Thursday, March 26, 2020

This May Be My Last Post

"Two Hundred and Thirty Years of Rights and Liberties Shredded: Why I Oppose The Lockdown" by , March 24, 2020

Op-Ed by Brandon Turbeville

Although it was nearly twenty years ago, I can remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. I remember the shock of hearing about the planes crashing into towers, at first believing it was a tragic accident and quickly learning it to be otherwise. I remember being told that 19 hijackers, part of a fundamentalist plot to destroy America, were behind the attacks and that the mastermind was a man in a cave in Afghanistan named Osama bin Laden.

As all of America was glued to their television screens, many rushed out to give blood in an effort to at least do something to help one another. George W. Bush’s answer for Americans was to go to work and then go out and shop. Americans dutifully complied, but the government’s answer, in tandem with mainstream media, was also to be afraid. Very afraid. Americans also complied with this request, perhaps more than any other.

In the days and weeks after the initial shock, a college professor informed me about a bill called the PATRIOT ACT that would essentially eviscerate much of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. After class, I questioned him further about the bill, which he explained, and suggested that if I really wanted to understand what was happening, I should read 1984 by George Orwell. I went home and did just that and was surprised to learn that not only was he right, but that I was watching what I was reading happen in front of me in real life.

I watched as the fear of speaking your mind and saying certain words became known as freedom. I watched as Americans came to assume that their communications were listened to, frightened of what they said, but justifying it as they praised their country for being unlike the totalitarian governments of the past. Peace became war. Any suggestion that invading Afghanistan was wrong was unpatriotic. In fact, any criticism of the government was considered unpatriotic and anyone who valued freedom over temporary security was borderline a traitor.

I watched as the United States became The Homeland and I watched as my friends had their window busted out of their car because they did not have one of those ridiculous window flags.

Still, shortly after the event itself, I began speaking out against the erosion of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I questioned the official story of 9/11 and fought against the passage of the PATRIOT ACT. In those days, anyone who did either of these things was considered either woefully ignorant and naive or a traitor who was giving moral support to the enemy.

I spoke out after 9/11 and was largely alone with a few notable exceptions. I was forced to watch the majority of my fellow Americans give away the most precious thing they had, the things which no other country could lay claim to, and the thing that they claimed they were supporting war to protect. America gave away a huge chunk of its rights in the wake of 9/11 and, though they were promised the measures were only temporary, twenty years on we have never received them back.

Instead, police officers are now often indistinguishable from military soldiers, the United States is still in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Ukraine, and a host of theatres across the world where its undefinable “interests” apparently lie. It is now a foregone conclusion that cellphone, internet, and all other communications are monitored. It is well understood that the iron fist of the state can come down with lack of due process and the Second Amendment is under daily attack. Torture is now general practice for foreign and domestic arrestees.

Now, here we are close to twenty years later. Americans once again have a shadowy nemesis for which our government has once again failed to provide adequate information. Once again, the governmental response is not a robust rethinking of how we got to be where we are, (in this case how medical care is provided, who has access to it, or the overarching philosophy behind it), but a massive police state, quasi martial law, and the evisceration of what is left of the liberties and rights they didn’t give away twenty years ago or give away gradually in the time between.

This time, it is not so much the President leading the charge to burn the Constitution, but Governors all across the country, acting in concert with one another, but they aren’t acting alone. Because of the massive propaganda mouthpiece of the mainstream media blasting hysteria and panic as well as the desired conclusions they intend for their audiences to reach, many Americans are demanding that their rights be taken away and that they and their fellow citizens be forced off the streets and into their homes at gunpoint.

My opposition to the potential Lockdown is twofold but principally it is based on the fact that over two hundred and thirty years of rights and liberties should not be shredded on the basis of any threat, real or imagined. Americans either have rights or we don’t. There is no asterisk in the Constitution that states the Bill of Rights is null and void in the event of a terrorist attack or a virus outbreak. If we do not maintain our rights in a time of crisis, then, simply put, we do not truly have rights at all.
If we do not maintain these rights, our country, such as it is, ceases to exist.

