Wednesday, August 19, 2009

FBI Planning False-Flag Terror Attack on Boston

"the absence of weapons could actually make the city a target"

SO MANY REASONS to PUSH the LYING AGENDA, 'eh, fascista?!!!!

: Massachusetts Militarizes For Swine Flu Slaughter

Of course OWNING YOUR OWN GUN is OUT of the QUESTION, American citizen!


"Boston firepower lacking, FBI says; Calls city vulnerable to a terrorist attack; Urges arming police with assault rifles" by Jonathan Saltzman and Maria Cramer, Globe Staff | August 19, 2009

Boston is making itself vulnerable to a terrorist attack like the rampage in Mumbai last year by not adequately arming its police with the semiautomatic assault rifles widely available to officers in many of the nation’s other major cities, the top FBI agent in Boston said yesterday.

Please see: AmeriKan MSM Pinning Mumbai on Pakistan Patsies

Amerikan MSM Fingers Israel for Mumbai Attacks

The Mumbai Myth Takes Hold

Not only could the police force not easily defend against an attack by well-armed terrorists, but the absence of weapons could actually make the city a target, said Warren T. Bamford, the special agent in charge of the local FBI field office.

He said a recently shelved plan to arm as many as 200 neighborhood officers with the weapons “should be revisited sooner rather than later.’’

Related: Time to Get Out of Boston

Massachusetts Militarizes Police Forces

Massachusetts Police Disarmed

“There’s no imminent threat,’’ Bamford told the Globe.

FUCK YOU and the GLOBE then for FRONT-PAGING this as the LEAD!!!!!

Oh, the LANGUAGE is MOST APPROPRIATE because I'M SICK of this SHIT!!


Get it through your THICK FUCKING SKULLS!!!!!!!

YOU are the THREAT!!!!

WE don't trust YOU and your PATSY-CREATED, FALSE-FLAG FRAME-UPS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!

But, “all things being equal, if a terrorist decides, ‘OK, we’re going to do something like what took place in Mumbai,’ well, where would you go?’’ Bamford said.


See: FBI Says Bin Laden Can Strike From U.S. Prison

False-Flag Friday: FBI False-Flag Foiled

“If you have a choice of a metropolitan city, would I go to New York, with 40,000 police officers, would I go to Los Angeles, with 8,000, or would I go to Boston, with 3,500? . . . And I know there’s no assault rifles in the Boston Police Department?’’

Thanks for GIVING THEM the IDEA, asshole!!!!!!!


About two weeks ago deployed a limited number of “gun cars,’’ specially equipped sport utility vehicles supplied with high-power assault rifles, to patrol the city 24 hours a day....

That van you thought was just a van?

Community leaders seemed even cooler to the idea yesterday despite Bamford’s warning, saying such weapons could unnecessarily frighten residents.

“I haven’t heard a good argument yet why we need them,’’ said the Rev. William E. Dickerson II, pastor of Greater Love Tabernacle in Dorchester. “If I saw an officer with that gun, I would think, ‘Man, there must be something going down that we don’t know about for them to be taking it to that level.’ ’’

Like you guys are going to be listened to.


Bamford said he understood the concerns of critics and brought up the matter during a wide-ranging discussion at the Globe because he considered it so important. He said the attacks in Mumbai last November and a terrorist plot to attack well-known landmarks in New York City, which was foiled in 1993, had underscored the necessity for police departments to have overwhelming firepower.

But NOT the CITIZENS, huh?

I mean, what is GOOD for the GOVERNMENT is GOOD for the PEOPLE, right?

As for 1993, here is ONE ATTACK the FBI FACILITATED: First WTC attack

In the Mumbai attack, 10 people armed with automatic rifles and grenades attacked a Jewish center, two five-star hotels, a railway station, and a hospital, killing 166 people, wounding 234 others, and paralyzing the city for three days. Bamford said the tiny group of terrorists was able to wreak havoc because Indian authorities had little firepower.

“These 10 terrorists are walking around with Chinese-made assault rifles, and the Indian Army’s that’s responding several hours later is coming in with World War II vintage, bolt-action rifles,’’ he said.

That is ONCE AGAIN such a LAUGHABLE LIE that you can NO LONGER BELIEVE a WORD the AmeriKan GOVERNMENT or MSM says!!!

Either that or it is part of the INSIDE JOB "incompetence."

Bamford said he had no intelligence that terrorists are plotting an attack in Boston and emphasized that he was speaking from a position of pure “preparedness.’’

Translation: BOOGA-BOOGA-BOOGA-BOO!!!!


But he said the city has attributes similar to Mumbai that might make it an attractive target, including the fact that it is a financial center and tourism mecca located on a busy port....


Bamford also said that such weapons would bolster the firepower of police officers who occasionally encounter street criminals with assault rifles.

Yup, it is ALWAYS about "terrorists" -- until it MORPHS INTO EVERYTHING ELSE! All over a FUCKING LIE, America!!!!!!!!!!

Still, Darnell Williams, president and chief executive of the Urban League of Massachusetts, said any move to put more assault rifles in the hands of police officers would have to win community support.

Like the AUTHORITIES GIVE a SHIT what we think! WAKE UP, guy!!!!

Police, he said, would have to reassure residents that officers would be carefully trained to use the weapons to prevent tragedies like the 2004 death of Victoria Snelgrove, the Emerson College student who was killed when an officer fired a pepper-pellet gun during a pennant celebration outside Fenway Park.

I notice the young David Woodman and HIS MURDER is IGNORED!!

In Milwaukee, Police Chief Edward A. Flynn said yesterday that he launched an assault rifle plan to combat highly organized criminals and to defend against Mumbai-like attacks.

“When I say that we need to be prepared for anything, sadly in this day and age that means for anything,’’ said Flynn, a former Massachusetts public safety secretary. “In recent years, with things like Columbine, Virginia Tech, not to mention Mumbai, we have seen highly motivated, armed criminals able to inflict heavy damage before police can respond.’’

Yup, foist the the COLUMBINE and BLUEBIRD LIES at us.

Had enough of the AGENDA-PUSHING LIES yet, Bostonian?!!!

In other remarks to the Globe yesterday, Bamford said the FBI was still working intently to find the notorious fugitive James “Whitey’’ Bulger, a South Boston gangster who fled just before his January 1995 federal racketeering indictment.


Yeah, after they USED HIM and COVERED UP his KILLINGS!!!!

Bulger had benefited from a corrupt alliance with the disgraced former FBI agent John J. Connolly, who is now in prison.

Related: FBI Frame Jobs Go Way Back

“I always laugh when people say to me: ‘The FBI doesn’t want to capture him. They’re afraid of what he might say,’ ’’ said Bamford. “I mean, what else is he going to say, there’s another FBI agent that was on the take?’’

Actually, yeah!

There are SO MANY of THEM, aren't there, FBI man?


They TRULY think we are STOO-PID out here!!!

Are YOU EVER in for a BIG SURPRISE, FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rule number one when dealing with the FBI, readers

Anything they say is

The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Hiding Hal Turner, FBI Agent Provocateur

Take a GOOD LONG LOOK at that LAST ONE, readers!