NEW BEDFORD - .... Openly contemptuous of Obama’s constant references to bipartisanship....
US Representative Barney Frank hopes to secure congressional auditing authority over the secretive Federal Reserve, a proposal he describes with phrases - “Ron Paul agrees with that’’ and “secondly, Ron Paul agrees with this’’ - that are jarring coming from a liberal Democrat.
Especially to Globe ears!
And as long as Barney doesn't take his pants off, I'm fine.
He comes close to smiling when describing his narrow alliance with the cranky Texas libertarian and former presidential candidate who is on the committee and whose distrust for the Federal Reserve has led him to propose abolishing the paper money system....
That's a LIE!!!!
What he says is we RETURN to what the FOUNDER'S INTENDED and CONGRESS does its CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY and REGULATE MONEY -- not some PRIVATE SECRETIVE BANKS working for themselves and their monied masters.
And the Globe has to toss the "cranky" insult in, huh?
I'm so sick of this biased, insulting, garbage!
Frank has also turned his attention to raising money for his own reelection and those of Democratic committee members, said spokesman Steven Adamske.
Yeah, the Ron Paul tool only goes so far.
Frank has raised more than $750,000 on his own behalf so far this year and has given the bulk to other Democratic campaign committees. Approximately $100,000 of it comes from insurance and finance interests, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, but Frank discounts the idea the money has any influence on his work....
It would help if you didn't lie about such things, Barn!
Memory Hole: Barney and Business
Barney Frank is Bush's Best Friend
Barney Frank Benefited From Bailout Bill
Frank Fiddled With Bailout Funds (And Other Frauds)
Slow Saturday Special: Protecting Politicians