster?
The discredited model you used to do it said 500,000 would die.
How is 43,000 a disaster?
Beyond that, how is $ociali$m going to help?
"BP agreed to sell its chemicals business to Ineos Group Holdings, taking a big step toward strengthening its finances while also furthering its transitioning away from being a traditional oil company. The transaction means BP hits its target of selling $15 billion of assets ahead of schedule, as the oil industry faces immense financial pressure from the coronavirus crisis. The company recently made its biggest write-off in a decade and said it would lay off 10,000 staff by the end of this year."
That's how you know nothing will stop the Great Global Re$et. Industries are actively participating in their own destruction.
Time to raise a glass to di$ea$ed carca$$ of BP:
"Brits will open their wallets and spend about 210 million pounds ($259 million) in pubs this coming weekend as they try to eat and drink their way to rescuing the beleaguered industry. Pubs will reopen on Saturday for the first time since lockdown in March and spending will be more than 70 percent higher than an average weekend as customers celebrate by knocking back about two pints of lager or glasses of wine more than they normally would, the Centre for Economics and Business Research estimates. Still, the extra spending won’t be enough to help pubs recover profitability. Capacity limits and fixed costs means profitability will be less than half of what it was before the pandemic roiled the business, the report says. Reopening costs could send that figure even lower."
Will they?
Isn't that a stupid thing to do after what has allegedly happened in Florida and Texas?
Time to get out of Jolly Ole England:
"Slovenia is slashing the number of people in public gatherings from 500 to 50 after several cases of coronavirus emerged apparently as a result of social encounters. Government spokesman Jelko Kacin said Monday the decision will be formally made later in the day. He said bigger events will need special permits and must guarantee they will meet social distancing rules with the seating arrangements and other facilities. Slovenia has confirmed 64 new cases in the past seven days after having none or one or two cases days for weeks. The European Union nation of 2 million people has had 111 deaths linked to the virus."
What's the fatality rate there?
That's about 5/1000ths of percent, and if Slovenia is sliding back what hope is there?
"Serbia’s authorities have made wearing face masks mandatory in all closed spaces in the capital, Belgrade, following a rise in coronavirus cases. The crisis team on Monday said that visitors to shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, night clubs, beauty parlors, gyms and other places must wear protective masks all the time or face fines. Throughout the Balkan country, several towns have declared emergency measures in a bid to contain the renewed surge. The country on Monday reported 242 new cases and said four people died in 24 hours. Serbia has seen a spike in the number of infections after moving from very strict lockdown rules to a near-total relaxation. Several officials also have tested positive, including the defense minister and the parliament speaker. The country held a parliamentary election on June 21."
Yeah, it was boycotted by the left so the wrong party one and now this crap.
"The House and Senate are poised this week to approve compromise early voting and vote-by-mail legislation that should pave the way for a major expansion of options ahead of the 2020 election to encourage participation during the COVID-19 pandemic....."
Opening the door to massive fraud, so I should just tear up the ballot and throw in trash when it comes.
I wonder what is going on in Germany or Italy.
"India on Monday reported nearly 20,000 new coronavirus infections, a new record for the country, as several states reimpose partial or full lockdowns to stem the spread of the virus. India has seen a jump of nearly 100,000 cases over the past week, the health ministry said. In all, the country has confirmed 548,318 cases, making it the world’s fourth-worst affected country after the United States, Brazil, and Russia. India’s death toll has reached 16,475. The capital district of the northeastern state of Assam on the Bangladesh border has reimposed a full lockdown until July 12 following a spike in cases. Another border state, West Bengal, has extended its lockdown until July 31; however, in India’s worst-affected states — Maharashtra, which includes India’s financial capital, Mumbai, and Delhi, home to the capital, New Delhi — most lockdown restrictions have been eased, with restaurants, shopping malls, and parks reopened, and public buses and shared-ride services back on the roads."
That will weaken them in the war against China.
"South Korea has reported 42 new infections of COVID-19 as infections steadily climb in the greater capital area, forcing authorities to consider stronger social restrictions. The figures revealed by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Monday brought the national caseload to 12,757, including 282 deaths. Twenty-four of the new cases were reported from capital Seoul and nearby metropolitan areas, which have been at the center of a virus resurgence since late May. At least 12 of the new cases were linked to international arrivals as the virus continues to strengthen its hold in southern Asia, the United States, and beyond. South Korea was reporting hundreds of new cases a day in late February and early March following a major surge surrounding the southeast city of Daegu, where the majority of infections were linked to a single church congregation with thousands of members, but while health authorities had used aggressive testing and contact tracing to contain the outbreak in that region, they are having a much harder time tracking recent transmissions in the Seoul metropolitan area, where about half of the country’s 51 million people live."
