How long before it comes to your town?
"Most surreal of all was the image of armed National Guard troops in camouflage-painted vehicles joining the police in patrolling the city."
Memories of the Marathon, and it saddens me how Americans are being manipulated to accept this over racial division. That's not to say those systemic problems are not real. The problem is that which is promoted by my agenda-pushing media is never for the public good or interest.
".... While Baltimore burns, the city has proven itself to be yet another staging ground in a long line of scenes involving “violent protests,” riots, and racial violence following an incident concerning police brutality, real or otherwise.
Although the issues that have set off the spark in most of these protests were entirely legitimate, government agencies, foundations, organizations, and NGOs immediately swooped in to divert the protests into racially charged fit throwing and often violent riots.
With a carefully orchestrated network that was capable of organizing large numbers of individuals on a moment’s notice, and a simultaneous media campaign that cleverly showed violence and riots but ignored peaceful or appropriately-directed violent acts, these organizations were able to turn what could and should have been a national movement into a racially-oriented hate-filled display of unrestrained destruction.
With this in mind, one might justifiably ask how these organizations might have such an effective network that operates in concert with a national corporate media apparatus in order to wreck legitimate movements and, out of those movements, create a counter-productive act of mindless fit-throwing?
The answer is the same as it has often been....
The American people must quickly learn the formula behind color revolutions, destabilizations, and the agendas of the world oligarchy before it becomes too late for us all. They must learn that simply because “leaders” appear to them, attempt to speak the same language and articulate rage does not mean that these leaders are men of the people.
Protests are necessary. Directed rage may also be necessary. But the wanton destruction of communities belonging to you or your neighbors is not only counterproductive, it produces rage that will be aimed back at you, and justifiably so. The entire country is being played like a fiddle. Baltimore is not an isolated collection of dupes, it is a microcosm. It is time the American people wise up and become street smart before it is too late.
See who is behind it?
"Are We Being Psychologically Conditioned To Accept Martial Law In America?" by Michael Snyder, on April 29th, 2015
Have you noticed that we are starting to be bombarded with images of
troops in the streets? Have you noticed that the term “martial law” is
coming up a lot in movies, news broadcasts and even in television
commercials? In recent years, it seems like the solution to almost
every major crisis involves bringing in troops. In fact, it has already
gotten to the point where when something really bad happens a lot of
Americans immediately cry out for troops to be brought in. And we are
seeing the same patterns over and over again. Just remember what
happened in Ferguson – protesters were whipped up to a frenzy, when the
riots began the police were ordered to stand down and not intervene, and
finally National Guard troops were brought in as the “solution” to a
crisis that had escalated wildly out of control. This is the exact same
pattern that we are witnessing in Baltimore, and as you will see below,
National Guard troops all over the nation have been training for this
exact type of scenario. A couple of decades ago, many Americans would
have regarded the notion of “martial law in America” as absolutely
unthinkable, but these days the threat of civil unrest is causing an
increasing number of Americans to embrace the idea of troops patrolling
our city streets.
The anger toward the police that we see in the city of Baltimore is
very real, but there also seem to be a lot of signs that the events of
the past several days have been orchestrated and manipulated. This is
something that I covered in my previous article entitled “12 Unanswered Questions About The Baltimore Riots That They Don’t Want Us To Ask“.
But what we have found out since then is....
I'll be shutting this blog down after this post due to a self-imposed curfew, but I was just wondering what is on the minds of youth these days:
"Those surveyed supported a more forceful American foreign policy. More than half said they wanted Americans troops to take out ISIS in the Middle East. In addition, support for the United States to “take the lead in solving international crises and conflicts” has grown."
As they preach nonviolence at home, huh?
Who are these new militants anyway?
Related: Dead Zone II
Was the ballpark yesterday (media and authority were still allowed):
"Baltimore officials call for calm, unity in the city" by Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Alan Blinder New York Times April 30, 2015
BALTIMORE — An edgy peace held sway here Wednesday as a huge crowd took to the streets again Wednesday night and the mayor and the police sought to tamp down expectations that residents would learn details Friday about how a young black man died after being injured in police custody.
Fears ran high that the end of the week could return this city to the violence spurred by the still unexplained death of Freddie Gray, 25 — particularly if people think they will get answers but do not. Speculation about the possible release of some or all of the findings has fueled expectations that the public will learn much more about the case that day.
But the mayor, the police commissioner, a large group of prominent clergymen and a lawyer for Gray’s family emerged from a meeting Wednesday to give a united warning against expecting any revelations Friday, when the Police Department has said it will turn its findings over to the state’s attorney for Baltimore, Marilyn J. Mosby, who will decide whether to seek criminal charges. Six officers have been suspended in the episode.
I wasn't.
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has said she would like information to be released as soon as possible, but said Wednesday after talking with Gray’s relatives that justice matters more than speed.
She is in hot water for giving the agent provocateurs their space, thereby tipping the hand regarding the nature of the outburst. She's also been noted as one of Obama's supporters regarding the federalization of local police forces. Just playing her role.
“Whatever time the state’s attorney needs to make that determination, the family wants to get it right,” she said.
The Rev. Jamal Bryant, who delivered Gray’s eulogy Monday, said Wednesday that he had spent the morning visiting high schools, trying to debunk “a rumor going through the high schools that somehow or other, there was a verdict coming on Friday.”
This is the guy who incited folks by saying people must pay and then came out and condemned what happened. As I stated before, I view clergy as government tools now.
A lawyer for the Gray family, Hassan Murphy, said that the Grays did not want a repeat of the arson, rock-throwing, and looting seen Monday night.
People venturing outside Wednesday found a weary, wary Baltimore, punctuated by one jarring scene after another. Protesters milled in the middle of intersections devoid of traffic and chatted with police officers in riot gear, workers cleaned up debris left by the rioting, and televisions showed the Orioles playing baseball in a stadium kept clear of fans for security reasons. Most surreal of all was the image of armed National Guard troops in camouflage-painted vehicles joining the police in patrolling the city.
That last sentence caught my attention.
“We’re not out of the woods yet,” Governor Larry Hogan warned, even as crowds gathered in the streets not only in Baltimore but also in several other major cities, including Washington and Boston.
See: Boston demonstrators demand justice in Baltimore
In New York, several hundred people gathered in Union Square Park, and at least two dozen were arrested after they began pouring into nearby streets.
Have you seen "The Day the '60s Died?" because it feels like now.
Even after the investigations finish, the prosecutor’s office, if it decides to seek charges, must present the case to a grand jury and ask for an indictment. If there are to be criminal charges, they probably remain months away.
Officials said another potential flash point is a demonstration planned for Saturday, organized by Malik Z. Shabazz, an activist who has likened the police to an occupation force. He has predicted a turnout of up to 10,000 people.
Doesn't he have connections to Ferguson?
Shabazz said he planned to meet with city officials Thursday “to make sure Saturday happens without incident.”
The governor summoned the National Guard on Monday, after peaceful demonstrations gave way to violence following Gray’s funeral. Hogan said about 2,000 troops had been deployed, along with more than 1,000 officers sent by other police forces in Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Joining the Baltimore Police Department’s 3,000 officers, they increased the uniformed security forces to roughly double their usual size.
“This combined force will not tolerate violence or looting,” Hogan said.
Neither the governor nor the mayor was willing to predict when the troops might be sent home. The mayor said the situation on the streets remained “very fluid,” and one of her aides predicted that the Guard would be in the city for at least a week.
The web version added this:
The Washington Post reported that a prisoner sharing a police transport van with Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray ‘‘banging against the walls’’ of the vehicle and believed that he ‘‘was intentionally trying to injure himself.’’
Are you flipping kidding? That is so lame and weak! It flies in the face of the alleged video, and
The prisoner was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post said it was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety.
The investigative document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first account of what might have happened inside the van. It is not clear whether any additional evidence backs up the prisoner’s version.
I must confess I haven't looked or listened to him for a while, and I'm sure he has a view on the matter.
Related: Police Claim Freddie Grey Broke his Own Neck – Secret “Witness” Says So
Also see: Leaked Document Published by WaPo Suggesting Freddie Gray Killed Himself Disputed by Baltimore TV Reporter
That is not clear to the NYT.
Jason Downs, one of the attorneys for the Gray family, told the Post that the family had not been told of the prisoner’s comments to investigators.
‘‘We disagree with any implication that Freddie Gray severed his own spinal cord,’’ Downs told the paper. ‘‘We question the accuracy of the police reports we’ve seen thus far, including the police report that says Mr. Gray was arrested without force or incident.’’
And how are the kids feeling about all this?
"Millennials divided on whether justice system is fair to minorities" by James Pindell Globe Staff April 29, 2015
American millennials are split on whether the US justice system is fair to people of different races and ethnicities, a new poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics found.
Protests erupted after unarmed black men died at the hands of police in Ferguson, Mo., North Charleston, S.C., and, most recently, this week in Baltimore — prompting a national conversation about race relations and law enforcement. The Harvard poll of 18- to 29-year-olds showed 49 percent lacked confidence in the justice system, while another 49 percent said the system is fair.
Look at that, split straight down the middle, says the bastion of elitism and ruler training.
What is it, white on one side and black on the other?
The survey also found changes in millennials’ political attitudes compared to previous generations. For example, those surveyed supported a more forceful American foreign policy. More than half said they wanted Americans troops to take out ISIS in the Middle East. In addition, support for the United States to “take the lead in solving international crises and conflicts” has grown 10 percentage points since last year....
Yeah, I noted that above and my heart sank when I read this piece of pure propaganda. You know, if this is true and the millennials feel so strong about WHY ARE THEY NOT ENLISTING?
The poll surveyed 3,000 young Americans between March 18 and April 1. It also showed millennials view the country’s top issue as the economy — a category that includes jobs, government spending, and income inequality.
Related: Millennials Making Money
Seems odd that they would view that issue as the top issue after what I've been told.
Twelve percent of respondents said foreign affairs and terrorism were the most important issue for them, and 9 percent responded health care topped their list.
Get your health tax penalty bill or see the skyrocketing cost of the new premium yet, kids?
Asked for their feelings on specific issues, 80 percent said body cameras on local police would reduce racial inequalities, and 55 percent said global warming is man-made.
President Obama saw his job approval rating improve 7 percentage points since a similar poll in October.
In terms of the 2016 election, the poll brought good and bad news for Democrats.
Look at how this poll has strayed from it's ostensible purpose.
The survey showed 55 percent of respondents prefer a Democrat win the White House, versus 40 percent who said they prefer a Republican president. This figure has decreased from 2012, when 67 percent of millennials backed Obama, according to a Tufts University analysis.
The respondents preferred Hillary Rodham Clinton as the Democratic nominee, but there was no consensus among the large Republican field.
And from what I read, millennials are more conservative!
It’s clear, however, how these candidates can reach younger voters. The survey found 83 percent of respondents had a Facebook account, 44 percent had an Instagram account, 39 percent were on Twitter. A third of respondents said they had a Pinterest or a Snapchat account.
This group reported they were more likely to participate in politics on the Internet than they were attend a political rally or donate money.
Also see: Harvard Hotheads
Are those the kids they polled?
Related: Shell, Greenpeace spar over Arctic drilling safety zones
Gooey Gulf
2.3-magnitude strikes New Hampshire
Probably the result of fracking; however, the cure is a carbon tax on you that will benefit banks and allow Wall Street to LITERALLY create money out of thin air.
Just wait until all the CARBONIZED DEBT OBLIGATIONS that will be BUNDLED and SOLD like the mortgage-backed securities and the DEBT-SWAPPING DERIVATIVES from such come due! You better take a big gulp of air now.
Speaking of someone full of hot air:
"Calif. governor orders higher targets for emissions cuts; Executive order calls for 40 percent reduction by 2030" by Adam Nagourney New York Times April 30, 2015
LOS ANGELES — Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order Wednesday dramatically ramping up the state’s already ambitious program aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions, saying it was critical to address “an ever-growing threat” posed by global warming to the state’s economy and well being.