As Peter Hitchens, one of the few critics of this Lockdown mentality (happening all over the world and, in his case, Britain) wrote in his recent article for the Mail Online,
All the crudest weapons of despotism, the curfew, the presumption of guilt and the power of arbitrary arrest, are taking shape in the midst of what used to be a free country. And we, who like to boast of how calm we are in a crisis, seem to despise our ancient hard-bought freedom and actually want to rush into the warm, firm arms of Big Brother.
Hitchens’ article is well worth reading, not only for his views but for his critique of the scale of the pandemic, which is highly questionable.

Secondly, we are quickly driving this country to a second Great Depression where unemployment is at levels never before seen and where only the 1% and the major banks have anything resembling wealth. This Depression will be so devastating that it will make the first look weak in comparison, not just because of employment but because of the real human toll after decades of globalism, Free Trade, and urbanization have gutted this country of its workforce, manufacturing, healthcare, education, production capabilities, and general living standards. With more Americans living urban lives and fewer and fewer farms by the day, the Second Great Depression will kill many more people than the virus and leave those left alive scrounging for crumbs at the bottom. Already, since the beginning of this virus emergency, we have witnessed a huge transfer of wealth from the lower classes to the higher and we will no doubt witness more as this insane Lockdown attempt continues.

After the Lockdown passes, Americans will complain about low wages and lack of work. They will wait in lines for benefits that may or may not exist and that will be lower than their current living standards require. Unlike the loss of their rights, the benefits will be temporary. But Americans won’t be able to fully blame Wall Street this time around since it was the media and the people who listen to it who were howling in the streets for Lockdowns and shutdowns. They will have gotten what they wanted as well as the opportunity to live to regret it.

So here I am, twenty years after a writing career began as a result of generally good people who were frightened into giving away their rights, writing about exactly the same thing yet again. Of course, there may be time to reverse the direction in which we are heading. The next few weeks will most likely determine that matter. One thing is for certain, however, if Americans give up their rights now, they will never get them back.

I don’t have any illusions about the effect this article will have on the direction we are heading as a nation. Instead, I expect it to bring about more criticism, more insults, and more claims that I am no longer “credible” as the propaganda repeaters seen on the major cable networks are credible. But it will be worth it, for no other reason than to register my voice so that, for the record, there was at least a few people who retained their sanity through this worldwide era of panic and did not willingly sacrifice his rights on the altar of fear.

If we are able to step back from the abyss, perhaps the “credibility” and respect that I lose from peers as a result of this article will someday be returned, but if we are not able to step back, I can’t imagine anyone will be able to remember anything I’ve said here and, if that is the case, it probably wouldn’t matter if they did.


We know they have the biometrics ready to go, and the American people are more akin to East Germans at this stage. Some have tips on how to survive as we are all Palestinian now. That's the new normal now.

Before I relay something absolutely spine-chilling, I would like you to watch a video regarding the President of the United States and some other things. He really gives it to the bitch pre$$titute, and he's right with the added benefit of drawing laugh out loud from me at the end of the pre$$ conference clip. I have to hand it to the President of the United States. At this point in time, I want no other person in charge. I don't know of anyone else who could better navigate that nest of vipers. He has my full and complete support. Despite the ma$$ media howling that he is another Hitler, he has proven anything but. He hasn't declared a national emergency, hell, he wants to set us free again. It's the tin-pot governors like Cuomo and Newsom who are drunk with power and the Demorats in general that have nothing but a single-minded obsession and hatred of all things orange man. Maybe if he wins a second term he will turn on the Zioni$t string-pullers and the Deep $tate saboteurs and clean up this country once and for all.

