Thursday, November 5, 2020

It's Over

I saw yesterday evening that Michigan and Nevada were called for Biden and he is preparing his transition team and have been despondent ever since. Just because I didn't participate in the sham doesn't mean I don't care about the will of the people just as much as the next guy.

"I saw the Mex news show "protestors" screaming "count every vote, every vote counts" and it made it clear: They are proud of their evil and their dishonesty, they revel in the filth of the portion of their existence THEY created and there is only ONE WAY to deal with those types, and it is not pretty. Unfortunately, good people can't comprehend that level of evil and get suckered by it easily. I see no good way out of this, they absolutely will steal it and today Biden set up his transition office and web site. They know this is going to succeed.

I have such a sense of impending doom despite being in an enviable position compared to most people. I toss and turn in agony watching the death of America and no doubt so many people I care about who are caught up in this and will definitely be expunged from existence. I cannot believe such filth and rot is getting away with this. And it is totally illegal, totally unconstitutional and not ONE lever of power is being pulled against them. It is perfectly clear America fell to communism before Trump was even elected, and they simply waited out his term and now it's full corruption ahead.

I am warning people - if you are stuck where you are and are powerless to escape your situation you need to turn to God now so you'll at least be either raptured or die in good condition. I am sure there are plenty of people out there who are going to think I am full of it, but it goes the exact same way in every communist revolution - you get people like me sounding the alarm and shouting from the roof tops that it really is over and to prepare, and few do. Then the axe falls and millions are dead. This time won't be any different, being "American" is not going to change the history of how communists take over and get it done.

We have to be VERY careful here more so than anyone because we are the tip of the spear. You cannot take being so with a casual attitude during a Bolshevik revolution.

I see these IDIOTS on TV, rigging the votes, screaming their hatred for America, burning, looting, committing treason and shake my head - they do all that and do not even realize the very communists they are ushering into power are watching their every move and will EXPUNGE them once the objective for what they are being used for - destroying America - is accomplished.

FACT: No communist wants a deceptive, destructive, thieving, treasonous, lying A-hole for one second beyond the time their usefulness is exired, the moment it is, they'll be thrown into the wood chipper and served to the hogs by the very same communists they adored. Communists know full well that those who destroy their countries will also subsequently seek to destroy whatever it is replaced with and they want none of that for themselves. Those who hate America can revel in their filth for now and enjoy being a tool I guess, a disposable tool, no communist is going to EVER trust someone who shitcanned their own neighbors and very often their own families. The communists already see them for the filth they are and when time is up, they'll immediately meet the same fate they sent everyone else to.

How stupid they are.

Here is what they are doing:

They are "counting new ballots" at an unbelievably slow pace (there's no excuse to not get them all counted today if they could not yesterday, it is, after all, the same country we have always had) but the problem is that they have to create the fake ballots to rig the election with, so the "counting process" is painstakingly slow -

They are smart about how they are doing it, having both candidates creep upwards in the totals while Trump slowly slips behind Biden. It makes my blood boil.

Biden will "win" by a razor thin line, after all, work is work and they don't want to write up any more ballots than they absolutely have to.

I am calling it: America is now a communist country and there's nothing Trump can do about it, and nothing you can do about it absent civil war.

Here is the future: They are going to do nothing this winter because Trump is going to have control for too long, and they won't get enough people killed by cutting power and food. They'll wait until next year, and right during the first cold snap out goes the lights and then what are you going to do? Nothing but die. They will make sure for one reason or another people can't head south, they'll probably build the wall at a break neck pace bragging about how fast they are doing it when Trump "could not" and then, when you arrive there you'll be trapped and shot.

Kamala and the rest of her ilk have OPENLY STATED they are going to kill white America, - their exact words: "Remove ALL Trump supporters from society". How are they going to accomplish THAT? There's only one way. And Deagel has it documented.

The supreme court is still corrupt and Trump will not be able to use the supreme court to put this right. The left put up NO FIGHT AT ALL to stop Barrett, they only complained enough to make people think they did not want her. They did. And Kavanaugh is not going to pull through. IF the supreme court is even willing to take the case, they'll whitewash it and the communist revolution will be complete. EVERY communist revolution - EVERY LAST ONE - has a huge genocide. Guess who it is going to be this time.

