Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law
They might as well come out and announce she is running for president.
I'm told the Globe found no evidence of bias in an exhaustive review of her professional history. No DNA test was administered. The turn-in is page A6, and I will address that situation more below.
Springfield police facing civil rights probe
Yeah, the DoJ and FBI are going to come in and fix things.
I know they “have a saying in the church: In order to fix it you have to face it. If they’re not willing to face it, they’ll never fix it.”
[flip to below fold]
Clergy abuse scandal widens and deepens
It is literally right below it, and it is turning into quite a furor.
Back onto the warpath (literally):
"John McCain is remembered as a hero, patriot, and inspiration" by Peter Baker New York Times September 01, 2018
No offense, but I turned to the back page before I started scanning it.
WASHINGTON — They came to bid farewell to John Sidney McCain III, son and grandson of admirals, naval aviator, tortured prisoner, congressman, six-term senator, two-time presidential candidate, patriot, maverick, reformer, warrior, curmudgeon, father, husband, and finally, in death, American icon.
Standing in for President Trump at the cathedral were his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as well as his chief of staff, John F. Kelly, and national security adviser, John Bolton, seated not far away from former president Bill Clinton and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Rudy Giuliani, the president’s lawyer and a longtime political ally of McCain’s, also attended.
They arrived late, and who let in that sleaze ball?
“I never saw John treat anyone differently because of their race, or religion, or gender,” said former president Barack Obama.
Never heard him use an anti-Asian slur he was famous for?
That did not mean they always agreed, he noted. “It’s no secret, it’s been mentioned, that he had a temper,” Obama said, “and when it flared up, it was a force of nature, a wonder to behold — his jaw grinding, his face reddening, his eyes boring a hole right through you. Not that I ever experienced this firsthand, mind you,” but he said that every so often while he was president, McCain would come to the White House to “just sit and talk” about their disagreements. “We never doubted the other man’s sincerity or the other man’s patriotism, or that when all was said and done, we were on the same team,” Obama said.
All of a sudden anger and being an asshole has turned into a positive attribute. If I'd only known.
Of course, we all know what team he is talking about.
Former president George W. Bush, who refused to vote for Trump in 2016, was more oblique in his talk than Obama, but his description of his onetime rival still struck many in the audience as a contrast to the current president.
“Perhaps above all, John detested the abuse of power,” Bush said. “He could not abide bigots and swaggering despots. There was something deep inside him that made him stand up for the little guy — to speak for forgotten people in forgotten places.”
Bush defeated McCain for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000 after an acrid primary campaign, and the two clashed regularly over the next eight years, perhaps most notably over the issue of torture.
Did he apologize for the Lee Atwater like robocalls saying McCain had fathered a child by a black woman? That came after MCain cleans W's clock in New Hampshire and was threatening his divine destiny
McCain forced Bush to accept legislation intended to ban the use of waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods, but when the war in Iraq went badly and Bush was abandoned by virtually everyone, McCain stuck with him and supported a surge of troops and strategy shift that helped turn the war around.
That is such a sanitized rewriting of history it is sick.
What did the surge do? We were told it secured the country, Obama was forced to withdraw by Maliki, and then ISIS™ gained a foothold and Obama sent the troops back!
It was the Iranians and the Shi'ite militias that turned the war around. They are the ones who defeated ISIS™.
Speaking of history:
"In 2004, President George W. Bush pledged "a safer world and a more hopeful America" as he accepted his party's nomination for a second term at the Republican National Convention in New York. In 2005, A National Guard convoy packed with food, water and medicine rolled into New Orleans four days after Hurricane Katrina. Scorched by criticism about sluggish federal help, President George W. Bush toured the Gulf Coast and met with state and local officials, including New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin; at one point, Bush praised FEMA Director Michael Brown, telling him, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Also see:
"In 1944, during World War II, Navy pilot Lieutenant George Herbert Walker Bush was shot down by Japanese forces as he completed a bombing run over the Bonin Islands. (Bush was rescued by the crew of the submarine USS Finback; his two crew members, however, died.)"
He didn't attend, either, and the web Globe stopped in 1963, which is where they wish the world was still.
Bush acknowledged their tense history but said it eased after he left office. “In recent years, we sometimes talked of that intense period like football players remembering a big game,” he said.