Brown faulted Republicans in Congress for “pooh-poohing” the threat of global warming.
Well, I didn't mean to; it was just the cold spring.
He said that he wanted California to set an example for the rest of the country and the world on the urgency of responding to what he described as a slow-moving crisis.
“It’s a real test,” Brown, a Democrat, said in a speech at an environmental conference in downtown Los Angeles. “Not just for California, not just for America, but for the world. Can we rise above the parochialisms, the ethnocentric perspectives, the immediacy of I-want-I-need, to a vision, a way of life, that is sustainable?”
Who attended, how did they get there, and what was the CARBON FOOTPRINT on that?
Brown’s order marks an aggressive turn in what already was one of the toughest programs in the nation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The order marks the latest effort by Brown to position California as a leading force in the world’s effort to address climate change — and himself as a leader of that campaign effort as he faces his final years in public office. In his State of the State address in January, the governor called for reducing gas consumption from cars and trucks by up to 50 percent over the next 15 years.
Meanwhile, the oil and gas companies are calling for increased exploration and development even as prices crater (rising now, of course. It's always been a rigged price gouge anyway).
“Climate change poses an ever-growing threat to the well-being, public health, natural resources, economy, and the environment of California, including loss of snowpack, drought, sea level rise, more frequent and intense wildfires, heat waves, more severe smog, and harm to natural and working lands, and these effects are already being felt in the state,” Brown said.
Yeah, NEVER YOU MIND the INFRASTRUCTURE NEGLECT and MISMANAGEMENT ALL THESE YEARS! Never mind the pharmaceutical residue in the drinking water, the radioactive water ruining the Pacific, the degradation of land, sea, and air, the still gooey Gulf, etc, etc, etc. Just smell the fart mi$t of authority and shut up!
The governor’s speech, coming at a time when he has been trying to rally the state behind tough water conservation measures, was a reminder of the often conflicting demands of these twin challenges. Some of the central efforts proposed to alleviate the drought are highly energy intensive.
So are the WAIVERS he gave the FRACKING and AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY, the fraud!
The governor’s order did not give details of how the state would reach the new goals, though Brown in his speech here noted the success of the auto and energy industry so far in meeting the emission targets that the state has set over the years.
So it LITERALLY WAS HOT AIR coming out his mouth!
He disputed the argument that such efforts would increase the cost of doing business in California.
“We’re sending the signals to the private economy to create, to innovate, and to make the kind of response that will enable Californians to live in compatibility with the environment,” he said. “We can do it.”
Yes we can --even if evidence shows it does in fact cost jobs!
Related: Jerry Brown’s 1977 Global Cooling BS, Recycled As Jerry Brown’s 2014 Global
Warming BS
He wants to save the planet!
Worse yet, the Pope’s ‘moral voice’ needed on climate change -- as if that sickening den of sex-abusing clergy HAD ANY! That comes from a self-excommunicated Catholic. Ban says “climate change is approaching much faster than one may think, and there is no divide whatsoever between religion and science on the issue as climate change issues are now an article of faith,” while the Pope has bought into the banker's $cheme as well as the whole ISIS propaganda. He's no help; he's part of the problem.
Sorry to be such a bad apple, and I know I've offended some people but I'm really sick of the fart mist and am feeling sorry for those that still believe.
And if you won't accept those kinds of martial law, they can always throw a medical scare at you. Who can argue with a hazmat suit, right?
Or a coffin:
"An opponent of the Vietnam War and the invasions of Iraq, Mr. Irving Smolens, spoke for many years at assemblies at the Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. He also participated in discussions with students at Melrose High and at Malden Catholic High last fall. “I do support the troops, by advocating stopping the wars and bringing them home while they are still alive,” Mr. Smolens said at a 2011 Veterans Day poetry series, cofounded by Davidson, during the Occupy Boston protest in Dewey Square. She called Mr. Smolens “fearless, principled, and true to himself and his convictions.” He was buried in Hebrew Progressive Cemetery in West Roxbury."
Maybe they will return one day. Getting a little nostalgic for it.
"Calvin Peete, who taught himself how to play golf at 24 and became the most successful black player on the PGA Tour before the arrival of Tiger Woods, died Wednesday morning."
That's one reason I've always hated golf. Saw it as inherently elitist and racist, but oh, how times have changed.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Migrants All But Forgotten
Have to go to South Africa to see them:
"Hundreds leave South Africa after anti-immigrant violence" by Christopher Torchia Associated Press April 21, 2015
JOHANNESBURG — Worried about their safety, hundreds of African immigrants headed out of South Africa in buses on Monday after deadly attacks on foreign-owned shops.
South Africa’s anti-immigrant attacks, in which seven people have been killed this month, have angered many across the continent. South African diplomats in at least two other African countries reported threats of reprisal attacks because of the violence at home.
The outbreak of violence in South Africa against immigrants has tarnished the reputation of a country that has one of the biggest economies on the continent and has been a destination for people seeking opportunity and an escape from turbulence elsewhere in Africa.
South Africa was also dubbed the ‘‘rainbow nation’’ for its relatively peaceful transition to democracy after the end of white racist rule in 1994.
As I noted in the previous post, however, the wealth inequality is soaring under black rule as well. It's all about cla$$, folks, while the propaganda pre$$ pushes race, gender, sex, age, anything else that will divide and distract.
Now the government is struggling to contain negative fallout from attacks on immigrants in some areas of Durban and Johannesburg.
Yes, imagery, illusion, and public relations are very important.
Activists in some African countries organized protests and called for a boycott of South African goods, as South Africa is a powerful trading partner in the region.
The more things change....
Kenmare Resources, a Dublin-based company, said it temporarily repatriated its 62 South African workers at a titanium mine in Mozambique after ‘‘reciprocal unrest’’ there that stemmed from the South African violence. The mine’s total workforce is nearly 1,400.
The South African government should be ‘‘less reactive and more proactive’’ in dealing with tensions over immigrants and the country should ‘‘be a bit more humble’’ about its aspirations as a continental leader, said professor Chris Landsberg, an African diplomacy and foreign policy specialist at the University of Johannesburg.
‘‘We are in denial,’’ Landsberg said.
Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini, an influential figure among the Zulu ethnic group in South Africa, condemned the attacks in a speech Monday at a Durban sports stadium. His remarks followed allegations that he provoked some violence with reported comments in which he said foreigners should go home.
There is a preacher in Baltimore that is doing the same thing.
President Jacob Zuma postponed a ceremony, scheduled for next week, in which the country’s highest official honor is bestowed on South Africans and foreigners who have contributed to South Africa, his office said. The event will be postponed so South Africa can mourn the victims of the anti-immigrant violence, including three South Africans and four foreigners, it said.
Meet the leader of the new apartheid -- one with a black face on it.
In Malawi, Information Minister Kondwani Nankhumwa said six buses carrying 390 Malawians from Durban were heading to Malawi and five more buses carrying Malawians were expected to leave the city on Tuesday. About 3,200 Malawians sought refuge in temporary camps, he said.
Those killed in anti-immigrant unrest included two Malawians, according to Malawi’s government.
About 400 Zimbabweans were also heading home from South Africa, said Isaac Moyo, Zimbabwe’s ambassador to South Africa.
Where they won't take in a movie.
So what do the South Africans get? Martial law! Like here!
"S. Africa sends troops after immigrant attacks" by Norimitsu Onishi New York Times April 22, 2015
South Africa deployed troops Tuesday to areas recently hit by the surge in anti-immigrant attacks that has claimed seven lives and exposed the government’s inability to stop the violence.
Soldiers were sent to support police in Alexandra, a poor, predominantly black township in Johannesburg where South African men were photographed fatally stabbing a Mozambican man over the weekend. A couple from Zimbabwe suffered injuries from a shooting in Alexandra on Monday night.
Though the township had otherwise quieted down the past two nights, the government made a show of dispatching the army there Tuesday, perhaps stung by growing criticism that its slowness in responding to this wave of violence had helped it spread.
The goddamn scripts read the same wherever you are.
“We come in as the last resort,” Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, the defense minister, told reporters at a news conference in Alexandra. “The army will serve as a deterrent.”
You will be begging for it!
Mapisa-Nqakula added, “This is not too late; this is just the right time.”
Attacks against immigrants — mostly Africans from neighboring countries who live, and often run small businesses, in impoverished areas of South Africa — began about two weeks ago in the eastern city of Durban.
In recent years, as a weak economy has squeezed the poor in South Africa, frustrated young men have periodically leveled their anger at African immigrants. Troops were also deployed in 2008 when a wave of anti-immigrant violence killed more than 60 foreigners in Johannesburg’s townships.
I wonder if their government is as di$ingenuou$ne$$ as mine.
Authorities said the latest unrest was incited by xenophobic comments made by influential figures from the Durban area, including Goodwill Zwelithini, the king of the Zulus, the country’s largest ethnic group, as well as President Jacob G. Zuma’s eldest son, Edward.
It's okay in the West when trying to get and keep a war going.
“We ask foreign nationals to pack their belongings and go back to their countries,” the king was quoted as saying last month.
The king later said that his comments were part of what he called a broad criticism of lawlessness in South Africa.
The president, who has not commented on the remarks made by his son or the king, spoke out against the violence Thursday, but only after it had spread to Johannesburg, the country’s largest city.
A vast township that extends a few miles east of Johannesburg’s wealthiest suburb, Alexandra includes modest, middle-class stretches, but also sections of shacks with only rudimentary plumbing. Unemployment among young men there and similar townships is estimated at more than 40 percent.
But it's irrational hatred behind the protests.
"South African demonstrators condemn attacks on immigrants" Associated Press April 24, 2015
JOHANNESBURG — Several thousand people marched through South Africa’s largest city on Thursday in a demonstration against recent attacks on immigrants that killed seven people.
Demonstrators walked through the center of Johannesburg, passing high-rise neighborhoods that are home to many immigrants, a large number of whom come from other African countries.
The crowd sang, whistled, and beat drums. Children in school uniform mingled with activists.
The attacks stemmed from a perception among some South Africans that immigrants are taking jobs and opportunities at their expense.
They are. That is the globalist plan all across the world. It creates a completely subservient labor class.
One speaker at the march, Bishop Paul Verryn, told the crowd that the wide income gap between the poor and the wealthy in South Africa would lead to more anger among citizens.
Ya think?
‘‘We will begin to fight amongst ourselves because we are embedded in violence and hatred,’’ said Verryn, who housed many fearful immigrants at the Central Methodist Church after a bout of anti-immigrant violence in 2008 killed about 60 people.
Eat the rich.
Not forgotten:
Two victims of Alabama boat sinking ID’d
Even that story is getting more coverage than the European migrants lost at sea. Looks like Neffenger got off the boat just in time for his flight.
"Three days after Nepal’s worst earthquake in 80 years, the official death toll climbed past 5,000 and the prime minister, Sushil Koirala, said it could reach 10,000. But the extent of the destruction and loss of life in the countryside remained largely unknown. Isolated villages like Ramche that have been all but cut off from the world."
You can read Badu's story if you like; New York Times must know him.
Also see: Doctor near Mount Everest offers insight on Nepal quake
The Globe's contact.
‘‘Besides the rather obvious and glaring philosophical difficulties of pursuing a recreational venture in the midst of a national and local disaster, there are the on-the-ground mountaineering realities that will not permit us to look upward again. We have no viable route through the Khumbu Icefall and the earth is still shaking. We’ll put our efforts into an organized and safe retreat from the mountain,’’ said Dave Hahn, a guide for Rainier Mountaineering Inc. The climbing season is over."
"People picked up remarkably quickly that the latest turd-polishing 'humanitarian rescue' operation of World Jewry was bullshit: "Israel’s Nepal rescue mission: Infants born to gay Israelis via surrogate mothers" --
There may be even more to the story than that as the entire Israeli angle has disappeared from my pre$$:
"Aid starts trickling in to remote areas of Nepal" by Katy Daigle and Johnson Lai Associated Press April 30, 2015
KATMANDU, Nepal — The first supplies of food aid began reaching remote, earthquake-shattered mountain villages in Nepal on Wednesday, while thousands clamored to board buses out of Katmandu, either to check on rural relatives or for fear of spending yet another night in the damaged capital.