YES. THE MARS MISSION IS CANCELED. Musk will be among the dead.

Musk will be among the dead because people will sit on their couches rather than shooting until the lights go out, never believing it will happen until it does. Jews don't like shooting people, no, they like sitting in their safe little enclaves denying resources until starvation does the trick; guns are dangerous don't you know but anyone can flick a switch.

Here are scenes from the great genocide, YOU READ IT HERE FIRST:

Cops hear a generator. For some spurious reason their masters dream up and issue at a moment's notice, you need a permit. It has to be on the generator. Cops see no permit and cash for clunker your generator with a bullet while you sleep.

Solar panels will be destroyed similarly for whatever spurious reason they dream up, it does not need to be legit, the objective is to kill you.

Permit to travel will be drummed up instantly to "fight the virus" and even if you can get out of dodge, you'll be arrested on the highway, and sent back home to starve or freeze to death.

Kids will be taken, "because their parents are screwed up", but the kids are innocent. That's how the communists will get the new generation, totally under their control. Parents will be blamed for not being able to feed their kids and will also be blamed for letting them freeze to death. Central control will have a safe place for the kids but not the parents, and if the parents choose to keep their kids with them, freezing, they'll be labeled abusers and will be dealt with.

In the subsequent summer, the communists will go around and "clunk" all gasoline engines with sodium silicate. I predicted this a decade ago but never said it because it seemed preposterous but you can bet on that happening. There will be a surplus of cars with all the deaths anyway.

They will go around and "clean up America" and "return everything to nature" by burning all the "abandoned" neighborhoods to the ground, and if you're one of the few stragglers who managed to survive, they'll just cart you off and at that point they'll kill you with a bullet if you're not happy with it. After all, many of those homes have dead people in them, who wants to deal with that? Just burn them. They are an eyesore anyway.

I saw all this for well over a decade and this is the reason why I continuously warned people about the building codes and wood houses. With this election steal we are going to see this, and the people did not vote for it. Those who did vote Biden were stupid and did not associate consequence with their vote.

There will be those who resist, and the only response will be to light their homes on fire. Problem solved. They won't last out in the sticks.

So how did I predict this? Well, except for the modern differences this happened in Ukraine. It also happened in China. WE ARE THERE.

I stand by this prediction. If people do not resist WITH FORCE after they steal this election, IT ABSOLUTELY WILL HAPPEN.

Hold your guns ALL YOU WANT, if you don't use them, your food is NOT going to arrive at Wal Mart. YOUR GUN SURE AS HELL CAN'T STOP A CENTRALLY CONTROLLED POWER OUTAGE. You have to stop them before this happens. Prediction: You will not." -- Jim Stone


"It truly appears that the fix is in; We saw it coming from a mile away and most of us didn't do enough to stop it. Is it too late? I think not. I pray it isn't" 

by JD Rucker

NOQ Report 

November 4, 2020 

Chances are strong this article won’t get the attention it needs. It will be censored. It will be “fact-checked” to oblivion by Big Tech and I’m devastated by my own failings in building an audience outside of Facebook, Twitter, and Google. But hopefully it can spread in other ways.

What we’re seeing happening in Michigan and Wisconsin is nothing short of election theft. That is unambiguous to anyone who is paying attention. But they’re having trouble revealing it to other Americans because, on cue, it’s being censored across the board. The President’s Tweets are being hit. Prominent conservatives’ Facebook and Twitter posts are being suppressed.

For those who are just coming in on the topic I’m conspicuously dancing around, it appears that the election really is being stolen right before our eyes. Michigan and Wisconsin are seeing voting totals materialize overnight that make it clear the fix is in. And they’re not even trying to hide it. In Michigan, an overnight vote update added 138,339 votes to Vice President Joe Biden’s totals. That same updated yield… wait for it… ZERO votes for President Trump.

Here is a screenshot from voting totals between a single update:

Michigan Election Fraud

This is fraudulent prima facie. If it was a “clerical” error that was being corrected, it’s one that’s so hideous it deserves a very direct explanation that never came. If it’s “legitimate” in how it’s being reported, then it’s undeniable voter fraud. There is absolutely zero chance a batch of over 100,000 votes came in for Joe Biden with ZERO coming in on that batch for President Trump.