Yup, it was ALL A GAME even as MILLIONS were KILLED and MAIMED off the lies that came from that atrocious piece of excrement!!!
Believe it or not, that is the gross, gross ending to my printed paper, but the NYT eulogy the Globe picked up went on and on like the Franklin funeral.
For his part, Trump spent the morning railing again on Twitter about his opponents, the news media, and the investigation into his campaign’s interactions with Russia during the 2016 election.
He quoted supporters asserting that the investigation was rigged “to spy on Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s political opponent” (misspelling his predecessor’s name) and that “this is the scandal here — a police state.” He complained about “corruption at the DOJ & FBI” and said the news media “has become tainted and corrupt!”
Well, they kind of always were but Trump has forced their ugliness out into the open.
On his way to the golf course he unleashed a few more combative tweets threatening to terminate a trade agreement with Canada and warning that “Congress should not interfere w/these negotiations.”
"It’s now less risky to get frisky — in public — in Guadalajara. Mexico’s second-largest city has made it harder to police sexual activity in places like parks, alleys, entertainment venues and cars by ordering cops to look the other way most of the time. Proponents say the change protects the publicly amorous from being shaken down by bribe-hungry officers, a common practice, while critics worry that it could encourage lewd acts in full view of people just going about their day (AP)."
Next thing you know, Mexico will be like Sweden.
Warren Beatty was a pallbearer?
"Invisible weapon might be cause of diplomats’ illnesses" by William J. Broad New York Times September 01, 2018
During the Cold War, Washington feared that Moscow was seeking to turn microwave radiation into covert weapons of mind control.
C'mon now, New York Times!
That's cuckoo conspiracy stuff!
At least, that is what we have been told for decades!
More recently, the US military itself sought to develop microwave arms that could invisibly beam painfully loud booms and even spoken words into people’s heads. The aims were to disable attackers and wage psychological warfare.
That certainly would explain a lot when it comes to some of the lone nut gunmen and other things. Some even claim this happened to them, and some would seem to have knowledge of such programs that have been around since at least the 1950s.
Over the years we have been treated to sonic weapons (tested them on Iraqis first) and skin-frying beams, so is this really beyond the realm of possibility?
Now, doctors and scientists say such unconventional weapons may have caused the baffling symptoms and ailments that, starting in late 2016, hit more than three dozen US diplomats and their family members in Cuba and China.
The medical team that examined 21 affected diplomats from Cuba made no mention of microwaves in its detailed report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in March, but Douglas H. Smith, the study’s lead author and director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania, said in a recent interview that microwaves were now considered a main suspect and that the team was increasingly sure the diplomats had suffered brain injuries.
“Everybody was relatively skeptical at first,” he said, “and everyone now agrees there’s something there.” Smith remarked that the diplomats and doctors jokingly refer to the trauma as the immaculate concussion.
Strikes with microwaves, some experts now argue, more plausibly explain reports of painful sounds, ills, and traumas than do other possible culprits — sonic attacks, viral infections, and contagious anxiety.
In particular, a growing number of analysts cite an eerie phenomenon known as the Frey effect, named after Allan Frey, an American scientist. Long ago, he found that microwaves can trick the brain into perceiving what seem to be ordinary sounds.
The false sensations, experts say, could account for a defining symptom of the diplomatic incidents: the perception of loud noises, including ringing, buzzing, and grinding. Initially, experts cited those symptoms as evidence of stealthy attacks with sonic weapons.
Members of JASON, a secretive group of elite scientists that helps the federal government assess new threats to national security, say it has been scrutinizing the diplomatic mystery this summer and weighing possible explanations, including microwaves.
(cue music)
Asked about the microwave theory of the case, the State Department said the investigation had yet to identify the cause or source of the attacks. The FBI declined to comment on the status of the investigation or any theories. The microwave idea teems with unanswered questions. Who fired the beams? The Russian government? The Cuban government? A rogue Cuban faction sympathetic to Moscow? And, if so, where did the attackers get the unconventional arms?
Microwaves are ubiquitous in modern life. The short radio waves power radars, cook foods, relay messages and link cellphones to antenna towers. They are a form of electromagnetic radiation on the same spectrum as light and X-rays, only at the opposite end.
Some even say they contribute to cancers!
