'Dead' Pakistan Taleban Chief Takes Credit for Lahore Terror Attack
Desperately Seeking Baitullah
Then they killed a widow?
"Strike reportedly kills wife of Taliban chief; Missiles targeting Pakistan border" by Associated Press | August 6, 2009
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan - A suspected US missile strike killed a wife of Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud at his father-in-law’s house yesterday, Pakistani intelligence and military officials said.
Mehsud associates acknowledged a woman was killed but would not confirm her identity. They said Mehsud was not at the South Waziristan home during the attack, which authorities said also killed a second person. The missile strike could indicate that American intelligence aimed at tracking down the notorious Taliban leader is getting sharper, and that those hunting him are getting closer.
Maybe this would help you find him:
South Waziristan is part of the northwest tribal belt along the border with Afghanistan where Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders - including possibly Osama bin Laden - are believed to be hiding.
I am SO SICK of "Al-CIA-Duh" and the DEAD GUY!
Dozens of American missile strikes have landed in the tribal regions over the past year, and lately they have focused on targets linked to Mehsud. Two intelligence officials and one army official.... all spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
Yeah, anonymity is fine when you are spewing propaganda.
But tsk, tsk, if you are a blogger!
The missile strike had destroyed the home of Mehsud’s father-in-law, Akramud Din, and that two people had been killed, including the second of Mehsud’s two wives. Under Islam, men are allowed to have up to four wives.
Gee, you guys really like punishment, huh?
Of course, the point of that is to make the MUSLIM seem like the BARBARIAN -- after DROPPING FIREBOMBS on HIS FAMILY!!!!!!
Hey, we got gays all over the place; who cares what they do up in the hills of the Hindu-Kush. Not my business, except for SCREAMING at the TOP of my LUNGS STOP the DAMN WARS and STOP MURDERING INNOCENT PEOPLE over a LIE!!!!!!
The US Embassy had no comment yesterday. Washington generally does not acknowledge the strikes, which are fired from unmanned drones. The US has a $5 million bounty on Mehsud.
Imagine if some "terrorists: put a bounty on Obama? Or better yet, some Israeli leaders. It wouldn't be a last paragraph after thought.
Of course, you don't need $5 million dollars for anything, American.
Also see: The Perceptive Pakistani People and Propaganda
Of course, the next day is a "WE GOT HIM" day:
"Taliban chief reported dead in US missile strike; Suspect in killing of Benazir Bhutto" by Zarar Khan and Ishtiaq Mahsud, Associated Press | August 7, 2009

Villagers looked at the remains of a house belonging to supporters of Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. Reports of Mehsud’s death were unconfirmed. (Ishtiaq Mehsud/Associated Press)
Oh, gee, look at the BEAUTIFUL LITTLE ONES (as this author breaks down in tears again; I can't take it anymore)!
That was a HOME, was it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the WAR CRIMINAL'S CLUB, Obama, you f***ing fraud!!!!!!!!
ISLAMABAD - US and Pakistani authorities are investigating reports that Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a US missile strike, officials from both countries said yesterday.
How many times you going to kill the same corpse, anyway?
Of course, s***-eating 'murkns don't know any better. Mehsud, bin Laden, Zawawhoie, doesn't matter when you have s*** Zionist propaganda piped into your heads 24/7.
If confirmed, Mehsud’s demise would be a major boost to Pakistani and US efforts to eradicate the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Mehsud is believed to be responsible for dozens of suicide attacks, beheadings, and target killings in Pakistan. He is allied with Al Qaeda and has been suspected in the killing of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan.
I get sick and tired of linking the same old refutations to the lies.
The AmeriKan MSM Lying About Bhutto's Assassination
Benazir Bhutto Was Killed By Snipers
Musharaff's Government Claims Bhutto was NOT SHOT
Benazir Bhutto's Assassination and What Really Happened
What Got Benazir Bhutto Killed?
U.S. Doubts "Al-CIA-Duh" Assassinated Bhutto
Did the CIA Kill Benazir Bhutto?
Did Condi Rice Get Benazir Bhutto Killed?
Western Intelligence Knows Al-Qaeda Didn't Kill Bhutto
"U.N. not to name culprits in Bhutto assassination The U.N. team conducting an inquiry into the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto will not seek to name culprits, the commission's head said Friday, lowering expectations from the outset.
"Translation: the UN knows the assassination was an inside job, precisely who ordered the hit and why, but doesn't want to "embarrass" the perps." -- Wake the Flock Up
Now we have MORE DEAD INNOCENTS because of LIES!!!!!!