Now on to the absolutely frightening. A few days ago I noted that the trains had been running more than usual and at all hours. Well, eerily enough one is running right now, rather slowly, horn just blew, it's exactly 6:16 p.m. Thursday, and I suspect I know what is on the long-running, slow-moving trains.

I know a lot of people will be offended by the next piece, but I feel I need to get it up before it is too late. It goes hand-hand with this video.

"9/11 - September 11, 2001

by occamsrazorterrorevents

All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

​It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampfvol. I, ch. X

Almost immediately upon hearing of the 9/11 plane crashes, I wondered why no interceptor had been sent for the second plane - knowing nothing about air defence I didn't wonder about this lack for the first plane because I thought that maybe the first one could slip through but I reasoned that once the first plane had struck surely they could have got the second - for some reason I didn't question the lack for the third and fourth planes. Of course, it is completely alien to protocol that any of the planes not be intercepted and to this day, no explanation has ever been given for this beyond-implausible failure (see Point 6 - Four faked plane crashes).  I didn't question beyond that initial puzzlement because it struck me as simply impossible that the perps would have the confidence to know that they could conduct such an operation and get away with it though I thought they'd be capable of just about anything if they thought they could get away with it, but I knew absolutely zero about how the power elite operates. Of course, they knew they could get away with it with their intimidatory power, their vast experience of duping us with their clever mind-control techniques; their always numerous willing (and less willing) collaborators; those who simply stay silent ... and last, but certainly not least, their semi-collaborators, the gatekeepers - those who are the recognised critics of the powers that be but who still, after 18 years now, have resisted all attempts made by 9/11 truthers to apprise them of the fact, easily obtained from rudimentary scholarship, that the three buildings at the World Trade Centre came down by controlled demolition, especially in the case of WTC-7, whose classic implosion was presented to us on a platter. It was only in 2014, 13 years after the event that I began to wake up when I saw the film JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick.

9/11 was a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation or psyop, a monumentally multi-layered exercise of dupery, where the only major parts of the official story that happened for real on the day were the collapses of the three buildings at the World Trade Centre and damage to the other WTC buildings and the West Wing of the Pentagon. There were no hijackings and the four plane crashes were faked as were the deaths of 3,000 people and injury to 6,000. The psyop took the form, essentially, of a Full-Scale Exercise comprising multiple drills; controlled demolition of the buildings at the WTC and damage to the other WTC buildings and the West Wing of the Pentagon and a carefully orchestrated media roll-out of the day's events that included pre-recorded staged and faked footage. They tell us openly in Wikipedia about a few exercises that were conducted on (and through) 9/11 while Webster Tarpley lists 46 drills although there is no clear match between the Wikipedia exercises and the Tarpley drills. Judging by Tarpley's list there should be more exercises. The drills they don't reveal, however, are the ones producing the images of faked injuries and deaths (many of which would have occurred prior to or after 9/11 and for which we see the images (many photoshopped onto backgrounds) ... or if they do list the drills (and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the drills are listed right in front of our eyes), it's not clear that's what they are. Using the propaganda technique of distraction, they focused truthers on the suspiciously large number of drills to suppress thought on the crucial few they omitted to tell us about. The multiple exercises (including anti-hijacking exercises) were used as justification for defense protocols not working properly because of resulting confusion, but, of course, when they run exercises they ensure that if a real event should oh-so-coincidentally happen at the same time, they would be able to deal with it (after all, who knows who might know about the exercises) and the seeming failure is so utterly abject that "confusion" fails miserably as a justification. The alleged FAA incompetence excuse fails equally miserably.

Wikipedia informs us there is supposed confusion about an ongoing NORAD exercise called Vigilant Warrior (as opposed to the semi-annual Vigilant Guardian). Perhaps no confusion at all and there was indeed an exercise, Vigilant Warrior, that covered drills specific to the 9/11 event while the other exercises acted as a bogus excuse for allegedly causing confusion and diverting resources necessary to deal with the alleged attacks. This article by Elizabeth Woodworth, The Military Drills of September 11th: Why a New Investigation is Needed, points out numerous anomalies in what is told to us about the military drills.