Microwaves are seen as harmless in such everyday uses as microwaving foods, but their diminutive size also enables tight focusing, as when dish antennas turn disorganized rays into concentrated beams.
The dimensions of the human head, scientists say, make it a fairly good antenna for picking up microwave signals. Frey, a biologist, said he stumbled on the acoustic effect in 1960. The Soviets took notice — and furtively, globally, the threat grew.
Soviet research on microwaves for “internal sound perception,” the Defense Intelligence Agency warned in 1976, showed great promise for “disrupting the behavior patterns of military or diplomatic personnel.” Washington, too, foresaw new kinds of arms.
The Russians allegedly have such a thing to disrupt electronic communications, but look at how the war-promoting pre$$ is now implicating them here. It's enough to make you gag (unless that's the microwaves they are beaming at you).
Russia, China, and many European states are seen as having the know-how to make basic microwave weapons that can debilitate, sow noise, or even kill. Advanced powers, experts say, might accomplish more nuanced aims such as beaming spoken words into people’s heads. Only intelligence agencies know which nations actually possess and use such unfamiliar arms.
And here the U.S. is throwing trillions into the air!
No need to show the assassin the Queen of Diamonds, right?
The basic weapon might look like a satellite dish. In theory, such a device might be hand-held or mounted in a van, car, boat or helicopter. Microwave arms are seen as typically working over relatively short distances — across the length of a few rooms or blocks. High-powered ones might be able to fire beams for several miles.
In January, the spooky impact of microwaves on the human brain never came up during an open Senate hearing on the mysterious crisis at the U.S. embassy in Havana, but in a scientific paper that month, James C. Lin of the University of Illinois, a leading investigator of the Frey effect, described the diplomatic ills as plausibly arising from microwave beams.
In his paper, Lin said high-intensity beams of microwaves could have caused the diplomats to experience not just loud noises but nausea, headaches and vertigo, as well as possible brain-tissue injury. The beams, he added, could be fired covertly, hitting “only the intended target.”
In February, ProPublica in a lengthy investigation mentioned that federal investigators were weighing the microwave theory. Separately, it told of an intriguing find. The wife of a member of the embassy staff, it reported, had looked outside her home after hearing the disturbing sounds and seen a van speeding away. A dish antenna could fit easily into a small van.....
How much more evidence do you need?
"‘Terrorist motive’ cited in stabbing of 2 Americans" by Mike Corder Associated Press September 01, 2018
My printed sub-headline was "2 US tourists killed at station in Amsterdam."
AMSTERDAM — A 19-year-old Afghan citizen had a ‘‘terrorist motive’’ for allegedly stabbing two Americans at the main train station in Amsterdam, city authorities in the Dutch capital said Saturday.
Amsterdam police shot and wounded the suspect after the double stabbing Friday at Central Station. The local government said hours later that it appeared the victims weren’t targeted for a specific reason, but added that investigators were not excluding any possibilities.
After the US ambassador to the Netherlands on Saturday identified the people injured as American tourists, Amsterdam City Hall gave an update.
The suspect had a residency permit from Germany. German authorities searched his home and seized data storage devices that would be analyzed as part of the investigation, the city government statement said.
Related(?): "Nine people have been injured in a blaze at an oil refinery in Bavaria, and another 1,800 people living close by were temporarily evacuated. Police said the fire spread quickly after a loud detonation was heard early Saturday in the southern German town of Vohburg an der Donau. A huge smoke cloud could be seen miles away (AP)."
He was scheduled to be arraigned during a closed-door hearing with an investigating judge on Monday. A statement issued late Friday by Amsterdam’s city council said the Americans did not appear to have been victims of a targeted attack. Amsterdam authorities also said Friday that it appeared from initial inquiries that the victims weren’t chosen for a clear reason.
The local government said Saturday it had no immediate plans to beef up security in the city, saying the swift action by police ‘‘shows that Amsterdam is prepared for this kind of incident.’’
A passerby’s dramatic photo showed two police officers pointing guns at a man in blue jeans and sneakers lying on the ground inside a train station tunnel.
Earlier Saturday, the US ambassador to the Netherlands confirmed that the two people injured Friday were Americans visiting the Netherlands when they were stabbed at the station.
