Thursday, October 15, 2015

First Frost of the Season

Something I feel obligated to report. When I ran the wipers on the car this morning it was not just dew. That means it will be raining leaves soon.

Before I went out I read these from my blog roll:


You may want to do that there. Always something good.

Wal-Mart’s Worst Stock Crash In 27 Years Is Another Sign That The Economy Is Rapidly Falling Apart

CBS’ 60 Minutes Interviews America’s Liar-in-Chief

There was other superb work at his site as well.

Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria

A related article comes from here, and it is more than enough to cool you down.

I've already previewed the Globe, and from what I see it is looking unreadable. Going to go and give it a flip-through now.


Activist Post

Why Peace Activists Should Stop Cheering for Russian Bombs in Syria


You won't be left in one after reading it.

You might find some others revolting, but Lendman deserves a look. 

One can only say is it any surprise when it comes to this?

Sorry I haven't been listening much lately. He's not been blacklisted or anything, it's just a bad time of day for me. The ugly truth is the Northerntruthseeker may very well be on to something because the exact same thing occurred to me this morning while reading my front-page feature of the day.

Time for me to go reflect on the cartoon they call reality.