"German civilians killed in the final, vicious months of World War II"
Related: Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans
"Germans, Poles rebury WWII remains; More than 2,000 found in grave" by Monika Scislowska, Associated Press | August 15, 2009

A mourner yesterday tossed a rose onto caskets containing the remains of World War II victims believed to be German civilians. (Ludmila Mitrega/ AFP/ Getty Images)
STARE CZARNOWO, Poland - Forensic experts and anthropologists believe the victims are probably German civilians who died in early 1945 in Malbork, at the time the German city of Marienburg. However, no documents, clothes, or personal belongings were found with them, except for a pair of children’s glasses.
“What is most painful about these victims is that there is nothing to give them any identity,’’ said Sibylle Greher, a member of a group that represents Germans expelled from Eastern Europe. “And that suggests that something really terrible must have happened to them. It shows the hatred at the end of the war in that region.’’
The first bones were found in October by construction workers digging foundations for a five-star hotel by the red-brick medieval Malbork Castle, a tourist attraction and UNESCO World Heritage site. It took three months for the magnitude of the grave to become clear. Construction of the 175-room hotel was moved to an adjacent plot, and an exhumation was ordered by Polish authorities.
Workers spent six months gently working through wet sand to amass the bones of the more than 2,000 men, women, and children. But the lack of objects found with them mean that the uncertainty about who the dead were and who killed them may never be resolved. There also are no known witnesses to the first burial, in 1945.
Notice how there is NEVER ANY UNCERTAINTY about alleged Jewish finds?