Ambassador Pete Hoekstra issued a written statement saying US embassy officials had been in touch with the victims or their families.
‘‘We wish them a speedy recovery and are working closely with the City of Amsterdam to provide assistance to them and their families,’’ Hoekstra said.
Central Station is a busy entry and exit point for visitors to Amsterdam, with regular trains linking it to the city’s Schiphol Airport. Friday is one of the busiest days of the week for train travel as tourists arrive for the weekend.
Isn't that where the the underwear bomber shit his pants?
And now they scan you for soilings?
The station is patrolled by armed police and other security staff.....
So what did the pre$$ do, jump the gun on the deaths? Or did the government hand out false information to them before the event was complete?
Reminds me of what happened in Tajikistan last month, and of who claimed responsibility before the pre$$ pedaled away fast.
"Palestinians on Saturday condemned the US decision to end its decades of funding for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, calling it an attack on the Palestinian people and accusing the Trump administration of trying to remove sensitive core issues from the negotiating table as it says it is preparing a Mideast peace initiative. The announcement raised new questions about the viability of any future US peace plan (AP)."

A banner for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East hung this week in Ramallah (ALAA BADARNEH/EPA/Shutterstock).
It just breaks your heart.
"A Ugandan pop-star-turned-opposition-lawmaker flew out of the country for medical treatment after alleged torture while in detention, his lawyer said, a day after security forces blocked him from boarding a flight to the United States and set off a new round of protests. Bobi Wine, whose real name is Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, departed Entebbe International Airport on a KLM flight after authorities said they had given him the necessary clearance, Nicholas Opiyo said on Twitter (AP)."
He was charged with treason and they really worked him over in jail.
And Trump is letting him in, huh?
Families split at border endure anguished wait for reunion
No offense, but in light of the Palestinian crisis, I don't want to hear it (a JYT piece).
By this time I have reached page A6 (flip), A7 (flip), and A8, before finding this two-thirds of the way down:
"US agents tried to turn Russian oligarch into an informer" by Kenneth P. Vogel and Matthew Rosenberg New York Times September 01, 2018
WASHINGTON — In the estimation of US officials, Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin, has relied on extortion, bribery, and even murder to amass his vast fortune.
They also thought he might make a good source.
Between 2014 and 2016, the FBI and the Justice Department unsuccessfully tried to turn Deripaska into an informant. They signaled that they might provide help with his trouble in getting visas for the United States or even explore other steps to address his legal problems. In exchange, they were hoping for information on Russian organized crime and, later, on possible Russian aid to President Trump’s 2016 campaign, according to current and former officials and associates of Deripaska.
Or they were trying to entrap somebody.
In one dramatic encounter, FBI agents appeared unannounced and uninvited at a home Deripaska maintains in New York and pressed him on whether Paul Manafort, a former business partner of his who went on to become chairman of Trump’s campaign, had served as a link between the campaign and the Kremlin.
That's called government intimidation.
The attempt to flip Deripaska was part of a broader, clandestine US effort to gauge the possibility of gaining cooperation from roughly a half-dozen of Russia’s richest men, nearly all of whom, like Deripaska, depend on President Vladimir Putin to maintain their wealth, the officials said.
WTF is this article supposed to be about?
Two of the players in the effort were Bruce Ohr, the Justice Department official who has recently become a target of angry tweets by Trump, and Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled a dossier of purported links between the Trump campaign and Russia.
So now the New York Times has spun this sh*t and is claiming the pee dossier is "compiled of purported links."
I've heard of trying to put lipstick on a pig, but I don't know how you remove the stench of years-old urine.
The systematic effort to win the cooperation of the oligarchs, which has not previously been revealed, does not appear to have scored any successes. And in Deripaska’s case, he told the US investigators that he disagreed with their theories about Russian organized crime and Kremlin collusion in the campaign, a person familiar with the exchanges said, but the fallout from the episode is now rippling through US politics and has helped fuel Trump’s campaign to discredit the investigation into whether he coordinated with Russia in its interference in the election.
OMFG, he told them there was nothing to any interference or collusion and yet they continued the attempted infiltration and subversion of the campaign in what is looking more and more like an attempted set up.