In Wisconsin, the same thing appears to have happened.

Wisconsin Election Fraud

As Steve Deace noted, this is a coup:

We saw this coming. But even after I posted the article revealing how it was going to go down followed up by an interview with Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney that reiterated the point, I was still reluctant to believe it would happen. It’s not that I didn’t think they could pull it off or even that they wouldn’t try. Call me delusional, but I thought we could expose it enough to make the masses realize the fix was in. At this point, I’m nearly certain that won’t be the case.

This is, without a doubt, the powers and principalities at work. As I noted on Twitter, I’m usually reluctant to mingle the Bible with politics, not out of some inappropriate invocation of “separation of church and state” but because I mistakenly did not want to muddy the Bible with the perversity of politics. But it’s happening.

Now that we know what their play is, what’s our next step? For some, it’s to head for the hills. They’ll think the powers against us are too strong so they’ll retire and wait for the end. Others, and I believe I fall into this category, will fight on with knowledge that we do not know how things will end but we know we must keep pushing until we’re told to do otherwise. Some will take up arms. Others will launch lawsuits.

Unfortunately, most who recognize the disgusting nature of this coup will complain a bit, move on, and hope for the best. That’s what the adversary hopes for and it’s what we absolutely, positive must not do. But one thing is certain, at least for me. Any reluctance I’ve had in the past of mingling faith and politics is gone. With forces against us revealing just how deep and disgusting they are, I now realize human logic and exposing the truth are nowhere near enough for this fight.

This is the worldly battle of our lifetimes. It may be the most important battle in history. This nation and therefore the world is in the process of being pushed towards oblivion. Are we going to sit back and let it happen quietly?


Also see: 

Analysis of hope and despair: The two possible scenarios of how this election ends


"Time magazine features The Great Reset slimeball edition for your edification, And a few words about Trump, who does not happen to be the messiah

by Jon Rappoport

November 4, 2020

On the eve of the election, burning pots of snake powder and chanting spells, hoping for a Biden victory, Time magazine published a monster feature, called The Great Reset.

The fabrication features bloviations from “leading thinkers,” all pointing to the need for a complete revamping of our world, because…pandemic.

Well, actually, because: the economic devastation and consequent ruination of untold numbers of lives.

In other words, “We crashed the world economy and stilled the engine of the planet’s production, using the pretext of a fake pandemic; so now we must remake all economies and governments.”

That’s Time’s unspoken version of logic.

Their number-one go-to reset thinker is Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. His chunk of hot air is titled, “A Better Economy Is Possible. But We Need to Reimagine Capitalism to Do It”:

Sustainable future; more inclusive corporate hiring practices; reduce greenhouse gases. It could have been written in 1999.

But that doesn’t matter. What matters is, the whole world must be changed. This is the mantra.

The world must be changed by Globalists.

My edition of The Great Reset takes a slightly different position: 

Globalism must be changed by the world.

By separate nations, all of whom reject Globalism.

All of whom reject Medical Dictatorship.

All of whom rebuild individual freedom.

As opposed to free-everything for everybody.

As opposed to cosmic cheese glob collectivism, in which the independent thoughts and desires of the individual are measured against the ruling force of every other empty and dependent thought of every individual who has surrendered to the Glob.

The Time magazine version of reality is, we need a plan, we need a plan, we need a plan. This means organizing the planet down to the last dotted i and crossed t. It’s the wet dream of technocrats.

A defined slot for every person, a person for every defined slot.

Humanity as a machine.

So you get cosmic cheese glob plus machine. That’s the future we’re supposed to enlist in.

After months of research, consultations, and preliminary reports, I believe the appropriate, measured, and technical response is: SCREW YOU

This response can be printed in various fonts, in caps, italics, or bold. It can be voiced. It can be announced through a bullhorn. It can be printed on masks, shirts, shower curtains, bedsheets, blouses, dresses, windbreakers, trench coats. It can be stamped in day-glo on the backs of pet cats and dogs…

Persons in technical fields, who believe language more agile than instructions on building computer chips must be considered “a rant,” can have their tailor stitch the response in tiny letters just below their shirt pockets.

