Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Slow Saturday Special: The WWII Holocaust You Did Not Hear About

"ethnic cleansings.... expulsion of Germans"

Also see:
Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans

Excuse me? These things were never anywhere near my state-sanctioned, Zionist indoctrinating and inculcating, state school texts!

"Czech leader refuses to sign EU treaty; Wants provision to exempt nation from reparations" by Edward Cody, Washington Post | October 24, 2009

PARIS - Europe’s latest step toward a more united future, which seemed at hand after long delays, has become bogged down over an overlooked chapter from the continent’s bloody past: the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II.

More than just an expulsion, isn't it?

Related: The Mass Graves of Germans

The unexpected hitch has provided a vivid reminder that the nations that gave birth to the European Union are only one generation away from the World War II and Cold War horrors during which the lives of millions were sacrificed to ideology or nationalism. The man most responsible for tripping the memory switch on those stormy days is the president of what is now the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, who is known as a Czech nationalist skeptical of giving the European Union supranational powers.

Related: E.U. is Inevitable

Maybe not? Either way, what am I to think of the contradictory "reporting?"

Although the Czech Parliament has voted favorably, Klaus has refused to sign off on ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, a two-year-old pact that would grant greater powers to the EU leadership in Brussels and create a European president for the first time.

Sure you want to do that, especially when TONY BLIAR, the mass-murderer of Iraq, is going to be the Prez?

Related: The Peat Bogs of Spain

Before he signs, Klaus said, he wants a special provision added to the Lisbon Treaty’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. The last-minute add-on, officials said, would exempt the Czech Republic from paying reparations or returning land to the estimated 2.5 million ethnic Germans who were expelled from the Sudeten areas under the 1945 Benes decrees, named after the Czech president at the time.

Yeah, ONLY ONE GROUP gets THAT KIND of TREATMENT -- even if they lied!!

The expulsions were among a number of ethnic cleansings carried out in Central Europe after World War II to undo - and take revenge for - what happened when the regions were occupied or annexed by Hitler’s Third Reich. Although largely relegated to history books, the issue still has the power to arouse concern in the Czech Republic’s western border areas where most of the expulsions took place.


That's why I AM HERE! What a WASTE of TIME and MONEY!

“This may strike a chord in the Sudetenland, where this issue is very sensitive for all the obvious reasons,’’ said Oldrich Cerny, who was national security adviser under President Vaclav Havel and now heads the Prague Security Studies Institute. Most legal specialists maintain that, even without a special opt-out, the Charter of Fundamental Rights would not endanger the status of Sudeten property owners after all these years, Cerny said.

No, but the Germans must keep paying through the nose sixty years later.
