Sunday, May 9, 2010

AmeriKan Arrogance and Belligerence Directed at Brazil

I'll tell you, I don't like the cops mowing down anyone, anywhere; however, the unbelievable arrogance of AmeriKan officials leaves me nearly speechless.

I truly believe they could have their heads buried in a mound of s*** and not smell it. Must a requirement for higher office. No wonder my candidates never get anywhere.

Flood of News From Brazil

I did notice this Globe follow-up fails to mention the young lady.

Not that it means anything; however, just as perfection can not exist in this world, the AmeriKan MSM must always omit something in future articles -- which tells you more than the repetitive myth, 'er, print (or whatever agenda is being shoved at the time).

"’07 slaying by Rio police has man’s kin on mission; D.C. hearing spurred by Worcester family" by Jeremy Herb, Globe Correspondent | May 6, 2010

WASHINGTON — For three years, the family of Joseph Martin sought answers to his shooting death by an off-duty officer in Brazil, a quest that has taken them from their Worcester, Mass., home to the streets of Rio de Janeiro.

They unearthed few answers — but found a mission.

Family members are using their experience to increase attention across the globe on the more than 1,000 people killed by police in Rio each year. Seeking to enlist the US government for their efforts, they have found an ally in US Representative James McGovern, who held a congressional hearing on the issue yesterday.

Can you imagine U.S. reaction if Brazil held a government committee meeting on our out of control cops blowing away and tasering people, or took up the whole torture monstrosity (occurring in AmeriKa's jails and prisons as well as the secret torture sites for Muslims)?

McGovern credited Martin’s aunt Elizabeth in particular for opening his eyes about the severity of the human rights problem.

“It was the Martin case that made me focus on the realities in Brazil,’’ McGovern, cochair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and a Democrat from Worcester said at the hearing. “When I thought about countries that had human rights challenges, Brazil didn’t come to the top of the list. But the more and more I investigated, and the more I learned, the more stunned I am there’s not a greater effort to try and change things.’’

Okay, Jim, try this on for size:

Kenneth Howe's Hell

Any hearings yet? That's your district, ain't it, Jim?

See what I mean, dear readers?

The United States is Brazil’s top foreign investor, and the two countries signed a defense pact last month for the first time since 1977.

Translation: This is a blip; that relationship will remain unaffected.

The Martins and human rights groups are calling on Washington to leverage their closer ties to persuade Brazilian officials to tackle the burgeoning problem of police violence. Human Rights Watch reported in 2009 that 11,000 people have been killed by police in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo since 2003.

Not that I'm trying to be callous, but how many people have been killed via the lies of state-supported violence employed by Usrael?

A native of Worcester who graduated from Doherty Memorial High School, Joseph Martin had built a life in Rio de Janeiro, becoming a partner in a bar and immersing himself in a culture he loved.

You know, NOTHING GOOD EVER SEEMS to come from DRINKING!!!

A night of celebration turned into a night of tragedy when he was shot to death after getting in an argument with an off-duty officer on May 25, 2007 — his 30th birthday.

Related: The Night the Celtics Won the Championship

Yeah, good thing that stuff doesn't happen in Amerika!

His family spent months meeting with members of their congressional delegation and talking with officials at the US consulate in Rio and Brazil’s embassy in Washington, imploring them to pursue the case against the officer, Joao Vicente Oliveira, who said he fired in self-defense. After a one-day trial in March, Oliveira was found not guilty.

Even as family members shift their focus to the overall issue of extrajudicial killings and police attempts to cover them up, they have not given up on Martin’s case. Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Program, which worked with the family on the case, has found significant problems with the investigation....

Have you checked your own county yet?

Related: Boston Police Plead For Patience

Florida Fogs Police Murder of Massachusetts Man

Never heard back on it, Brazil.

At yesterday’s hearing, James Cavallaro, executive director of the Human Rights Program, Elizabeth Martin, and officials from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International explained that one reason for the killings by police is their brutal tit-for-tat with ruthless drug traffickers. Police respond by targeting suspects not to arrest them but to execute them, often drawing innocent victims into the violence, the witnesses said.

Again: Drug War Making a Killing in Boston

Never heard back on that, either.

So why is McGovern raising this Mcguffin?

Another issue is that officers investigate the crimes that their colleagues commit, said David Wilkinson, deputy director of the Americas division at Human Rights Watch. “The police are left to police themselves,’’ he said. “This arrangement is simply a recipe for future abuse.’’

Oh, like IN AMERIKA, sigh?!!!

McGovern said the situation in Rio was a “human rights abomination.’’

You FULL-UP on the ARROGANCE yet, my Brazilian readers?


Considering what the U.S. has done around the world and in its own nation, that is a stunning comment.

“It’s kind of unreal to sit here and listen to those numbers,’’ he said. “The issue here is not that there just are a few bad apples in the police force, but the issue here is that Brazil has an institutional problem.’’

Yeah, its only a "few bad apples" here in AmeriKa.

McGovern said he would consider a visit to Brazil to investigate further.