The contacts between Ohr and Steele were detailed in e-mails and notes from Ohr that the Justice Department turned over to Republicans in Congress earlier this year. A number of journalists, including some at conservative news outlets, have reported on elements of those contacts but not on the broader outreach program to the oligarchs or key aspects of the interactions between Ohr, Steele, and Deripaska.
OMG, the New York Times and its swirling bullsh*t. Forget the books on top of their best seller lists all summer! They denigrate Fox for it, but at least they have reporters looking into the Clinton corruption and Obama weaponization of the law enforcement and national security agencies of this country.
The involvement of Ohr with Steele has provided the president’s allies with fresh fodder to attack the investigation led by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, casting it as part of a vast, long-running conspiracy by a “deep state” bent on undermining Trump.
Yeah, the Times doesn't do any actual investigating itself, it just name-calls anyone who does.
See: New York Times Admits Deep State Exists
It's why I started blogging again despite the agony in my fingers, wrists, and elbows.
Trump himself has seized on the reports, threatening to pull Ohr’s security clearance and incorrectly claiming that his family “received big money for helping to create the phony, dirty and discredited Dossier.”
I don't think he helped create it; he just made sure it got sent up channels so they could get their FISA warrant wiretapping approval.
While Steele did discuss the research that resulted in the dossier with Ohr during the final months of the campaign, current and former officials said that it was Deripaska, not Trump, who was the subject of most of the contacts between the two men between 2014 and 2016. A timeline that Ohr handwrote of all his contacts with Steele was among the leaked documents cited by the president and his allies as evidence of an anti-Trump plot.
The contacts between Steele and Ohr started before Trump became a presidential candidate and continued through much of the campaign.
Deripaska’s contacts with the FBI took place in September 2015 and the same month a year later. The latter meeting came two months after the FBI began investigating Russian interference in the election and a month after Manafort left the Trump campaign amid reports about his work for Russia-aligned political parties in Ukraine.
As if I would believe a NYT timeline at this point.
The outreach to Deripaska, who is so close to the Russian president that he is known as “Putin’s oligarch,” was not as much of a long shot as it might have appeared.
He had worked with the US government in the past, including on an unsuccessful effort to rescue an FBI agent captured in Iran. And he had incentive to cooperate again in the run-up to the 2016 election, as he tried to win permission to travel more easily to the United States, where he has long sought more freedom to do business and greater acceptance as a global power broker.
Oh, that is why we haven't heard or seen much about him (and probably won't after this).
So Obama's corrupt DoJ thought he would help set up Trump, huh?
Steele sought to aid the effort to engage Deripaska, and he noted in an e-mail to Ohr in February 2016 that the Russian had received a visa to travel to the United States. In the e-mail, Steele said his company had compiled and circulated “sensitive” research suggesting that Deripaska and other oligarchs were under pressure from the Kremlin to toe the Russian government line, leading Steele to conclude that Deripaska was not the “tool” of Putin alleged by the US government.
At this point, what is the worth of reading this muddle?
The timeline sketched out by Ohr shows contacts stretching back to when Ohr first met Steele in 2007. It also shows what officials said was the first date on which the two discussed cultivating Deripaska: a meeting in Washington on Nov. 21, 2014, roughly seven months before Trump announced that he was running for president.
Right, this was all prior to Trump announcing for the presidency, thus making it all legit. Sure.
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an initiative that remains classified. Most expressed deep discomfort, saying they feared that in revealing the attempts to cultivate Deripaska and other oligarchs they were undermining US national security and strengthening the grip that Putin holds over those who surround him.
But the New York Times put this out there anyway!! Yup, they sit on the Bush spying story in 2004 before running it in 2005, and they sat on the Weinstein allegations for 15 years, but they just had to get this out.
But they also said they did not want Trump and his allies to use the program’s secrecy as a screen with which they could cherry-pick facts and present them, sheared of context, to undermine the special counsel’s investigation. That, too, they said they feared, would damage US security.
Well, at least you now know the source of this NYT story (which is the source of all their leaks, and that would be the special counsel's office itself).
The program was led by the FBI. Ohr, who had worked on combating Russian organized crime, was one of the Justice Department officials involved.
Steele served as an intermediary between the Americans and the Russian oligarchs they were seeking to cultivate. He had first met Ohr years earlier while still serving at MI-6, Britain’s foreign spy agency, where he oversaw Russia operations. After retiring, he opened a business intelligence firm, and had tracked Russian organized crime and business interests for private clients, including one of Deripaska’s lawyers.
