Globe limiting me to five digs a day doesn't help.
Search delayed for 29 men in mine
"New Zealand
Underground combustion that continues to generate dangerous gases was preventing rescuers from entering a New Zealand coal mine where a powerful blast trapped 29 workers nearly two days ago. Two men emerged after the explosion Friday, but there has been no word from the 29 others. Fresh air is still being pumped into the mine through an open air line (AP)."
More: Blast fears stall New Zealand mine rescue
29 trapped men now deemed dead in New Zealand
New Zealand mourns 29 men after 2d blast in collapsed mine
Family members of 29 miners trapped underground five days in the Pike River coal mine reacted after learning of a second explosion in the mine at a briefing yesterday. (Tim Wimborne/ Reuters)
No, I never like seeing that no matter what the cause.
Also see: Three teens rescued after 50 days adrift
Maybe that will buoy their spirits down under.
Update: 4th blast tears through New Zealand mine
I believe that was the last I heard from the Boston Globe, but I do have a week's worth of unread papers to sort through so one never knows.
Related: 30 miners killed in 2 accidents
Same lame excuse as above for lack of updates, readers. I'll try and get on it.