Frustration over the slow delivery of humanitarian aid boiled over in a protest in the city, with about 200 people blocking traffic and facing off with police.
The protest was comparatively small and no demonstrators were detained. But it reflected growing anger over bottlenecks that delayed much needed relief four days after a powerful earthquake killed more than 5,000 people, injured twice that many, and left tens of thousands homeless. Police, meanwhile, arrested dozens of people on suspicion of looting or causing panic by spreading rumors of another big quake.
Yeah, the elite and their thin blue lines really f***ed up running this planet. I mean, everywhere you go now....
Helicopters finally brought food, temporary shelter, and other aid to hamlets north of Katmandu in the mountainous Gorkha district, near the epicenter of Saturday’s 7.8-magnitude quake. Entire clusters of homes there were reduced to piles of stone and splintered wood.
The UN World Food Program warned that it will take time for food and other supplies to reach more remote communities that have been cut off by landslides. Geoff Pinnock, who was coordinating the flights, said with more than 8 million Nepalese affected by the earthquake, including 1.4 million who need immediate food assistance, the effort will continue for months.
President Obama called Prime Minister Sushil Koirala and discussed US military and civilian efforts already underway, the White House said.
The Great Savior!
Police said the official death toll in Nepal had reached 5,266 as of late Wednesday. That figure did not include the 19 people killed at Mount Everest....
And don't miss the Fidelity and Comcast calls for contributions, either.
What also disappeared after a day:
"Afghan official: At least 52 dead in landslide in northeast" by Rahim Faiez Associated Press April 29, 2015
KABUL — A massive landslide in a remote province in northeastern Afghanistan killed at least 52 people Tuesday, a provincial official said.
All terrorists like US airstrikes.
The stricken area in Badakhshan province is cut off from the rest of the country, covered in snow and is only accessible from the air, significantly hampering any rescue efforts, said Shah Waliullah Adeeb, the provincial governor.
Badakhshan is one of the poorest and least-developed regions of Afghanistan. It regularly suffers huge landslides when snow begins to melt in the spring.
The deputy head of Afghanistan’s National Disaster Management Authority, Mohammad Islam Sayas, said initial reports suggest the avalanche struck only one village but it was probably completely wiped out.
Badakhshan is in the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountain ranges. Unchecked environmental degradation and deforestation across large parts of Afghanistan contribute to a growing problem of landslides when winter snows melt and seasonal rains begin.
Haven't the Afghans suffered enough?
Afghanistan has suffered through some three decades of war since the Soviet invasion in 1979.
Al-CIA-Duh provoked it, and Zbigniew Brzezinski is proud of it.
But natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and avalanches have taken a toll on a country with little infrastructure or development outside its major cities.
In May 2014, a massive landslide in Badakhshan province killed some 350 people in a remote region. Another Afghan landslide in 2012 killed 71 people.
Related: A Landslide and Flood of Afghanistan Articles
There were a few this year, too.
And in February, almost 200 people died in an avalanche in the Panjshir Valley, not far from the capital, Kabul. Heavy winter snowfall made it difficult for relief workers to reach many villagers who were stranded on their rooftops for days without food or water.
Afghanistan's version of Katrina?
Yes, it was another brutal winter but don't let that get in the way of the global warming gas.
I'm not seeing a propaganda pre$$ campaign for Afghans, are you?
Btw, I went back and looked at what else the Globe has given me regarding Africa since the boats started sailing and all I cam up with was a Al-CIA-Bob bombings of a UN van and restaurant. Nothing about Libya at all.
Nepal now been back-paged in the front section, and I suspect will soon disappear.
"In Nepal, cheers and joy greet rescue of teen boy" by Ellen Barry New York Times May 01, 2015
KATMANDU, Nepal — Officials announced Thursday the creation of a National Reconstruction Fund to rebuild infrastructure, and the government said it would pay families almost $1,400 for each person who died as a result of the quake to help defray funeral costs and other expenses.
Is that alls Nepalis life is worth??? $1400 bucks?
The government’s top tourism official said that climbs of Mount Everest may resume, if climbers decide to go ahead. They said they are packing it in, and that's kind of stunning.
Call me crazy, but conditions don't seem to warrant that right now and the howling of ghosts and lost spirits.... I did study some Eastern religions during my time at college. Elective. Great stuff, too.
Many climbers who had hoped to summit Mount Everest have left and at least 19 were killed when a massive avalanche triggered by the earthquake swept through the base camp.
That will get the HAARP people singing, and my immediate reaction was earthquake caused tsunami -- which gets us back to that radioactive leaks of what, 300 tons a day since it started and the authorities having no idea what is happening down deep in the pit that is Fukushima. It's the Chernobyl of our generation, worse than that, and it's being ignored and minimized.
But the rescues were the news of the day.
I'm always happy when my propaganda pre$$ puts a :-) on things and kinds the lone corn kernel in the turd.
At a news conference, Bill Berger, who is heading rescue efforts for the US Agency for International Development, spoke of how extraordinary it was to save people beyond the “golden” hours after a quake, when the likelihood of finding survivors are best. That period, he suggested, usually ends after three days.
AID = CIA, and that brings the question of what are they in there to clean and cover up? Nepal a CIA station in the middle of that WWIII front line?
“We had a really good day. Actually we had a great day,” he said, a proud moment after days of hardship, and amid frustration from citizens who accuse their government of ineptitude.
How dare they! I'm sure they are doing all they can, lovin' ya just like here. Governments are good and serve people in times of crisis. Yes, they ignored you until that time and are taking advantage of such things too further their $elf-$erving agendas, but it's for your own protection and they love you.
The rescues were among the rare bits of good news on an otherwise dreary and rainy day during which the enormousness of the tragedy continued to sink in. The death toll has exceeded 5,800, with many more confirmed deaths expected.
That's more than are being sunk in the Mediterranean, and look who is coming to help the migrants!
Although aftershocks continue, the terrible weather seemed to have persuaded an increasing number to leave the tent cities set up throughout the city....
Forget that, they found someone and it's a great day, a great day!
I used to think at least disaster coverage was still an up-and-up and worthy pursuit by the ma$$ media, but even that has fallen into disrepair. Sorry.
"Hundreds leave South Africa after anti-immigrant violence" by Christopher Torchia Associated Press April 21, 2015
JOHANNESBURG — Worried about their safety, hundreds of African immigrants headed out of South Africa in buses on Monday after deadly attacks on foreign-owned shops.
South Africa’s anti-immigrant attacks, in which seven people have been killed this month, have angered many across the continent. South African diplomats in at least two other African countries reported threats of reprisal attacks because of the violence at home.
The outbreak of violence in South Africa against immigrants has tarnished the reputation of a country that has one of the biggest economies on the continent and has been a destination for people seeking opportunity and an escape from turbulence elsewhere in Africa.
South Africa was also dubbed the ‘‘rainbow nation’’ for its relatively peaceful transition to democracy after the end of white racist rule in 1994.
As I noted in the previous post, however, the wealth inequality is soaring under black rule as well. It's all about cla$$, folks, while the propaganda pre$$ pushes race, gender, sex, age, anything else that will divide and distract.
Now the government is struggling to contain negative fallout from attacks on immigrants in some areas of Durban and Johannesburg.
Yes, imagery, illusion, and public relations are very important.
Activists in some African countries organized protests and called for a boycott of South African goods, as South Africa is a powerful trading partner in the region.
The more things change....
Kenmare Resources, a Dublin-based company, said it temporarily repatriated its 62 South African workers at a titanium mine in Mozambique after ‘‘reciprocal unrest’’ there that stemmed from the South African violence. The mine’s total workforce is nearly 1,400.
The South African government should be ‘‘less reactive and more proactive’’ in dealing with tensions over immigrants and the country should ‘‘be a bit more humble’’ about its aspirations as a continental leader, said professor Chris Landsberg, an African diplomacy and foreign policy specialist at the University of Johannesburg.
‘‘We are in denial,’’ Landsberg said.
Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini, an influential figure among the Zulu ethnic group in South Africa, condemned the attacks in a speech Monday at a Durban sports stadium. His remarks followed allegations that he provoked some violence with reported comments in which he said foreigners should go home.
There is a preacher in Baltimore that is doing the same thing.
President Jacob Zuma postponed a ceremony, scheduled for next week, in which the country’s highest official honor is bestowed on South Africans and foreigners who have contributed to South Africa, his office said. The event will be postponed so South Africa can mourn the victims of the anti-immigrant violence, including three South Africans and four foreigners, it said.
Meet the leader of the new apartheid -- one with a black face on it.
In Malawi, Information Minister Kondwani Nankhumwa said six buses carrying 390 Malawians from Durban were heading to Malawi and five more buses carrying Malawians were expected to leave the city on Tuesday. About 3,200 Malawians sought refuge in temporary camps, he said.
Those killed in anti-immigrant unrest included two Malawians, according to Malawi’s government.
About 400 Zimbabweans were also heading home from South Africa, said Isaac Moyo, Zimbabwe’s ambassador to South Africa.
Where they won't take in a movie.
So what do the South Africans get? Martial law! Like here!
"S. Africa sends troops after immigrant attacks" by Norimitsu Onishi New York Times April 22, 2015
South Africa deployed troops Tuesday to areas recently hit by the surge in anti-immigrant attacks that has claimed seven lives and exposed the government’s inability to stop the violence.
Soldiers were sent to support police in Alexandra, a poor, predominantly black township in Johannesburg where South African men were photographed fatally stabbing a Mozambican man over the weekend. A couple from Zimbabwe suffered injuries from a shooting in Alexandra on Monday night.
Though the township had otherwise quieted down the past two nights, the government made a show of dispatching the army there Tuesday, perhaps stung by growing criticism that its slowness in responding to this wave of violence had helped it spread.
The goddamn scripts read the same wherever you are.
“We come in as the last resort,” Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, the defense minister, told reporters at a news conference in Alexandra. “The army will serve as a deterrent.”
You will be begging for it!
Mapisa-Nqakula added, “This is not too late; this is just the right time.”
Attacks against immigrants — mostly Africans from neighboring countries who live, and often run small businesses, in impoverished areas of South Africa — began about two weeks ago in the eastern city of Durban.
In recent years, as a weak economy has squeezed the poor in South Africa, frustrated young men have periodically leveled their anger at African immigrants. Troops were also deployed in 2008 when a wave of anti-immigrant violence killed more than 60 foreigners in Johannesburg’s townships.
I wonder if their government is as di$ingenuou$ne$$ as mine.
Authorities said the latest unrest was incited by xenophobic comments made by influential figures from the Durban area, including Goodwill Zwelithini, the king of the Zulus, the country’s largest ethnic group, as well as President Jacob G. Zuma’s eldest son, Edward.
It's okay in the West when trying to get and keep a war going.
“We ask foreign nationals to pack their belongings and go back to their countries,” the king was quoted as saying last month.
The king later said that his comments were part of what he called a broad criticism of lawlessness in South Africa.
The president, who has not commented on the remarks made by his son or the king, spoke out against the violence Thursday, but only after it had spread to Johannesburg, the country’s largest city.
A vast township that extends a few miles east of Johannesburg’s wealthiest suburb, Alexandra includes modest, middle-class stretches, but also sections of shacks with only rudimentary plumbing. Unemployment among young men there and similar townships is estimated at more than 40 percent.
But it's irrational hatred behind the protests.
"South African demonstrators condemn attacks on immigrants" Associated Press April 24, 2015
JOHANNESBURG — Several thousand people marched through South Africa’s largest city on Thursday in a demonstration against recent attacks on immigrants that killed seven people.
Demonstrators walked through the center of Johannesburg, passing high-rise neighborhoods that are home to many immigrants, a large number of whom come from other African countries.