South Korea was the reopening model Baker cited months ago, so you know where Ma$$achu$etts is headed.
The Globe says America deserves better and that the president and his White House have failed the American public in this pandemic from the very start in the same way that has the pre$$.
They are of the opinion that the problem is white supremacy (so says a militant black feminist), and if the Globe believes that they should fire the white woman (you know, the white women are 'lucky' others are not calling for revenge) and the white man.
Then, after policing, a host of other systems await reform.
One person dead, four injured in crash on I-495 in Haverhill
#MaleLivesDon'tMatter -- obviously.
Gun bill headed to Sununu for likely veto
Then why is it tying up space and ink?
Revere mayor responds to soaring unemployment in his city
Don't worry, it's Amazon to the rescue so take a leisurely stroll along the beach:

A couple walks on Revere Beach, Saturday, May 16, 2020, in Revere, Mass. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer) Michael Dwyer/Associated Press
You can hit the casino at night:
"Encore furloughs 3,000 workers as COVID-19 closure takes its toll; The casino's move is a signal that the economic damage from the pandemic will not be easily reversed" by Andy Rosen Globe Staff, June 29, 2020
Encore Boston Harbor said Monday that it will furlough 3,000 more employees, taking on a major staff reduction even as the casino looks toward reopening amid a pandemic that has laid waste to the region’s hospitality industry.
With the move, effective July 1, Encore follows the other two casinos in the state, which laid off or furloughed most of their workers in April. The Everett resort, which went into the crisis with more than 4,200 people on staff, had for months kept the majority of its employees on board, though it cut part-time workers and furloughed a smaller portion of its full-time workforce earlier this month.
Encore head of public affairs Eric Kraus said Monday that about 700 employees remain on staff at the moment, and that more will return for training when casinos have a firm reopening date. Encore’s latest move is a signal that the economic damage from the pandemic will not be easily reversed. State officials have not yet said when casinos will be able to reopen, though they are slated to be included in some part of Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker’s reopening plan, which could begin as soon as next week.
We will be in a PAUSE by then if not a FULL LOCKDOWN!
Even when the casinos open, they will face strict rules about sanitation and social distancing that could be costly to implement and will significantly limit their offerings — potentially making it more difficult to get guests back in the door.....
I predict they will stay dark and quiet.
Can always gamble on the weather:
"The summer of alfresco meetings" by Scott Kirsner Globe Correspondent, June 29, 2020
In more normal times, companies gather outdoors in the summer for lunchtime barbecues, or perhaps a cruise on the harbor after work, with cocktails and music, but in these times, that kind of schmooze-fest is in short supply. Instead, people who work in Boston’s startup sector are having client meetings in their backyards, investment discussions in the Public Garden, and catch-up conversations with colleagues along the Charles River.
The year 2020 is proving to be the summer of Business Alfresco. When meetings get rescheduled this July or August, it will not be due to bad traffic or T disruptions, but because of thunderstorms.
Jessica Kim tried an outdoor conclave for the first time in May, just before Memorial Day. Kim, the founder and chief executive of Ianacare, brought together two colleagues, a rolling whiteboard, and some lawn chairs in the front yard of her Newton home. One person wore a mask, and the other two had them on hand — but felt they were far enough apart not to need them during conversation.
The in-person meetings were helpful to create bonds with a new colleague who had joined the company when everyone was working from home, explains Kim — and to “break up the intensity of nonstop Zoom calls.” Ianacare has created a mobile app that helps networks of family members coordinate caregiving when someone is sick.....
I'm not feeling it with the Globe these days.
What is there left to talk about?
"Cirque du Soleil has filed for bankruptcy protection after the coronavirus pandemic forced it to close shows around the world, bringing one of the best-known brands in live performance to its knees. The Montreal-based company, controlled by private equity giant TPG Capital, requested court protection through the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act in Canada. Entertainment companies that depend on large crowds were among the first business casualties of the virus. Cirque du Soleil laid off 4,679 employees — about 95 percent of its workforce — on March 19 after shutting down 44 productions to comply with government orders around the world."