More ambitious folk could secure the use of an eighteen-wheeler. A poster would cover one side of the truck. Two lines of text: THE GREAT RESET, and below it, the response. SCREW YOU.

Each letter would be three feet high. Roman bold caps. Going along with the current trend, white letters against a black background. Or maybe just the traditional red, white, and blue.

I’ve watched, for 50 years, “dissent on the Left” undergo transformations, until it became “centrist Marxism.”

That dissent has been swallowed up and is now the unthinking status quo for millions of people, including politicians and the mainstream press. It’s an instrument of attack against all basic freedoms, one of which is the freedom to express dissent.

That’s the way tyranny always operates. A call for freedom turns into a call against freedom.

At first, 20 years ago, I tried to make excuses for these fascists. “They don’t know what they’re doing.” I tired of that approach. It doesn’t matter whether they know or don’t know. They’re doing it. They’re out to destroy what’s left of the country.

Unalienable rights mean nothing to them. There are no rights. They only want what they want, and most of time they don’t know what that is, beyond tearing down whatever lies in their path. They’re the foot soldiers of the Elite, who are the proponents of The Great Reset.

Marxism IS a dictatorship of the Elite, in case you haven’t noticed. It’s another name for a very old con.

On the other side of the coin, we have people who have drunk the Kool-Aid and are very sure Trump is the Second Coming of the Messiah.

I’ve excoriated him a number of times for surrendering the nation to the fabrications of the medical experts and supporting the unconstitutional lockdowns and the economic devastation.

His ardent supporters gloss all that over, as if the nation is now well on its way to recovery. No harm, no foul. If only wishing would make it so.

As I write this, the outcome of the election is uncertain. If Trump is re-elected, people must be relentless in insisting he back up his campaign rhetoric and make the open US economy a FACT, not merely a proposition calculated to win a second term.

His claim of having the military take charge of deploying the COVID vaccine remains very disturbing. To strangely assume this is part of his brilliant plan to guard our freedom to refuse the vaccine is based on zero evidence.

Add to that the secrecy surrounding the federal collaboration with the Pentagon to develop a COVID vaccine, and you have a prescription for a medical nightmare.

Trump has never spoken directly to the American people and admitted the extent of the economic destruction which has occurred since the fake pandemic was declared.

He has never taken any responsibility whatsoever for permitting this horror show and tragedy in the first place.

His supporters say, “Well, he couldn’t have gone up against the medical people and rejected the lockdowns…” The job of the leader involves doing exactly that when the heat is turned up to its highest pitch. He stands firm. He takes the blows. He strikes back. He shows exceptional courage.

The truth is, when Fauci came into the White House with the absurd and insane projections of Neil Ferguson, claiming two million people could die this past summer in the US, Trump folded up in ten minutes and never questioned the source or the numbers.

Ferguson, of the Imperial College in London, bankrolled by Bill Gates, was and is a failed computer modeler, with a track record of ridiculous predictions.

For example, in 2005, he stated that 200 million people, worldwide, could die from the bird flu. The final official figure was several hundred.

But Trump never made inquiries into Ferguson. He never stopped the Fauci train in its tracks then and there and exposed him as the predatory criminal he is.

Trump climbed on board the train and rode it.

NOW he says there is too much nonsense about COVID and we are coming out of the darkness. He says this is great and that is great and everything is great.

Sorry, pal, that’s not the true story. The forces of unalloyed evil are jacking up and rigging new case numbers to extreme heights. The plan is more lockdowns.

If Trump serves a new term as president, we must apply enormous pressure to make him support, and take WHATEVER ACTION is necessary, to ensure freedom survives and the economy is OPENED ALL THE WAY. PERMANENTLY.

Forget pipe dreams and fantasies about Trump. This war is far from over.

The US, along with many other countries, has been invaded. The enemy is within the gates. Moving like locusts through a field, they’ve destroyed millions of businesses and companies and people.

If this doesn’t call for swift and decisive and remorseless executive action, nothing does.

If Biden wins the presidency, then our pushback against his “national COVID plan” must be unrelenting. His controllers are hoping to override state governments and stamp a host of repressive measures on all our heads at once. As they “adhere to the advice of the medical experts.”