The crowd sang, whistled, and beat drums. Children in school uniform mingled with activists.
The attacks stemmed from a perception among some South Africans that immigrants are taking jobs and opportunities at their expense.
They are. That is the globalist plan all across the world. It creates a completely subservient labor class.
One speaker at the march, Bishop Paul Verryn, told the crowd that the wide income gap between the poor and the wealthy in South Africa would lead to more anger among citizens.
Ya think?
‘‘We will begin to fight amongst ourselves because we are embedded in violence and hatred,’’ said Verryn, who housed many fearful immigrants at the Central Methodist Church after a bout of anti-immigrant violence in 2008 killed about 60 people.
Eat the rich.
Not forgotten:
Two victims of Alabama boat sinking ID’d
Even that story is getting more coverage than the European migrants lost at sea. Looks like Neffenger got off the boat just in time for his flight.
"Three days after Nepal’s worst earthquake in 80 years, the official death toll climbed past 5,000 and the prime minister, Sushil Koirala, said it could reach 10,000. But the extent of the destruction and loss of life in the countryside remained largely unknown. Isolated villages like Ramche that have been all but cut off from the world."
You can read Badu's story if you like; New York Times must know him.
Also see: Doctor near Mount Everest offers insight on Nepal quake
The Globe's contact.
‘‘Besides the rather obvious and glaring philosophical difficulties of pursuing a recreational venture in the midst of a national and local disaster, there are the on-the-ground mountaineering realities that will not permit us to look upward again. We have no viable route through the Khumbu Icefall and the earth is still shaking. We’ll put our efforts into an organized and safe retreat from the mountain,’’ said Dave Hahn, a guide for Rainier Mountaineering Inc. The climbing season is over."
"People picked up remarkably quickly that the latest turd-polishing 'humanitarian rescue' operation of World Jewry was bullshit: "Israel’s Nepal rescue mission: Infants born to gay Israelis via surrogate mothers" --
There may be even more to the story than that as the entire Israeli angle has disappeared from my pre$$:
"Aid starts trickling in to remote areas of Nepal" by Katy Daigle and Johnson Lai Associated Press April 30, 2015
KATMANDU, Nepal — The first supplies of food aid began reaching remote, earthquake-shattered mountain villages in Nepal on Wednesday, while thousands clamored to board buses out of Katmandu, either to check on rural relatives or for fear of spending yet another night in the damaged capital.
Frustration over the slow delivery of humanitarian aid boiled over in a protest in the city, with about 200 people blocking traffic and facing off with police.
The protest was comparatively small and no demonstrators were detained. But it reflected growing anger over bottlenecks that delayed much needed relief four days after a powerful earthquake killed more than 5,000 people, injured twice that many, and left tens of thousands homeless. Police, meanwhile, arrested dozens of people on suspicion of looting or causing panic by spreading rumors of another big quake.
Yeah, the elite and their thin blue lines really f***ed up running this planet. I mean, everywhere you go now....
Helicopters finally brought food, temporary shelter, and other aid to hamlets north of Katmandu in the mountainous Gorkha district, near the epicenter of Saturday’s 7.8-magnitude quake. Entire clusters of homes there were reduced to piles of stone and splintered wood.
The UN World Food Program warned that it will take time for food and other supplies to reach more remote communities that have been cut off by landslides. Geoff Pinnock, who was coordinating the flights, said with more than 8 million Nepalese affected by the earthquake, including 1.4 million who need immediate food assistance, the effort will continue for months.
President Obama called Prime Minister Sushil Koirala and discussed US military and civilian efforts already underway, the White House said.
The Great Savior!
Police said the official death toll in Nepal had reached 5,266 as of late Wednesday. That figure did not include the 19 people killed at Mount Everest....
And don't miss the Fidelity and Comcast calls for contributions, either.
What also disappeared after a day:
"Afghan official: At least 52 dead in landslide in northeast" by Rahim Faiez Associated Press April 29, 2015
KABUL — A massive landslide in a remote province in northeastern Afghanistan killed at least 52 people Tuesday, a provincial official said.
All terrorists like US airstrikes.
The stricken area in Badakhshan province is cut off from the rest of the country, covered in snow and is only accessible from the air, significantly hampering any rescue efforts, said Shah Waliullah Adeeb, the provincial governor.
Badakhshan is one of the poorest and least-developed regions of Afghanistan. It regularly suffers huge landslides when snow begins to melt in the spring.
The deputy head of Afghanistan’s National Disaster Management Authority, Mohammad Islam Sayas, said initial reports suggest the avalanche struck only one village but it was probably completely wiped out.
Badakhshan is in the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountain ranges. Unchecked environmental degradation and deforestation across large parts of Afghanistan contribute to a growing problem of landslides when winter snows melt and seasonal rains begin.
Haven't the Afghans suffered enough?
Afghanistan has suffered through some three decades of war since the Soviet invasion in 1979.
Al-CIA-Duh provoked it, and Zbigniew Brzezinski is proud of it.
But natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and avalanches have taken a toll on a country with little infrastructure or development outside its major cities.
In May 2014, a massive landslide in Badakhshan province killed some 350 people in a remote region. Another Afghan landslide in 2012 killed 71 people.
Related: A Landslide and Flood of Afghanistan Articles
There were a few this year, too.
And in February, almost 200 people died in an avalanche in the Panjshir Valley, not far from the capital, Kabul. Heavy winter snowfall made it difficult for relief workers to reach many villagers who were stranded on their rooftops for days without food or water.
Afghanistan's version of Katrina?
Yes, it was another brutal winter but don't let that get in the way of the global warming gas.
I'm not seeing a propaganda pre$$ campaign for Afghans, are you?
Btw, I went back and looked at what else the Globe has given me regarding Africa since the boats started sailing and all I cam up with was a Al-CIA-Bob bombings of a UN van and restaurant. Nothing about Libya at all.
Nepal now been back-paged in the front section, and I suspect will soon disappear.
"In Nepal, cheers and joy greet rescue of teen boy" by Ellen Barry New York Times May 01, 2015
KATMANDU, Nepal — Officials announced Thursday the creation of a National Reconstruction Fund to rebuild infrastructure, and the government said it would pay families almost $1,400 for each person who died as a result of the quake to help defray funeral costs and other expenses.
Is that alls Nepalis life is worth??? $1400 bucks?
The government’s top tourism official said that climbs of Mount Everest may resume, if climbers decide to go ahead. They said they are packing it in, and that's kind of stunning.
Call me crazy, but conditions don't seem to warrant that right now and the howling of ghosts and lost spirits.... I did study some Eastern religions during my time at college. Elective. Great stuff, too.
Many climbers who had hoped to summit Mount Everest have left and at least 19 were killed when a massive avalanche triggered by the earthquake swept through the base camp.
That will get the HAARP people singing, and my immediate reaction was earthquake caused tsunami -- which gets us back to that radioactive leaks of what, 300 tons a day since it started and the authorities having no idea what is happening down deep in the pit that is Fukushima. It's the Chernobyl of our generation, worse than that, and it's being ignored and minimized.
But the rescues were the news of the day.
I'm always happy when my propaganda pre$$ puts a :-) on things and kinds the lone corn kernel in the turd.
At a news conference, Bill Berger, who is heading rescue efforts for the US Agency for International Development, spoke of how extraordinary it was to save people beyond the “golden” hours after a quake, when the likelihood of finding survivors are best. That period, he suggested, usually ends after three days.
AID = CIA, and that brings the question of what are they in there to clean and cover up? Nepal a CIA station in the middle of that WWIII front line?
“We had a really good day. Actually we had a great day,” he said, a proud moment after days of hardship, and amid frustration from citizens who accuse their government of ineptitude.
How dare they! I'm sure they are doing all they can, lovin' ya just like here. Governments are good and serve people in times of crisis. Yes, they ignored you until that time and are taking advantage of such things too further their $elf-$erving agendas, but it's for your own protection and they love you.
The rescues were among the rare bits of good news on an otherwise dreary and rainy day during which the enormousness of the tragedy continued to sink in. The death toll has exceeded 5,800, with many more confirmed deaths expected.
That's more than are being sunk in the Mediterranean, and look who is coming to help the migrants!
Although aftershocks continue, the terrible weather seemed to have persuaded an increasing number to leave the tent cities set up throughout the city....
Forget that, they found someone and it's a great day, a great day!
I used to think at least disaster coverage was still an up-and-up and worthy pursuit by the ma$$ media, but even that has fallen into disrepair. Sorry.
South Africa,
South Asia,
Golden Find
"Gold bar worth up to $500,000 recovered after heist" by Rebecca Fiore and Aneri Pattani Globe Correspondents April 21, 2015
The FBI has recovered a gold bar in Florida linked to a March 1 heist from a truck bound for Boston that was carrying nearly $5 million worth of gold, officials said.
The recovered gold bar weighs 26 pounds and is valued between $470,000 and $500,000, the FBI said in a statement.
“This confirms that there is a South Florida nexus to this crime,” said Justin E. Fleck, the supervisory special agent leading the investigation. “We believe that additional gold bars from the robbery may still be in South Florida, and we continue to need the public’s help in solving this crime. The FBI reward of $25,000 still remains in effect.”
South Florida screams Jewish mafia even though I know you were thinking drug cartels.
Two armed security guards were transporting barrels of silver and gold in a truck that left Miami on March 1 and was scheduled to arrive in Boston on March 2, the FBI said.
The guards pulled over on Interstate 95 in Wilson County, N.C., about 6:30 p.m. March 1, the Globe has reported.
The guards were approached by at least two armed men in a white van, who announced themselves as “policia” and placed traffic cones around the truck.
The men spoke in Spanish and ordered the guards out of the truck.
They tied the guards’ hands behind their backs and made them walk into the woods, the FBI said.
The thieves stole several barrels of gold, worth about $4.9 million, and fled in their van while the guards were still in the woods, the agency said.
Because the shipment left from South Florida, investigators believe the robbers might have a connection there, the FBI said.
The FBI has asked anyone with information to call....
Related: Golden Treasure
The FBI has recovered a gold bar in Florida linked to a March 1 heist from a truck bound for Boston that was carrying nearly $5 million worth of gold, officials said.
The recovered gold bar weighs 26 pounds and is valued between $470,000 and $500,000, the FBI said in a statement.
“This confirms that there is a South Florida nexus to this crime,” said Justin E. Fleck, the supervisory special agent leading the investigation. “We believe that additional gold bars from the robbery may still be in South Florida, and we continue to need the public’s help in solving this crime. The FBI reward of $25,000 still remains in effect.”
South Florida screams Jewish mafia even though I know you were thinking drug cartels.
Two armed security guards were transporting barrels of silver and gold in a truck that left Miami on March 1 and was scheduled to arrive in Boston on March 2, the FBI said.
The guards pulled over on Interstate 95 in Wilson County, N.C., about 6:30 p.m. March 1, the Globe has reported.
The guards were approached by at least two armed men in a white van, who announced themselves as “policia” and placed traffic cones around the truck.
The men spoke in Spanish and ordered the guards out of the truck.
They tied the guards’ hands behind their backs and made them walk into the woods, the FBI said.
The thieves stole several barrels of gold, worth about $4.9 million, and fled in their van while the guards were still in the woods, the agency said.
Because the shipment left from South Florida, investigators believe the robbers might have a connection there, the FBI said.
The FBI has asked anyone with information to call....
Related: Golden Treasure
Raytheon on the Rebound
Related: The Biggest Gun Dealers on Planet Earth
War is the bu$ine$$, and bu$ine$$ is good!
"Raytheon reaches deal worth reported $7 billion with Poland" by Hiawatha Bray Globe Staff April 21, 2015
Even as the United States cuts its military spending, insurgencies in Eastern Europe and civil wars in the Middle East are raging. It is a disaster for world peace but an opportunity for US arms makers such as Waltham-based Raytheon Co.
And you see up top who there business agents are -- the same guys spouting and selling peace.