When you recognise that death and injury were faked, the picture of 9/11 changes enormously. Then it becomes obvious that a number of reporters and agency staff were scripted and that they knew the truth: that 9/11 was, essentially, a Full-Scale Exercise pushed out as a real event, like so many other events. Some reporters and agency staff would not be in on it (though surely they would have their suspicions) but you can tell that some are obviously scripted and are really actors in the exercise. We can infer that because the perpetrators didn't kill or injure people they're actually quite free with the truth in the way that they give us so many signs that they were responsible. When I first awoke to the key lie about death and injury, Cheney and Rumsfeld's smug and smiling faces came to mind - I can just see them all having such a chortle. (Admittedly, even though they really did kill JFK they still brazenly indicated that they were the perpetrators in Lee Harvey Oswald's choice of weapon for his crackshot assassination: a relic of Mussolini's armed forces used in WWII, a Carcano that wasn't even sighted in (compare 9/11 boxcutters). They flaunt their power by rubbing their crimes in our faces and challenging us to do anything about it.)

Below are three examples where we see scripting. 

Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor asks Jerome Hauer, WTC Security Contractor about the cause of collapse of the twin towers:

"Is it possible that just a plane crash could have collapsed these buildings? Or would it have required the prior positioning of other explosives in the building? What do you think?"

"No my sense is just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building and I think it was simply the planes hitting the buildings and causing the collapse."

Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse:

"Can you confirm that it was No 7 that just went in?" ["Went in" is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]

"Yes, sir."

"And you guys knew this was comin' all day."

"We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down."

Dan Rather reporting on the collapse of WTC-7:

"For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much of on television, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down."

--- The first exchange is propaganda to persuade us that 200-ton airliners were able to bring down 500.000 ton buildings ... with an oblique reference to the truth.

--- The second one, on the other hand, is more truth than propaganda. We can only infer that it is a legal requirement of staged events that indications be provided that it is they who are responsible for the event and one of the ways is actually telling the truth. They very clearly tell us the truth by saying it "went in" and that they "knew it was comin' all day" with a little propaganda thrown in - it might "come down on its own" (no possibility of that). With regard to the "building was unstable" this may well have been a true statement as there could have been work done to weaken the building early on 9/11 when the twin towers were capturing all the attention or even before 9/11.

--- The third one - unadulterated truth, no?, at least, when you know it's scripted.

To support my claim that 9/11 was a psychological operation (and not a semi-psyop in that they let people die and be injured or the work of 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters) I provide the following three 10-point Occam's Razor exercises (and offer a $5,000 challenge to those who support the official stories of these aspects of 9/11 to provide their own 10 points):

Collapse of WTC-7
Four faked plane crashes
Death and injury staged on 9/11

Other 9/11 pages:

Gerard Holmgren, pioneering 9/11 researcher
Twin Towers: The Magic Dust
Blog post: 9/11: False flag or psyop?
Blog post: 9/11: Controlled demolition as propaganda - Parts 1 and 2

The key to keeping the truth of 9/11 from emerging is the perpetuation of one major lie of the story: that 3,000 people were killed and 6,000 were injured. We can tell from the propaganda model that the perps put considerable, planned effort into ensuring that everyone continues believing - recognisers of the other major 9/11 lies and believers of the 19-terrorists-armed-with-boxcutters story alike - that 3,000 people died on 9/11. Let's take a look at the propaganda aimed at the truthers designed to ensure continuance of their belief in real death and injury on 9/11.

The propaganda model - targeting the truthers

The propaganda model for 9/11 is a very interesting one. It seems fiendishly clever (it had me fooled for four years) but, on analysis, it is really quite straightforward.