Pakistan views him as its top internal threat and has been preparing an offensive against him. The United States sees him as a danger to the war effort in Afghanistan, largely because of the threat he is believed to pose to nuclear-armed Pakistan.
Blah, blah, blah, blah!
The missile strike hit the home of Mehsud’s father-in-law in Pakistan’s South Waziristan tribal region early Wednesday. Intelligence officials say Mehsud’s second wife was among at least two people killed, and Mehsud associates have said he was not among the dead.
Pakistan Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas cautioned that the reports of Mehsud’s death are unconfirmed. “We are receiving reports and probing,’’ he said. The US government is also looking into the reports, according to a US counterterrorism official who spoke on condition of anonymity. The counterterrorism official indicated that the United States did not have physical evidence - remains - that would prove who died. But he said there are other ways of determining who was killed in the strike. He declined to describe them.
Another COVERT ACTION where the U.S. HAND is HIDDEN, MSM?
For years, the United States has considered Mehsud a lesser threat to its interests than some of the other Pakistani Taliban, their Afghan counterparts and Al Qaeda, because most of his attacks were focused inside Pakistan, not against US and NATO troops in Afghanistan.
And because he was/is CIA!!!!!!!!!
That view appeared to change in recent months as Mehsud’s power grew and concerns mounted that increasing violence in Pakistan could destabilize the US ally and threaten the region.
Translation: We turned on him. Maybe he could chat it up with Saddam in heaven; they have someting in common.
In March, the State Department authorized a reward of up to $5 million for the militant chief. And increasingly, US missile strikes - falling by the dozens over the past year - focused on Mehsud-related targets. While Mehsud’s death would be a big blow to the Taliban in Pakistan, he has deputies who could take his place.
Whether a new leader could wreak as much havoc in Pakistan as Mehsud depends largely on how much pressure the Pakistani military continues to put on the Taliban network, especially in South Waziristan. Pakistan’s record is spotty on that front.
American government to Pakistani puppets:
"Kill your people for us, or we will kill you."
It has used military action and truces to try to contain Mehsud over the years, but neither tactic seemed to work, despite billions in US aid aimed at helping the Pakistanis tame the tribal areas.
Mehsud was not that prominent a militant when the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to Mahmood Shah, a former security chief for the tribal regions. Mehsud has struggled against such rivals as Abdullah Mehsud, an Afghan war veteran who had spent time in US custody in Guantanamo Bay.
What, we nabbed the wrong one, huh? Did he ever make it out, or....?
Analysts say the reason for Mehsud’s rise in the militant ranks is his alliances with Al Qaeda and other violent extremist groups. Mehsud has no record of attacking targets abroad, although he has threatened to attack Washington.
Well, he won't be doing that now, will he?
Not unless he's reaching out from beyond the grave!
So did we get him or what?
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan’s Taliban chief was killed by a CIA missile strike, a militant commander confirmed yesterday - a severe blow to extremists threatening the stability of this nuclear-armed nation and a possible boost to US-Pakistani cooperation in fighting insurgents who wreak havoc along the Afghan border.
Pakistani officials vowed to dismantle the rest of the network run by Baitullah Mehsud regardless of who takes over, a move seen as essential to crippling the violent Islamists behind dozens of suicide attacks and beheadings in the country. Already, the Taliban were holding a “shura’’ council in the lawless, rugged South Waziristan tribal region to choose Mehsud’s successor, intelligence officials and militants told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information. It was unclear when they might reach a decision.
But they can't get reports of civilian slaughter from the inaccessible and off-limits region!
Pakistan considered the Al Qaeda-linked Mehsud its primary internal threat. He was suspected in the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and many other assaults. He claimed responsibility for some, including an audacious attack on a police academy in March that killed 12 people.
See: The Hallmarks of a False-Flag Attack at Pakistani Police Academy
His death would be a victory for President Obama and a nod to the Bush administration, both of whom have relied heavily on the CIA-controlled missile strikes to take out militants in Pakistan’s wild northwest.
Yeah, NEVER MIND that we have gotten about 15 "militants' and around 700 civilians, right, MSM?!
The United States had a $5 million bounty on Mehsud, whom it considered a threat to the Afghan war effort.... Islamabad officially protests the missile strikes, although analysts suspect the two countries coordinate on the drone-fired attacks.
Yeah, if the damn Pakistani government isn't murdering them on their own.
Mehsud was killed with one of his two wives Wednesday in his South Waziristan stronghold, his militant aide said. “I confirm that Baitullah Mehsud and his wife died in the American missile attack in South Waziristan,’’ Taliban commander Kafayat Ullah told AP.