"House and Senate GOP negotiators neared agreement Monday on a budget blueprint delivering an almost $40 billion budget boost to the Pentagon."
That's some cut.
In the past six months, Raytheon has made three overseas sales of its Patriot missile defense systems. The company’s latest win was revealed Tuesday, when the government of Poland chose the Patriot over a host of American and European rivals.
The Polish paper Gazeta Wyborcza, which first reported the deal, estimated its value at $7 billion. But Raytheon spokesman Michael Doble said the exact terms of the sale, including price, are still being worked out.
“We’ve been selected, but the contract has not been written,” said Doble. “We don’t know the dollars . . . now we have to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract.”
A statement issued by the Polish government on Tuesday said Poland plans to acquire eight Patriot batteries by 2025, including two to be deployed in the first three years of the deal. The Polish government will also require Raytheon to share its technical know-how with Polish companies, which will assist in building and maintaining the Patriot system.
According to Bloomberg News, the Patriot deal is part of Poland’s $38 billion effort to upgrade its military, in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its support of separatist rebels in Ukraine.
Well, they didn't annex it. The Crimeans voted to join, but at this point the distortions and lies coming from the Amerikan media are a goddamn given.
But Michael O’Hanlon, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., said that the Patriot system would offer little protection if the Russians were to move against Poland.
“I don’t believe that the Patriots are a smart or effective way to counter the Russians militarily,” said O’Hanlon. “The Russians have too many missiles.”
Who cares? It's a $ale that keeps the war machine humming, and who knows? They may need those missiles a lot sooner than you think from the blog rolls I've been reading -- as well as the propaganda pre$$ itself, which is doing its damnedest to promote and foment more wars.
Instead, O’Hanlon said the deal is really about strengthening Poland’s ties to the United States. “Politically, the Poles obviously want to lock in their alliance with us,” he said. “For them, there is a value in buying weaponry that the United States provides, that we also use in our own military.”
Indeed, the US Embassy in Poland issued a statement praising the selection of Patriot, calling it “an important moment in the security partnership between Poland and the United States.” Of course,
The embassy said Poland’s choice will simplify joint training exercises with other nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which also use the Patriot system.
With the winding down of military engagements in Afghanistan and, at least initially, in Iraq, and across-the-board budget cuts to rein in the federal deficit, overall US defense spending has declined by 20 percent since 2010, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Yeah, the winding down of Afghanistan(!!) while Iraq is being REWOUND!
But the institute said military spending is climbing in much of the world, driven by the Ukraine crisis and by terrorist violence and civil wars in the Middle East and Africa.
“Missile defense systems are in big demand in the Middle East and Asia.” said Peter Arment, a defense industry analyst at the investment firm Sterne Agee in New York. “The fact that peace and prosperity’s not breaking out tends to keep their systems in high demand.”
Gee, makes you wonder who is really behind the "terrorists," huh?
The world’s top arms makers are vying for a share of the market. In Poland, Raytheon fended off bids from American rival Lockheed Martin, the French aerospace company Thales SA, and the European consortium MBDA, which includes airplane maker Airbus.
Of course, the governments of those countries are committed to peace, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
Raytheon has had considerable success in selling Patriot to foreign buyers. Last week, the company announced a $2 billion sale to an undisclosed foreign government.
Still don't know the unnamed buyer.
In March Raytheon got an $815 million contract to upgrade existing Patriot systems in South Korea. And last December Raytheon won a $2.4 billion deal to provide Patriots to Qatar, an Arab nation.
Thanks to contracts like these, Raytheon generated $8.4 billion in foreign sales last year. That is 29 percent of the company’s total revenues, a higher percentage than any other major US military contractor.
And where else can money be made?
Raytheon targeting computer weaknesses with $1.9 billion cybersecurity deal; Digital threats push Websense purchase" y Hiawatha Bray Globe Staff April 20, 2015
With its $1.9 billion deal to acquire network security company Websense, Waltham-based defense contractor Raytheon Corp. hopes to prepare its customers for a world in which any electronic device or network connection could become the gateway for a devastating digital attack.
“Today’s enterprises are more vulnerable than ever due to the proliferation of cloud computing, mobile devices, and the Internet of things,” said David Wajsgras, president of Raytheon’s intelligence, information, and services business, during a conference call Monday on the Websense acquisition. “Our goal is to provide an integrated defense.”
Raytheon is famed for the Tomahawk, Patriot, and Sidewinder guided- missile systems and is a major maker of radar and electronic warfare gear. But over the past decade, Raytheon has done more than a dozen cybersecurity-related deals, including the $420 million acquisition in November of Blackbird Technologies, a surveillance and cybersecurity company.
Up to now, Raytheon’s security practice has mainly served the company’s traditional customers in the military and aerospace sectors, said Monolina Sen, a senior cybersecurity analyst for ABI Research in London.
The Websense acquisition, Sen said, “will help it to expand its reach in other sectors such as finance, retail, education, health care, and so on.”
How do you feel about military contractors and war-profiteers running business, school, and health software -- especially given the history of cost overruns and disappeared trillions??
Oh, that's right. I forgot that the elite and the agenda-pushing and promoting corporations that profit from war are taking good care us and wanting the peace we all yearn for.
Websense makes products that can analyze data flowing in and out of corporate networks, to identify a variety of threats, including malicious e-mails, corrupted Internet sites, and infected computers inside the company’s firewall.
All seems to trace back to Silicon Valley.
For instance, Websense can test an attached software file by running it inside a “sandbox” that isolates it from the rest of the company network. It has a constantly updated database of known malicious Internet addresses; access to these addresses can be blocked automatically.
And Websense makes tools that can prevent infected computers from transmitting sensitive company data.
Yeah, whose benefiting from all the hacking while the NSA and FBI can't find anyone?
Peter Firstbrook, a vice president at research firm Gartner Inc., said Raytheon is preparing for a new torrent of digital threats that will arise when our phones, cars, household appliances, factory gear, and nearly everything else will be connected through data networks.
The interlocking and $elf-$erving tyranny is striking as it descends upon us. But people love their gadgets and corporations insist their is nothing to worry about paying by app for everything. It's constantly promoted in my Globe.
In this “Internet of things,” people will be able to control and manage all these devices from anywhere in the world. But a security flaw in a single device could give criminals or spies easy access to sensitive data, or let them vandalize critical business or government computer systems.
Never you mind that NSA trapdoor installed with the software.
Firstbrook said that when billions of devices join the Internet of things, it will be extremely difficult to install security on one device at a time. So Raytheon will use its Websense purchase to develop systems that can scan entire networks for malicious activity. “If you’re protected in the network,” Firstbrook said, “you have a better chance of detecting this stuff.”
Raytheon will pay $1.3 billion in cash to acquire an 80 percent stake in Austin, Texas-based Websense from its current owner, the private-equity firm Vista Equity Partners LLC.
It's a wonderful $y$tem of tyranny we have.
In addition, Raytheon will lend $600 million to Websense and combine the company with Raytheon’s existing cybersecurity business, valued at $400 million.
The deal is expected to close in the second quarter of the year, and the resulting security company will be renamed at that time, according to a Raytheon spokesman. The deal will not affect Raytheon’s operations in Massachusetts, and no job losses or relocations are expected.
John McCormack, Websense’s chief executive, will hold the same title for the newly created company.
Raytheon chief executive Thomas Kennedy said the new company will be managed independently, to ensure it is not overwhelmed by the bureaucratic style of a major defense contractor.
“It’s not going to get smothered under the mother Raytheon defense ship,” Kennedy said.
Raytheon and Websense face increasing competition from other cybersecurity firms. Firstbrook, the Gartner analyst, said Websense faces a tough fight against its biggest rival, Blue Coat Systems Inc., which was acquired last month by Bain Capital LLC of Boston for $2.4 billion. Firstbrook said that Blue Coat is popular with governments around the world, while Websense mainly serves small and medium-size companies.
Ah, Bain getting involved. $mells like $ucce$$ful altrui$m to me!
But in the face of major cybersecurity breaches, like the 2013 credit card theft at Target Corp. or last year’s breach at Sony Corp., Raytheon officials expect to ride a wave of strong demand for data security upgrades. Wajsgras said the global market for information security products and services stands at $70 billion and that sales will grow 8 percent per year through 2018.
Sorry I missed the Interview, but I looked into those, and who benefits?
Raytheon’s shares closed down 23 cents at $107.49 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Seemed to make $en$e at the time.
"Raytheon Co. raised its 2015 profit forecast after reaching a contract settlement with the United Kingdom that boosted the bottom line at the world’s largest missile maker. The Waltham company got about $131 million after taxes in resolving a dispute over the cancellation of work on the UK’s eBorders passenger information program. During the quarter, Raytheon won a $769 million contract from South Korea to upgrade Patriot air and missile defense systems. Since December, it has won at least $5 billion of international Patriot orders, including a $2 billion deal with Saudi Arabia, and it is poised to seal a bid in Poland. “We have a very specific focus on international,” chief financial officer Toby O’Brien said Thursday. “Our solutions and capabilities are here to meet the threats that our international customers are seeing.”
War is the bu$ine$$, and bu$ine$$ is good!
"Raytheon reaches deal worth reported $7 billion with Poland" by Hiawatha Bray Globe Staff April 21, 2015
Even as the United States cuts its military spending, insurgencies in Eastern Europe and civil wars in the Middle East are raging. It is a disaster for world peace but an opportunity for US arms makers such as Waltham-based Raytheon Co.
And you see up top who there business agents are -- the same guys spouting and selling peace.
"House and Senate GOP negotiators neared agreement Monday on a budget blueprint delivering an almost $40 billion budget boost to the Pentagon."
That's some cut.
In the past six months, Raytheon has made three overseas sales of its Patriot missile defense systems. The company’s latest win was revealed Tuesday, when the government of Poland chose the Patriot over a host of American and European rivals.
The Polish paper Gazeta Wyborcza, which first reported the deal, estimated its value at $7 billion. But Raytheon spokesman Michael Doble said the exact terms of the sale, including price, are still being worked out.
“We’ve been selected, but the contract has not been written,” said Doble. “We don’t know the dollars . . . now we have to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract.”
A statement issued by the Polish government on Tuesday said Poland plans to acquire eight Patriot batteries by 2025, including two to be deployed in the first three years of the deal. The Polish government will also require Raytheon to share its technical know-how with Polish companies, which will assist in building and maintaining the Patriot system.
According to Bloomberg News, the Patriot deal is part of Poland’s $38 billion effort to upgrade its military, in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its support of separatist rebels in Ukraine.
Well, they didn't annex it. The Crimeans voted to join, but at this point the distortions and lies coming from the Amerikan media are a goddamn given.
But Michael O’Hanlon, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., said that the Patriot system would offer little protection if the Russians were to move against Poland.
“I don’t believe that the Patriots are a smart or effective way to counter the Russians militarily,” said O’Hanlon. “The Russians have too many missiles.”
Who cares? It's a $ale that keeps the war machine humming, and who knows? They may need those missiles a lot sooner than you think from the blog rolls I've been reading -- as well as the propaganda pre$$ itself, which is doing its damnedest to promote and foment more wars.
Instead, O’Hanlon said the deal is really about strengthening Poland’s ties to the United States. “Politically, the Poles obviously want to lock in their alliance with us,” he said. “For them, there is a value in buying weaponry that the United States provides, that we also use in our own military.”
Indeed, the US Embassy in Poland issued a statement praising the selection of Patriot, calling it “an important moment in the security partnership between Poland and the United States.” Of course,
The embassy said Poland’s choice will simplify joint training exercises with other nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which also use the Patriot system.
With the winding down of military engagements in Afghanistan and, at least initially, in Iraq, and across-the-board budget cuts to rein in the federal deficit, overall US defense spending has declined by 20 percent since 2010, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Yeah, the winding down of Afghanistan(!!) while Iraq is being REWOUND!
But the institute said military spending is climbing in much of the world, driven by the Ukraine crisis and by terrorist violence and civil wars in the Middle East and Africa.