Rogue elements within the state who commit a crime against democracy of a false-flag nature will put a great deal of thought into how they will keep the citizens persuaded that the story they tell matches the event they have staged. For probably millennia, the information about how to do this has been passed on by those in the power elite from one generation to the next. They understand how people split into groups in how they respond to their Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operations (psyops) on Day One and then how these different groups’ understandings will change (or not) over time.

The secret to the persistence of the lies of 9/11 is not that the evidence is beyond our reach. Not at all. The evidence is very clearly “hidden in plain sight” in the videos of the collapses of the buildings and the obviously computer-generated plane crash into the second tower.

The secret is in the very clever propaganda model. The perpetrators knew that the truth of how the buildings collapsed at the World Trade Centre and the alleged plane crashes is easily determined through basic Newtonian physics and they knew that a certain percentage of the population would recognise these truths - we really do have to wonder why they offered us the perfect implosion of WTC-7 on a platter. So what they have done to stymie the group who recognises these truths from promulgating them is to create propaganda specifically aimed at this group to ensure its members believe, as do the majority who believe the whole 19-terrorists-armed-with-boxcutters story, that tragically 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured on 9/11. "Inside conspiracy" and "real death and injury" are simply two pieces of the 9/11 puzzle that won't fit together - they repel each other like magnets. And while it is only those two pieces (one piece being truth but the other a lie) floating around, the truth remains hidden. It cannot emerge. It's not that the perps are not evil enough - they send their soldiers off to self-generated wars from which they make a ton of money - but it wouldn't be their modus operandi. They pride themselves on their ability to fool us and have a great old chortle over it too.

They had no motive to kill all those people and they had a compelling disincentive - the loved ones of the 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured. A very, very compelling disincentive. The most important thing for the perps in this sort of operation is to control the information. Control of information is paramount whether it be truth, lie, distorted-truth, whatever, they want to control it - as long as they're in control of the information, they're happy. Having the loved ones of 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured people, not to mention the 6,000 injured themselves, descending on the Capitol when controlled demolition is so obvious, does not represent in any shape or form a "controlled information situation". But in any case, 9/11 was a psyop. They don't do their psyops half-arsed. They do them according to the rules and they need only their masterful propaganda techniques, their intimidatory power and their numerous collaborators. Nothing more. Only the things needed and wanted for real are done for real and everything else is faked. Real death and injury were not needed nor wanted in the least.

Truth mixed with lies

Their method was ingenious. They transformed a truth liability into a magical propaganda asset! Among other propaganda techniques, they created “disinformation agents” who indicate, in one way or another, that they know or suspect the buildings came down by controlled demolition or in other ways suspect government involvement while at the same time tell a story of a loved one or associates perishing in the buildings. It is such a clever mix of truth (or a distorted version of it) with the one fundamental lie that the power elite must have everyone believe: many people tragically died and were injured. Truth mixed with lies. I’m not sure there is a better way to misdirect people and push a lie than to mix it with truth.

The groups anticipated by the perpetrators


The propaganda model showing the foundation belief


The importance of the foundation belief and how it is managed through truther-targeted propaganda

Group 1 members will tend to remain unreceptive to the truth while they believe that 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured because they won’t accept that the US government would have killed 3,000 and injured 6,000 of their own citizens in the buildings … and they are correct in their non-acceptance! It would not be part of the power elite’s modus operandi to do that. It’s nothing to do with them not being evil enough – because, of course, they’re fine with their soldiers getting killed and suiciding after service in self-generated wars and killing up to hundreds of thousands in other countries – but they wouldn’t conduct an operation like that except for very, very good reasons and there weren’t any.

If Group 2 members wish to persuade Group 1 members of the truth they need to understand the whole truth themselves: that 3,000 did not die and 6,000 were not injured.