Another institution forced to take a knee.
What a circus!
"Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stressed the importance of keeping the coronavirus contagion contained as the US economy bounces back from its deepest contraction in decades. “We have entered an important new phase and have done so sooner than expected,” Powell said in remarks prepared for testimony before the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. “While this bounceback in economic activity is welcome, it also presents new challenges — notably, the need to keep the virus in check.” The Fed and Treasury have worked together to launch nine emergency lending programs aimed at providing backstop credit to everything from municipalities to medium-sized businesses. Those actions helped lower borrowing costs and keep the financial system liquid in a time of stress. The Fed chair struck an optimistic note on what he is seeing as economic activity resumes. Hiring is picking up, he noted, and spending is increasing, though 20 million Americans have lost their jobs. “The path forward for the economy is extraordinarily uncertain and will depend in large part on our success incontaining the virus,” he said. “A full recovery is unlikely until people are confident that it is safe to reengage in a broad range of activities.” As he has in recent appearances, Powell also warned against pulling back on any form of stimulus too soon."
This is the V-shaped recovery they have been squawking about:
See you at the bottom:
"Men’s makeup is going mainstream in America. CVS, the country’s largest drugstore chain, is making the biggest bet on the category in the United States yet, by adding a cosmetics line from Stryx, a brand launched last year, to 2,000 stores (about a quarter of its total). About one third of US men under 45 said they would consider trying makeup, according to a survey by Morning Consult in September. Even though Stryx is pitching a product traditionally made for women, its presentation is stereotypical male....."
The River Stryx will lead you to be an effeminate cuck!
Now beg for some food:
"Whole Foods workers prepare for more protests" by Meghan Sorensen Globe Correspondent, June 29, 2020
Whole Foods employees in Cambridge released a statement Monday outlining their demands after seven employees were told last week that their Black Lives Matter face masks did not comply with the company dress code.
Protests are being planned at several Whole Foods stores in the Boston area Tuesday.
Three weeks ago, NECN reported that two workers at Whole Foods in Bedford, N.H., were sent home after wearing face masks that displayed solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. In support, Whole Foods workers across the country have been sporting Black Lives Matter masks.
To cool tensions, Whole Foods sent its employees an e-mail Monday offering them a “special one-time bonus” for the month of June. The bonus is $500 for full-time employees and $250 for part-time employees.
“We join Amazon in expressing our gratitude for the remarkable resilience and dedication you’ve shown as you’ve continued to serve our customers in the most challenging of times,” read the e-mail, which was shown to the Globe.
I wonder how many will allow themselves to be bought off.
“This is no longer about wearing masks,” the Cambridge employees’ statement read. “When we walk-out of work today, it will be demanding substantive change from the entire Whole Foods corporation.”
They got that when Amazon took over, and now it is going to get worse!
Maybe these will grab your intere$t:
"Pinterest Inc. has hired a team of outside lawyers to investigate the company’s workplace culture following public complaints from former employees who say they faced racial discrimination. The investigation will be led by Danielle Conley of the Washington-based law firm WilmerHale, according to an e-mail chief executive Ben Silbermann sent to employees Monday....."
"American Express will offer US cardmembers as much as $50 to encourage them to spend more at small businesses devastated by the coronavirus pandemic. All cardholders will receive a $5 credit when they spend $10 or more at a small US business, with the option to receive the credit as many as 10 times. American Express has committed more than $200 million to the promotion, part of its largest-ever global campaign to “Shop Small.”
Be sure to buy something from Kim Kardashian West’s beauty business, okay?
Then watch her $tock ri$e:
"Stocks shrugged off a wobbly start Monday to finish solidly higher on Wall Street, as the market clawed back half its losses from last week. The market rallied after a much healthier-than-expected report on the housing market put investors in a buying mood. Technology, industrial and communications stocks accounted for much of the market’s broad gains as an increase in confirmed new coronavirus cases forces some businesses to close their doors again. Boeing jumped 14.4%, its best day in more than two months. The company’s troubled 737 Max jet looks set to begin test flights soon. Apple added 2.3% as customers keep buying its products regardless of whether or not they’ve been quarantined....."
The obituaries tell me they say killed a vampire this morning after he returned to his coffin.