“Missile defense systems are in big demand in the Middle East and Asia.” said Peter Arment, a defense industry analyst at the investment firm Sterne Agee in New York. “The fact that peace and prosperity’s not breaking out tends to keep their systems in high demand.”
Gee, makes you wonder who is really behind the "terrorists," huh?
The world’s top arms makers are vying for a share of the market. In Poland, Raytheon fended off bids from American rival Lockheed Martin, the French aerospace company Thales SA, and the European consortium MBDA, which includes airplane maker Airbus.
Of course, the governments of those countries are committed to peace, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
Raytheon has had considerable success in selling Patriot to foreign buyers. Last week, the company announced a $2 billion sale to an undisclosed foreign government.
Still don't know the unnamed buyer.
In March Raytheon got an $815 million contract to upgrade existing Patriot systems in South Korea. And last December Raytheon won a $2.4 billion deal to provide Patriots to Qatar, an Arab nation.
Thanks to contracts like these, Raytheon generated $8.4 billion in foreign sales last year. That is 29 percent of the company’s total revenues, a higher percentage than any other major US military contractor.
And where else can money be made?
Raytheon targeting computer weaknesses with $1.9 billion cybersecurity deal; Digital threats push Websense purchase" y Hiawatha Bray Globe Staff April 20, 2015
With its $1.9 billion deal to acquire network security company Websense, Waltham-based defense contractor Raytheon Corp. hopes to prepare its customers for a world in which any electronic device or network connection could become the gateway for a devastating digital attack.
“Today’s enterprises are more vulnerable than ever due to the proliferation of cloud computing, mobile devices, and the Internet of things,” said David Wajsgras, president of Raytheon’s intelligence, information, and services business, during a conference call Monday on the Websense acquisition. “Our goal is to provide an integrated defense.”
Raytheon is famed for the Tomahawk, Patriot, and Sidewinder guided- missile systems and is a major maker of radar and electronic warfare gear. But over the past decade, Raytheon has done more than a dozen cybersecurity-related deals, including the $420 million acquisition in November of Blackbird Technologies, a surveillance and cybersecurity company.
Up to now, Raytheon’s security practice has mainly served the company’s traditional customers in the military and aerospace sectors, said Monolina Sen, a senior cybersecurity analyst for ABI Research in London.
The Websense acquisition, Sen said, “will help it to expand its reach in other sectors such as finance, retail, education, health care, and so on.”
How do you feel about military contractors and war-profiteers running business, school, and health software -- especially given the history of cost overruns and disappeared trillions??
Oh, that's right. I forgot that the elite and the agenda-pushing and promoting corporations that profit from war are taking good care us and wanting the peace we all yearn for.
Websense makes products that can analyze data flowing in and out of corporate networks, to identify a variety of threats, including malicious e-mails, corrupted Internet sites, and infected computers inside the company’s firewall.
All seems to trace back to Silicon Valley.
For instance, Websense can test an attached software file by running it inside a “sandbox” that isolates it from the rest of the company network. It has a constantly updated database of known malicious Internet addresses; access to these addresses can be blocked automatically.
And Websense makes tools that can prevent infected computers from transmitting sensitive company data.
Yeah, whose benefiting from all the hacking while the NSA and FBI can't find anyone?
Peter Firstbrook, a vice president at research firm Gartner Inc., said Raytheon is preparing for a new torrent of digital threats that will arise when our phones, cars, household appliances, factory gear, and nearly everything else will be connected through data networks.
The interlocking and $elf-$erving tyranny is striking as it descends upon us. But people love their gadgets and corporations insist their is nothing to worry about paying by app for everything. It's constantly promoted in my Globe.
In this “Internet of things,” people will be able to control and manage all these devices from anywhere in the world. But a security flaw in a single device could give criminals or spies easy access to sensitive data, or let them vandalize critical business or government computer systems.
Never you mind that NSA trapdoor installed with the software.
Firstbrook said that when billions of devices join the Internet of things, it will be extremely difficult to install security on one device at a time. So Raytheon will use its Websense purchase to develop systems that can scan entire networks for malicious activity. “If you’re protected in the network,” Firstbrook said, “you have a better chance of detecting this stuff.”
Raytheon will pay $1.3 billion in cash to acquire an 80 percent stake in Austin, Texas-based Websense from its current owner, the private-equity firm Vista Equity Partners LLC.
It's a wonderful $y$tem of tyranny we have.
In addition, Raytheon will lend $600 million to Websense and combine the company with Raytheon’s existing cybersecurity business, valued at $400 million.
The deal is expected to close in the second quarter of the year, and the resulting security company will be renamed at that time, according to a Raytheon spokesman. The deal will not affect Raytheon’s operations in Massachusetts, and no job losses or relocations are expected.
John McCormack, Websense’s chief executive, will hold the same title for the newly created company.
Raytheon chief executive Thomas Kennedy said the new company will be managed independently, to ensure it is not overwhelmed by the bureaucratic style of a major defense contractor.
“It’s not going to get smothered under the mother Raytheon defense ship,” Kennedy said.
Raytheon and Websense face increasing competition from other cybersecurity firms. Firstbrook, the Gartner analyst, said Websense faces a tough fight against its biggest rival, Blue Coat Systems Inc., which was acquired last month by Bain Capital LLC of Boston for $2.4 billion. Firstbrook said that Blue Coat is popular with governments around the world, while Websense mainly serves small and medium-size companies.
Ah, Bain getting involved. $mells like $ucce$$ful altrui$m to me!
But in the face of major cybersecurity breaches, like the 2013 credit card theft at Target Corp. or last year’s breach at Sony Corp., Raytheon officials expect to ride a wave of strong demand for data security upgrades. Wajsgras said the global market for information security products and services stands at $70 billion and that sales will grow 8 percent per year through 2018.
Sorry I missed the Interview, but I looked into those, and who benefits?
Raytheon’s shares closed down 23 cents at $107.49 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Seemed to make $en$e at the time.
"Raytheon Co. raised its 2015 profit forecast after reaching a contract settlement with the United Kingdom that boosted the bottom line at the world’s largest missile maker. The Waltham company got about $131 million after taxes in resolving a dispute over the cancellation of work on the UK’s eBorders passenger information program. During the quarter, Raytheon won a $769 million contract from South Korea to upgrade Patriot air and missile defense systems. Since December, it has won at least $5 billion of international Patriot orders, including a $2 billion deal with Saudi Arabia, and it is poised to seal a bid in Poland. “We have a very specific focus on international,” chief financial officer Toby O’Brien said Thursday. “Our solutions and capabilities are here to meet the threats that our international customers are seeing.”
American Tyranny,
European Tyranny,
Middle East,
Neo-Con Plan,
War Profiteering
Serbs Sucking Up to EU
"Serbia arrests 8 suspected of roles in 1995 Srebrenica massacre" by Alan Cowell New York Times March 19, 2015
LONDON — Prosecutors in Serbia said Wednesday that eight men suspected of participating in Europe’s bloodiest massacre since World War II had been arrested in what were described as the first detentions of direct participants in the killing of 8,000 Muslims at Srebrenica in 1995.
Related: Back to the Balkans
You may not want to take a look.
The arrests apparently represented a widening of the prosecution beyond high-level officials and commanders. They also seemed to be part of a Serbian attempt to come to terms with the recent past as the authorities in Belgrade, the capital, pursue membership in the European Union.
Look, there were atrocities committed on all sides, but some get convicted, some get off, and some are never charged -- and their crimes are even excused.
Police officers seized the men in several places across Serbia, and prosecutors accused them of killing more than 1,000 Bosnians at a warehouse in Kravica, near Srebrenica — a name that has become a byword in modern European history for genocide.
That word is getting thrown around a lot in my agenda-pushing jew$paper, but only certain genocides. I'll be getting into some of those above in just a bit.
Bruno Vekaric, Serbia’s deputy war crimes prosecutor, said the case was the first related to people directly involved in the killings.
“We have never dealt with crimes of this magnitude,” he said. “It is very important that Serbia take a clear stance toward Srebrenica through the judicial process.”
He added, “We have sent a clear message that the Srebrenica victims, perpetrators, or even potential war crimes will not be forgotten.”
I'm wondering how long I will have to wait for Bush, Bliar, the endless coterie of Israeli war criminal cabinets, etc, to be charged, and will their victims in this world still be waiting for a proper apology years from now? Or will the forces of evil that play both sides have long exterminated most of us and thus there will be no need?
The police had initially put the number of suspects at seven, arrested early Wednesday. But Vekaric later said that an eighth man had been arrested during the day in the northern city of Novi Sad.
The seven men reported to have been arrested were identified only by their initials, and the police were also said to be pursuing suspects in neighboring countries. Vekaric said five more suspects were at large.
The massacre took place over several days after Serbian forces overran Srebrenica, which was designated as a UN “safe haven” under the control of Dutch soldiers during the fighting and ethnic cleansing that marked the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.
Which, you know, really calls into question the efficiency of the U.N. It's deployed to all these places, it doesn't prevent shit, sometimes even assists in atrocities (Congo comes to mind), and its feckless in the face of violence in Yemen, etc. Just another globalist tool to advance the agenda, as intended from creation. In this case, the story later came out that they stood aside during all this while it was going on down the road.
Some of the most prominent figures of the era, including the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his military commander, Ratko Mladic, are standing trial in separate cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague, where they are facing charges including genocide.
I looked for related articles here with those names and Blogger gave me garbage.
Serbian officials said the latest arrests were the first of people accused of killing Bosnians who had been rounded up, their hands bound, before the massacre. They are likely to be tried in Serbia, not in The Hague, Serbian officials said.
In 2007, a war-crimes court in Serbia convicted four Serbian former security officers from a paramilitary unit called the Scorpions of killing six Bosnian men from Srebrenica near the village of Trnovo around the same time as the massacre. But the judge in that trial, Gordana Bozilovic-Petrovic, said there was no evidence to tie the killings to the slaughter in Srebrenica, 90 miles away.
Serbian version of Blackwater or whatever?
The newest arrests were likely to be closely followed in various parts of the former Yugoslavia.
“This has already had a major impact on the people here, and it will be very important in the process of reconciliation in the region,” said Novak Vuco, a legal officer in the prosecutor’s office in Belgrade.
The suspects, Vuco said, will be interviewed Wednesday and Thursday.
“Our priorities now are to conduct the interviews, gather as much evidence as possible, and prepare a steady ground for the trial as soon as possible,” Vuco said. “The hope is to have the indictments ready before the June anniversary of the breakup of former Yugoslavia.”
Related: UN appeals judges uphold Bosnian Serb’s genocide conviction
And just in case you Serbs think of flying back on any of this:
"Jet plunge blamed on spilled coffee" New York Times Syndicate April 22, 2015
That's a new one.
WARSAW — The nearly disastrous plunge of the Serbian president’s plane last Friday was the fault of a copilot who spilled coffee in the cockpit and accidentally activated an emergency switch, the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate said in a report Tuesday.
Initially, Serbian officials said the aircraft, carrying President Tomislav Nikolic and nine others to a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, had been sent into a plunge over the Adriatic after one of its three engines failed at an altitude of about 33,000 feet.
But an investigation by the directorate found that the dive occurred after the copilot, Bojan Zoric, “spilled coffee on the instrument panel” and “accidentally activated the emergency slot extension” as he was trying to clean it up.
This led to a brief shutdown of the third engine, the report said. After about a minute, in which the plane fell about a mile, the captain regained control and the aircraft returned to Belgrade. Nikolic had to postpone his meeting with the pope.
“These 60 seconds felt like an eternity,” said Stanislava Pak, a presidential adviser who was on the plane. “We were falling like a rock. Our things were flying all over the cabin. I fell on my colleague, and then grabbed his hand. It was the most terrifying moment.”
Serbian authorities said the copilot was suspended from duty for “endangering flight safety.”
It was not the first time that a coffee spill had endangered plane passengers. In 2011, a cup that spilled in the cockpit, possibly because of turbulence, briefly created communication and navigation problems for a Boeing 777 bound for Frankfurt.