Why don't you send some folks over here to investigate our shit pile of police brutality, Brazil -- especially since our authorities always absolve and acquit.

An official at the Brazilian embassy, who spoke on the condition that his name be withheld, said that the Brazilian government shares the goals of the Martin family and McGovern and that officials are taking steps to fix the problem.

McGovern and the Martin family are looking at two events that will put Brazil on the world stage — the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro — to implore Brazilian officials to do more.

Why drag that in? Why spoil their celebrations and fun?

In addition, Elizabeth Martin said the family plans to create a nonprofit advocacy group, with help from the Harvard Human Rights Program, that seeks to boost global awareness of the police violence in Rio.

I would feel a little picked on at this point, wouldn't you?

So when you setting one up for the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank, HHRP?

“After the trial, I said, ‘I’m not done; what do I do now?’ ’’ said Martin, attending the trial with Joseph’s mother, Frances. “Because very early on, when I realized this was a systemic problem, I experienced moral outrage.’’


It's word association, folks; first thing that came to my mind.

While in Rio, the sisters met with mothers who had lost loved ones to police violence and attended three street protests against extrajudicial killings.

“Joseph’s still gone, and it’s still this horrible thing,’’ said another aunt, Marilyn Martin. “But instead of focusing on the way he died, we’ve been able to focus on what can we do so that it doesn’t happen again.’’

Related: The Empire Turns Its Guns on the Citizenry

What's the mission again?


Maybe we ought to just blame it on Rio, huh?

Brazilian Killer Strips Boston Bare

He's criticizing who?

Also see: The Globe's Wide World of Animals (fourth story down)

Mass. Migration: What's the Difference Between a Brazilian and Dominican?

Yeah, "thanks" for the "imports."

"Pilots in Brazil crash won’t lose licenses" by Associated Press | May 7, 2010

NEW YORK — The Federal Aviation Administration has rejected a request by two Brazilian congressmen to revoke the licenses of two American pilots involved in a 2006 plane crash in Brazil.

That McGovern sure has some nerve, huh, Brazilians?

In a letter dated April 27, the FAA said there was insufficient evidence to take action against pilots Joseph Lepore of Bay Shore, N.Y., and Jan Paladino of Westhampton Beach, N.Y.

Their Embraer Legacy jet, operated by ExcelAire Service Inc. of Ronkonkoma, N.Y., collided over the Amazon with a Boeing 737 operated by Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA on Sept. 29, 2006. The 737 crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing all 154 people aboard.

“I am deeply unhappy and surprised with the negative response given by the Federal Aviation Administration,’’ Congressman Milton Monti said in a statement yesterday. “The information we delivered to the American authorities had irrefutable proof of the negligence and incompetence of the American pilots.’’

Not me.

And Dante D’Aquino, attorney for the Association of Relatives of Victims of Gol 1907, complained to Brazil’s O Globo newspaper on Wednesday that the FAA gave no explanation for its decision.

“The negative answer, cut and dried, as it was given, is an affront to Brazilians and to the victims’ families,’’ he said, adding that he would take the case to the Interamerican Court of Justice.

Aww, our government does that all the time. Sorry!

A lawyer for the two pilots said the FAA acted appropriately.

“The request to pull the pilots’ licenses was an utterly partisan and inappropriate request,’’ Weiss said.

Weiss added, “The bottom line is this accident was only caused by one thing: Brazilian air traffic controllers put two competent flight crews on a collision course. The trial evidence is going to bear that out.’’

Then why won't the U.S. send 'em back for trial?


Another plane crash that made the news again:

"Zone of Air France black boxes located" by Associated Press | May 7, 2010

I love the distorted headline!!!

Makes you think they actually found them (if they haven't already and are just hiding them).

PARIS — Investigators using new computer calculations believe they have narrowed their search for the flight recorders of Air France Flight 447, which crashed into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean nearly a year ago, officials said yesterday.

Raise Flight 447!

Researchers have determined an area about the size of Paris, based on new analysis of data retrieved during the initial search efforts, when the black box recorders were still emitting “pinging’’ signals, French Defense Ministry spokesman General Christian Baptiste said.

That is much smaller than the 770-square-mile zone targeted in a search effort last month.

“Does this mean we will find the black boxes? We are far from certainty,’’ Baptiste told a news conference.

What is with the implied headline that they found them then?

Getting ready to spring some rigged recordings on us?

He said investigators will still be facing the prospect of searching for recorders the size of a shoe box in a large area of Andes-like undersea terrain.

They are never finding those f***ing things. More filler for the newspaper.

The French agency leading the investigation said it is extending its search to the area. Searches will start today in the new zone, two hours south of where teams are currently exploring.

After they dropped it for nine months?

All 228 people were killed when the plane crashed en route from Brazil to France in June 1 into a distant area of the mid-Atlantic.

Without the black boxes, investigators have been unable to determine the cause of the crash.

But they blamed some air sensor and made airlines lay out dollars to fix the "problem."

We never got 'em (allegedly) after 9/11 either, world.
