Sunday, December 6, 2020

From the Highest Heavens to the Deepest Depths

After almost two years circling an ancient asteroid hundreds of millions of miles away, a NASA spacecraft this week will attempt to descend to the treacherous, boulder-packed surface and snatch a handful of rubble.

It was touch-and-go and the Japanese beat us to it:

Japan’s space agency is nearing the end of a journey of discovery that aims to shed light on the earliest eons of the solar system and possibly provide clues about the origins of life on Earth.

Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft successfully released a small capsule on Saturday and sent it toward Earth to deliver samples from a distant asteroid that could provide clues to the origin of the solar system and life on our planet, the country’s space agency said.

They were immediately placed in quarantine by the odious tyrant Danny Andrews:

Australian authorities are investigating how two international travelers managed to avoid mandatory hotel quarantine upon arrival in Sydney and went on to take a domestic flight to Melbourne.

Time to look to the heavens and pray for an asteroid at this point:

"Jupiter, Saturn will look like a double planet in rare celestial event on Dec. 21" by Breanne Kovatch Globe Correspondent, December 2, 2020

It’s coming up in December and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime view.

Jupiter and Saturn will appear to look like a double planet just after sunset on Dec. 21, as the two celestial bodies will be in conjunction, in an event sometimes called the “great conjunction,” said Amy Oliver, a spokeswoman for the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

“Most adult people have never seen a conjunction like this, and they won’t have an opportunity to see this again,” Oliver said in a telephone interview Wednesday.

Although this conjunction happens once every 20 years, the one on Dec. 21 is rare, Oliver said. 

God help us! 

The contradictory doublespeak and distortion from "authority" and thus the pre$$ is never-ending and sickening at this point, given it is something as innocuous as this.

What one does pray for is that this celestial event, coming as it does on the winter solstice, will mark a sea change and revelation regarding the evil in our world and expose it for all to see; however, it could very well herald the opposite and absolute catastrophe.

Oddly enough, it comes 8 years after the Mayan calendar ran out. The world is upside down with evil prevalent these days, but turn that 8 on its side and you have the symbol of universal infinity and love, right?

The last time the two planets appeared this close together was in 1623 — 14 years after Galileo created his first telescope, Oliver said. However, people weren’t able to view because it was close to the sun.

“Only astronomers would have really known, but they didn’t have social media to tell people, ‘Hey! Look at this!’ ” she said.

The last time people would have noticed a conjunction this close would have been in 1226, during the Middle Ages.

I'm sure the Nostradamus people are pouring over the quatrains as I type. I personally don't think anything happens because the planets have aligned before and pfffft. Hope I'm wrong, in the good way, and I now inject some spiritual faith into the cosmic universe as the great battle for humanity continues here on earth (somehow, I don't think the aliens(?) are coming to save us, if they ever existed at all. If modern sci-fi is correct, they are behind the vaccines in collaboration with evil humans, right?).

This year’s occurrence on the December solstice adds to its rarity, Oliver said.

The two planets have been approaching one another in the Earth’s sky for a while now, Oliver said. For more than a week they will be separated by less than the diameter of a full moon, with Dec. 21 being the closest they come together.

If you look up now, you can already see it in action.

“It’s like teenagers at a high school dance: They’re getting closer and closer together,” Oliver said. “It’s been a year of watching this, of them getting closer, and now they’re going to have a close slow dance.”

That's a very bad analogy considering the current narrative.

Jupiter and Saturn will be at their nearest alignment about 1:20 p.m. EST Dec. 21 and it will be visible in the daytime sky with a “really good pair of binoculars or a backyard telescope,” weather permitting, Oliver said.

The two planets will still be visibly close when it starts to get dark, or shortly after sunset, for Boston viewers, before it drops below the western horizon, Oliver said.

The next time to get a chance to see Jupiter and Saturn this close, but higher in the sky, would be March 15, 2080, Oliver said.

So, don’t miss the chance this month.

And if I do?

How will my life change if I don't?

“Two thousand twenty has been a great year for astronomy and lots of really wonderful things have happened in the night — and daytime — sky,” Oliver said. “In part, we’re so very focused on everything that has not been so great about 2020 that we’re forgetting to take in these moments that are a lot bigger.”


Yup, better look up (for once) before history passes by you.

Time to look down:

A company’s plan to retrieve the ship’s iconic radio equipment has sparked a debate: Could the world’s most famous shipwreck still hold remains of passengers and crew who died a century ago?

Every night in my dreams..... (man, she has got a great set of pipes and I am gushing tears. Take that, you evil bastards! It is the power of love that dispels you!)