Turns out it's reheated propaganda that I'd forgotten to sip?
"In addition to psychotherapy, pilot Andreas Lubitz was treated with Cipralex, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and mirtazapine, a drug used to treat major depressive disorders."
That's the first it has appeared on radar since....
LONDON — Prosecutors in Serbia said Wednesday that eight men suspected of participating in Europe’s bloodiest massacre since World War II had been arrested in what were described as the first detentions of direct participants in the killing of 8,000 Muslims at Srebrenica in 1995.
Related: Back to the Balkans
You may not want to take a look.
The arrests apparently represented a widening of the prosecution beyond high-level officials and commanders. They also seemed to be part of a Serbian attempt to come to terms with the recent past as the authorities in Belgrade, the capital, pursue membership in the European Union.
Look, there were atrocities committed on all sides, but some get convicted, some get off, and some are never charged -- and their crimes are even excused.
Police officers seized the men in several places across Serbia, and prosecutors accused them of killing more than 1,000 Bosnians at a warehouse in Kravica, near Srebrenica — a name that has become a byword in modern European history for genocide.
That word is getting thrown around a lot in my agenda-pushing jew$paper, but only certain genocides. I'll be getting into some of those above in just a bit.
Bruno Vekaric, Serbia’s deputy war crimes prosecutor, said the case was the first related to people directly involved in the killings.
“We have never dealt with crimes of this magnitude,” he said. “It is very important that Serbia take a clear stance toward Srebrenica through the judicial process.”
He added, “We have sent a clear message that the Srebrenica victims, perpetrators, or even potential war crimes will not be forgotten.”
I'm wondering how long I will have to wait for Bush, Bliar, the endless coterie of Israeli war criminal cabinets, etc, to be charged, and will their victims in this world still be waiting for a proper apology years from now? Or will the forces of evil that play both sides have long exterminated most of us and thus there will be no need?
The police had initially put the number of suspects at seven, arrested early Wednesday. But Vekaric later said that an eighth man had been arrested during the day in the northern city of Novi Sad.
The seven men reported to have been arrested were identified only by their initials, and the police were also said to be pursuing suspects in neighboring countries. Vekaric said five more suspects were at large.
The massacre took place over several days after Serbian forces overran Srebrenica, which was designated as a UN “safe haven” under the control of Dutch soldiers during the fighting and ethnic cleansing that marked the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.
Which, you know, really calls into question the efficiency of the U.N. It's deployed to all these places, it doesn't prevent shit, sometimes even assists in atrocities (Congo comes to mind), and its feckless in the face of violence in Yemen, etc. Just another globalist tool to advance the agenda, as intended from creation. In this case, the story later came out that they stood aside during all this while it was going on down the road.
Some of the most prominent figures of the era, including the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his military commander, Ratko Mladic, are standing trial in separate cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague, where they are facing charges including genocide.
I looked for related articles here with those names and Blogger gave me garbage.
Serbian officials said the latest arrests were the first of people accused of killing Bosnians who had been rounded up, their hands bound, before the massacre. They are likely to be tried in Serbia, not in The Hague, Serbian officials said.
In 2007, a war-crimes court in Serbia convicted four Serbian former security officers from a paramilitary unit called the Scorpions of killing six Bosnian men from Srebrenica near the village of Trnovo around the same time as the massacre. But the judge in that trial, Gordana Bozilovic-Petrovic, said there was no evidence to tie the killings to the slaughter in Srebrenica, 90 miles away.
Serbian version of Blackwater or whatever?
The newest arrests were likely to be closely followed in various parts of the former Yugoslavia.
“This has already had a major impact on the people here, and it will be very important in the process of reconciliation in the region,” said Novak Vuco, a legal officer in the prosecutor’s office in Belgrade.
The suspects, Vuco said, will be interviewed Wednesday and Thursday.
“Our priorities now are to conduct the interviews, gather as much evidence as possible, and prepare a steady ground for the trial as soon as possible,” Vuco said. “The hope is to have the indictments ready before the June anniversary of the breakup of former Yugoslavia.”
Related: UN appeals judges uphold Bosnian Serb’s genocide conviction
And just in case you Serbs think of flying back on any of this:
"Jet plunge blamed on spilled coffee" New York Times Syndicate April 22, 2015
That's a new one.
WARSAW — The nearly disastrous plunge of the Serbian president’s plane last Friday was the fault of a copilot who spilled coffee in the cockpit and accidentally activated an emergency switch, the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate said in a report Tuesday.
Initially, Serbian officials said the aircraft, carrying President Tomislav Nikolic and nine others to a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, had been sent into a plunge over the Adriatic after one of its three engines failed at an altitude of about 33,000 feet.
But an investigation by the directorate found that the dive occurred after the copilot, Bojan Zoric, “spilled coffee on the instrument panel” and “accidentally activated the emergency slot extension” as he was trying to clean it up.
This led to a brief shutdown of the third engine, the report said. After about a minute, in which the plane fell about a mile, the captain regained control and the aircraft returned to Belgrade. Nikolic had to postpone his meeting with the pope.
“These 60 seconds felt like an eternity,” said Stanislava Pak, a presidential adviser who was on the plane. “We were falling like a rock. Our things were flying all over the cabin. I fell on my colleague, and then grabbed his hand. It was the most terrifying moment.”
Serbian authorities said the copilot was suspended from duty for “endangering flight safety.”
It was not the first time that a coffee spill had endangered plane passengers. In 2011, a cup that spilled in the cockpit, possibly because of turbulence, briefly created communication and navigation problems for a Boeing 777 bound for Frankfurt.
Turns out it's reheated propaganda that I'd forgotten to sip?
"In addition to psychotherapy, pilot Andreas Lubitz was treated with Cipralex, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and mirtazapine, a drug used to treat major depressive disorders."
That's the first it has appeared on radar since....
European Tyranny,
Plane Crashes,
Indonesian Executions Set an Example
Maybe they are on to something:
"Indonesia Executes 8, Including 7 Foreigners, Convicted on Drug Charges" by Joe Cochrane New York Times April 29, 2015
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Defying international condemnation and rejecting 11th-hour pleas for clemency, the Indonesian government executed eight drug convicts after midnight Wednesday, including seven foreigners.
But the execution of a ninth convict, scheduled for the same time, was unexpectedly postponed at nearly the last minute, the Indonesia attorney general’s office said.
The eight executed prisoners from Australia, Brazil, and Nigeria, along with one Indonesian, faced separate police firing squads. The executions took place outside the Pasir Putih prison on the island of Nusa Kambangan off the southern coast of Java, the attorney general’s office said.
Authorities granted the stay of execution to Mary Jane Veloso, 30, a Philippine citizen, so they could review her conviction for smuggling heroin into Indonesia in 2010.
The woman’s family maintains that she was duped into carrying the drugs, hidden in a suitcase, by a drug syndicate. President Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines had repeatedly appealed for her to be spared.
The mass execution was the second in Indonesia this year.
Okay, so what has Indonesia done wrong?
I mean, the U.S. has the death penalty and all, probably kills more than Indonesia, and yet this is appearing in my paper. For what agenda-pushing purpose?
President Joko Widodo, shortly after taking office in October, declared that Indonesia faced a national emergency of drug abuse, and he rejected 64 clemency appeals from death row drug convicts, most of them foreigners. Saying Indonesia had a right to exercise its drug laws, Joko’s government rejected international pleas to cancel the executions, including pleas from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
And he was supposed to be some breath of fresh air or something. Pffft!
The executions have angered some of Indonesia’s largest aid donors, including Australia and the European Union.
Brazil and the Netherlands withdrew their ambassadors after the January executions, and Australia may do the same this time. France has lodged a diplomatic protest and warned that diplomatic relations with Indonesia could be affected.
Advocates for the convicts have also contended that the courts that sentenced their clients were corrupt....
Courts corrupt? Please!
Perhaps if we executed the drug dealers the problem would go away.
Related: Mary-Jane-Veloso-Protest-Indonesia
These kids should consider themselves damn lucky:
"US couple sentenced in mother’s killing" Associated Press April 22, 2015
BALI, Indonesia — An Indonesian court found a Chicago couple guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced them to prison Tuesday in the killing of the woman’s mother on the resort island of Bali.
Wait a minute. They are executing drug criminals but letting murderers live?
Tommy Schaefer was sentenced to 18 years in prison and Heather Mack to 10 years for intentionally killing Sheila von Wiese-Mack, 62, while vacationing last August. Her badly battered body was found stuffed in a suitcase inside the trunk of a taxi at the St. Regis Bali Resort.
The three-judge panel said it decided to be lenient toward Mack, 19, because she had recently given birth. ‘‘Her newborn baby badly needs a mother’s love and breastfeeding,’’ the verdict said.
The court ruled that Schaefer, 21, was guilty of fatally beating von Wiese-Mack in a hotel room at the resort, and that his girlfriend had helped with the Aug. 12 killing.
Schaefer and Mack were tried separately in the same court with the same judges and prosecutors. They have a week to decide whether to appeal the verdict.
Von Wiese-Mack reportedly did not approve of the couple’s relationship.
Presiding Judge Made Suweda described Schaefer’s deeds as sadistic, but said his politeness and expression of remorse during the trial meant he did not receive a heavier sentence.
Schaefer testified that von Wiese-Mack was angry when she learned about her daughter’s pregnancy and tried to strangle him, prompting him to strike her with a fruit bowl.
Prosecutors said Mack helped Schaefer stuff her mother’s body into the suitcase by sitting on it.
Von Wiese-Mack was the widow of jazz and classical composer James L. Mack, who died in 2006 at age of 76.
For the record, I'm opposed to the death penalty in all cases and am done slaving over this sh**.

Protesters gathered outside the courthouse last week as the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial entered its second phase (Brigitte Dusseau/AFP/Getty Images).
Good point.
"N. Korea may have purged 15 officials, rival claims" Associated Press April 30, 2015
SEOUL — South Korea’s spy agency told lawmakers Wednesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has executed 15 senior officials this year who were accused of challenging his authority.
Lawmaker Shin Kyoung Min said National Intelligence Service chief Lee Byoung Ho also told legislators in a closed-door briefing that Kim appeared likely to visit Russia next month to attend the 70th anniversary of its victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.
Yeah, I know, and have I ever had enough of those reminders recently between them and Japan. Not trying to minimize 'em at all, it's just there is a current round and wave of EUSraeli slaughter around the planet and.... sigh. So exhausted typing the same goddamn things year after year.
Shin said Lee didn’t reveal how the intelligence agency obtained the information.
They got WMD you say?
Since taking over North Korea’s leadership after the death of his father Kim Jong Il in 2011, Kim has removed key members of the old guard through a series of purges. The process was highlighted by the 2013 execution of his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, for alleged treason. Jang was married to Kim Jong Il’s sister and was once considered the second-most powerful man in North Korea.
Oh, I know, he's a monster and all. Best to regime change him, huh?
Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the Seoul-based University of North Korean Studies, said the purges underline Kim Jong Un’s inexperience as a young dictator who is struggling to find effective ways to control his regime.
Sort of like a new president, but I won't ask or tell.
The South Korean spy agency has a spotty record of tracking developments in North Korea. Information trickling out of the highly secretive state is often difficult to confirm....
Oh yeah?
Gee, I know exactly how they feel.
As for the U.S. war criminals walking around today and responding to developments, I'm sure some place can be found for them short of blessed execution.
NDU: Moscow says North Korean leader won’t attend WWII commemoration
Apparently there was some kerfuffle at the UNSC regarding that odious creature of hypocrisy Samantha Power.
"Indonesia Executes 8, Including 7 Foreigners, Convicted on Drug Charges" by Joe Cochrane New York Times April 29, 2015
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Defying international condemnation and rejecting 11th-hour pleas for clemency, the Indonesian government executed eight drug convicts after midnight Wednesday, including seven foreigners.
