Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Globe Special: Brief Shuffle

I suspect this has been happening every day; however, I only note "briefs" with a check mark each day with the intention of getting back and gathering (as the pile builds). 

What they gave us both:
Wow, that BG  whoopie cushion sure gets a lot of use.  Globe must be still eating because the Sunday Brief is outdated.  WTF when they have so many shuffling updates that I have documented on this blog?

Also see: Risque race is too risky, Tufts decides

What else they gave me: 

 Mass redistricting panel to hear from public  

 They are going to make my part of the state all one district. Read it here first. 

RI governor wants to disband health council

NH man accused of setting fire to own home 

Why, bank fraudulently foreclose on it? 

What they gave you:

Other brief notes:

New Brandeis president tasked with energizing campus

Museum of World War II shares soldiers’ artifacts, experiences

I'm not reading those Metro front-page fares because I've had enough war-promoting reminders (priming us for the third world war we are already in? When's the next false flag attack? Which American city is getting nuked?) and views from Jews in the newspaper.