​However, the change of belief necessary for this has its own problems. Death is a taboo and highly-sensitive subject and it is a human characteristic that when it is stated that people have died it feels very offensive, almost sacrilegious to question or contradict this statement, no matter what side of the conspiracy fence you are on. Nothing could be handier than this characteristic though to the power elite when implementing their psyops. They exploit it cynically and ruthlessly to intimidate the population into refraining from questioning alleged deaths and injuries thus making it so much easier to maintain their lies. So very much more research has gone into the building collapses and the plane crashes than into the alleged deaths and injuries and yet this is where a fundamentally important truth lies.

While the majority will believe the 3,000-dead-6,000-injured claim because it fits perfectly into the official story there is danger that those who recognise the other 9/11 lies will start to question the claim, so the perpetrators devised a propaganda campaign just for us, the truthers – so generous of them.

The disinformation agents

Surely, I should have recognised it sooner, especially as others already had. But, no, it was only very recently and seemingly randomly, while half-watching an autoplay YouTube video about William Rodriguez, alleged janitor, and “last man out” of the North Tower before it fell, that the pennies started to drop about the “special” propaganda campaign. Rodriguez testified that he experienced explosions before the tower fell which would suggest controlled demolition but he was also hailed as a hero who’d helped “hundreds” evacuate from the building. It suddenly struck me as anomalous that someone saying things that incriminated the government would be awarded for heroism by it. I then thought of a number of other whistleblower types and could see how they might be disinformation agents hired to align themselves with the truthers while at the same time pushing evidence of deaths and injuries. These agents put out that they:

believe or suspect the government was responsible

recognise controlled demolition in the collapses of the towers or even contribute to research showing it was responsible for the collapses

saw evidence only of a bomb, not of a plane impact at the Pentagon

experienced explosions in the towers before they fell

are whistleblowers of one kind or another while at the same time claim that they are the loved ones or associates of those killed in the buildings or otherwise promote the idea of injury and/or death as told to us by the media.

Some examples:

The Jersey Widows

The Jersey Widows are four widows of men who died in the towers. We were told that along with Bob McIlvaine they fought very hard for a commission inquiry into the events of 9/11. When they posed the question to the proposed chair, Henry Kissinger, "Do you happen to have a client by the name of bin Laden?" apparently, "the usually unflappable Kissinger, nearly fell off his chair." It was this triumphant question that had him replaced by Philip Zelikow, who was, unfortunately, no less of an insider than Kissinger. We were shown 300 questions they posed to the commission of which only a small number were answered and mostly not satisfactorily. It is interesting how willing the power elite are to expose themselves for propaganda purposes ... although they never reveal anything that isn't already in the public domain. Clever, isn't it? If it's already in the public domain why worry about "revealing" it in their "truth mixed with lies" propaganda.

Bob McIlvaine

Bob McIlvaine is the father of Bobby McIlvaine who died in the lobby of one of the twin towers from an explosion before it came down. Bob appears to be an extremely vocal fighter for 9/11 truth and has joined forces with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth which I believe has many genuine members but is obviously infiltrated.

Below is a photo of Bobby with his mother and father. Notice how the hand around his mother has red on the fingernails and a thumb ring. This seems inconsistent with Bobby’s image. Also notice that his arm across his father’s back extends into the air rather strangely and tapers to his wrist prematurely.


Below is a photo of Bobby with his parents and brother. Notice the position of his hand on top of his father's and seemingly against his brother’s cheek, with thumb ring and bracelet. He also seems to have an earring but it looks a little strange. These elements are inconsistent with the trouser, tie and shirt outfit. There is a straight line formed between his mother’s dress and his trousers which is not consistent with the line formed when a person is leaning against another.


This strange doctoring of photos is a typical "sign" given to us from the perpetrators. They must give signs of their crimes against us.

Richard Grove

Richard Grove was fired for questioning his employer, Marsh & McLennan, about anomalous fiscal transactions. His former colleagues urged him to present his evidence which was to happen in a meeting on the morning of 9/11 on the 98th floor of the North tower, however, Richard hadn’t left the house early enough to attend this crucial meeting, getting stuck in traffic, while his co-workers perished. Transcript of a statement made by Richard Grove. It is both highly implausible that Richard would be attending such a meeting in the office from which he was fired and that he missed such an important meeting due to “getting stuck in traffic” (another "sign").