But the execution of a ninth convict, scheduled for the same time, was unexpectedly postponed at nearly the last minute, the Indonesia attorney general’s office said.
The eight executed prisoners from Australia, Brazil, and Nigeria, along with one Indonesian, faced separate police firing squads. The executions took place outside the Pasir Putih prison on the island of Nusa Kambangan off the southern coast of Java, the attorney general’s office said.
Authorities granted the stay of execution to Mary Jane Veloso, 30, a Philippine citizen, so they could review her conviction for smuggling heroin into Indonesia in 2010.
The woman’s family maintains that she was duped into carrying the drugs, hidden in a suitcase, by a drug syndicate. President Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines had repeatedly appealed for her to be spared.
The mass execution was the second in Indonesia this year.
Okay, so what has Indonesia done wrong?
I mean, the U.S. has the death penalty and all, probably kills more than Indonesia, and yet this is appearing in my paper. For what agenda-pushing purpose?
President Joko Widodo, shortly after taking office in October, declared that Indonesia faced a national emergency of drug abuse, and he rejected 64 clemency appeals from death row drug convicts, most of them foreigners. Saying Indonesia had a right to exercise its drug laws, Joko’s government rejected international pleas to cancel the executions, including pleas from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
And he was supposed to be some breath of fresh air or something. Pffft!
The executions have angered some of Indonesia’s largest aid donors, including Australia and the European Union.
Brazil and the Netherlands withdrew their ambassadors after the January executions, and Australia may do the same this time. France has lodged a diplomatic protest and warned that diplomatic relations with Indonesia could be affected.
Advocates for the convicts have also contended that the courts that sentenced their clients were corrupt....
Courts corrupt? Please!
Perhaps if we executed the drug dealers the problem would go away.
Related: Mary-Jane-Veloso-Protest-Indonesia
These kids should consider themselves damn lucky:
"US couple sentenced in mother’s killing" Associated Press April 22, 2015
BALI, Indonesia — An Indonesian court found a Chicago couple guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced them to prison Tuesday in the killing of the woman’s mother on the resort island of Bali.
Wait a minute. They are executing drug criminals but letting murderers live?
Tommy Schaefer was sentenced to 18 years in prison and Heather Mack to 10 years for intentionally killing Sheila von Wiese-Mack, 62, while vacationing last August. Her badly battered body was found stuffed in a suitcase inside the trunk of a taxi at the St. Regis Bali Resort.
The three-judge panel said it decided to be lenient toward Mack, 19, because she had recently given birth. ‘‘Her newborn baby badly needs a mother’s love and breastfeeding,’’ the verdict said.
The court ruled that Schaefer, 21, was guilty of fatally beating von Wiese-Mack in a hotel room at the resort, and that his girlfriend had helped with the Aug. 12 killing.
Schaefer and Mack were tried separately in the same court with the same judges and prosecutors. They have a week to decide whether to appeal the verdict.
Von Wiese-Mack reportedly did not approve of the couple’s relationship.
Presiding Judge Made Suweda described Schaefer’s deeds as sadistic, but said his politeness and expression of remorse during the trial meant he did not receive a heavier sentence.
Schaefer testified that von Wiese-Mack was angry when she learned about her daughter’s pregnancy and tried to strangle him, prompting him to strike her with a fruit bowl.
Prosecutors said Mack helped Schaefer stuff her mother’s body into the suitcase by sitting on it.
Von Wiese-Mack was the widow of jazz and classical composer James L. Mack, who died in 2006 at age of 76.
For the record, I'm opposed to the death penalty in all cases and am done slaving over this sh**.
Protesters gathered outside the courthouse last week as the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial entered its second phase (Brigitte Dusseau/AFP/Getty Images).
Good point.
"N. Korea may have purged 15 officials, rival claims" Associated Press April 30, 2015
SEOUL — South Korea’s spy agency told lawmakers Wednesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has executed 15 senior officials this year who were accused of challenging his authority.
Lawmaker Shin Kyoung Min said National Intelligence Service chief Lee Byoung Ho also told legislators in a closed-door briefing that Kim appeared likely to visit Russia next month to attend the 70th anniversary of its victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.
Yeah, I know, and have I ever had enough of those reminders recently between them and Japan. Not trying to minimize 'em at all, it's just there is a current round and wave of EUSraeli slaughter around the planet and.... sigh. So exhausted typing the same goddamn things year after year.
Shin said Lee didn’t reveal how the intelligence agency obtained the information.
They got WMD you say?
Since taking over North Korea’s leadership after the death of his father Kim Jong Il in 2011, Kim has removed key members of the old guard through a series of purges. The process was highlighted by the 2013 execution of his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, for alleged treason. Jang was married to Kim Jong Il’s sister and was once considered the second-most powerful man in North Korea.
Oh, I know, he's a monster and all. Best to regime change him, huh?
Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the Seoul-based University of North Korean Studies, said the purges underline Kim Jong Un’s inexperience as a young dictator who is struggling to find effective ways to control his regime.
Sort of like a new president, but I won't ask or tell.
The South Korean spy agency has a spotty record of tracking developments in North Korea. Information trickling out of the highly secretive state is often difficult to confirm....
Oh yeah?
Gee, I know exactly how they feel.
As for the U.S. war criminals walking around today and responding to developments, I'm sure some place can be found for them short of blessed execution.
NDU: Moscow says North Korean leader won’t attend WWII commemoration
Apparently there was some kerfuffle at the UNSC regarding that odious creature of hypocrisy Samantha Power.
European Tyranny,
South Asia,
Sarao the Scapegoat
Related: Mellon For Breakfast
"Trader blamed in 2010 crash, charged with manipulation" by Jenny Anderson New York Times April 22, 2015
LONDON — A futures trader was arrested in Britain on allegations that his manipulation of trades helped prompt the May 2010 “flash crash,” when the Dow Jones industrial average plummeted 600 points and unnerved many investors, even though stocks quickly recovered their losses.
The trader, Navinder Singh Sarao, 37, was arrested Tuesday morning at his home in London on wire fraud, commodities fraud, and manipulation charges, prosecutors in the United States said during a news conference.
The flash crash prompted widespread concern about the role of high-frequency trading and its effect on wider market stability.
That's how Wall Street firms rig the market to create profits, but you know....
According to the complaint, which was unsealed Tuesday, Sarao is accused of using an automated trading program to manipulate the market for E-Mini S&P 500 futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. E-minis are stock market index futures contracts based on the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.
Prosecutors said Sarao’s actions earned him significant profits and contributed to the precipitous drop in the market. From April 2010 to present, Sarao and his firm, Nav Sarao Futures Limited, have made a profit of more than $40 million from S&P E-mini trading, regulators say. About $7 million of his assets have been frozen.
“We believe that we can show that he was a significant factor in the market imbalance, and the market imbalance was one of the chief conditions” of the flash crash, Aitan Goelman, director of enforcement at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, told reporters in a conference call. The CFTC said it believed that his misconduct continued even into this year.
Goelman said Sarao used software tools and manual trading to manipulate the price of the S&P E-mini, using off-the-shelf software that he modified. He used the scheme on more than 400 trading days from 2010 to 2014, regulators said.
The CFTC has filed a parallel civil action against Sarao.
The United States is requesting his extradition. Calls to Britain’s Serious Fraud Office, Financial Conduct Authority, and Scotland Yard were not returned.
“Just because you are outside the US borders does not mean you are safe from apprehension,” Goelman said. “This case is an example of our renewed focus of working with criminal authorities.”
The arrest casts a harsh light on the original explanation for the crash, which appears to have been completely wrong.
In other words, we were lied to at the time.
After the flash crash, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the CFTC produced a report that laid the blame on one trade from Waddell & Reed, a brokerage firm based in Kansas City, Mo. A Dutch academic later challenged that view, saying the answer was more complex.
Oh, the government blamed the wrong people right off? No kidding?
The SEC and CFTC will likely come under harsh criticism for their initial report. Goelman defended it, saying it was “based on the best information at the time.”
That must be the standard response for f***ing up.
Goelman said that report had flagged the E-mini contract as a culprit but said an investigation eventually revealed that it was manipulation, or “spoofing,” in the instrument that contributed to the crash.
Sarao was charged in a federal criminal complaint in the Northern District of Illinois on Feb. 11 with one count of wire fraud, 10 counts of commodities fraud, 10 counts of commodities manipulation, and one count of “spoofing,” a practice of bidding or offering with the intent to cancel the bid or offer before execution.
Goelman said regulators were not pinning the blame for the crash solely on Sarao.
“I’m not ready to go that far,” he said. But he added that Sarao’s actions played a noticeable role in the problems.
Then who else was involved and why no word?
“His conduct was significantly responsible for the order unbalance, which was one of the conditions that led” to the crash, Goelman said on the call with journalists.
"Trader blamed in 2010 crash, charged with manipulation" by Jenny Anderson New York Times April 22, 2015
LONDON — A futures trader was arrested in Britain on allegations that his manipulation of trades helped prompt the May 2010 “flash crash,” when the Dow Jones industrial average plummeted 600 points and unnerved many investors, even though stocks quickly recovered their losses.
The trader, Navinder Singh Sarao, 37, was arrested Tuesday morning at his home in London on wire fraud, commodities fraud, and manipulation charges, prosecutors in the United States said during a news conference.
The flash crash prompted widespread concern about the role of high-frequency trading and its effect on wider market stability.
That's how Wall Street firms rig the market to create profits, but you know....
According to the complaint, which was unsealed Tuesday, Sarao is accused of using an automated trading program to manipulate the market for E-Mini S&P 500 futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. E-minis are stock market index futures contracts based on the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.
Prosecutors said Sarao’s actions earned him significant profits and contributed to the precipitous drop in the market. From April 2010 to present, Sarao and his firm, Nav Sarao Futures Limited, have made a profit of more than $40 million from S&P E-mini trading, regulators say. About $7 million of his assets have been frozen.
“We believe that we can show that he was a significant factor in the market imbalance, and the market imbalance was one of the chief conditions” of the flash crash, Aitan Goelman, director of enforcement at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, told reporters in a conference call. The CFTC said it believed that his misconduct continued even into this year.
Goelman said Sarao used software tools and manual trading to manipulate the price of the S&P E-mini, using off-the-shelf software that he modified. He used the scheme on more than 400 trading days from 2010 to 2014, regulators said.
The CFTC has filed a parallel civil action against Sarao.
The United States is requesting his extradition. Calls to Britain’s Serious Fraud Office, Financial Conduct Authority, and Scotland Yard were not returned.
“Just because you are outside the US borders does not mean you are safe from apprehension,” Goelman said. “This case is an example of our renewed focus of working with criminal authorities.”
The arrest casts a harsh light on the original explanation for the crash, which appears to have been completely wrong.
In other words, we were lied to at the time.
After the flash crash, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the CFTC produced a report that laid the blame on one trade from Waddell & Reed, a brokerage firm based in Kansas City, Mo. A Dutch academic later challenged that view, saying the answer was more complex.
Oh, the government blamed the wrong people right off? No kidding?
The SEC and CFTC will likely come under harsh criticism for their initial report. Goelman defended it, saying it was “based on the best information at the time.”
That must be the standard response for f***ing up.
Goelman said that report had flagged the E-mini contract as a culprit but said an investigation eventually revealed that it was manipulation, or “spoofing,” in the instrument that contributed to the crash.
Sarao was charged in a federal criminal complaint in the Northern District of Illinois on Feb. 11 with one count of wire fraud, 10 counts of commodities fraud, 10 counts of commodities manipulation, and one count of “spoofing,” a practice of bidding or offering with the intent to cancel the bid or offer before execution.
Goelman said regulators were not pinning the blame for the crash solely on Sarao.
“I’m not ready to go that far,” he said. But he added that Sarao’s actions played a noticeable role in the problems.
Then who else was involved and why no word?
“His conduct was significantly responsible for the order unbalance, which was one of the conditions that led” to the crash, Goelman said on the call with journalists.
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