Of course, if someone rocketed your house and killed your wife, you'd be fine with that, right, America?
Pakistani leaders said they were getting the same reports and were reasonably sure of their accuracy but did not have forensic evidence such as a body for confirmation. Final confirmation could take days or weeks.
But the IMPRESSION has been left in your mind: WE GOT HIM!
And if we didn't get him, we'll get him again!
Is U.S. Trying To Save Agent Mehsud?
Also read: Nabbing Baitullah alive
A tribesman who spoke on condition his name not be used said the missile struck Mehsud’s father-in-law’s house. He said a doctor was treating the Taliban leader there for a kidney ailment. The tribesman said he attended Mehsud’s funeral.
Oh, no, ANOTHER SICK bin Laden running around in the hills with his dialysis machine attached to his rucksack!!!!!!
Pakistani officials would not say they coordinated with the US on the strike, although they insist they cooperate with US and Afghan forces on border-related operations. Intelligence sharing between Washington and Islamabad has been increasing in the past year now that Pakistan has a civilian government and shown a growing willingness to battle militants in its borders.
Yeah, or the U.S. will cut off the $$$, coup their asses out of power, and take over the place with an occupation.
There apparently was no official criticism or popular outcry against the missile strike that killed Mehsud, despite public fury over other US attacks.
At least, as far as the cover-up media would tell us.
Fueled by his alliances with Al Qaeda and other militant outfits, Mehsud rose to the peak of Pakistan’s militant pyramid thanks largely to his brutality and Pakistan’s unwillingness to take him on. A 30-something son of a potato farmer who once taught physical fitness, Mehsud was soft-spoken but brash enough to once hold a news conference.
Whatever, hatchet job MSM. I...., I.... I.... pfft! Sigh
Three Pakistani intelligence officials said the most likely successor was Mehsud deputy Hakimullah. Two other possibilities were Azmat Ullah and Waliur Rehman.
And then there were two:
"Militant killed in Taliban power struggle, Pakistan says" by Ismail Khan and Sabrina Tavernise, New York Times | August 9, 2009
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Pakistani officials said they had received information yesterday that a ranking militant commander had been killed in a power struggle over who would succeed Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban.
A Pakistani government official and an intelligence official said Hakimullah Mehsud, a young and aggressive aide to the former leader, had been shot dead in a fight with another commander who was seeking leadership, Waliur Rehman, during a meeting in a remote mountain region near the Afghan border.
Reports of Hakimullah Mehsud’s death could not be verified independently yesterday. If true, it would be the second grave loss for the Pakistani Taliban in just a week, after reports that Baitullah Mehsud had been killed in an American airstrike on Wednesday.
The killing would also solidify the belief among American and Pakistani intelligence officials that there has been a power struggle brewing within the Pakistani Taliban, which is made up of many tribes and factions that had been brought together under Baitullah Mehsud’s leadership.
Such a conflict could strengthen the role that Al Qaeda, which is also based in northwestern Pakistan, has in shaping the Taliban. Terrorism experts say the two groups have become deeply enmeshed in recent years, and it is expected that Al Qaeda, with its international reach and stream of Persian Gulf money, will have a prominent say over who will emerge as leader.
And WHERE is that GULF MONEY coming from?
OUR SAUDI "allies!?"
One Pakistani official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the fighting could create an opening for the Haqqanis, another group that has close ties to Al Qaeda, to intervene in resolving the leadership issue. Sirajuddin Haqqani is the Pakistani point man for the leader of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Muhammad Omar.
Officials in Washington yesterday could not confirm the reports of Hakimullah Mehsud’s death, which were also carried by the Pakistani news network Dawn TV. But an American counterterrorism official said yesterday that the infighting could provide an opportunity for the United States and Pakistan to exploit the rivalries that are likely to emerge.
Yeah, all this CLOAK-and-DAGGER stuff when it comes to "Al-CIA-Duh."
One of those opportunities, from the American point of view, would be the ability to focus its drone fleet on attacking militant leaders who were involved in the Afghan war or on Qaeda leaders planning attacks against the West. That has been a source of tension between the Americans and Pakistani officials, who had viewed the Mehsuds as the most urgent threat.
Details of the fighting were spotty yesterday. The Pakistani interior minister, Rehman Malik, confirmed reports of a shootout at a meeting in South Waziristan and said that one of the commanders had been killed, but did not say who it was.--more--"
Update: If Mehsud was killed then why are they feeding us someone else’s pictures?
See my Pakistan labels for more of the censored war and refugee crisis.
Isn't there SPORADIC VIOLENCE and a WAR still going on?