The power elite so capable of this heinous crime

Another example of propaganda to persuade the truthers that people were killed in the buildings was in pushing out that they, the power elite, were quite capable of sacrificing their citizens for their agenda. In the months before 9/11, two documents made appearances on the internet:

In September 2000, a document was released by right-wing think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC) stating that what was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world’s resources was “some catastrophic and catalysing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” This could easily be a document designed simply to make the anticipated truthers believe that the perpetrators had no qualms about killing citizens in order to succeed in their quest for global supremacy. Would they really produce such a blatant document otherwise?

In April 2001, a classified document detailing plans for false-flag operations in the 1960s code-named Operation Northwoods (containing some of the elements of 9/11) was released on the internet. This document may well be real, however, its release date is interesting.

For greater plausibility, outsiders did the actual dastardly act of killing all those people in the buildings

The "dancing Israelis", picked up in a road block whose van showed traces of explosives dust and the Israeli "art students" in the buildings were staged to make truthers believe Israelis were commissioned to bring the buildings down. Not to say Israelis didn't bring the buildings down - perhaps they're especially skilled at it - however, why on earth would they inform us of it? The obvious explanation is that having "outsiders" perform the dastardly act makes the story more plausible than US citizens performing it (it's interesting how they go for plausibility in some ways but against it in others - it's an art form). No doubt, they also enjoy distracting and getting zealous anti-Zionists in a lather too. Israelis did it! Israelis did it! The fact is it made no difference whether the CIA, Mossad or a demolition company did it because we can infer a full evacuation was conducted.

It's interesting that they put the highly anomalous casting of suspicion on Israelis in the mainstream media, knowing that the believers of the 19-terrorists-armed-with-boxcutters story will pay little attention while the truthers will latch right onto it. Isn't it fascinating how propaganda can be directed in that way? Two groups of people will read exactly the same content but will respond differently ... and the perps know that so very, very well. It's like magic ... until you know the trick.


Controlled demolition

Ironically, controlled demolition was used as a distraction. The master propagandists knew it would be recognised by a certain percentage so they had all the recognisers focused on controlled demolition to distract them from the complementary fact required for the whole truth to emerge - that death and injury were staged. See Point 9 in 3,000 dead, 6,000 injured a lie for how cleverly they made a big song and dance about withholding the "oral histories" of emergency responders recorded soon after 9/11 so that when they were finally released everyone would focus on how the experiences of the responders so clearly testified to controlled demolition. "Inside conspiracy" and "real death and injury" simply cannot form the major pieces of the 9/11 puzzle. They repel each other like magnets. The only truth possible is "Inside conspiracy" and "staged death and injury". That's how the power elite do it in the US. Perhaps "real death and injury" is possible in another country but they don't do things like that in the "democratic" state that is the US of A.

Multiple theories

There was a great push of a number of theories on what was used to bring the buildings down (nuclear, directed energy weapons, thermite, nanothermite, thermate, etc) and what kind of aeronautical machines crashed into the buildings (passenger airliners, missiles, military jets, etc). In this they are aided by the people themselves as we all have our own opinions. The different theories create factionalism and weaken the truth movement.

They also serve as major distraction. The key points are that the buildings came down by controlled demolition and the footage of Flight 175 into the South Tower is obviously faked. Either one of those is all the information required to know that it was an inside conspiracy - exactly how it was done and what materials were used are of little relevance. And yet how many pages and pages of material are there on what was involved in the controlled demolitions and what crashed into the buildings?

Vast number of exercises

One could suspect that the vast number of exercises the truthers were made aware of, including an anti-hijacker drill - can you believe it? - is also an example of distraction. All the other drills distracted us from exploring the possibility of yet another drill used to produce all the "evidence" of injured.
