"Ex-Nazi officer guilty in WWII massacre in Italy"
Oh, right, those are mostly USRAELI-ENGINEERED in one form or fashion for the LAST 60+ years so no sense going there , 'eh, Globe?
"136 died at Berlin Wall, study says"
Can you give me anything recent. like the ISRAELI APARTHEID WALL or SOME OTHER WALLS.
Funny how walls WON'T WORK for AmeriKa's southern border, but there the agenda and the lies come together and I gotta move.
"Alabama mayor offers pardon, but civil rights protesters say no need"

A young civil rights demonstrator was attacked by a police dog during a protest in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963. (Associated Press/File)
Yeah, yeah, we know what you are trying to do.
You are knocking on the wrong door here.
"Memo the Obama administration;
please don't begin to characterize me as an "enemy" because I am a peaceful, thinking, caring person with some some acute differences of opinion with you on the direction this administration is taking this country.
The policies, both domestic, international, and financial, with their attendant taxation, are not putting this country on a path toward recovery; they are doing precisely the opposite.
The costs of these wars without end, for which this administration seems to have such an insatiable appetite, will be our undoing as a nation.
The tax money that has been spent, and the money borrowed from countries like China to pursue these wars, has caused this country to be carry a massive deficit from which it may never recover.
Yes, many of us are legitimately angry. We understand that we are experiencing the new version of "taxation without representation." Oh yes, we have that kabuki-esque spectacle of elections every so often, but this has become totally irrelevant to the direction of American policy.
Those people called congressional representatives no longer represent the will of their constituents; they have become "acquisitions" of the large corporations which fund their campaigns, overtly and covertly. So that's who gets represented and whose needs get met; not the needs of We the People.
We have stopped being a representative government, and have become, instead, a cronyocracy or more accurately a corporate-ocracy.
And that consistent, dull, thumping sound, echoing all across the country is being caused by the founding fathers, turning over in their graves at warp speed." -- Wake the Flock Up