They were old pals, huh?
Nothing about GPS Fusion, Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Comey, Brennan tipping off Reid about the dossier so he would write a letter to the DoJ (and since that spat with Trump, Brennan has gone into deep cover), McCain also being used as a conduit, it's all cleaned up garbage and, forgive me, FAKE NEWS!!!!!!
So let's see, last week it was McGahn, but that is old news now so it is on to the next thing.
So what is going to be this week's FAKE NEWS, and what has Omarosa been up to lately??
Trump administration withholds 100,000 pages of Kavanaugh records
Yeah, at the request of the Bush administration!
What is interesting is my printed paper is a WaComPo pos.
Also nowhere to be found:
"Pastor at Aretha Franklin funeral apologizes to Ariana Grande for how he touched her" by Josh Replogle Associated Press September 01, 2018
Yeah, but my printed pos was from the NYT.
WTF, Globe?
DETROIT (AP) — The bishop who officiated Aretha Franklin’s funeral apologized Friday to Ariana Grande for how he touched her onstage and a joke he made about her name.
Bishop Charles H. Ellis III led Franklin’s funeral and awkwardly greeted Grande on stage after she performed ‘‘(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman.’’ Images of the moment showed Ellis’ hand holding Grande well above her waist, with his fingers pressing against one side of her chest.
The preacher apologized in an interview with The Associated Press at the cemetery where Franklin was interred late Friday.
‘‘It would never be my intention to touch any woman’s breast. ... I don’t know I guess I put my arm around her,’’ Ellis said. ‘‘Maybe I crossed the border, maybe I was too friendly or familiar but again, I apologize.’’
I suppose it doesn't rise to the level of Catholic sexual abuse, but.....
He said he hugged all the performers during Friday’s eight-hour service.
‘‘I hug all the female artists and the male artists,’’ Ellis said. ‘‘Everybody that was up, I shook their hands and hugged them. That’s what we are all about in the church. We are all about love.’’
He added: ‘‘The last thing I want to do is to be a distraction to this day. This is all about Aretha Franklin.’’
Many people posted close-up images of the moment on Twitter, tagging it #RespectAriana.
Ellis also apologized to Grande, her fans and Hispanic community for making a joke about seeing her name on the program and thinking it was a new item on the Taco Bell menu.
‘‘I personally and sincerely apologize to Ariana and to her fans and to the whole Hispanic community,’’ Ellis said. ‘‘When you’re doing a program for nine hours you try to keep it lively, you try to insert some jokes here and there.’’
Limp, I mean, lame.
Ellis’ touching of Grande overshadowed some criticism earlier in the ceremony for the short dress Grande wore for her performance. Numerous people posted criticisms online that the dress was too short for church.
Grande’s representative did not return an email message seeking comment Friday.

Bishop Charles Ellis stood with Ariana Grande after her performance at the funeral for Aretha Franklin on Friday in Detroit (ANGELA WEISS/AFP/Getty Images)
Her look says it's not the only time such a thing has happened to her.
If only she had some pepper spray. Then he wouldn't have made a move like he was at the club.
Btw, that wasn't the only thing wrong at the funeral.
"For eight months, #MeToo stories have followed a familiar script: A prominent man is accused of impropriety. He faces immediate public shaming followed by a swift disavowal by the institution that made him famous, but the Díaz case may be rewriting that narrative. The Cambridge author is keeping his teaching job at MIT and his editing position at Boston Review....."
The investigation cleared him, now please stay out of our love lives (looks like a breakup to me).
Two women, both self-described progressives, vie to be Middlesex’s top prosecutor
See how excited I am?
[flip to below fold]
"Saturday was Sept. 1, a date often called “Allston Christmas” for the plethora of items left behind by departing tenants — all available for the taking. Nearby streets were littered with detritus alternately alluring and odious. Despite the mess and activity across the neighborhood, Allston Christmas isn’t what it used to be....."
Yeah, “it’s just a different atmosphere here the last couple of years.”
You know what the answer is?
Hot tub.
Speaking of detritus, I didn't even bother to look at these piles.
Don't know what I'm going to do this afternoon.